General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Challenge New Albany Rss Feed  
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2014-02-14 10:10 AM

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Subject: Challenge New Albany
Last night, HFP announced they have teamed up with Challenge Family to bring Challenge New Albany. The races include a kid race, women only race, Olympic and half iron distance. I am looking forward to this one. Anyone else?

2014-02-14 10:26 AM
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Subject: RE: Challenge New Albany


I was all aboard with doing Giant Eagle, but now that it has become this, I'm even more onboard.  I will be signing up for the Olympic.



Edit:  I'm all signed up for the Olympic.

Edited by cgregg 2014-02-14 10:44 AM
2014-02-14 11:12 AM
in reply to: TriDiesel

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Subject: RE: Challenge New Albany
I am trying to decide between this and the Giant Eagle, mainly because the Giant Eagle ends downtown which is where I live. Either way I'll do an Olympic that weekend!
2014-02-14 11:46 AM
in reply to: aalbury

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Subject: RE: Challenge New Albany

Originally posted by aalbury I am trying to decide between this and the Giant Eagle, mainly because the Giant Eagle ends downtown which is where I live. Either way I'll do an Olympic that weekend!


This race replaces Giant Eagle, so technically, you're doing both

2014-02-14 2:28 PM
in reply to: cgregg

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Challenge New Albany
Why do they always have a women race? Why not just combine it with the regular one?

I'm looking at the half here but not sure.
2014-02-14 3:18 PM
in reply to: cgregg

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Subject: RE: Challenge New Albany
I didn't know it was replacing it... that makes the decision easier. I'll be signed up shortly!

2014-02-14 7:44 PM
in reply to: #4949408

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Subject: RE: Challenge New Albany
I'm actually really disappointed that they're not doing giant eagle (I live in Clintonville and the bike course came within a block of my house, so I have an attachment to that one). The New Albany race looks nice, but I don't know if I'll do it - I don't really want to do the women's only, and I'm not ready for an Olympic. I wish they were doing a sprint instead of women only (or made the women only a sprint length instead of super-sprint).
2014-02-16 2:31 AM
in reply to: NDIrishO3

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New user

Subject: RE: Challenge New Albany
New Albany is not a premier tri destination and some what disappointing to me. Most likely will do the Half because I need that distance around that time. I'm sure the Giant Eagle Race was a challenge due to the bike route and consuming a lot of downtown but that race was capturing huge momentum and popularity for Columbus. I'm sad it's no longer on the schedule. New Albany is nice but the Arena District and downtown Columbus gave a big time feel to the race weekend.
2014-03-04 3:36 PM
in reply to: TriDiesel

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Subject: RE: Challenge New Albany
yes I am. Trading Muncie for New Albany.
2014-03-06 10:36 AM
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Subject: RE: Challenge New Albany

Originally posted by TTX95 New Albany is not a premier tri destination and some what disappointing to me. Most likely will do the Half because I need that distance around that time. I'm sure the Giant Eagle Race was a challenge due to the bike route and consuming a lot of downtown but that race was capturing huge momentum and popularity for Columbus. I'm sad it's no longer on the schedule. New Albany is nice but the Arena District and downtown Columbus gave a big time feel to the race weekend.


After a bit of afterthought, I am sad that the Giant Eagle course is gone, too.  When I first learned of New Albany, I had assumed that the course would be the same, and just the name behind it had changed.  I loved the run at Giant Eagle, and the finish at Arch Park was fantastic!  Being able to bike down High Street was awesome.

In any case, Challenge has a great reputation worldwide, and I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of event they put on for us.

Edited by cgregg 2014-03-06 10:36 AM
2014-06-17 9:23 AM
in reply to: cgregg

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Subject: RE: Challenge New Albany
Sorry to resurrect an old thread - but I had a question for the locals.

I'm trying to make this race work logistically for me but I'll be flying in straight from a business trip. That means I need to ship my bike up there, but TriBike transport isn't supporting this race.

Is there a good local shop you think I could ship my bike too and then have them assemble for me, then drop it off, have them disassemble and ship it back to my in Georgia?

any leads would be helpful - thanks guys.

