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2014-05-15 1:24 PM

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN

GROUP FOCUS: Sprint and Olympic distance

NAME: Dominion / Chris

STORY: I am 43 years old and in my 3rd year of triathlon.  (The first was 1999, then a long layoff).  I returned to the sport in 2013 and now am totally committed to achieving my goals and helping others achieve theirs.  I have always tried to lead a healthy and active lifestyle, so no stories of an amazing personal turn-around here.  Just looking to set a positive example for my family and co-workers while finding that competitive outlet in life.  I'm a certified personal trainer and fire department Captain.  I closely supervise the daily fitness activities required of my crew, but also take pride that of all those 20-something guys, none can yet hang with me on the endurance front.

I am looking forward to helping others with topics ranging from training advice, to race day questions, nutrition, or anything else that is needed.  If I don't know the answers, I have the resources to find them.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 2 children

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 3 Sprints and 4 Olympics (including Age Group National Championships) on the calendar for 2014.  HIM (haven't decided which)for 2015.


To continue to train consistently to be competitive as an amateur Age-Grouper at the Olympic distance and build the base to race HIM.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I have a true passion for this sport and for a healthy and active lifestyle in general.  I am willing and interested in helping anyone looking to get into triathlon or those already competing who want to step their game up and be more competitive.    I have the background and experience to answer most questions and help guide triathletes on this amazing journey.  Also, I log into BT everyday.

It's race season!!! Time to SWIM -BIKE-RUN!!!

Edited by Dominion 2014-05-15 1:32 PM

2014-05-16 12:19 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Mind if I join the group. The group I have been following has largely been interested in IM and HIM.

2014-05-17 9:23 AM
in reply to: Dominion

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Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
I'd like to join the group.

I'm 43 and have always been pretty fit. I played football for about 20 years, giving up about 6 years ago.
I've done about 5 10k runs, and a super sprint a couple of weeks ago.

I'm doing my first open water sprint tri in a couple of weeks.
2014-05-18 4:39 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN

Welcome to the group Nate.  This group will focus on Sprint and Olympic distance training and racing.  These shorter races are what I know best and what I feel the most qualified to give advice and answer questions on.

I looked over your training logs and see a lot of consistency.  It looks like you are putting in some good work.

When you get a chance post up a bio and tell us a little about yourself and your goals involving multi-sport. 

2014-05-18 4:54 PM
in reply to: TonyAbbott

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN

Originally posted by TonyAbbott Hi, I'd like to join the group. I'm 43 and have always been pretty fit. I played football for about 20 years, giving up about 6 years ago. I've done about 5 10k runs, and a super sprint a couple of weeks ago. I'm doing my first open water sprint tri in a couple of weeks.


Tony, welcome.  So you are in England?  That's awesome, my wife and I love England.  I've got the Union Jack on my bike. (So when you say you played football, you mean what we Americans call Soccer? Professional? That will keep you in shape for sure!)  

What kind of times are you running on your stand alone 10k's?

First open water swim, how do you feel about it?  Ready to crush it or apprehensive?  Water kind of water is it? Ocean? Lake? River?

Post up a little bio about yourself and your goals in multi-sport when you get a chance.

Also the training logs are optional, but I find they do help in giving me a good idea of where your training is and how I may be able to help.





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2014-05-18 11:21 PM
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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Hi, Chris! I would like to join your group, please!

I am a 52-year-old network engineer, and my very first sprint triathlon is in less than 13 days! I discovered sprint triathlons a few months ago when doing some research on the Internet, and was immediately hooked. The distances for each of the three disciplines are something I’ve been doing for the past several years; I’ve just never done them all at the same time, and never with a performance goal, so I’m pretty slow.

I feel pretty good about my training for my upcoming event. My swimming has really improved, and my time on my bike is getting better. (I’m reacquainting myself with a street bike after 34 years on mountain bikes.) I’m not a runner, but rather a power walker because of knee issues, and that’s how I planned to do the run portion. My big concern right now is my chronic plantar fasciitis in my right foot is flaring up, so I’ve been taking it easy on my feet. My plan is to continue my training this week, including some short power walk sessions, and then next week really dial it back and take it easy before my event, maybe practicing transitions and getting out of my wetsuit. I will spend the Memorial Day weekend at my friend’s lake, practicing open water swimming and trying to avoid leaches.

This year’s races: Troika Sprint Tri on May 31, Righteous Richland Mountain Bike Sprint Tri on July 5, and Race the River Sprint Tri on July 27. I may do another triathlon in mid August, but I haven’t decided for sure yet.

