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2011-12-19 7:03 AM

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: StephSprint... mentor group FULL!
NAME: stephsprint - Stephanie
STORY: I'm a 47 y/o former couch potato who got OFF the couch year and a half ago and started running. Several months later I was discovering cross training opportunities and realized I was doing my own triathlons. Why not do a REAL triathlon? I have been in love with it since and finished my first tri in July.
FAMILY STATUS: I'm married to a runner fanatic. Lucky me
CURRENT TRAINING: I belong to a local Triathlon team which gives me the opportunity to train every morning at 5:45. I do my long runs with another group on Saturdays. Do I make every training session? No, but getting up early usually works with my schedule.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: I did my first triathlon in July and it was a LOT of fun. I have dealt with some injuries and hope to do several in 2012.
2012 RACES: My first Triathlon in 2012 will be the Nautica South Beach on April first here in Miami. Then we have a series called the Trilogy which I hope to complete. There are the main 3, and additional 4th and then a championship... about 1 a month in the summer.
WEIGHTLOSS: I lost 15lbs last year! another 15 or 20 and I'll be at goal. Triathlon is a natural for weight loss.
WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I enjoy learning about people and hearing their plans and goals. I love to answer questions and find people the help they need. I'm no expert but I try my best to find answers. has a WEALTH of information for athletes of every level. I have lots of time on my hands as well and I would be happy to mentor! Nothing better than to hear people say how much fun they are having and how thrilled they are with their accomplishments. You Can Do This!

Edited by stephsprint 2012-01-03 7:48 AM

2011-12-23 12:36 AM
in reply to: #3943521

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Subject: RE: stephstprint mentor group - OPEN!


I'd like to join your group if I could.  Here's some info about me:

NAME:  Fred - eurasn1   Kennewick, WA

STATUS:  Married w/2 kids (6yr old daughter and 3yr old son).  Can't forget our border collie, Aengus.  Lucky for me, they are all 100% behind me.

STORY:  40 yrs old and I also did my first real sprint tri this past July.  Got into an accident about 1 1/2 yrs ago and towards the tail end of physical therapy/chiro my brother suggested I try duathlons since I hurt my shoulder/back in the accident.  I also started doing some swimming and wanted to do tri's instead. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES:  First event was a 2 day tri in April - swim night before (pool) w/bike and run the following morning.  Felt really good and couldn't wait to do it all one after the other.  At the end of July, did my first 'real' sprint tri.  Panicked during the swim (like the usual newbie's first open water swim was the actual event) and 75% of the swim was the backstroke.  Finished quicker than expected and now can't wait to do more.  Finished the year doing a couple of 5k's.

2012 RACES:  Planning to do a sprint at the beginning of June and one at the end of July.  If things go well will do the local Oly in Sept.  May even do the 2 day event once again in April.

GOALS:  At this point definitely need to work on swimming more than anything.  I am enjoying the training and absolutely love the events.  My 6 yr old will be doing a couple splash and dashes and kids tri's this year after watching me this year.  Even my wife (who swam competitively in HS) wants to start swimming again and giving running a try.  That gives me a lot of motivation.  Can't wait to see what 2012 brings.


2011-12-23 8:25 AM
in reply to: #3950982

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Steph Sprint, Oly, HIM? Welcome we're OPEN!
eurasn1 - 2011-12-23 1:36 AM


I'd like to join your group if I could.  Here's some info about me:

NAME:  Fred - eurasn1   Kennewick, WA

STATUS:  Married w/2 kids (6yr old daughter and 3yr old son).  Can't forget our border collie, Aengus.  Lucky for me, they are all 100% behind me.

STORY:  40 yrs old and I also did my first real sprint tri this past July.  Got into an accident about 1 1/2 yrs ago and towards the tail end of physical therapy/chiro my brother suggested I try duathlons since I hurt my shoulder/back in the accident.  I also started doing some swimming and wanted to do tri's instead. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES:  First event was a 2 day tri in April - swim night before (pool) w/bike and run the following morning.  Felt really good and couldn't wait to do it all one after the other.  At the end of July, did my first 'real' sprint tri.  Panicked during the swim (like the usual newbie's first open water swim was the actual event) and 75% of the swim was the backstroke.  Finished quicker than expected and now can't wait to do more.  Finished the year doing a couple of 5k's.

