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2006-04-04 8:53 PM

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Subject: April Multisport Challenge Goals and weekly results
Hi Everyone,
Captains, can you please post your team members goals, as well as their progress for April 1-2 (It will make the calculations later on in the month easier if those 2 days are kept separate from the rest of the month). The first 2 days are not really much of an indicator of how a month is going to go for anyone.

So far, the teams as I see it are:
Crazy Canucks
Team Kansas/Midwest
And a West Coast Team

If I am missing any teams, please let me know. Also, anyone else who wants to join in is free to do so. I would however like to have the teams finalized by like the end of this week maybe, if not sooner.
Captains, I would like to post results through the Sunday of each week. Between work and school, I wouldn't be posting anything on Mondays, so if I could have results either Monday night or Tuesday, I will post them on Tuesdays.
Attached is the spreadsheet template. If you could use the last of the 3 cells for the member name (where I typed "link to blog") to paste the direct link to each member's blog, that would be great and make all of our lives easier. If you could just post your results to this thread, that would be great.
Thank you all and good luck in April!

2006-04-07 9:00 PM
in reply to: #388527

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Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge Goals and weekly results
It's attached. It's been a very busy week for me, hence partly why these are up sort of late. Couple things: West Coast people -what is the status of your team? I know that your expected captain is about to compete in IMAZ, but I only see goals for like 2 people. Is this correct.
Also, the overall results are as follows:
Crazy Canucks 6.40%
Team Kansas 3.46%
Team Northeast 8.56%
Team Southeast 5.95%

One big note- Excel does not include zeros in averages, but to be perfectly accurate, in this case, I calculated the percentage with the 0s included. Hence the lower numbers for the Canucks, Team Kansas and Team Southeast (everyone in the Northeast at least did something last weekend). You can see the differences in the first sheet of the file. Do realize that results after 2 days of a 30 day month are basically meaningless as a lot can change in rest of the month.
If I have left anyone out or someone's numbers are incorrect, please let me know. These numbers should be just for last Saturday and Sunday.
Thanks guys.

April Multisport Challenge-Week 1.xls (83KB - 61 downloads)
2006-04-11 5:01 AM
in reply to: #388527

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Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge Goals and weekly results
Week 2:
Crazy Canucks 29.43%
Team Kansas 25.90%
Team Northeast 30.50%
Team Southeast 26.93%

Good job guys! Keep it up!

April Multisport Challenge-Week 2.xls (85KB - 50 downloads)
2006-04-17 9:25 PM
in reply to: #388527

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Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge Goals and weekly results
If something isn't correct, please let me know.

Week 3

Crazy Canucks 48.01%
Team Kansas 46.67%
Team Northeast 55.03%
Team Southeast 51.39%

April Multisport Challenge-Week 3.xls (86KB - 59 downloads)
2006-04-24 9:49 PM
in reply to: #388527

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Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge Goals and weekly results
Week 4
Crazy Canucks 70.37%
Team Kansas 66.65%
Team Northeast 75.26%
Team Southeast 71.81%

Right now, every team is technically behind as you "should" be at 76.7% for the month.

The Northeast keeps getting rain on the weekends (or maybe those are just the days that I want to go for a bike ride )
The Canadians are apparently still getting snow
Those out in Kansas are probably too busy dealing with tornadoes or something
The Southeast- Things move along slower down South?

Congratulations to LeCrac who was the first to meet all of his goals for the month.

One note- one member of Team Northeast had injury issues that caused him to drop the run part of their goals. Any other injury issues, please let me know and we can adjust things.

Keep it up! Thanks guys.

April Multisport Challenge-Week 4.xls (86KB - 60 downloads)
2006-04-25 8:39 AM
in reply to: #405458

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge Goals and weekly results
Thanks for the stats update OceanAnnie! We have one participant who has not logged onto the BT site since April 11th. I noticed one other team had a "phantom" participant as well. Any chance we can have a ruling on dropping individuals who post nothing for the last 2 weeks of the month?

2006-04-26 12:05 PM
in reply to: #405717

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge Goals and weekly results
At this point, why not take the goals and divide them up among all active team members!?!
2006-04-26 9:11 PM
in reply to: #388527

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Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge Goals and weekly results
Team Northeast's missing member has come back online. As far as your missing member, let's wait and see if she reappears. If she doesn't log back in, then we can talk about what to do. But if someone completely disappears, that's sort of a different case then someone that keeps coming on here but isn't doing their workouts.
2006-05-04 5:03 AM
in reply to: #388527

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Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge Goals and weekly results
Hey Everyone,

There were problems with at least one of these numbers (conversion from yards to meters) but these numbers should be correct now. Please let me know if there are any errors.

Crazy Canucks 93.04%
Team Kansas 98.81%
Team Northeast 91.81%
Team Southeast 88.36%

Note- The Canucks had a member that disappeared and hasn't logged on in weeks. Since that person has disappeared, they have been dropped from the challenge (which I would have done for any team that experienced a similar situation.

Congratulations to Team Kansas and to all of us who met our goals for the month. Good luck this season as this challenge should have helped us get prepared for the season.

Thanks everyone and thank you especially to the captains.

April Multisport Challenge-Week 5.xls (91KB - 51 downloads)
2006-05-04 8:52 AM
in reply to: #388527

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge Goals and weekly results
Thank you Christine! These challenges are great incentive to stay in synch with our training plans. Good luck with your training.

And congrats to Team Kansas!

2006-05-04 9:36 AM
in reply to: #414534

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Extreme Veteran
Boston, MA
Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge Goals and weekly results
Congratulations to everyone and thank you Christine and thanks to all of the over captains! Maybe the southerns should train like their northern friends . Actually, I think everyone should try to train like they're from Kansas.

2006-05-04 10:24 AM
in reply to: #388527

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Olathe, KS
Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge Goals and weekly results
THANKS everyone!  Great job on meeting and/or attempting some lofty goals!  Thanks oceanannie for putting this together - it was fun!
2006-05-04 12:55 PM
in reply to: #388527

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Evans, GA
Subject: RE: April Multisport Challenge Goals and weekly results
Darn Southeastern slackers! I was born in Philly and lived in MA most of my life. I may defect!

Just kidding!

Great work everybody. This really helped push me! Good luck in May!
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Other Resources Challenge Me! » April Multisport Challenge Goals and weekly results Rss Feed