General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » This seemed like a good idea at the time :) Rss Feed  
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2015-04-21 8:34 PM

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Subject: This seemed like a good idea at the time :)
Hi! My first Triathalon (olympic) is coming up in June (here in Oliver, BC) and the nerves, and excitement...and panic have set in! I am a semi-experienced runner (mostly half marathons) and took up road biking last year. I knew that swimming wasn't my strong suit - dog paddling to a swim up bar was the extent of my skill- but how hard could it be? OH MY GOD! Swimming is kicking my butt! How do people do it? Night after night I am at the pool watching in amazement the people of all ages and sizes swimming lap after lap effortlessly. I have taken tips and pointers from family, friends and random 10 year olds at the pool. I have a little over 5 weeks to get this, I feel like I am cramming for a final exam! I am determined to get it! I am having so much fun training (and learning) and I am so excited for the event. I am SO HAPPY I found this site. Reading peoples stories has put some of my fears to rest. Thanks for such a great off to the pool!

2015-04-21 9:44 PM
in reply to: suzi_stunder

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: This seemed like a good idea at the time :)

Welcome to BT Suzi.  you'll find it is a pretty friendly and inspiring site.

I was pleased to see you are registered for the Oliver 1/54/10 as my friend and I are also registered for the same race.  At last count there were 26 of us so far (it will seem busier with all the HIM people on the same route).  Don't worry too much about the panic.  I think I ask myself, "What the heck was I thinking?" at the start of every race.  Usually, all your jitters go away as soon as you start the race and you get down to business.  

As for swimming,  I know Oliver has a Rec Centre but I've never been in it.  Do they have any swim coaches available for a few private lessons?  Or, could you make a few trips to Penticton to get some coaching here?  Some coaching would make a huge difference for you.  For now, swim lots of shorter sets of 50m or 100m and rest 30 secs then repeat.  Don't worry about swimming the full distance yet.  Just how comfortable in the water are you?  And, how far can you swim now?

Just coincidentally, a friend and I were cycling and running around Tuc el Nuit Lake on Saturday.  Last year we started swimming in Tuc around mid May.  Do you plan to swim the race in a wetsuit?  In any event you will need to try some open water swimming before the race and especially in your wetsuit if you have one.

Don't worry about the race.  It will be fine.


2015-04-22 9:26 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Subject: RE: This seemed like a good idea at the time :)
Hi George,

Thank you for your reply! I live in Vancouver (oops...I think I wrote "here in Oliver" in my post) so I will be heading out for my first open water swim this weekend (with my sister close by my side in her kayak). Yes, I plan on swimming in a wetsuit so that should help things out a bit. I think once I get some experience in the open water my nerves will settle. It is mostly the fear of the unknown right now. I am very comfortable in the water, just frustrated with (what feels to be) my slow progress and stiff ankles.

Thanks for your tips. I am really looking forward to the event in June!


2015-04-23 11:59 AM
in reply to: suzi_stunder

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: This seemed like a good idea at the time :)

Good plan to have your sister close by while doing your OWS.  Don't worry about your speed.  It'll come.  Good luck with your race and don't forget to have fun!

2015-05-15 10:00 PM
in reply to: suzi_stunder

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: This seemed like a good idea at the time :)

Just a short update:

On Friday I went to Tuc el Nuit Lake and my cheapy water thermometer says the water is 19degC/ 66F.  It felt a bit cooler to me but I think it will be swim-able next week.  So, I am planning to try it out next Wednesday.

Hopefully your OWS is coming along nicely.

2015-05-27 9:41 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Subject: RE: This seemed like a good idea at the time :)
Hi George,

How was the water? I have been OWS for the past few weekends (in my wetsuit) and I am feeling great! My first-race jitters are in full force, but I am super excited. I have heard through the grapevine that if the water is a certain temp - wet suits are not allowed? Is this true? A little worried as my swimming is still my weakest point...and I have not been OWS without my wetsuit yet. If you could let me know that would be fantastic! Thank you!


2015-05-29 9:19 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: This seemed like a good idea at the time :)

Hi Suzanne,

If the water is warm enough they can make the swim "no wetsuits allowed".  The fellow I train with was very concerned about this fact this morning as we drove down to Tuc for a swim.  Fortunately, we had a small rainfall last night and it cooled the water to 18C which is just nice in a wetsuit.  Race organizers don't like to cancel wetsuits as a lot of people (like my swim buddy) are not prepared to swim without a wetsuit.  So, although the water may be warm they'll stretch the truth as much as they can to allow them.  Did you receive your race package email from Joe Dixon?  He covers wetsuits and water temp regulations plus a lot of other stuff and his pre-race meeting covers a lot of questions you may have as well.