2012 RACES:  Planning to do a sprint at the beginning of June and one at the end of July.  If things go well will do the local Oly in Sept.  May even do the 2 day event once again in April.

GOALS:  At this point definitely need to work on swimming more than anything.  I am enjoying the training and absolutely love the events.  My 6 yr old will be doing a couple splash and dashes and kids tri's this year after watching me this year.  Even my wife (who swam competitively in HS) wants to start swimming again and giving running a try.  That gives me a lot of motivation.  Can't wait to see what 2012 brings.


Welcome Fred!! You have overcome a lot since your accident.. WELL DONE. I love a success story. There should be a backstrokers club, don't you think? it works for me.

Good luck on your swimming and I hope your wife enjoys running, I sure do!
2011-12-23 11:12 AM
in reply to: #3943521

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LaPorte, IN
Subject: RE: Steph Sprint..& Oly & HIm &... mentor group - OPEN!

Hi Stephanie, I am interested in joining your group.

My name is Okey from Michigan City Indiana.  I am 39, over weight and out of shape.  I use to be fit and lean most all of my life untill about 2007 when I was going through a divorce.

I am an athletic director and coach at a Christian high school and have decided to get back into shape and be athletic again.  I plan to enter the LaPorte County YMCA Triathlon in August of 2012.  And I have got a small group of students to join me in this adventure.  We are forming a triathlon/jogging club after Christmas break to prepair for this event.

Some background about me.  I have been in sports most all of my life.  I am a state champion in wrestling, was a running back in football, soccer player, basketball player, baseball player, ran track and field where I competed in the hurtles, and was an anchor in the relay, mountain biker, snowboarder, skateboarder.  I have never been good at long distant running, but was a very good sprinter.

My school sports came to an end when I blew out my knee my junior year in high school.  Lost my scholarship to college and changed my life.  It wasnt till my kids were involved in YMCA soccer when they were in 1st grade that I got back involved with sports.  I started coaching their soccer team, and have been cooaching sports ever since.  I have coached football, soccer, baseball, basketball, wrestling, volleyball, and even cheer leading.

I would realy appriciate if you could help me in my training and help me get the kids in my school involved as well.  I am new to this type of sport and eager to learn.  I was thinking about starting the club off with a Sprint X2 Balanced plan, but again I am not sure of where to start.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Okey Akers


2011-12-23 11:51 AM
in reply to: #3943521

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Steph Sprint..& Oly & HIm &... mentor group - OPEN!

Hi Steph!

When I saw you were running a group I just had to ask if I could join.


PS You know all about me, but I can post a bio later.

2011-12-24 6:35 AM
in reply to: #3951464

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Steph Sprint..& Oly & HIm &... mentor group - OPEN!
oak73 - 2011-12-23 12:12 PM

Hi Stephanie, I am interested in joining your group.

My name is Okey from Michigan City Indiana.  I am 39, over weight and out of shape.  I use to be fit and lean most all of my life untill about 2007 when I was going through a divorce.

I am an athletic director and coach at a Christian high school and have decided to get back into shape and be athletic again.  I plan to enter the LaPorte County YMCA Triathlon in August of 2012.  And I have got a small group of students to join me in this adventure.  We are forming a triathlon/jogging club after Christmas break to prepair for this event.

Some background about me.  I have been in sports most all of my life.  I am a state champion in wrestling, was a running back in football, soccer player, basketball player, baseball player, ran track and field where I competed in the hurtles, and was an anchor in the relay, mountain biker, snowboarder, skateboarder.  I have never been good at long distant running, but was a very good sprinter.

My school sports came to an end when I blew out my knee my junior year in high school.  Lost my scholarship to college and changed my life.  It wasnt till my kids were involved in YMCA soccer when they were in 1st grade that I got back involved with sports.  I started coaching their soccer team, and have been cooaching sports ever since.  I have coached football, soccer, baseball, basketball, wrestling, volleyball, and even cheer leading.

I would realy appriciate if you could help me in my training and help me get the kids in my school involved as well.  I am new to this type of sport and eager to learn.  I was thinking about starting the club off with a Sprint X2 Balanced plan, but again I am not sure of where to start.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Okey Akers


I grew up in Iowa and all three of my brothers were VERY good wrestlers. I understand that mentality. Best athletes ever, IMHO.

