BT Development New Products and Sales! » LIMU For Energy Rss Feed  
Moderators: alicefoeller Reply
2013-08-05 10:23 AM


Subject: LIMU For Energy
I have been an active Triathlete for the past two years, having done Sprints, Olympics, and even the Ironman Texas in 2012. I am wondering if anyone on the site has tried any of the LIMU nutrition products (LIMU Original and BluFrog Energy Drink). In addition to 70 vitamins, nutrients, and minerals, both drinks have FUCOIDAN in them.

Not to throw out to much science, but FUCOIDAN is a sulfated polysaccharide, a complex carbohydrate molecule that is found in high concentrations in the cell walls of LIMU. This nutrient is unique and not found in any land based plants. It is a seaweed harvested in Tonga and through a patented extraction process, so the vitamins, nutrients and minerals act together to "supercharge" the FUCOIDAN so it fortifies your immune system.

I started using them both to fight pain and inflammation in my joints, and to help control my blood pressure, which had gotten a bit high over the past year. I have also been taking the BluFrog energy drinks at the past couple Tri's I did and have very good results (never bonked or got the letdown I would ordinarily get with other energy products I have tried. I have also noticed I have not had any stomach issues on the course.

I am wondering if anyone else has tried the products and had similar results? I got exposed to the product when my wife had major stomach issues, IBS, Colitis, etc, and had not found anything in the past that she can actually absorb into her system, therefore she had been anemic and has had digestion issues all her life. She tried LIMU for about 90 days and has experienced significant improvement. So much so, she has begun to sell the product. That's when I started trying the energy drink, BluFrog as well.

I will add the product site link, as well as my wife's website to review/purchase the products if anyone is interested.

or the Google + site


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BT Development New Products and Sales! » LIMU For Energy Rss Feed  

Introducing the D3 Energy Lab!

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2010-10-08 9:08 PM mikericci
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Sport drinks replenish what is lost during exercise, such as electrolytes, water, sugar, while energy drinks are designed to provide a boost in energy.
date : March 5, 2008
author : Nancy Clark
comments : 3
Why do you think you need to take so many pills? Look instead at your eating patterns - not vitamin deficiencies - as contributing to the low energy.
date : December 11, 2006
author : Nancy Clark
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If you have ever felt confused by the plethora of commercial sports fuels, you are not alone. Runners, cyclists, and other athletes inevitably ask me, "What’s the best energy bar? gel? sports drink?"
date : January 29, 2006
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You can spend a small fortune on these pre-wrapped bundles of energy, thinking they offer magic ingredients-not true. “Energy” simply means “provides calories” and not “will make you feel energetic."
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“The absence of unnecessary effort,” means that if you don't do any more than is necessary (to accomplish an activity), you won't waste your energy and feel drained afterwards.
date : January 30, 2005
author : DominiqueL
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Energy bars and fluid replacement drinks have their place – and will surely be the subject of future reviews – but there is nothing quite like the immediate lift an energy gel can provide.