2014 training goals: To have fun and complete my events, and also to get faster on my bike so those gorgeous guys who train where I do don’t pass me like I’m standing still anymore!


Edited by burner2 2014-05-18 11:22 PM

2014-05-18 11:41 PM
in reply to: #4996689

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Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN

I would love to join your group if you still have room! I'm in my late 20s and this is my first year doing triathlons. I'm doing a sprint tri at the end of July, and an Olympic at the Portland Triathlon at the end of September. I'm following the Olympic 3x balanced training program from this site and trying to stick to it as best as I can. It's been tough for me to get to the pool but I think I have my scheduling kinks worked out!

I swam competitively in high school but haven't really swam much in the past 10 years, it seems to be coming back to me quickly though. I've never been a runner but I'm having a lot of success with a couch to 5k program and I'm starting to enjoy it for the first time in my life. I bike at the gym right now up to 30 miles and I just got my road bike tuned up and ready to go. My biggest challenge is finding long enough trails to ride on (I'm not comfortable on the roads) but honestly I just need a little kick in the butt to get me going! I know the trails are out there but for some reason I'm having a hard time motivating myself to get out there and ride them.

I joined my local triathlon club but it's a little intimidating as they all seem to be pros!

Looking forward to hearing from everyone!

2014-05-19 6:32 AM
in reply to: Dominion

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New user
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
I'd like to join this group as well.

I'm 33 years old, married with 2 kids. My oldest is 4 and youngest will be 2 in July. I've completed two different sprint tri's last year. The only difference between the two were the swims. First one was 500m and the second was 750m. I've jumped up the Oly distance this year and am cautiously optimistic about the swim. I'm pretty sure I can finish the swim and I'm better on the bike and my strongest leg is the run. My first race is June 1st. I'm a bit concerned about the water temperature. It's barely made its way up into the 60 for the month of May here in Michigan. Glad I got a wetsuit that I'll be trialing this weekend a few times. At this point it had better fit!

2014-05-19 7:22 AM
in reply to: scottjjmtri99

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Americus, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Hi, Chris! I'm jumping over to your group from the other one. Look forward to reading everyone's experiences on this one, too!
2014-05-19 7:38 AM
in reply to: Dominion

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Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
I'd like to join your group. This is my second year as a triathlete. I did my first mini sprint and full spring last year. This year i'm signed up for 1 mini, 1 sprint, and my first olympic. Thanks!!
2014-05-19 10:50 AM
in reply to: whitneydsmith

New user
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN

Not sure if your group is full yet but if not my I join? Last year was my first time doing sprints and I'm hoping to move up to OLY before end of this season. My first sprint of the year is coming up in 2 weeks.


2014-05-19 1:40 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Here my Bio

Name: Nate
Story: I ran track and cross country in high school and college. Got started because a back injury prevented me from playing football, and found I really liked racing. My favorite events were the 4x400 and the 800m. I continued running after college but stopped when I entered medical school, but stayed active. I didn't do much physical activity during surgical residency, or my critical care fellowship. I have been in practice now for almost 2 years. I started working out in August of last year. I was significantly heavier than in college (215lbs up from 170lbs). I started by biking and mixed a little swimming in for variation. I did run at first because I was afraid of injury. By November I had started doing all three at a low level, and decided one day to look in to triathlon as a training goal. Had no idea about the huge tri community out there, and was amazed to find there were a lot of races around.

I have completed two sprints this year. I hope to do a couple more. In October I hope to do an Olympic distance followed by a late season half marathon. Besides completing two triathlons I was very happy to run over 5 miles for the first time in 12 years last month, and swam my first continuous mile all freestyle last week. I have not been biking nearly enough, and typically use the trainer at the gym and borrow a bike for races.

My goals were initially weight loss, and now more fitness. I have dropped to 193lbs, and 3 belt sizes. I feel great.

Family: I am married and have two children (5 and 2), number 3 is coming in September. Races are hard because I work every other weekend and I like the family to be there.

