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2014-05-25 10:04 AM

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: Food for thought on picky eaters; dietary choices

I ran across this blog entry yesterday and it really resonated with me. I know I've been guilty of this in the past - both online and at the grocery store. Just some food for thought as we all try to help each other navigate the best nutritional choices for each of us individually.

I’ll celebrate you for doin’ your thing – I’ll help you even, if you’d like the help. But I won’t join you in damning the woman buying boxed mac & cheese with two kids in tow, and I’m sure as hell not gonna join the self-proclaimed foodie-police nutritionally coaching everyone like we’re all headed to the Thunderdome as a team. 

2014-05-27 12:39 PM
in reply to: lisac957

Apple Valley, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Food for thought on picky eaters; dietary choices
Cool blog post, My wife has recently shown interest in how I eat, she is starting to realize it is important, in simple terms you eat crap you feel like crap, not right away people find comfort in food. heck there are foods that I like but are bad for me, I love a giant plate of breakfast foods slathered in butter and pure maple syrup, but I know if I eat it I will feel like crap later or the next day.

If I had to take a label it would be a modified paleo, leaning LCHF. We have two great kids (2 and 5) who are picky, we have made a conscious effort to let them eat what they want, but when we can we go organic on the box mac and cheese (Annie's) and as much fresh veggies and limited fruit. I even made them lemonade popsicles from scratch this weekend, and they loved them. It was simple Fresh Lemon juice, sugar and water. No dyes or preservatives. I am not a sugar eater, but I think we have established good eating habits for them. They will devour most veggies raw or cooked.

Wish they would eat more meat other then the processed stuff, but we are working on that. I have made them chicken strips from scratch and froze them for later use. They will eat them, they eat freshwater fish, as we get ample wild caught. I have a garden and make gallons of tomato sauce, Usually enough to carry me until fresh local tomato's are at market.

There is no hard fast rule for how I eat, I eat what I want, with some reservations, My wife is starting to realize this, she is reading labels, she was shocked to see "Natural" peanut butter wasn't just peanuts and salt, they add sugar and oils. I explained to her how they add junk to things you would think are normally good, I don't lecture her or preach, I explain the science and answer questions as she asks. Our kids are involved with meals preparing and setting up. My daughter will handle raw meat and mix. The important thing is I don't pass judgment (well usually, the diet coke with grenadine is comical), I get asked by my pre-diabetic mother if I am still eating weird, or my FIL who just had 2 stints put in why I eat fat, because that will kill me... I am fit as a fiddle and feel great, I know they won't listen to the science and logic behind my choices, but I don't preach to them. The information of nutrition is scarce or poor at best, The USDA is not a good authority, they aren't protecting us they are protecting agriculture. The so called experts are the ones who we should be skeptical of.

Sorry for the rant, but in short we shouldn't pass judgment on others but be weary of what information we get and from whom.
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