Sounds like you are ON YOUR WAY BACK! good going! I was a high school and briefly a college athlete as well. It's tough to let those days go and become a grown-up athlete. Own your 39 y/o self and get on it!

The plans are very flexible and you can make them work for you. Also, the great thing about the logging is... you can click on the actual and log what you DID rather than worrying about what you DID NOT do. It's a great system. I use it to log my workouts even when I'm not following the plan exactly.

I think you are the kind of person who will love triahlon not only because of the challenge, but because of the variety in 3 disciplines. Glad to have you here Oakey!

2011-12-24 6:37 AM
in reply to: #3951543

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Steph Sprint..& Oly & HIm &... mentor group - OPEN!
suzimmer - 2011-12-23 12:51 PM

Hi Steph!

When I saw you were running a group I just had to ask if I could join.


PS You know all about me, but I can post a bio later.

FANTASTIC! Welcome! you are just the kind of person I need in here. Inspirational! Yay!
2011-12-24 12:49 PM
in reply to: #3943521

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Steph Sprint..& Oly & HIm &... mentor group - OPEN!

So here's my bio:

Name:  Susie

Status:  Turned 50 this past summer and am embracing the age. (Did Racine 70.3 on my B-day and wore a tiara during the run that said "It's my 50th Birthday" ).  I'm married 25 years and have two sons, 19 and 21, who are both in college. Also have one wild and crazy Jack Russell Terrier named Toby. I'm an early childhood special education teacher, so I have my summers off, great for training.

Story:  I'd always been active and athletic, but in my late 30's I began to develop a series of autoimmune diseases, which for a while, really effected my quality of life, not to mention being able to run etc.  I have interstitial cystitis (a bladder disease), asthma, eosinophilic gastritis, and Crohn's disease.  I also developed food allergies and intolerance.  After feeling sorry for myself for a while, I decided that I was going to take charge of my life.  Knowledge is power, so I began to research everything, found new doctors, radically changed my diet and began to run again.  I had always wanted to do a triathlon, so at the age of 45 I did a local sprint tri and as I crossed the finish line I felt euphoric!  I quickly signed up for another one two weeks later. 

As of this past summer I have competed every distance triathlon.  I've done IM Wisconsin twice.  I've run the Chicago Marathon twice and both times qualified for Boston. I ran Boston in 2011. I've met many new people through training, some of whom are now my closest friends.  I love what triathlon has given me...  Friendship, happiness and  HEALTH!

This year's races:  Tri's - Pleasant Prairie Olympic, Racine 70.3.  Running: St.Louis marathon (but only did the half due to injury), couple of local 5k's, Rock and Roll Half Chicago, Hood to Coast Relay, Chicago Marathon, PAWS 8k, Hot Chocolate 15k. Other:  Hustle Up the Hancock.

2012 races:  Just beginning to work on that, but I'm signed up for Hustle up the Hancock (End of Feb) a 96 story stair climb.  I will probably do the Pleasant Prairie Oly end of June and Racine 70.3.  (mid July). Will be adding to this list with some running races and perhaps another/two tri's.  I'm hoping to register for Boston 2013 in September.

So, that's me!


2011-12-24 4:01 PM
in reply to: #3943521

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Steph Sprint..& Oly & HIm &... mentor group - OPEN!
ADDING FRIENDS! you'll want to do this...

Click on the wrench at the top of the page ‘settings’
Then you’ll see a row of settings down at the middle of the page

Below that click FRIENDS

There you can add the names of anyone with whom
You’d like to be able to ‘inspire’ and share logs with.
2011-12-26 9:28 AM
in reply to: #3943521

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: StephSprint... mentor group WE ARE OPEN!
Day after Christmas! I did bridge repeats with my team this morning. Burned off a few cookies.

How is everybody planning on getting into their fitness routine after the holiday?
2011-12-26 10:46 AM
in reply to: #3953865

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: StephSprint... mentor group WE ARE OPEN!
Did a killer intensity workout on the new treadmill yesterday.  Today, trying desperately to shed the lazy morning and get my heiny on the trainer.  Hoping now that I've made that public, I will actually go do it. Laughing

2011-12-26 11:35 AM
in reply to: #3943521

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Longview, Texas
Subject: RE: StephSprint... mentor group WE ARE OPEN!

