I'm trying to set up my backyard patio so we can watch some movies, games, etc.. out there. It's not that big of a space and is covered with a wood awning, just can't figure out if a TV or Projector would be better?
I heard with a projector you can't really use it until it's pitch black out. Just don't have any experience with outdoor use!
Talk about a catch 20-22…. The projector is the way 2 go at night and out doors…. TV 4 the daytime use but will still need shade….. My vote 4 the TV is solely based on the fact that the projector will need a device ( iPad, PC, etc ) and will require more cables ( power, RCA, etc )….. The TV won't require a screen or backdrop 2 be projected against…...Hopefully we will see the "final" instillation via photos soon….. Cheers