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2012-12-27 12:40 AM

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Inland Empire, CA
Subject: Eriq's Mentor Group - CLOSED
I am entering my 5th season in triathlon. I had no organized sports background as a child. I started running to raise cancer awareness. Then decided to mix things up and got into tris. Done everything from sprints to IM. One of my favorite races has to be Escape from Alcatraz. My friends and relatives always come to me for tri advice, as I immerse myself in it and read everything possible. Why not help out and be a mentor!

FAMILY STATUS: married, no children, 2 dogs. =)  

CURRENT TRAINING:In 2012, my A race was IMAZ. I have very structured training, 3 weeks hard work, 1 week recovery (27 out of 28 days). Typical week is 3 swims, 3 bikes, and 3 runs (1 day being a bike/run brick and another being a swim/bike 2-a-day). I believe I missed a total of 2 days in 2012. I understand that this does not work for everyone but it does for me. Bottom line: Consistency is the key!

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2012, I only had 3 races.

Sprint - 4th in my AG.
Olympic – 3rd in my AG
IMAZ – was sick the night before so took it easy and really soaked in the experience and enjoyed my first IM. Still finished in 12:22:47.

2013 RACES:  Not yet solidified my calendar for 2013 but it will primarily be sprints and Olympics starting in May. Then depending on the Kona lottery, 1 IM if I get in (already validated with IMAZ 2012), 1 HIM in Sept if I don’t.

WEIGHTLOSS: In 2012, after having a very soft 2011, I lost about 25 lbs. This year, no real weight loss goals. My primary focus is in improving my SBR, whatever weight loss comes of that is secondary.

Throughout school and my adult life, I’ve always enjoyed helping others better themselves through education. Throughout middle school to college, I was a peer tutor for after-school programs and also tutored at private institutions as a part-time job. Triathlon has become a lifestyle and actually more of an obsession. I read a TON on exercise science and have immersed myself with tons of knowledge to try and improve my SBR. From what has become a goal of finishing races has now become a goal of getting on the podium. And at any opportunity, I love to share what I’ve learned from my training and research with others who are willing to listen. I believe my experience, knowledge, and sincere passion of helping others will make me a good mentor. Plus I’m always connected to technology and will be quick to respond to any questions/concerns/etc.

Edited by eriqpimentel 2013-01-03 3:50 PM

2012-12-30 8:13 PM
in reply to: #4549295

Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - OPEN

Eriq - can I join the group?  Seems like we have a similar background in triathlons and things.  Let me know, and I'll post my story.



2012-12-31 12:46 AM
in reply to: #4554379

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Inland Empire, CA
Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - OPEN
Good to have you on board! Post away!!!
2012-12-31 5:41 AM
in reply to: #4549295

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New user
Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - OPEN


I'd like to join your group if I may?

I'm from the UK and spent 20years playing football, and retired when I got to late 30s and had children.

I'm now 42 and have kept pretty fit, and taken part in several 10k runs over the last couple of years (generally finishing around 50 mins).

I'm looking to enter my first mini-sprint in May 2013.

I'm not a bad swimmer, but haven't spent much time on a bike, so I'll be using the 16week sprint - bike focused training plan as my basis.



2012-12-31 11:03 AM
in reply to: #4549295

New user

Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - OPEN
I am making the transition from running Road Races to Tri's for my "next decade."  I am turning 40 and want to vary things and get some life back in my challenges.  I've run around 30 Half Marathons and 2 Full Marathons  and many other smaller distances.  I am starting from scratch with the swim and bike.  I started taking swim lessons in September to prepare for the new year. I would love to have your experience on my side!  What plan would you recommend.  I was planning on 2 Tri-focused spin classes a week, 2-3 swims, and 4 running days, but would like your input.  Thanks Nicole 
2012-12-31 12:56 PM
in reply to: #4549295


Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - OPEN

I was wondering if I would be able to join your mentoring group?

My name is Brian Keller and this year I am attempting to finish my first triathlon.  I currently live in South Dakota with my wife and three children.  My goal has been to compete in and finish a IM since I was a little kid watching Tinley, Allen, Pig, and many others.  So my goal this year is compete in and finish a IM distance.  I will do a sprint in April, followed by a half marathon, then a full tri in May, unless I can get in the Madison IM. 