Hi Steph,

Just saw on the McFuzz group that you are running your group now. I would like to join. Got ver lazy the 2nd half of last year and many changes at work didn't help either. Maybe this will get again out of the couch and back on running/biking.

My Bio


34YO father of 2, never did any type of excercise, started to run a year or so ago to help loose some weight, got a rode bike and complete a few duathlons and 5K last year.after the spring, changes on work got me on the couch again, hard to manage time with kids and work life. got the weight back and now again trying to loose it.


2011-12-26 11:47 AM
in reply to: #3943521

New user

Peoria, AZ
Subject: RE: StephSprint... mentor group WE ARE OPEN!

Name: Kristen

Status: I am 29 years old, and will turn 30 this March so I think it's a great year to do my first sprint tri. I live in Peoria, AZ, which is a great place for training outdoors, it's beautiful!   I've been married a year and a half. My husband is really the athlete in our family, but I'm getting up the courage to do my first sprint triathlon in 2012.  We don't have any children yet, but hope to some day soon. I work 50-60 hours a week and just need help fitting training into life. I know its possible, but need a little push..

Story: I started running in the summer of 2010. I did my first half marathon in November (Womens 1/2 in Tempe Arizona) and then did the Rock N Roll 1/2 in Arizona in January 2011 and in San Diego June 2011.  My husband and I did our first full marathon in Kauai, Hawaii over Labor Day weekend 2011.  Since that run, I really have slacked off and I'm excited to get moving again. My husband bought me a road bike in September so I've started cycling, though I'm not very good. Swimming is my biggest fear because I've only swam for leisure as a kid, but I have a membership to the local gym that has an indoor heated pool to train in. 

This year's races: I would like to do a few half marathons and sprint triathlons in 2012.  I haven't picked the exact races yet because I just now decided that I can actually do a sprint tri this week.

I hope you'll let me join your group! 



2011-12-26 2:17 PM
in reply to: #3943521

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washington state
Subject: RE: StephSprint... mentor group WE ARE OPEN!

Hi.  I would like to join this group too!  I am 53 years old and in moderate fitness I suppose.  Lots of walking the dogs!  In 2010 I did a couple of sprint tris and 5ks and a 10k.  I am slow at all 3 sports!  LOL

In 2011, my training was not consistent and I didn't do any tris and didn't swim at all.  I did a 10k in October with which I was very pleased.

For 2012, I have a 10k in May for sure.  A possibility of a sprint tri in April (pool swim).  I don't know what else.

2011-12-27 12:19 AM
in reply to: #3943521

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New user

Subject: RE: StephSprint... mentor group WE ARE OPEN!

I would love to join your group!


I trained last year for a Sprint Tri, but chickened out and volunteered for them, instead. I have been so disappointed ever since. This year I'm doing it! My dh and I kayak every chance we get, but he has been deployed for the past few months, so no kayaking lately. We have three kids (15, 5 and 6).

2011-12-27 7:10 AM
in reply to: #3953928

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: StephSprint... mentor group WE ARE OPEN!
suzimmer - 2011-12-26 11:46 AM

Did a killer intensity workout on the new treadmill yesterday.  Today, trying desperately to shed the lazy morning and get my heiny on the trainer.  Hoping now that I've made that public, I will actually go do it. Laughing

New treadmill? Nice! and now I know how to spell heiny...

2011-12-27 7:11 AM
in reply to: #3953997

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: StephSprint... mentor group WE ARE OPEN!
ricmachado - 2011-12-26 12:35 PM

Hi Steph,

Just saw on the McFuzz group that you are running your group now. I would like to join. Got ver lazy the 2nd half of last year and many changes at work didn't help either. Maybe this will get again out of the couch and back on running/biking.

My Bio


34YO father of 2, never did any type of excercise, started to run a year or so ago to help loose some weight, got a rode bike and complete a few duathlons and 5K last year.after the spring, changes on work got me on the couch again, hard to manage time with kids and work life. got the weight back and now again trying to loose it.


