General Discussion Triathlon Talk » How much and what do you lose in a week of inactivity? Rss Feed  
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2014-04-08 7:17 AM

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Austin, Texas
Subject: How much and what do you lose in a week of inactivity?

Just curious if anyone else has taken a week completely off during a key "build" block a couple months before an A race and, if so, what  you noticed on coming back.  Did you suck wind for a couple days?  Did your endurance lag?  Did you feel stronger?  Faster?  Slower?  etc.

Reason:  I have a HIM on 6/8 that I was in the middle of a my build phase (more race specific workouts started 3 weeks ago, and I have 5 more weeks until a 2 week peak and one week taper).  Then my left knee went POP on a run.  I'm walking and doing stairs again without pain and feel like I could run/ride/push off the wall "easy," but I'm shutting it down for at least a couple more days (I like to wait until after I feel I can return from an injury to actually do so).

So, I'm - obviously - freaking out about missing a key week during my build (and I'm on vaca with the family from next Wednesday for 10 days… terrific, but another rest week).  Seems like most of what I read is that each workout you miss during the race-specific stuff matters, so I'm concerned about the week off followed by a week of no bike/swim.

All in, no choice and really not a huge deal (in case you're wondering, I'm not a pro  and this is just fun).  One of my least favorite sayings is "it is what it is," but I could say that now with a smile.

Just wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience and what you actually noticed, if anything.


2014-04-08 7:38 AM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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Exton, PA
Subject: RE: How much and what do you lose in a week of inactivity?
Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Just curious if anyone else has taken a week completely off during a key "build" block a couple months before an A race and, if so, what  you noticed on coming back.  Did you suck wind for a couple days?  Did your endurance lag?  Did you feel stronger?  Faster?  Slower?  etc.

Reason:  I have a HIM on 6/8 that I was in the middle of a my build phase (more race specific workouts started 3 weeks ago, and I have 5 more weeks until a 2 week peak and one week taper).  Then my left knee went POP on a run.  I'm walking and doing stairs again without pain and feel like I could run/ride/push off the wall "easy," but I'm shutting it down for at least a couple more days (I like to wait until after I feel I can return from an injury to actually do so).

So, I'm - obviously - freaking out about missing a key week during my build (and I'm on vaca with the family from next Wednesday for 10 days… terrific, but another rest week).  Seems like most of what I read is that each workout you miss during the race-specific stuff matters, so I'm concerned about the week off followed by a week of no bike/swim.

All in, no choice and really not a huge deal (in case you're wondering, I'm not a pro  and this is just fun).  One of my least favorite sayings is "it is what it is," but I could say that now with a smile.

Just wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience and what you actually noticed, if anything.


I happen to have a HIM on 6/8 as well. My left knee has been a little swollen and sore for 2 weeks now. I have not stopped, just doing all my runs slow and no hard intervals on the bike either. I'm just hoping it starts feeling better soon. I've been wrestling with similar thoughts, should I stop for a week or keep going slow? Almost wish I had a no choice week to shut it down.
2014-04-08 7:55 AM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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Ontario Canada
Subject: RE: How much and what do you lose in a week of inactivity?
Why No swim, I can understand no bike or run to rest the knee, but I would be really tempted to use the downtime to get in the pool and do some pull sets
with a bouy or laps with an very easy kick and short fins on and then maybe even later in the week try some water running to see how the knee is coming along . I probably wouldn't flip & push off the wall but just make an easy turn at the wall.

I don't think the extra week off will hurt too much and I agree better to get back to 100% Now then to only get back to 75% and then have something happen again closer to the race day.
2014-04-08 7:56 AM
in reply to: mike761

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Subject: RE: How much and what do you lose in a week of inactivity?

You'll lose a lot more if you continue to try to train on a bum knee that continues to have issues and you struggle over time to balance training with the injury.

The longer you have been an endurance athlete, the less you lose when you are off of training.

2014-04-08 8:36 AM
in reply to: KathyG

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: How much and what do you lose in a week of inactivity?

I find that you will come back stronger than you left off; however, your peak at the end might be a little lower than if you had trained through.  Don't risk a bad injury for race day because if that happens you will without a doubt be slower.

2014-04-08 8:46 AM
in reply to: dmiller5

Northern IL
Subject: RE: How much and what do you lose in a week of inactivity?

Originally posted by dmiller5

I find that you will come back stronger than you left off; however, your peak at the end might be a little lower than if you had trained through.  Don't risk a bad injury for race day because if that happens you will without a doubt be slower.

That's what I've seen too. Build up your fitness as you are able, and race with what you have. "Able" refers to your body's ability to handle, not whatever you can cram it into the schedule. Get there healthy.

2014-04-08 9:14 AM
in reply to: brigby1

Subject: RE: How much and what do you lose in a week of inactivity?
I was forced to take almost a week off recently due to illness and the things I noticed were that my legs felt fresh and my butt hurt while on the trainer. Other than that, no material change.
2014-04-08 12:11 PM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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Twin Cities
Subject: RE: How much and what do you lose in a week of inactivity?

Next to nothing.

2014-04-08 12:21 PM
in reply to: mmrocker13

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Subject: RE: How much and what do you lose in a week of inactivity?

From everything I have read, up to a week the change is pretty negligible


The chart from the article:

Days of not runningReduction in fitnessWhat this means for a 20 minute 5k runner
1-7 daysNegligible reduction in VO2 max and muscle powerNow running 20:10
10-14 days6% reduction in VO2 max and minimal reductions in muscle powerNow in 21:05 shape
14-30 daysEstimated 12% reduction in VO2 max and decrease in muscle powerNow in 23:00 shape
30-63 days19% reduction in VO2 max and significant decrease in muscle powerNow in 24:00 shape
63 days or more25.7% reduction in V02 max and significant decrease in muscle powerNow in 25:30 shape


2014-04-08 12:24 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Subject: RE: How much and what do you lose in a week of inactivity?

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by dmiller5

I find that you will come back stronger than you left off; however, your peak at the end might be a little lower than if you had trained through.  Don't risk a bad injury for race day because if that happens you will without a doubt be slower.

That's what I've seen too. Build up your fitness as you are able, and race with what you have. "Able" refers to your body's ability to handle, not whatever you can cram it into the schedule. Get there healthy.

As with me, but the first couple workouts will suck

I have a 4/13 HIM, I got sick on 3/20 and basically did nothing for about 9 days.   Right during final build.  It is what it is, indeed!   My endurance is not quite what it was, but the speed (using that term loosely.....) came back quickly

2014-04-08 12:44 PM
in reply to: ChrisM

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: How much and what do you lose in a week of inactivity?

i've found that as long as the week doesn't include illness or complete irresponsibility (such as going on spring break in cancun) i see just about zero change in my workouts.  but as long as i eat reasonably and rest enough, i can easily take a week off and just pick back up where i was.

2014-04-08 2:27 PM
in reply to: mehaner

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Subject: RE: How much and what do you lose in a week of inactivity?
One week is not a big deal at all.

More of an issue is whether you can actually jump right back into the schedule without aggravating your knee. You may have to baby it a bit and step back on the volume and/or intensity.
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