I come from a running and biking background.  Swimming is not my strong point but I am working on that.  I will be meeting with a swim coach here this next month to work on my stroke dynamics to hopefully get smoother and faster.  Currently it takes me around an hour and five minutes to an hour and ten minutes to finish a 3000 yd swim.  I have been training now for 13 weeks for finishing a full with Fink's 30 week training program.  I just want to get some advice and bounce some ideas off of you. 

The only thing that freaks me out is the swim in open water so I would love to concentrate on that mostly.  I am a strong runner and have been for over two decades.  I have trained and competed in several bike races back in my high school days (long time ago).  I just purchased a new Felt B16 and have been riding that inside right now due to the snow and cold. 

If I may join I will start posting my trianing for you online.  Currently I train 6 days a week, which include three 3,000 yd swims, three bike rides, and three runs.  I am now doing three bricks a week but the time one the bike or run is not over 30 minutes. 

2012-12-31 1:00 PM
in reply to: #4549295

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Inland Empire, CA
Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - OPEN

Tony and Nicole, thanks for posting. You are all welcome to the group!

First off I want to say thank you for your interest in my group. I hope that I can impart some knowledge on you all and help you in your training and in reaching your goals. By no means am I a coach or pretend to be. I can only share what I have learned and experienced in my few years in the sport. And I'm also hoping to learn from you. In the race to getting better, there is no finish line. Always be open to learn, always be hungry to grow and improve.

Couple things I'd like to see everyone post:

  • Short bio of your athletic background. If you have any relatively recent race results or threshold tests, please share. That way I have a general idea of where everyone is fitness-wise.
  • Upcoming races and goals. Please include the distance of all 3 sports, and a goal time. I know some people say "just finish!" but people always have a time they're shooting for.
  • Any other goals that maybe you'd like to share with the group and look for help with.
  • Training logs - whether it be here on BT, maybe Training Peaks, whatever it may be. I'd like for you all to share with the group. That way we can help, and at the end of the day, help each other be accountable.

Things from me:

  • Timely responses. If you have questions, ask away! Need motivation, need help? I will do my best to keep in touch.
  • Weekly topic. I will write a weekly post on something to continue sharing all the tid bits that I've picked up through the years. Your input is always welcome, if people want some info on a particular topic, I will do my best to cover it.
  • My training log - my log is on TP and I'll work on making it public today and also bringing it over to BT.

This group is for you, whatever you're looking for/expecting, please speak up! Thanks and let's get this year started!


2012-12-31 1:09 PM
in reply to: #4555271

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Inland Empire, CA
Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - OPEN

Of course you are welcome. Sounds like you've been going strong already and are just working on a couple of things.

Do you have your training log posted online anywhere? If not, feel free to just post it and ask whatever questions you may have.

You cannot have someone tell you "I do sport 1 X times a week and sport 2 Y times a week, etc" and determine if that's appropriate. It's about volume and intensity and finding the right balance. And it will be different for every individual.

2012-12-31 2:50 PM
in reply to: #4549295

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Inland Empire, CA
Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - OPEN

alright everyone. I transfered my training log from TP to BT going back to Sept 2012. However, the comments don't transfer over, just totals.

If you are interested in reading the details of the workouts, splits, GPS and/or power files, my comments, etc., go to my TP log. This is one of the many ways I communicate with my coach and he knows where I'm at with my training. If you'd like to see more, let me know. I have TP logs dating back to May 2012 but did not make them public but that only takes a few mouse clicks. Enjoy!

2012-12-31 5:24 PM
in reply to: #4549295

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Gilbert, AZ
Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - OPEN

Hi, I'd like to join this group as well-seems like a good fit for me!

