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2015-03-09 12:56 AM

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Ocala, Florida
Subject: Injury help!!!
Long time no talk my friends. I've been doing travel nursing for a couple years and now I'm back to Colorado!


I'm quite frankly pretty desperate with help on my hip injury that is almost a year in now. Here it goes...

Over the years, I still never learned proper form or safe or reliable programs. I got minor injuries. But nothing some ice and rest couldn't heal. I was young and bounced back fast.

I've since done 3 marathons and countless other distance races. For a few years I did triathlons, completed 4 sprints and 7 Olympic distances. Again, never really followed any program. I would just go out and run.

HOWEVER, let's fast forward to April of 2014.

I'm 40 and running here and there, nothing consistent. I start to feel some aching in my right hip, but I push through like I always have. A few weeks of this ache and I decide to shut it down and heal. I rest and treat it like I've treated all my running injuries over the years. But this time, it's different. No relief and increase pain.

So what have I been through since last April?

Orthopedic #1 has MRI that shows gluteus max/minimus tears, tendinitis, and bursitis. Gives me injection (that gives zero relief) and recommends PT. I do PT for 4 months. Very little to no relief of symptoms.

Orthopedic #2 recommends surgery to remove bursa, ITB release, and repair glutes. I refuse.

#3 Supposedly well respected Sports Orthopedic here in Denver I wait 3 months for appointment just tells me, rest 6 weeks. Jerk.

#4 Podiatrist recommends orthotics, which I was fitted and still waiting for them to come in.

Last month, in what I honestly felt was a last ditch effort, I see another well respected Sports Chiropractor. So far, I'm seeing light at the end of the tunnel. She has noticed so many issues with my feet, knees, hips, back, etc., that all of the other professionals never noticed, combined. I've gotten dry needling and adjustments and making progress to the point I might start light walk/jogging in a couple more week.

She believes, as well as I do, that my hip is the symptom of so many skeletal issues from not running or training properly over the years. Now that I'm 41, my body and father time has caught up with me. It's going to take time, but she believes things can be fixed.

However, last Sunday she recommended some light plyometrics to see if her therapy was making progress. The pounding and force of running is what causes pain. I do the exercises and feel great, zero pain or discomfort. But, from last Monday to tonight, the pain and discomfort is right back to where it was last year. I feel I've made no recovery and I'm once again at square one.

I'm disheartened and honestly losing any hope I'll ever run again. Depression is starting to set in.

So I'm here telling my story in hopes anyone has any advice, suggestions, recommendations..... Anything!

I don't really know where to turn from here. Running has been a major physical and emotional part of my adult years, I'm afraid it could be done.

The only thing that gives me relief is deep tissue massage. I've had it done professionally and I do it daily myself with a trigger release ball. However, it hasn't cured the injury. Gives me relief, but doesn't solve the issue.

Anyone help? Honestly, I'm desperate.

2015-03-09 12:39 PM
in reply to: xmann1102

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Extreme Veteran
Highlands Ranch, Colorado
Subject: RE: Injury help!!!

For what it's worth, here's my team and I trust them implicitly.

Tyler Fowler, Sports Chiro, Physical Dimensions in Lone Tree

Haley @ Specialized PT for needling and second opinion:  I see her at the Dry Creek clinic.


Natalie:  massage.  There is no one better.  720-266-9909


Since it sounds like the joint itself is ok, the likelihood is that your problem is caused by muscle tightness, strength imbalances, trigger points/adhesions, and running gait issues.  I just saw Haley today because of outer right hip pain I can't shake and it looks like it's caused by my glut medius being pretty much non existent. 

I truly believe all injuries will heal if you have the right people and the right plan.

2015-03-09 5:37 PM
in reply to: FF Stock

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Injury help!!!

Sorry to hear you're struggling.  Chronic injuries suck, both physically and mentally!!

I've torn my hip labrum twice and have a fantastic ortho.  Leslie Vidal, Orthopedic Associates, (303) 321-6600.  She consults for the Avs and other sports organizations, and is team physician for a women's tri team.  She's very straightforward and no-nonsense, but also kind.  When I tore my labrum the 2nd time 6 months after the 1st surgery, she handed me a box of Kleenex as she told me the results of the MRI.  Not that that necessarily makes her a good doc, but as you know, having a good bedside manner can go a long way.  If I have to have the same surgery on my other hip (40% chance that I have a tear there; not going to do anything about it unless it becomes a problem!), I'll absolutely go back to her.