Absolutely! Good to see a friendly face and a man on a mission... here we go!
2011-12-27 7:14 AM
in reply to: #3954013

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: StephSprint... mentor group WE ARE OPEN!
AZBarnett - 2011-12-26 12:47 PM

Name: Kristen

Status: I am 29 years old, and will turn 30 this March so I think it's a great year to do my first sprint tri. I live in Peoria, AZ, which is a great place for training outdoors, it's beautiful!   I've been married a year and a half. My husband is really the athlete in our family, but I'm getting up the courage to do my first sprint triathlon in 2012.  We don't have any children yet, but hope to some day soon. I work 50-60 hours a week and just need help fitting training into life. I know its possible, but need a little push..

Story: I started running in the summer of 2010. I did my first half marathon in November (Womens 1/2 in Tempe Arizona) and then did the Rock N Roll 1/2 in Arizona in January 2011 and in San Diego June 2011.  My husband and I did our first full marathon in Kauai, Hawaii over Labor Day weekend 2011.  Since that run, I really have slacked off and I'm excited to get moving again. My husband bought me a road bike in September so I've started cycling, though I'm not very good. Swimming is my biggest fear because I've only swam for leisure as a kid, but I have a membership to the local gym that has an indoor heated pool to train in. 

This year's races: I would like to do a few half marathons and sprint triathlons in 2012.  I haven't picked the exact races yet because I just now decided that I can actually do a sprint tri this week.

I hope you'll let me join your group! 



I'm SURE you can do it! You can run, which is my weakness, so as long as you can get through the swim and stay upright on the bike... voila! How was your Rock n Roll half? Ours here in Miami was fantastic! Get in that pool for sure, and pick a race where the open water is friendly for your first one. I chose a lake swim for mine, as the ocean would have been pretty rough for me.

Great that your husband is an athlete... you'll have a fit family! And a marathon.... GOOD FOR YOU!

2011-12-27 7:17 AM
in reply to: #3954174

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: StephSprint... mentor group WE ARE OPEN!
deehtz - 2011-12-26 3:17 PM

Hi.  I would like to join this group too!  I am 53 years old and in moderate fitness I suppose.  Lots of walking the dogs!  In 2010 I did a couple of sprint tris and 5ks and a 10k.  I am slow at all 3 sports!  LOL

In 2011, my training was not consistent and I didn't do any tris and didn't swim at all.  I did a 10k in October with which I was very pleased.

For 2012, I have a 10k in May for sure.  A possibility of a sprint tri in April (pool swim).  I don't know what else.

Hey I'm slow! but a mile is a mile whether you do it at 13:00 or 7:00, yes? I would love to do an indoor tri. Sounds like you have your tri-season to figure out yet, and the 10k is already on the schedule. Are your dogs runners, or do you need to stick to a walk?

2011-12-27 7:19 AM
in reply to: #3954719

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: StephSprint... mentor group WE ARE OPEN!
TriCyndiLoowho - 2011-12-27 1:19 AM

I would love to join your group!


I trained last year for a Sprint Tri, but chickened out and volunteered for them, instead. I have been so disappointed ever since. This year I'm doing it! My dh and I kayak every chance we get, but he has been deployed for the past few months, so no kayaking lately. We have three kids (15, 5 and 6).

No worries about chickening out. I had a smart bunch of people who told me to volunteer first to learn the ropes. And I am so glad I did!

Must be tough with the hubby away but maybe you can get your kids out there. Kayaking must give you a strong upper body, good for you. Keep us posted and

2011-12-27 7:52 AM
in reply to: #3943521

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: StephSprint... mentor group WE ARE OPEN!

Steph, if you don't care, I'd like to check in ...I didn't know you were doing this until after I joined up with a mentor I'd had before.  I promise, I won't be any trouble  

I'm 60, started riding a bike at 400 pounds and a 50 inch in 2005, beat cancer in 2006 and kept riding, started competing in relay triathlon as a bike rider for LiveSTRONG in 2007, started solo tris in 2009, worked up to a half IM in 2010, completed Ironman Wisconsin in Sept. 2011 at a 33 inch waist.  You guys looking to lose weight, you can.  I put on 20 pounds upper body muscle for the 2.4 mile IM swim.  Going to take it in 2012 and try to maintain strength and energy for workouts at the same time.

