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Everett to Athens - Run

View Member's Race Log
Everett, WA
United States
Everett Rotary
58F / 14C
Total Time = 58h 50m 7s
Overall Rank = 58/
Age Group = 30-39
Age Group Rank = 22/
Pre-race routine:

Breakfast of tea, oatmeal, and a granola bar. Went to the bathroom. Tried to calm the bats in my stomach. Questioned my sanity.
Event warmup:

Jumping up and down to loosen up, light stretching. I was worried about doing a pre-race run as I haven't run a 10k before.
  • 58m 26s
  • 10 kms
  • 05m 50s  min/km

Had a very nice, even run. When I realized that after 4 miles I was still feeling as fresh as a daisy, I was so excited. This was my first 10k and I was worried I'd not make the entire run. (I'm not sure why since I've certainly run this far in training.) About halfway through people started dropping back. I kept my pace even for the second half, definitely speeding up over the first half. Stride was good. No pain at all as I ran, not even in the end. The last kilometer I moved ahead, although there weren't many to pass at that point. (I think I was probably front of the back of the pack in this particular race.) I passed up 10-12 people going in and finally passed three men who were REALLY pushing it, quite easily. I had a huge grin on my face the entire time and more than once someone told me I was "too happy to be running" or that I "shouldn't look that happy after running 6 miles." I took that as a very good sign. Roy met me at the finish line taking pictures. I felt AWESOME when I passed. I could have run two more miles, at least. Half marathon here I come!
What would you do differently?:

Maybe go out a little faster in the beginning, now that I know I can do the 6.2 feeling fresh throughout. Push myself a little harder, but not too hard. My goal is always to enjoy the trip.
Post race
Warm down:

Bagel and banana, drank three things of water. Stretched out. Walked around. Used the restroom eleventy-two times.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

First time nerves.

Event comments:

Very very nice race. I'll definitely do it again next year. The prizes are amazing! I think the overall winnners get an expenses paid trip to Athens! (Not that I have to worry about that.) Not a lot of post race activities, but that's okay. I just wanted to get my post-race sushi and head out anyhow.

Last updated: 2004-06-13 12:00 AM
00:58:26 | 10 kms | 05m 50s  min/km
Age Group: 22/
Overall: 57/
Performance: Good
Started very slow, keeping up with Roy for the first mile and a half. He turned at the 5k point and I kept going. I sped up a bit for the second mile and a half. At the halfway point I just let out my stride a bit as I was feeling no more fatigue than I had felt in the first half.
Course: Somewhat hilly, but not too bad. Nice view of some of the North Everett homes that I love. Roads were blocked off so no traffic worries. The final leg came down a steep hill into the Everett Memorial Stadium where we ran around the track once to the finish line.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Below average
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2004-06-13 7:02 PM

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Extreme Veteran
The Great Pacific Northwest
Subject: Everett to Athens

2004-06-13 7:32 PM
in reply to: #31073

Subject: RE: Everett to Athens

Way to go Tory! If I ever get to the point of actually "running" (as opposed to shuffling), I may try this race. I don't know how realistic that is for me, but we'll see.

Great job...

Edited by Nancytris 2004-06-13 7:33 PM
2004-06-13 8:04 PM
in reply to: #31073

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Resident Matriarch
N 43° 32.927 W 071° 24.431
Subject: RE: Everett to Athens
great job Tory! I am looking for inspiration to run a 10K and found it right here! You rock!
2004-06-13 8:37 PM
in reply to: #31073

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Everett to Athens
Congratulations on a great race
2004-06-13 9:26 PM
in reply to: #31073

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Subject: RE: Everett to Athens
Great first 10k. And not the last, I'm guessing. Congratulations!
2004-06-14 10:50 PM
in reply to: #31125

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Extreme Veteran
The Great Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: Everett to Athens

Definitely not the last one! I am looking for more 10ks after this. I was so nervous about the distance and I found that I truly ENJOYED the distance of this race.

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General Discussion Race Reports! » Everett to Athens Rss Feed