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Staten Island, New York
United States
New York Triathlon Club
75F / 24C
Total Time = 00m
Overall Rank = 106/228
Age Group = 30-34
Age Group Rank = 22/30
Pre-race routine:

Yes, this is very belated (four years after the fact) but I wrote it and yet, somehow, never submitted it. The new website got me to looking at my old races as I try to resurrect my triathlon hobby and I thought I might as well put it out there since it was the inaugural year of the race and, all in all, I enjoyed it even though the swim was canceled.


I ate my normal two mini bagels and bottle of Gu2O. We then had, dare I say it, the most pleasant drive to Staten Island that I have ever experienced. Granted, it was at an exceptionally early hour but the lack of traffic from Queens was a first!

Event warmup:

The day started out overcast and drizzly and a hurricane had been out at sea and gone by the area. Because of this, when I arrived, they informed us that all of New York City’s beaches had been closed, including this one, and that everyone would be doing a duathlon. I was greatly saddened and a bit scared since swimming is the most fun part for me and running is the least!
  • 09m 30s
  • 1 miles
  • 09m 09s  min/mile

We massed for a group run start instead of going in waves. I aimed for the back 1/3rd of the middle and off to the side since I knew just about everyone would be blowing by me. I got a good rhythm going and told myself to just run my race. About 2/3rd the way though the mile, I was caught by a woman who was just a bit faster than me so I used her to push myself. I’m glad I did because, for me, a 9:30 mile is not too shabby.
What would you do differently?:

Lose some weight and practice my running more.
Transition 1
  • 00m 44s

Transition was located in a grassy area surrounded by tall fencing with a gate at each end. The gate for the swim and run was quite wide while the one for the bike course was narrower and actually caused a bit of a bottleneck when groups of people all tried to get on or off the course at the same time.

I did my best to just grab my bike and keep going while enjoying, for possibly the first time, the fact that I was riding an old mountain bike without clipless pedals The grass was slick with moisture and I saw at least a couple of people slip. From the mass start, it was also a little bit chaotic with all the people trying to clip in near the entrance to the street.
What would you do differently?:

Probably my best transition to date so I'd just get more efficient at the switchoff from run to bike.
  • 37m 51s
  • 12 miles
  • 19.14 mile/hr

Since we were all bunched up from the group start on the run, there was drafting galore. I tried not to as best I could but there was no way that you couldn’t when people were sometimes riding five across a two lane road. I didn’t get passed too often and the overwhelming majority of the time when I did, it was on the left. Sadly, this was a nice change from my last race.

The road was a bit rough and I actually hit one pothole big enough that I was glad to be riding my good ole thick tired aluminum framed mountain bike under me. The lack of shocks made my nether regions shudder when I hit it but otherwise, I was able to avoid most of the major problem spots.

This was finally the race when my fitness outstripped the gears on my bike. Granted, I didn’t have any more gears to go into because it wouldn’t switch to my biggest of my 3 rings, but at least I felt like I had more to go. I got a little ego boost from this fact, if I do say so myself!
What would you do differently?:

Get a better bike. :)
Transition 2
  • 00m 38s

Again, it's nice when you don't have to mess with your shoes and can just dump your bike, grab your hat and goooooo!
What would you do differently?:

Enjoy the fact that I didn't have to change shoes a little bit more than I did.
  • 41m 11s
  • 4 miles
  • 10m 25s  min/mile

The final run was both agonizing and exhilarating. Thankfully, it was still mostly overcast, which kept the heat down. It was also fun hearing beach goers marvel at the masses of people out running so early or cheering us on.

It has been at least 15 years since I ran anything close to 4 miles at one time (most of my training runs have been around 3 miles – I know, I know…). Couple that with a bike and a run beforehand and you have a recipe for trouble. Thankfully, I had learned enough (and been told by my mentor group repeatedly) to know that I should just run my own race. I quickly settled into a run 3 minutes and walk 1 minute pace, which seemed to work fine. People streamed by me during the course of the race and I just dealt with it while vowing to run more in the future. One woman was even sweet enough to ask me if I was okay. I made her laugh and told her I was “just fine, but fat.”

