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Escarpment Trail Run - Run

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Winham-Hunter, New York
United States
Total Time = 4h 53m 50s
Overall Rank = 98/224
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

Had a light breakfast and drove up. A bus takes you to the start from the finish. What a fantastic, different crowd. These mountain goats are a different cult from triathletes, but there's some crossover. chatted with a guy I met at a sprint tri and he gave me some great info on the course.
Event warmup:

None. Huddled under a tree as the skies really opened up during registration/pre race.
  • 4h 53m 50s
  • 18.6 miles
  • 15m 48s  min/mile

trail starts out with 3.5 miles of straight up Windom High Peak, but its not too technical. it'svery bunched up for a while since its a single track path and folks are pretty fresh. I tried to keep it easy knowing the second peak was going to be harder. someone stirred up a bees nest here but I was lucky not to be one of the stung ones. lots of folks before and after me got some sting though.

I was warned about Black Head, but it really sunk in climbing hand over hand up this thing on the wet rocks. I was concerned for the guy in front of me as he seemed like he would topple over at any minute, but he made it to the top just fine. and I had no juice to pass him even if I didnt want to keep an eye on him.

I lost faith a little right before Dutchess Notch, before the climb to Stoppel Pt. I twisted my ankle and was just feeling sorry for myself at this point and that had to hurt my time some. the race had really thinned out at this point.

The last climb was slow but fine. Luckily I was warned that the 3rd peak has a false summitand just when you think you made it, it starts climbing again. I heard some people say that its a fast 3 miles to the finish. Ha! not for me. as soon as I would pick up the pace, the decent would get technical again. I let a lot of people pass on by as I picked my way down the Mt.
What would you do differently?:

Of course train more for a course like this. A lot of folks passed me, especially in the last 4 miles that had less in the tank but way better trail skills.

I wished I would have stayed longer after the race to enjoy the camaraderie. I had a 3+hr drive to LP that I should not have committed to. When it comes to racing, I need to focus on the one at hand.
Post race
Warm down:

Had a bagle and took a dip in north lake to wash off the mud.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Training and rain. The pre race rain made every rock wet and since the sun never came out, they never dried. I was very cautious, but second guessing that is silly. If I had been less cautious I may not have finished at all. Also, I like trail running, so I should probably do more of it.

Event comments:

This race is fantastic. I almost didn't post this here because I selfishly don't want to drive up demand. this guy sells out his race every year but still hardly charges anything to do it. and a huge shout out to the volunteers who hiked in the supplies for aid stations. i cant wait to come back in 2015!

Last updated: 2013-07-30 12:00 AM
04:53:50 | 18.6 miles | 15m 48s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/224
Performance: Average
German had 17.88 (16:25/mile) Miles but trail races are never perfect neither is garmin with all the twist/turns and climbs. Avg HR was 157 bpm
Course: Wow, what a course! From Windham to North Lake at Hunter, not crossing a road once. 3 summits to climb (winham high peak, black head, and stoppel pt) and some very technical descents.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Too much
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2013-08-26 4:32 PM

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Extreme Veteran
Cold Spring, NY
Subject: Escarpment Trail Run
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