Relax. The Run Leg Can Be Easier Than You Think

author : ChiRunning
comments : 1

“The absence of unnecessary effort,” means that if you don't do any more than is necessary (to accomplish an activity), you won't waste your energy and feel drained afterwards.

By Danny Dreyer Contributing Expert

Believe it or not, the key to a successful run and to a successful tri is not to work harder, but to work more efficiently — by relaxing! In this article we'll tell you how to teach yourself to relax, and what to focus on that will help your body relax. In doing so, you'll become a more efficient runner, you'll lower your chances for injury, and you'll enjoy yourself a whole lot more. Now, doesn't that sound good?

The dreaded run leg
Even triathletes who are good runners seem to dread the run leg. You get off your bike and your legs feel like they're filled with wet sand — immovable. For many triathletes, this impending forethought can lead to more than a little anxiety while they're still on the bike. Coming up to T2 with nothing left in your legs can be a little daunting. In answer to this dilemma, here are some helpful suggestions to transform that third leg from a grueling, painful experience into a relaxing, mindful exercise. [.....]

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date: September 3, 2005


ChiRunning combines the inner focus and flow of T'ai Chi with the power and energy of running to create a revolutionary running form and philosophy that takes the pounding, pain, and potential damage out of the sport of running. The ChiRunning program increases mental clarity and focus, enhances the joy of running, and turns running into a safe and effective lifelong program for health, fitness, and well-being.


ChiRunning combines the inner focus and flow of T'ai Chi with the power and energy of running to create a revolutionary running form and philosophy that takes the pounding, pain, and potential damage out of the sport of running. The ChiRunning program increases mental clarity and focus, enhances the joy of running, and turns running into a safe and effective lifelong program for health, fitness, and well-being.

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