My name is Danelle, and I just celebrated moving to a new age group (45-49) a few weeks ago!  I am new to triathlons, after focusing on running for the past 11 years. I have no athletic background (I sneaked away from a high school PE class on the track to the designated smoking area to have a quick smoke-shows you how much I like running back then!). Downhill skiing was my only sport until after high school, when I cleaned up my act and decided I'd better exercise (bike riding, "jogging", aerobics classes) to keep weight off. In 2001 I started walking/running, and signed up for my first marathon (Chicago) that fall. This past fall I ran Chicago again, which was my 17th marathon (just missed breaking my 3:28 PR by 2 minutes), and I've done 18 halves and a dozen or so 5ks, 10ks, and odd ks. Several of my running friends have been bitten by the tri-bug, so I figured it was only a matter of time before I did as well.

I have signed up for 2 sprints (end of March and mid-April) and one oly (mid-May) so far. There are a few other options for the rest of the year, with the possibility of a HIM in October if I feel ready.

I am married with 3 teenagers, and a crazy busy schedule during the school year (junior high English teacher) but a little more flexibility for training in the summer. Which is a little challenging, living in AZ, but still doable!

I am looking forward to hearing other's experiences with training and racing. My hope is to not just focus on the race day, but to learn to enjoy the journey as much as the destination.

2012-12-31 8:22 PM
in reply to: #4555674

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Inland Empire, CA
Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - OPEN

Welcome, Danelle! Looks like you're going to bring a huge running base to the table. And living in AZ, I know that weather helps you training outdoors all year. Well, if you're willing to put up with summer heat.

We'll do what we can to help you enjoy the journey to your maybe HIM in October!

2012-12-31 8:37 PM
in reply to: #4549295

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New user
Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - OPEN

I will start with your requirements and go from there...

Athletic background-I am 29 years old and was active with high school and college hockey. I have not played competitively in several years. I put on 25 pounds after college looked in the mirror and said this has to change. I bought a nice mountain bike and started thrashing around Reno NV. Lost a lot of the weight and gained an interest in bikes and thought of Triathlons. I tried to get proficient at swimming but easily gave up. This was 2007. I relocated to MN where I have been since and I have purchased a road bike, began running 2 years ago and I am pushing myself very hard to become a proficient swimmer. I have never done a TRI or bike race but my most recent 5k time was 23:46. I have ran faster since but not in a race setting. I do not have threshold tests or a power meter.

Upcoming races- Fargo Half Marathon (May). my goal time is 1:55 and this will be my first half

-Buffalo Sprint distance Tri (June) My goal time is 1:25 (440 yard swim, 15 bike 5k run)

Goals-My goals are to remain healthy throughout training and become a better swimmer. I am planning on ramping up to Olympic distance by the end of the summer. My long term goal is to finish the Ironman. Ideally by 2015

Training Logs- I am on Strava and have a garmin forerunner also use garminconnect. I have never used trainingpeaks but would be willing to try it. I usually train with a heart rate monitor and cadence but I do not have a power meter. Right now is hard to get outside and ride but i do ride my trainer weekly.

My big struggles will be my diet and finding a training routine that I can get in. I travel 3 days a week and it is hard to keep up with training while on the road.

2013-01-01 11:22 AM
in reply to: #4555883

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Inland Empire, CA
Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - OPEN

Trying2swim, welcome aboard. Great to see you already have some races and goals setup for this year. So it looks like you've been running a bit and that's great to hear. What's your best 5k run even out of a race setting?

You will definitely be ready for a 440yd swim by June and with some good old fashioned hard work, will also be ready to tackle 1500m by the end of summer.

No need to have all sorts of different logs. I have GC as well, but there's no way to input your comments and I think that's a key thing to be able to look back on. And then for Strava, don't get caught up in competing with others.

And for your training, it is the same 3 days you always travel?

2013-01-01 12:00 PM
in reply to: #4549295

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Gilbert, AZ
Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - OPEN
Hi Eriq (and all!),

I have never used Training Peaks, just usually Garmin Connect and notes scribbled on printed out plans. Looking at the link you posted, I love the format and ease of reading of TP. That being said, I don't picture myself having the time (making the time?) to have such detailed notes! Maybe it's just changing my thinking about the whole value of plans and notes.
So my point of this post.....what are your thoughts on plans (especially for beginners looking at sprint/olympic), notes, available free/paid training logs? My thinking is there is a direct correlation of what you put into what you get out, but I'd be interested to hear the tools that everyone has used and the pros and cons of those tools.
BTW, I started off my New Year by doing something I have vowed to do regularly in 2013- sleeping in and taking a rest day! (Not something I have done much of in the past few months!)