2014-06-24 10:56 AM
in reply to: Iwannarunlikeforrest

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Subject: RE: Challenge New Albany
Check with Wes at Triformance. I mentioned to him that you need some assistance. Check him on fb at Triformance- Swim bike run
2014-07-08 8:36 AM
in reply to: kenb321

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Subject: RE: Challenge New Albany
I am in, was really excited but my Achilles has been bothering me since last week so I know my run is going to suffer.
2014-07-17 5:56 PM
in reply to: ajusf16

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Subject: RE: Challenge New Albany

Originally posted by ajusf16 I am in, was really excited but my Achilles has been bothering me since last week so I know my run is going to suffer.


Rest it well, and stretch it regularly.... achilles' issues can be tricky and really linger.

Really looking forward to this race, I feel like I've hardly done anything this season, and I'm missing all the good races.  Ready to turn it loose!

2014-07-22 6:59 AM
in reply to: cgregg

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Subject: RE: Challenge New Albany
I have been resting since the 12th as much as humanly possible. Which also means that this race is going to go terrible for me as I have not done any training for the last few weeks.

I am just going to go and enjoy the atmosphere and hope to not aggravate the injury further
2014-07-24 11:32 AM
in reply to: TriDiesel

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Subject: RE: Challenge New Albany
I am looking forward for the race reports.
Giant Eagle was one of my favorite race, first because it is in my backyard, no need to travel. And second - the Columbus downtown finish is awesome. One more voice to be sorry for GE is gone

I hope the New Albany finish will be great for athletes too.
I am not in this time, but based on race reports consider the next year. The bike route is very familiar, I use it in my training.

2014-07-24 12:55 PM
in reply to: trig

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Subject: RE: Challenge New Albany

Yeah, I will definitely miss GE.   One big reason is that last year was my first year and I was looking forward to being able to do a year-on-year comparison of myself on the same course.   Plus, it was kinda cool to qualify for the 5150 Championship in Des Moines  (that's a great event... best swag, ever).


Plus, that ride down High St. and the finish in Arch Park were just fantastic experiences.  I'm really hoping New Albany delivers.... we'll know soon enough! 

2014-07-24 3:32 PM
in reply to: cgregg

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Subject: RE: Challenge New Albany
The last time I was in New Albany it was completely under construction so it will be interesting how the finish will be
2014-07-29 3:11 PM
in reply to: TriDiesel

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Subject: RE: Challenge New Albany
What did you guys think? I have to say I was disappointed. I did the Olympic aquabike, so I didn't run - maybe the run atmosphere was better than the rest. The swim was good, a typical alum creek swim, but I hated the bike course. It just felt really lonely - there were times there I couldn't see anyone ahead of or behind me (and I had passed some people so I know there were others out there!) and I thought it was poorly marked (I had to verify with the police officers which way to go a couple times). Being out in the country meant nobody was around watching, and I got buzzed closely by cars a couple times. I definitely missed the atmosphere of the giant eagle race.
2014-07-29 4:53 PM
in reply to: NDIrishO3

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Subject: RE: Challenge New Albany

The run was nearly devoid of spectators... the town of New Albany looked like it was completely shuttered for the season.  They DEFINITELY need to learn how to be a host town. Hopefully, they'll learn to be more enthusiastic about hosting a sporting event in their city.  The run was also deceptively tough (for me, anyway) and it was much more humid out there than I realized while I was out there.


I enjoyed the challenge of the bike course.  It definitely felt kinda solitary at times, but all tri's feel that way to me on some level.  I was passing a somewhat steady stream of people, though, so it didn't seem AS lonely as it might have otherwise.


Overall, I definiltey missed the excitement and atmosphere of Giant Eagle, but this was an inaugural event, and I think it'll improve with time.

2014-07-29 8:18 PM
in reply to: cgregg


Subject: RE: Challenge New Albany
The bike course seemed to eat people. Every time I would pass someone, I'd glance back a few moments later and they would have disappeared completely. There were definitely times when there would be nobody in front of or behind me and I was left to wonder if I had missed a turn. The road conditions were better than I expected, but still need a lot of improvement before next year.

