General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Felt B12 - good choice for a bigg-ish guy? Rss Feed  
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2013-12-16 1:31 PM


Subject: Felt B12 - good choice for a bigg-ish guy?
Hi there,

I am *this* close to pulling the trigger on a 2012 Felt B12 (LBS still has an unboxed one, so it would be brand spanking new).

It's an all-carbon frame with the stock TT3 wheels.

I am 5'11" and 222 currently, though by the tri season I should be down to 210 (and hopefully less!) Also, my biggest struggles, regardless of weight, is getting up hills. I have read recently that the B12 is an awesome bike for flats and long stretches, but just wanted to see if it's the right choice for hills (though in my case, I might just suck on hills, regardless of bike).

Any thoughts would be great! Thanks!

2013-12-16 5:07 PM
in reply to: DorkRocketKirk

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Subject: RE: Felt B12 - good choice for a bigg-ish guy?
I started at about 260 and got a B12 when I started getting into HIM races. I've ridden it through Timberman, Mooseman, various century rides and love the bike to death.

I hate hills and really suck at them but it's not the bike's fault.

2013-12-16 8:11 PM
in reply to: #4914006

Subject: RE: Felt B12 - good choice for a bigg-ish guy?
I don't have much experience with tri - specific bikes, but it's my understanding that they're not great on hills in general. At least compared to road bikes. I struggle with hills also, but in my case, there are bigger gains to be had in the motor, not the machine. Good luck, and don't forget to post a pic if you get it
2013-12-24 10:22 PM
in reply to: #4914222


Subject: RE: Felt B12 - good choice for a bigg-ish guy?
There won't be a specific bike that's going to get you up a hill noticeably faster unless what you have now is old/heavy. There's a reason why there are no 220 pound riders racing in the Tour de France. You/I can't put out enough watts to get that much weight up as fast as a 160 pound rider.

That said, 220 pounds isn't that bike for most high end road bikes. Most race wheels are rated to 235 pounds and carbon and aluminum frames are very strong and rarely ever break. (I worked in a bike shop)

The question is.. Does the felt fit you well? Are you comfortable on it? Does your bike need to be upgraded?

2013-12-25 11:39 AM
in reply to: DorkRocketKirk

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Subject: RE: Felt B12 - good choice for a bigg-ish guy?
i was 220(185 now) when i got my B12 and has carbon wheels have no problem with it i racked 500 miles to it before my major weight loss, the bike never saw the inside of the bike shop other than pre rce check up. I would invest first on a professional master fitter to make the best aero position. Theres alot out there that claims to be professional fitters with a piece of paper that says so. I would ask around the elites and pros who is the best experienced fitter in town and you dont have to be a pro to get a professional fit.

Alot of newbie cyclist blow a bunch of cash on carbon wheels 2K where money can be well spent on other practical matters like bike fitting or aero helmet, then would be hesitant to spend $250.00 to $300 on a professional bike fit.

Good luck to you man!!!
2013-12-29 8:58 PM
in reply to: strykergt

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South dakota
Subject: RE: Felt B12 - good choice for a bigg-ish guy?
I am riding a b14 (same frame different component ) I have about 7k on it and weigh in between, 200-220 depending how poor my food choices have been. Fit is the big thing if it firs it will sever you well

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