Happy 2013 everyone!

2013-01-01 12:55 PM
in reply to: #4549295

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New user
Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - OPEN


Here's my training plan.  As per the suggestion on here I aim to increase 10% weeks 2 & 3 then reduce by 25%.  Four month plan, but I'll adjust this after the first month.

Month 1   



















2h 40m













2h 55m













3h 11m













2h 23m






Short Swim

Med Bike

Long Swim


Long Bike


Long Run



Short Bike

Short Run

Grand total:       11h 09m           

Restrictions:  Can only train 45-50 mins at lunchtime and evening sessions have to be able to done indoors.  Unfortunately at the moment I don’t have either a bike or weights.

So, Monday & Tuesday’s sessions will be combined into one session to practice two events together.

Two (or more) of Tues, Thurs, Fri will contain evening ‘core’ session which will involve non-weight strength exercises such as press-ups, crunches, plank etc.

I’ll review the plan after the first week or so, just to see it fits in with other things I have to do (mainly taking children dancing skating etc.).

Although I have trained for most of my adult life, I've never used a training plan peaking on a specific date.

I'd really appreciate any feedback or thoughts that you have.

Thanks very much.


2013-01-01 2:38 PM
in reply to: #4556368

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Inland Empire, CA
Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - OPEN


Danelle, I love TP. The public view is much different that what your personal view looks like. Here's a screenshot of what it looks like when I log in. There's also a ton of reports that you can choose to display. BT also has a training log that you can utilize and I usually prefer the calendar outlook like TP's instead of the blog look. And notes are important. It is one thing to keep track of your workouts, but what good is it if you never look back on it to analyze and use that info to build on the future.

I actually wrote up a few paragraphs on goals and training and I'll post that later today. I think it is very relevant to your post and to the start of the new year.

Anyways, moving onto training plans. My 2 cents, free and paid training logs are a good starting point. Keep in mind that they are extremely general meant for the masses. So take that training plan, and then tweak it for yourself. As you said, you'll get out what you put in. But that doesn't mean you have to throw $ at it to get a good plan. I used a free plan to get me to my first (and only official) HIM. I just took the plan as is and it got me to the finish line. Looking back I wish I had sought out more information and I'm sure I would have been that much more prepared for the race.

You have a huge aerobic base from all your running so you may find that a beginner plan may be too easy and not pushing you enough. You didn't share what your swimming and biking background but I am certain that aerobic engine will translate well to the other two sports. So if you are not looking to spend money, get a free plan and we'll throw it out to the group on how to tweak it to your needs.

2013-01-01 5:34 PM
in reply to: #4556433

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Inland Empire, CA
Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - OPEN

Just after a quick glance, there's three things that jump out at me.

  1. The sessions on Mon and Wed. I understand that you have time constrictions, I am just wondering how much benefit you'll see out of that short of a session in one sport.
  2. What is the purpose of your Thur weight session? Is it because you've read/heard that strength training will add to your performance?
  3. Absence of a brick (bike-run) workout.

I know that you said you are comfortable with your swim, but in 12 mins, I can get in a decent warmup. I personally would rather do a longer swim, bike, or run session than split it up. This would lead to you losing a day of one sport (I'll come back to this shortly). Then for the Thur, if you are looking to strength train to improve your SBR performance, I'd incorporate a functional strength workout to one of your SBR days.

There's different ways to add functional strength training while SBR:

  • Swim - ankle bands, small paddles
  • Bike - power intervals (short intervals over your FTP), muscle tension (low rpm, high power)
  • Run - hill intervals

So if you replace the weights day, with a strength SBR day, you'd get maybe 2 sessions per sport per week. Make one bike/run a higher intensity/strength workout. Swims will be recovery days for your legs. Some (like the guys at Endurance Nation) suggest separating your long bike and long run as much as possible and doing the run first. Here's two suggestions.