This year races: Done: Azeala Tri (pool swim), White lake Sprint (open water) race reports on BT if anyone interested
Future: Washington (sprint), Triangle (sprint), and Pinehurst (oly)

Goals: Change my life and have fun doing it. Olympic tri, and half marathon.
2014-05-19 2:02 PM
in reply to: burner2

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN

Cassandra, Welcome to the group. I'm happy to hear your feel good about your training for this first event.  I think you have the right idea as far as dialing it back and staying off the foot going into your race.  I usually taper down my training the week of a race.  I get a little paranoid and have that feeling like I should be doing more, but think of it as a reward for all the hard work you've already put in.  Relax and enjoy that last week, with just a couple of easy to moderate workouts and your body will be rested and strong on race morning.

Also good idea to practice with the wetsuit.  Make sure you know step by step exactly how you are going to get that thing off.  Will save time and frustration in T1.

2014-05-19 2:27 PM
in reply to: whitneydsmith

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN

Welcome Whitney.  

The fact that you were a HS swimmer gives you a huge advantage in this sport.  You say that it is coming back quickly..that is great. I'm sure technique and form will soon be like you never left, just maybe have to get the lung fitness up to speed.  Many triathletes struggle with the swim more than anything, so right off the bat you are ahead of the game as a former competitive swimmer.

I know what you mean about having trouble getting to the pool  I have the exact same problem.  I try to schedule 2 swims a week (which really I should be doing more) but sometimes only make it once due to work and family obligations or weather or the pool is closed, or some such other issue.

As for the Tri club, it can be intimidating entering a new "environment" where others are already established, but I have found the tri community to be overwhelmingly friendly and helpful.  I'm sure there are those there willing to help you and invite you into their group.  Remember everybody had to start somewhere.  The fast people now weren't always fast.  Take advantage of the opportunities there if you can.  I train mostly by myself but when I am in group situations it is almost always with guys faster than me.  They force me to push harder.  The best way to get faster is to train with those that are faster.

Looking forward to hearing more about your training and how that swim evolves.

2014-05-19 2:53 PM
in reply to: scottjjmtri99

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN

Scott, welcome to the group.  I have a family with younger children too, so I understand the challenges there.  

Looks like you have an Olympic coming up quick!  Your running looks very solid.  You are doing some bricks and running that fast off the bike is strong.  

I don't see much swimming in your training logs.   What kind of swim is the race? Lake?  If you feel optimistic then you probably have it under control, just don't underestimate an open water swim, especially if conditions could be worse than what you have trained for.  Trust me I just went through a nightmare ocean swim in my race this weekend, but more on that later.   As for the wetsuit, good idea to make sure it fits and make sure you have a good range of motion and can actually swim in it.  Check for areas of chafing (again personal experience and more on that later as well.) or any other unexpected complications or issues.  And yeah, make sure you can get out of it quickly and without assistance.


2014-05-19 3:16 PM
in reply to: marriedthepoolguy

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN

Jenn, glad you made it over from the old thread!

I read your last post over there and so sorry to hear about your crash.  Hope you are on the mend and feeling better.  Just take it easy for a few extra days if you need to.  Luckily your race is 4 weeks out so you have a little time.  Don't rush it..plenty of time.

As for Jekyll Island, it was a great weekend!  The weather was fantastic, nice and cool with ocean breezes.  I literally did not feel myself sweating until maybe the last 2 miles of the run.  The weather was great but the swim was terrible.  The wind and currents were strong and directly opposing the swim direction.  The swells and chop got worse as the swim went on and took its toll on everyone.  Lots of people bailed on the swim and took DNF's or were DQ'd.  (I think the count was 30 something.) Anyway I'll talk more about it in the race report but this sums it up:   It was a standard point to point ocean swim of 1500 meters.  Last year's time for me was 25 minutes, this year 57 minutes!  And yes, 57 minutes was the #1 swim split in my 40-44 AG out of the 12 of us who completed the swim.  Horrible conditions!

But in the end a great weekend. I got to race with my brother and I won my AG!!!  My brother, Will won his too, 35-39!!!  And he got 7th overall!!  So we had a great time and a great weekend of racing.  Again blog entry with more details and pics coming soon!

I should have a race report up on my blog tonight or (more likely) by tomorrow night.   

2014-05-19 3:23 PM
in reply to: Kteter

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN

Kteter, Welcome to our group.  I see you have a few races on the schedule for this year, what are the dates?  How do you feel about stepping up to that Olympic distance?  Feel free to share how your training is going and ask any questions.  

2014-05-19 3:37 PM
in reply to: kmstig

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN

Kmstiq/Kim, welcome.

So your are racing in 2 weeks!! are you ready?

Where in GA are you?  I'm in Statesboro and may be able to recommend a later season Olympic if you haven't already picked one. Anyway tell us a little more about yourself and feel free to ask any questions or share your training or racing experiences.

