General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Ever have one of those days? Rss Feed  
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2013-09-09 2:52 PM

Subject: Ever have one of those days?
Last Saturday was my 6th sprint triathlon. .3/ 14/ 5k
I had a good meal Friday, good breakfast Saturday, hydrated and all… training was up to par for this time of year…..I started off with one of my best swim times ever. I felt strong, and it was easy. I did not feel like I was over cooking the engine, and then the wheels came off!

Running to T1 I got leg cramps. I have never had leg cramps out of the water. I felt like my bike was on 2 flat tires... no roll! Then, I had some equipment problems on the bike… front der. slid down after hitting a pothole (no idea how this happened). I could not shift well, or when I wanted to. It caused me to be in a harder gear than I wanted to be on many hills- the chain was grinding and it was just awful to listen to. Subsequently, I felt like I had cement legs on the run. I usually average high 8 min to mid 9 minute miles in 5 mile runs… I ended up 10 min plus per mile. I gave up 6 minutes to my age group on the bike and run! I was terribly disappointed, but only because I expected to do so much better. I guess I feel like I did the best I could with what I had that day, but still bummed out. No time/money left this year for another Tri, so I have to taste that for 364 more days.
I’ve got a worse than normal post race hangover- not like a drug/ alcohol hangover, but like a post Christmas morning let down… you look forward to one thing all year, then its over, and you have the long part of the wait to look forward to.

Someone tell me a joke to make it hurt less!

2013-09-09 3:09 PM
in reply to: chandy14ski

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Rhode Island
Subject: RE: Ever have one of those days?
A blonde walks into a library, walks up to the information desk, and says-- "I'll have a burger, small fries, and a diet coke"

The lady at the desk says "Excuse me miss, this is a library!"

The blonde says "Oh, sorry" and then whispers, "I'll have a burger, small fries, and a diet coke"!
2013-09-09 3:39 PM
in reply to: johnmoran

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Ever have one of those days?
An Irish man walks out of a bar
2013-09-09 4:08 PM
in reply to: LukeS

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Subject: RE: Ever have one of those days?

Originally posted by LukeS An Irish man walks out of a bar

Urban myth.

2013-09-09 5:15 PM
in reply to: chandy14ski

Subject: RE: Ever have one of those days?
What did the fish say when it swam into the wall?


And remember, even if you had a bad race, at least you're not one of these people:

2013-09-09 6:55 PM
in reply to: Mellie03

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Subject: RE: Ever have one of those days?

Where does the king keep his armies?

In his sleevies!

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