SwimHigh Intensity BikeSwimRunLong Bike-Short runOffLong Run
SwimHigh Intensity BikeSwimLong RunBikeOff?Long Bike-Short Run

Some key notes, not too sure of your aerobic base so intensity might be reserved till a bit later. The brick will definitely be an added benefit as running on tired bike legs takes some time for adaptation.

Any thoughts from everyone else?

2013-01-01 7:18 PM
in reply to: #4549295

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Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - OPEN


I'm a one year veteran Tri junkie who completed 6 sprints in my first year.  I started training after 55 days of skiing last season with a 2 mile run the last weekend of March.  My first tri was the beginning of May and I had a very supportive girlfriend who is now hooked.  Her Birthday present was a new Trek racing bike, a racing swimsuit and some goggles.

Allie (Allison) and I would like to join the group and share our progress together.

Short bio

I have always been athletic growing up and competitive ( a strength and a weakness).  Swam competitively as a kid but then played college football.  After college became a runner to lose weight doing lots of 5/10k and two marathons (185lbs.. I dream of  reaching this weight again).   I am a Father of two great kids and Allie also has two great kids who have been great supporters.

Some performance metrics.

  • Currently just working on base across all three sports as I have taken a few months off
  • 20 year old PRs (glory days)- 3:17 in Boston Marathon (with a 20 min walk as my long run as only 15 miles) and a 17:15 in a Manchester NH 5k.
  • 45 year old PRs .......5k 21:30  (have not done anything longer....)
  • First year sprints - I caught the bug and after almost drowning in my first race in 57 degree water with no ear plugs, I went on to podium in 2 out of 5 events as a clydesdale and did other age group events. Best individual times
    • Best swim - 400 years - 5:45 - first out of water
    • Bike - 10m - 27:29
    • Run 5k 23:20
    • Best race - s- 400 yds 6:12; b - 10k 27.29; r 25.35

The other pertinent fact is I am a sturdy 6 2, 240lbs galloping triathlete.  I am not yet in shape to compete with the 150 - 175 lbs 45-49 year olds although I am getting closer.  So I race mostly as a clydesdale and enjoy beating some whipper snappers in their 20's.


Upcoming races and goals 

  • Weight - get to 215 by USTA National Championship - Now 240lbs
  • New Bedford MA half marathon - 3/17 - this is to force me to build a running base as I am just starting up again to do some speed work. The goal is to do it with my sister who asked me to run with her.  Goal 2:15 and finish with my sister and Allie.
  •  Newengland Season Opener - early May sprint goals
    • Swing - .25 M 7 Mins  (last year 11:30 - this was the drowning event)
    • Bike - 10M - 28M (last year 36:30)
    • Run 5k - 22 min ( last year27:20)
  • Escape the Cape Sprint, Cohasett MA and others
  • The season is focused on the National Championship - top three finish as a 40 year old plus cyldesdale 1:12 for a .5M swim, 12.5M bike and a 3.1M swim 


Training logs -I use BT and peaked with the following results for the month of June of last year.

1640.00 Yd
60.90 Mi
3h 17m 38s
20.30 Mi
2h 48m


My overall goal is to have fun with Allie but quickly followed by getting in better shape and competing.  Definately need some coaching and guidance.

I have a lot to learn (how do I attached these aero bars.....) but also have some funny learning experiences to help others.


2013-01-01 7:21 PM
in reply to: #4549295

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Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - OPEN


June 2012 totals

S: 14545.71 Yd  - 4h 15m 37s
B: 270.60 Mi  - 15h 20m 14s
R: 71.50 Mi  - 9h 17m 24s

Allie - where are you, you have to join NOW!!!



2013-01-01 7:24 PM
in reply to: #4549295


Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - OPEN

Hi all, 

My name is Allison (Allie) and I have just started training for my first sprint tri.  I am not yet officially registered for a tri, but I am registered for a half marathon in March and wait listed for one tri on June 30.