2014-05-19 3:52 PM
in reply to: 0

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN

Originally posted by nrpoulin Here my Bio Name: Nate Story: I ran track and cross country in high school and college. Got started because a back injury prevented me from playing football, and found I really liked racing. My favorite events were the 4x400 and the 800m. I continued running after college but stopped when I entered medical school, but stayed active. I didn't do much physical activity during surgical residency, or my critical care fellowship. I have been in practice now for almost 2 years. I started working out in August of last year. I was significantly heavier than in college (215lbs up from 170lbs). I started by biking and mixed a little swimming in for variation. I did run at first because I was afraid of injury. By November I had started doing all three at a low level, and decided one day to look in to triathlon as a training goal. Had no idea about the huge tri community out there, and was amazed to find there were a lot of races around. I have completed two sprints this year. I hope to do a couple more. In October I hope to do an Olympic distance followed by a late season half marathon. Besides completing two triathlons I was very happy to run over 5 miles for the first time in 12 years last month, and swam my first continuous mile all freestyle last week. I have not been biking nearly enough, and typically use the trainer at the gym and borrow a bike for races. My goals were initially weight loss, and now more fitness. I have dropped to 193lbs, and 3 belt sizes. I feel great. Family: I am married and have two children (5 and 2), number 3 is coming in September. Races are hard because I work every other weekend and I like the family to be there. This year races: Done: Azeala Tri (pool swim), White lake Sprint (open water) race reports on BT if anyone interested Future: Washington (sprint), Triangle (sprint), and Pinehurst (oly) Goals: Change my life and have fun doing it. Olympic tri, and half marathon.


Thanks for giving us a little more info Nate.  Looks like you are going to be busy with #3 on the way!

I hear ya on the weight loss.  Losing weight was not really a goal of mine when I decided to get back in shape, it was more of a byproduct.  I was around 225 in 2011 and am now at 190.  I'm tall so I didn't even really realize I was overweight, but I was carrying a  lot of extra body fat back then. My in-season race weight seems to stabilize around 185-190 and fluctuates up to around 195 over the winter.

As far as the cycling goes, working on the trainer can be very beneficial, but if you are not getting enough work in, it may be worth it to get your own bike for outdoor riding.  That way it's right there at home.  No having to go to the gym to ride.  Also a good bike that you like and fits your properly is always motivation to ride more.  You may want to just look around and find something used until you are ready and more familiar with the bikes out there to find what your really want.  I started on a $500 used road bike before I upgraded to my SHIV.  I still use the road bike for most of my training, but the SHIV is awesome to ride on race day!

Edited by Dominion 2014-05-19 3:55 PM
2014-05-19 4:28 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
6/15 - Dragonfly Heart super sprint
8/4 - Ft. Richie Sprint
10/4 - Baltimore Tri - first ply

Honestly, I'm terrified of the olympic. Not the distance I can handle that! There are some major cutoff times that I was unaware of. I just upgraded to a silver membership and have the 12 week olympic training plan now. I think upping my intensity and determination a bit will get me over the hill of these cutoffs!
2014-05-20 8:44 AM
in reply to: Kteter

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Americus, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Kteter

6/15 - Dragonfly Heart super sprint
8/4 - Ft. Richie Sprint
10/4 - Baltimore Tri - first ply

Honestly, I'm terrified of the olympic. Not the distance I can handle that! There are some major cutoff times that I was unaware of. I just upgraded to a silver membership and have the 12 week olympic training plan now. I think upping my intensity and determination a bit will get me over the hill of these cutoffs!

Where are you in MD? I lived in Chestertown for the past 14 years before moving to GA last summer. The Dragonfly Heart sprint caught my eye. I know the folks that coordinate that race. On the B'more tri, please tell me they don't do that in the B'more Harbor! Ewwwww!!!! I've rowed in the harbor before and it is so gross!!!
Good luck with the training!!

2014-05-20 8:48 AM
in reply to: Dominion

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Americus, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Dominion

Jenn, glad you made it over from the old thread!

I read your last post over there and so sorry to hear about your crash.  Hope you are on the mend and feeling better.  Just take it easy for a few extra days if you need to.  Luckily your race is 4 weeks out so you have a little time.  Don't rush it..plenty of time.