For chiropractic, I go to James Turnbull, Activa 360, (720) 941-5000.  He kept me from having a spinal fusion last year and took care of the severe back pain I had for 2.5 years.  If it hadn't been for him, I wouldn't be doing triathlons at all, and might well have killed myself because of the ongoing chronic pain that kept me from doing anything.  I was in a really dark place last January, unable to walk or stand for more than 10-15 minutes.  He promised me that I'd be training for a tri in 3 months.  6 weeks later, I was training 3 days a week, a month after that, I was up to 6 days, and I did 2 sprint tris last summer.  He specializes in rehab chiropractic and works with a lot of athletes.  He believes that if he doesn't see you again after 6 months or so, he's done his job.  I still see him, maybe every 3 months or so, but that's it.

Massage therapy: Josh at Peace of Mind.  He's kind of granola but super knowledgeable and will always spend extra time if he has it, even if you didn't pay for it.

All are located in Central Denver.

Hope that helps somewhat.  Hang in there.  It's hard to keep hope when nothing you do seems to be working.  You might consider seeing a pain psychologist who can help you on the emotional front, as well as with biofeedback and other pain control techniques.  UCH has a couple in their Integrative Medicine clinic and I'm pretty sure there are others around Denver, although not many.

Hang in there.  Glad you're asking for help instead of just giving up.


2015-03-10 10:06 AM
in reply to: #5098965

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Ocala, Florida
Subject: RE: Injury help!!!
Thanks for the comments. If nothing else, reminds me I'm not alone.

I'm just so damn frustrated. Spring and summer is upon us again and I was hoping to start running again soon... missed all of last summer and did nothing but drink beer and gain 25 pounds. Still trying to work that off.

Anyhow, thanks for the advice. I'm seeing my chiropractor again Thursday and a new Orthopedic Friday, CU Sports Medicine.

I'm thinking of taking some running lessons when this thing gets healed. I'll be starting from the beginning, might as well learn it correctly, right? Anyone have any advice on that front?

And Todd, great to hear from you again brother. Need to get together. Seems like yesterday we moved here and your family was very welcoming.
2015-03-11 3:58 PM
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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Injury help!!!

Will you be seeing Dr. St. Phard at CU Sports Medicine by any chance?  I've seen her as has DH.  She's good (and a former Olympian discus athlete on Team Jamaica).  If she refers you to PT, I go to Kelley Larkin at UCH Sports Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation in the same building.  I worked with her after both my hip surgeries and am now working with her for my knee issues.  She's great.

ETA:  There are lots of perspectives about changing running form, as you'll see if you investigate Tri Talk or the Injury forum.  My perspective is that I didn't have knee problems until I tried to change things.  The knee problems may not have been related, but I was comfortably running 7 mi. with no problems, changed my gait, and starting having problems within a couple of weeks.  Nothing else changed--didn't change my shoes, didn't change distance, didn't increase intensity, nada.  The bottom line is just be really careful.  If you do make changes, do it very gradually instead of all at once.  My ortho advised me that the hip is not a "no pain, no gain" joint and from my experience, I absolutely agree.

Edited by laffinrock 2015-03-11 4:05 PM
2015-03-12 8:06 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Ocala, Florida
Subject: RE: Injury help!!!
Thanks for the response.

I'm seeing Dr Pascual-Garrido at CU Medicine tomorrow. Her resume is impressive.

I saw my chiropractor today. My hip was still very tender from last week. She did some adjustments and dry needling and I feel better tonight than I have since trying plyometrics. She thinks the pain is specifically my gluteus minimus. I really like and trust her. She also put some kinesio tape to see if that would help. I've already hit my insurance deductible, so at $9 a visit, I'll be going for the foreseeable future.

I also decided today to just quit my worrying about when I can start running. I've been reading books and watching YouTube videos and I just need to stop. I realize I'm not running until perhaps May, and I'm OK with that.

I'll see what the MD says tomorrow.

2015-03-13 12:29 PM
in reply to: xmann1102

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Injury help!!!

Glad to hear you're in a better place mentally and feeling better. In the meantime, if you can find other things to do that don't aggravate your hip, that can help.  One thing I did was a lot of swimming with a pull buoy.  If you can do the run motion but the pounding is a problem, aquajogging is also an option.

You might consider requesting an MRI with contrast if the doc doesn't suggest it.  Sometimes things will show up with contrast that don't show up otherwise.

Hope the appointment goes well.  Post an update--inquiring minds want to know.

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