I ran track in high school but got away from running regularly in college.  There were periods of time that worked out but I started a regular workout routine after the birth of my second child in 2007.  I was going to group exercise classes 3-4 times a week.  Pilates, strength training and cardio stations.  In 2010, I decided to pick up running again and did several 5K road races.  My times ranged between 26 and 30 minutes that year.  In early 2011 I had a brain aneurysm which abruptly stopped any kind of cardio activity.  I was cleared in 2012 and I aggressively went after running again as I had gained about 25 pounds.  I ran a couple of 5Ks last season at about a 30 min pace, but struggled with hip pain that forced me to take a break.

My boyfriend Jeff (also part of the group), competed in 6 tri's last season and I trained with him when I could.  Being a spectator at these events inspired me.  At that point I set a goal for myself to do one before I turn 40 (I'll be 39 next week).

I'm trying to build a good base this season in order to avoid injury.  I still have the extra weight on, so losing weight is one of my goals.  I'm 5'7" and am 150 lbs.  Ideally I'd like to get back down to 130-135.  I'm currently biking at a 15 mi/hr pace, swimming at a 2:20 100/yd pace and slowly building up the run (currently at a 10 min mi).  I'm committed to training 5-6 days a week for about an hour at a time.  In your opinion, what would be a realistic benchmark time goal for my first race?

My primary goal is to have fun and get in shape and spend some training time with Jeff, but suspect I will be sucked into the competition.     

As Jeff shared I have 2 kids as does he.  We are trying to talk them into doing a relay with us!

PS - Here I am Jeff!!

2013-01-01 7:53 PM
in reply to: #4556929

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Inland Empire, CA
Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - OPEN

Welcome Jeff and Allie. That puts our group at 8 people so far, so still room for a few more.

I like how you have some real old PRs. You earned them, hold on to them. Tongue out But really I'm more interested in your recent results as that will be more telling of your currently fitness and I can give better opinions of your training based on them.

Good to see you have a couple of races and goals setup. I will do my best to share whatever info I can to help guide you there (Notice how I didn't use "coach")!

2013-01-01 8:00 PM
in reply to: #4556937

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Inland Empire, CA
Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - OPEN

Welcome to the group Allie. Looks like we have some sort of injury to deal with before we get into the thick of things. How's the hip currently? Scale of 1-10 (1 being no pain to 10 being I'm gonna die!), how's the pain? How would you describe it? Sharp, dull, radiating? Right side, left side? Have you had it looked at? If so, what was the diagnosis and/or treatment? Feel free to PM me the details that way you don't have to share it all over BT.

I ask because my wife is a Dr of Physical Therapy. She also has some hip pain and I (the non-dr) gave her some pointers on how to help it and she pretty much runs hip pain free. I can also share with her your info if you dont mind and maybe get an opinion on what it might be.

Date and distance of first race? If it still a ways away, I'd set a goal a bit closer to the race as you'll probably make some gains over the next few months.

2013-01-01 8:23 PM
in reply to: #4549295


Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - OPEN
I'm a newbie who has been looking for a challenge. I recently have committed myself to a ironman in Sonoma ca. I need a group I can follow and learn from to train for this triathlon. I live in napa ca and have weigh 205 6,2 ht. my goal is to drop 15-20 lbs within 6 months and work on my swimming technique. How can I join your group?
2013-01-01 8:25 PM
in reply to: #4557012

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Inland Empire, CA
Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - OPEN
You're more than welcome to join. Just check out one of my first posts in the thread that describes what kind of starter info I'm looking for. Post that and we'll get started.
2013-01-01 8:39 PM
in reply to: #4549295

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New user
Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - OPEN

Fastest 5k is 23:10. I have been running a lot and see improvement on each run, the swimming is new to me but I believe the swimming has made me a better runner.

I am on TP now and will slowly figure it out. username Tsween I am going to swim tomorrow for 45 minutes and do my typical strength building session after. I will post on there when I finish.

I am shooting to do the Lifetime Tri Minneapolis on July but I do not want to get ahead of myself with an Olympic distance race before I have completed my first sprint. I know they have a sprint distance but would July be to soon for an Olympic distance race?

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