As for Jekyll Island, it was a great weekend!  The weather was fantastic, nice and cool with ocean breezes.  I literally did not feel myself sweating until maybe the last 2 miles of the run.  The weather was great but the swim was terrible.  The wind and currents were strong and directly opposing the swim direction.  The swells and chop got worse as the swim went on and took its toll on everyone.  Lots of people bailed on the swim and took DNF's or were DQ'd.  (I think the count was 30 something.) Anyway I'll talk more about it in the race report but this sums it up:   It was a standard point to point ocean swim of 1500 meters.  Last year's time for me was 25 minutes, this year 57 minutes!  And yes, 57 minutes was the #1 swim split in my 40-44 AG out of the 12 of us who completed the swim.  Horrible conditions!

But in the end a great weekend. I got to race with my brother and I won my AG!!!  My brother, Will won his too, 35-39!!!  And he got 7th overall!!  So we had a great time and a great weekend of racing.  Again blog entry with more details and pics coming soon!

I should have a race report up on my blog tonight or (more likely) by tomorrow night.   

I'm moving slow, but I'm still moving. I've made it this far and I can't stand the idea of stopping completely, even for a few days, so I went for a 2 mile walk this morning and am planning to get in the pool tonight, even if I barely do anything. Still waiting for the prognosis on my bike.
I'm so sorry to hear about the crappy swim at JI! Yikes! But sounds like it was a still a good experience. Can't wait to read the race report!
2014-05-20 9:44 AM
in reply to: Dominion

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New user
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Dominion

Scott, welcome to the group.  I have a family with younger children too, so I understand the challenges there.  

Looks like you have an Olympic coming up quick!  Your running looks very solid.  You are doing some bricks and running that fast off the bike is strong.  

I don't see much swimming in your training logs.   What kind of swim is the race? Lake?  If you feel optimistic then you probably have it under control, just don't underestimate an open water swim, especially if conditions could be worse than what you have trained for.  Trust me I just went through a nightmare ocean swim in my race this weekend, but more on that later.   As for the wetsuit, good idea to make sure it fits and make sure you have a good range of motion and can actually swim in it.  Check for areas of chafing (again personal experience and more on that later as well.) or any other unexpected complications or issues.  And yeah, make sure you can get out of it quickly and without assistance.


I agree my swim log is lacking. My ability to get to the pool is quite limited. Only have relatively easy access to an endless pool during the week for 30 minutes and my time slot is filled this week . A lap pool is about 45 minutes away and just can't make it happen during the week. Although that might change if I can pull a few strings. I'm hitting the lake this weekend and will know for sure coming out of this weekend if I can go 1500m or if I'll be forced to move down to a sprint. ( I don't foresee it being a problem, but I suppose water temp could still be an issue for me) Will definitely practice with the suit.

I have one triathlon that is "open" water and takes place in Lake Huron, all my others start in small inland lakes that don't have too much issues with choppy waters and are capped at 400 participants spread out over 5 different waves. (Men and women, and Du) I'm not a big fan of the water start, but will make do with it. I like the beach starts. With this being my first Oly I'm looking to survive the swim and finish the race. Learn from the experience and improve over time.
2014-05-20 10:17 AM
in reply to: Dominion

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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
So, I have a question...I've been working out regularly since Christmas and training pretty hard in all three disciplines for the past two months....when will it stop hurting? I always feel pretty beat up.
2014-05-20 11:19 AM
in reply to: Kteter

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN

Originally posted by Kteter 6/15 - Dragonfly Heart super sprint 8/4 - Ft. Richie Sprint 10/4 - Baltimore Tri - first ply Honestly, I'm terrified of the olympic. Not the distance I can handle that! There are some major cutoff times that I was unaware of. I just upgraded to a silver membership and have the 12 week olympic training plan now. I think upping my intensity and determination a bit will get me over the hill of these cutoffs!

Curious as to what the cutoff times are?

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2011-12-18 3:37 PM playmobil31
date : November 23, 2010
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I want to follow the Winter Maintenance-Run Focus program (8 weeks), but don't know when to start. I also want to do the Intermediate Sprint-12 week program before my first race.
date : November 17, 2008
author : mat steinmetz
comments : 7
I just started doing tris this summer and I have two under my belt, both sprints. Is it reasonable to build up for a Oly in early ‘09, with a HIM in Oct of ‘09
date : July 17, 2005
author : chrisandniki
comments : 0
A Navy Seals program modified specifically for triathletes. Heavy on the running, swimming, push/pull-ups and sit-ups, will you find yourself man (or woman) enough to finish?