Edited by IceManScott 2011-12-27 7:53 AM

2011-12-27 8:03 AM
in reply to: #3954866

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: StephSprint... mentor group WE ARE OPEN!
IceManScott - 2011-12-27 8:52 AM

Steph, if you don't care, I'd like to check in ...I didn't know you were doing this until after I joined up with a mentor I'd had before.  I promise, I won't be any trouble  

I'm 60, started riding a bike at 400 pounds and a 50 inch in 2005, beat cancer in 2006 and kept riding, started competing in relay triathlon as a bike rider for LiveSTRONG in 2007, started solo tris in 2009, worked up to a half IM in 2010, completed Ironman Wisconsin in Sept. 2011 at a 33 inch waist.  You guys looking to lose weight, you can.  I put on 20 pounds upper body muscle for the 2.4 mile IM swim.  Going to take it in 2012 and try to maintain strength and energy for workouts at the same time.

I'd be delighted and honored... folks in here will benefit from your experience! I'm going to remain a fuzzie and check back in there now and then. WELCOME!!!
2011-12-27 8:16 AM
in reply to: #3954884

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: StephSprint... mentor group WE ARE OPEN!
stephsprint - 2011-12-27 8:03 AM
IceManScott - 2011-12-27 8:52 AM

Steph, if you don't care, I'd like to check in ...I didn't know you were doing this until after I joined up with a mentor I'd had before.  I promise, I won't be any trouble  

I'm 60, started riding a bike at 400 pounds and a 50 inch in 2005, beat cancer in 2006 and kept riding, started competing in relay triathlon as a bike rider for LiveSTRONG in 2007, started solo tris in 2009, worked up to a half IM in 2010, completed Ironman Wisconsin in Sept. 2011 at a 33 inch waist.  You guys looking to lose weight, you can.  I put on 20 pounds upper body muscle for the 2.4 mile IM swim.  Going to take it in 2012 and try to maintain strength and energy for workouts at the same time.

I'd be delighted and honored... folks in here will benefit from your experience! I'm going to remain a fuzzie and check back in there now and then. WELCOME!!!


Oh, no, I am the one honored   2012 will be fun!

2011-12-27 8:32 AM
in reply to: #3954811

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: StephSprint... mentor group WE ARE OPEN!

stephsprint - 2011-12-27 7:10 AM
suzimmer - 2011-12-26 11:46 AM Did a killer intensity workout on the new treadmill yesterday.  Today, trying desperately to shed the lazy morning and get my heiny on the trainer.  Hoping now that I've made that public, I will actually go do it. Laughing
New treadmill? Nice! and now I know how to spell heiny...


Yes, new treadmill and it's way cool. We had one that finally died after 10 years.  Got a great deal on a Nordic Track 1750 on black friday. Has an android tablet built in.  Can check your email and get your workout done at the same time. Tongue out  I actually prefer to run outside, even throughout the winter, but there are days that just going down to the basement is the better choice. And I like the new toy.

And I'm only guessing  that's how one spells heiny.  Perhaps I should say tush.  Spell check knows that one.

2011-12-27 8:42 AM
in reply to: #3954927

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: StephSprint... mentor group WE ARE OPEN!
suzimmer - 2011-12-27 8:32 AM

stephsprint - 2011-12-27 7:10 AM
suzimmer - 2011-12-26 11:46 AM Did a killer intensity workout on the new treadmill yesterday.  Today, trying desperately to shed the lazy morning and get my heiny on the trainer.  Hoping now that I've made that public, I will actually go do it. Laughing
New treadmill? Nice! and now I know how to spell heiny...


Yes, new treadmill and it's way cool. We had one that finally died after 10 years.  Got a great deal on a Nordic Track 1750 on black friday. Has an android tablet built in.  Can check your email and get your workout done at the same time. Tongue out  I actually prefer to run outside, even throughout the winter, but there are days that just going down to the basement is the better choice. And I like the new toy.

And I'm only guessing  that's how one spells heiny.  Perhaps I should say tush.  Spell check knows that one.


I bought one last winter ...fell on a night run in summer, 2010 that left me with a hernia that I wound up having to take along for IM Wis. because to stop for surgery meant to cancel IM 2011.  So it gives a great alternative when icy or dark.  Also, the treadmill is great for hill repeats since we have so few around here.

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