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2013-07-29 10:55 AM


Subject: 20 days to IM and I am scared!
Hi everyone :-)
My first post here at BT.. And please bare with my languge as I am a foreigner :-)
There are 20 days to my first IM in Copenhagen... Have been doing triathlon for three years now, and have done sprints and one half ironman.. I have been training towards my first IM since november last year, and have now peeked with 20hours of training pr week. All along I have been really excited (and still am), IM is all that Im doing! I train, watch youtube tri-videos, get goosebumbs over it, dream about tri and so on... but now when the race is getting closer, I am scared!!! My stomach hurts when I think about the race and I just have that funny feeling of being really scared. Dont know of what?! Im affraid not to do well, not to live up to my own expectations, to dnf, overall:not to be ble to do it... My mind is messing everything up! What to do???? Do you know of any good tricks to work with the mindset, then please let me know. Thank you.

2013-07-29 11:25 AM
in reply to: TriDk

Subject: RE: 20 days to IM and I am scared!
First of all, welcome.

Second, in terms of your question about being nervous/scared for an IM. We're all nervous before big races, it's natural. And since an IM race is perhaps the biggest race, sure, it's normal to be 'extra' nervous. But if you've done you're training (as you said, you peaked at 20hrs/week), trust your training. And also remember, the goal is to finish. You are racing against yourself out there, so take it easy and have fun. Be mindful of the cutoffs, but race your own race.

Good luck!
2013-07-29 11:42 AM
in reply to: TriDk

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Subject: RE: 20 days to IM and I am scared!
First, your English is just fine, better than some Americans on here. ;-)

It sounds like you're really putting too much pressure on yourself, and at risk of turning this into a negative experience. It sounds like your training is going well, it sounds like you're injury free, and it sounds like you're (mostly) enjoying the ride. You'll be ready for it, so just try to find a way to relax and enjoy the taper. If this ones doesn't go the way you want, there will always be another opportunity.

I don't really have any tips for you, other than perhaps find things which get your mind off of the race.
2013-07-29 12:08 PM
in reply to: TriDk

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Subject: RE: 20 days to IM and I am scared!

You sound like many of us prior to our first IM. Being nervous is part of respecting the race and having it be important to you.

I was really nervous as well. Going to the course and train helped me have confidence I could do it.

I also worked on mental exercises to help me focus on staying positive.

Made a list of all the positive big training that I had done.

I worked on staying moment focused so I wouldn't fret about what is to come or what happened but what I could do right now while training.

I did some imagery to see myself having a realistic positive race.

For me the fear was mostly if I could do it. I am a BOPer racer, and was worried about making the time cut offs. In retrospect I was afraid that I would disappoint myself with my results. Being to focused on time instead of the journey was the mental way I would change looking back.

Welcome to BT!

2013-07-29 12:21 PM
in reply to: #4815725

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Subject: RE: 20 days to IM and I am scared!
Thank you Kathy for that awesome response
2013-07-29 12:34 PM
in reply to: KathyG


Subject: RE: 20 days to IM and I am scared!
Thanks guys! I guess you are right about me putting too much pressure on myself. I have always been doing that, and that's not always at positive thing. I want to have a good day and a nice experience with the IM, so I need to stay positive. Thank you for the positive mentalexcercise ideas. And yes, I do have respect for the distance and yes the race is very important to me! But still, I'll try to relax and try to tell myself that I have done the best I could.. (But that doesn't seem to be good enough for my competitive brain...) I am a 26-year-old woman from Denmark, so I hope to have many many more IM races to come, so I need to loosen up, I know :-)

2013-07-29 12:42 PM
in reply to: TriDk

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North Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: 20 days to IM and I am scared!
I would also suggest not to get yourself all caught up with times. Meaning don't tell yourself that you need to have swim done in so many minutes, followed by bike and run times. If you have done the training you will meet the cut off times so don't worry about that. Just relax, smile, have fun, and let the race just flow.....
2013-07-29 5:53 PM
in reply to: gordongecko

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Morton IL
Subject: RE: 20 days to IM and I am scared!
I get jitters too... My coach always tells me to trust my training. You have put the miles in, only goal first time should be to finish. If it is a 17 hour cutoff 16:59 or less, just finish. Good luck and be safe!!!!
2013-07-29 6:34 PM
in reply to: Paulford8

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Subject: RE: 20 days to IM and I am scared!

It's natural and ok to be nervous!

once the siren/cannon goes for the start those nerves disappear and turn into adrenalin.  You will have a blast!   I know a few people doing IM Copenhagen (it is a pity that it is no longer Challenge so no Macca )

Plan your race, race your plan - go have fun.

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