As I approached the finish line, my poor fiancée (now, wife) was greeted with a “I hate you for letting me do this” which cracked up the first responders standing nearby. For some reason, she didn’t find it nearly as funny as I thought it was.

During the last 100 yards or so, a woman yelled out to me to move my ass so I could hit the finish line before 1:30. I didn’t have much left but I waddled for all that I was worth and juuuust beat it. What a feeling!

What would you do differently?:

It's all about weight loss and practice on the run.
Post race
Warm down:

Walk around and visit the post race bagel, danish and fruit table. I also got some Zico coconut water samples, which I promptly gagged on after trying. Guess they aren't for me.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

It's all about the run baby.

Event comments:

Even with the swim canceled, I enjoyed this race. Though the road could use some work, the run along the beach definitely made up for it. It also seemed like a lot of the local tri teams came to the race, so it was fun watching them interact with each other and eventually those of us without teams.

I don’t have much to compare it to but I would definitely consider doing this race again.

Last updated: 2009-07-14 12:00 AM
00:09:30 | 01 miles | 09m 09s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/30
Overall: 0/228
Performance: Good
Course: SURPRISE, due to the hurricane, it's a 1 mile run instead of a swim! They just had us do a simple .5 mile run down the boardwalk and .5 mile run back to the transition area. This was the concrete/paved portion of the boardwalk.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Not enough
Time: 00:44
Overall: Average
Run with bike? Good
Jump on bike?
Getting up to speed and into shoes:
00:37:51 | 12 miles | 19.14 mile/hr
Age Group: 0/30
Overall: 0/228
Performance: Good
Wind: Little
Course: I found out after the fact that the bike course was shortened to 12 miles from 15 a few days before the race. The course is simply 3 loops on a very flat blocked off portion of Father Capudano Blvd. The road got quite rough in a few places.
Road: Rough Dry Cadence:
Turns: Average Cornering: Average
Gear changes: Average Hills: Average
Race pace: Hard Drinks: Just right
Time: 00:38
Overall: Good
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike
Running with bike Average
Racking bike Average
Shoe and helmet removal Average
00:41:11 | 04 miles | 10m 25s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/30
Overall: 0/228
Performance: Average
Course: A simple and enjoyable out and back run on the boardwalk, both paved and wooden sections, along the beach.
Keeping cool Average Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2013-06-12 2:28 PM

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Douglaston, NY
General Discussion-> Race Reports!
General Discussion Race Reports! » STATEN ISLAND TRI/DU-ATHLON Rss Feed  


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date : October 20, 2008
author : araqnid
comments : 0
After doing duathlons for the last couple of years, I decided to go for a triathlon. Starting with an Olympic-distance race perhaps wasn't wise, but it was fun (of a sort).
date : August 21, 2008
author : vm354
comments : 1
How Pilates training helped a wanna-be triathlete realize the goal of completing a half-Ironman, Ironman 70.3 Rhode Island.
date : June 11, 2007
author : Terese Luikens
comments : 0
My first duathlon was a success. I had so many fears before the race but none of those fears happened. And when it was all over, I felt I had accomplished something big.
date : October 30, 2005
author : mikericci
comments : 1
This program should be used for an athlete who is new to duathlon and their goal is to complete a sprint duathlon without difficulty. The schedule consists of 3 workouts per week in each sport.
date : October 30, 2005
author : mikericci
comments : 0
This program should be used for an athlete who is an experienced duathlete and their goal is to complete a medium distance duathlon without difficulty.
date : September 4, 2004
author : Daniel Clout
comments : 0
Don’t forget this is an incredibly big year for sport with the Olympics back in Athens where the modern Olympics started, and especially triathlon to make its second appearance.
date : September 1, 2004
author : AskMrsBT
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"I was wondering if this is a sensible approach? Should I get "better" on short distance and then move to something longer or do what I want if I feel I can do it whatever the time?"
date : August 31, 2004
author : smeeko
comments : 0
Bricks refer to training on two disciplines during the same workout.