The run course was lacking. Lacking spectators; lacking energy. I had my own issues going on and had crawled into my dark little world by then, but the few times I did look around it felt like nobody was excited at all to be out there.

I was also disappointed overall. Hopefully they find a way to bring out some energy in the event for next year.

2014-07-30 11:38 AM
in reply to: NDIrishO3

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Subject: RE: Challenge New Albany
I overall enjoyed this tri. I have never done a big name race like IronMan or Rev 3 so this was probably the biggest for me so far. I did the olympic and don't think I ever found myself alone on the bike. While I didn't like that the run course had causal neighborhood folks going for their morning walk or walking their dog on the run path I enjoyed running with the pros as I hit the run about the same time they did. They made me feel like I was standing still with how fast they were running compared to me.

I found the amount of spectators at T2 and the finish line to be great. With most of the local races I think it is usually just a handful of people cheering and at the New Albany the entire finishing circle and finishing shoot had a crowd around.

There are some aspects that I did not like, such as not being directed to the snacks after I was finished. I was handed a waterbottle, then walked to watch more people finish and commented to my wife that I was surprised there wasn't any food. About 20 min later I ran into a friend with a plate of food who then told me where to go.

I plan to do this race again next year.
2014-07-31 8:22 PM
in reply to: aalbury

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New user

Subject: RE: Challenge New Albany
I didn't like it. The bike course was awful with very rough roads etc. the run was isolated and lonely. I did the half so I got to enjoy two laps of a lonely run. I will say the course both bike and run was well supported with volunteers which are greatly appreciated. The finish area was lame and it wasn't a big time atmosphere as compared to the GE finish downtown. The swag for doing the race was pretty weak. A water bottle and a black shirt that says finisher... Finisher of what? The donut eating contest? Next year I will probably look out of state for a race during this time. Oh and a few more porta Jon's on the run would have been nice espec since it was humid and I pounded fluids on the bike.
2014-08-01 9:54 AM
in reply to: TTX95

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Subject: RE: Challenge New Albany

I didn't think the roads were bad at all, were the rough parts after you guys split from us OLY folk?

I know that there was one long rough patch on the Half course, and that has been addressed by Shannon Kurek in his post-race email among the things they will have fixed for next year.


I enjoyed the challenge of the bike course, but I agree with you on the rest of your points.  It did not have the big event vibe and energy that you get at an IM or Rev3 event, and this being a global brand, I fully expected that, and the swag was definitely pathetic.   I think a big part of that is that the city of New Albany apparently has no citizens.... that place was desolate.   Brand spanking new buildings everywhere, but the inhabitants were nowhere to be seen.  Nobody came out to cheer things on.   I'm hoping that most of these points are simply part of being an inaugural event and that it will improve with time.

I've already registered for next year's OLY.  I'm looking to put together a better run after a less-than-stellar showing on the run course this year.

2014-08-01 3:59 PM
in reply to: cgregg

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Dublin, OH
Subject: RE: Challenge New Albany
I wasn't too excited by the race either. I thought by HFP standards, it was a great race. It was well put together, more volunteers than an HFP race, and better crowd support than most HFP races. Problem was that this wasn't a standard HFP race, it was a Challenge branded race operated by HFP with a much higher entry fee. And I wasn't judging it by HFP standards, but by WTC and Rev3 standards which charge the same amount.

Roads seemed fine (Especially compared to Deer Creek or even Rev3 Cedar Point).

What's odd is that the WTC 5i50 Giant Eagle event were also operated by HFP, but felt much bigger and had more hype and I just left thinking "what an awesome event we have here in in town, can't wait to do it next year". I don't have that same feeling about Challenge New Albany.

Anyway, Chris, I don't know how you can complain about that run (it was deceptively hilly and hot/humid). You rocked this race! I can't believe you missed the podium. Your time is impressive considering the net uphill bike with some headwinds and the 6.8 mile run course. Great job!


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