I've only had one "No wetsuits" swim in my 3 seasons so far - at the 2012 Apple Sprint in Kelowna - my first race.  We're supposed to have a couple cool days next week so I'm hopeful the water will be under 22C.  More importantly, we may have a hot run.  When Oliver gets hot it can be "epic" hot.  So hope for moderate temps, calm winds and lightly overcast.

The water this morning was perfect for a nice swim and Tuc is a good lake for your first race.  Try and get here a day or two early so you can get a couple short swims in before the race.  It really helps to ease your pre-race jitters.  Next week my friend and I will be at Tuc early on Monday and Wednesday for a short swim.  It is also nice to drive the bike route and bike the run route just to be more familiar with it all.

Pre-race jitters are normal.  Don't panic.  When the horn sounds off you just get in the water and start swimming and you forget about the uncertainties and you just take care of business.  Chat with people, encourage anyone who is struggling and thank the volunteers and just have fun.  Then write up a race report here.

With being a weaker swimmer you can ask at package pick-up for a White swim cap.  This signals you are a nervous swimmer and they will watch you a little more closely.  If you have any troubles in the swim just swim slower and keep going.



Edited by wenceslasz 2015-05-29 9:22 PM
2015-06-08 11:39 PM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: This seemed like a good idea at the time :)

Hi Suzanne,

I don't know if you'll see this but I wanted to say I'm sorry about the "No wetsuits".  I really did not expect them to call it.

Congratulations on your first.  You're not a newby anymore.

How was your race?  On the uncompleted results list I see that you must have literally come out of the swim right behind me (we were just seconds apart).  Then on the bike you were a minute faster than me and then they didn't show our run times but you were the next person to come in after me.  So even though we didn't meet we must have been passing each other all over the place.

As soon as I get my timing results I'll be posting a race report.

Hope you had a good time.  What is next for you?  

2015-06-09 2:31 PM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Subject: RE: This seemed like a good idea at the time :)
Hi George!

No one can wipe this smile off my face! I DID IT...and LOVED every second of it My finish time was 3:56:02 - so I am pretty happy. (I found it on

I feel like the "no wetsuit" call was a pure test of my inner strength! Trust me - it was a VERY anxious night before and morning of the race....but I thought the worst that could happen is I get a ride into shore on a kayak!

Congratulations to you for a great race too! Sorry we didn't meet - I would've loved to have had a celebratory water with you at the finish line!

I think I might try the Cultus Lake Olympic Tri on September even longer swim...what am I thinking?! What is your next event? I will be back to Oliver next year FOR SURE! What a weekend!

Thank you for your encouraging words and helpful hints! I will write my race report in the next few days also...before I leave my cloud 9!

All the best to you!


2015-06-09 3:28 PM
in reply to: suzi_stunder

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Subject: RE: This seemed like a good idea at the time :)
Congrats on your first triathlon!!!!
2015-06-09 11:24 PM
in reply to: suzi_stunder

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: This seemed like a good idea at the time :)

Thanks for the Race Day Timing site.  I've never heard of it before.  Strange that Dynamic Events refers everyone to Sportstats but all they have is last years results.

I've done Cultus Lake twice and it is a good race - especially if you get nice weather.  The lake is nice, the bike is flat and fast and the run is along the lakeshore.  I'm not planning to do Cultus this year but I'm thinking of just going there to camp for a few days at the end of the season.

Next up for me is Penticton GranFondo (just the 55K short ride) and then ChelanMan HIM on July 18th all in prep for Challenge Penticton August 30th.

Glad you had fun.



2015-06-11 12:23 AM
in reply to: suzi_stunder

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Extreme Veteran
Langley, BC, 'Wet Coast' Canada
Subject: RE: This seemed like a good idea at the time :)
Congratulations on your first triathlon - Way to go!!

Looking forward to reading your race report, as well as George's report.

2015-06-16 9:14 AM
in reply to: suzi_stunder

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Subject: RE: This seemed like a good idea at the time :)
Congrats on your first Tri! I would highly recommend seeking a swim coach at least for a few lessons. It is well worth the effort as they can help you work out the biggest kinks in a fairly short amount of time. This will make your swims much less effort and more enjoyable.
2015-06-23 9:31 AM
in reply to: sdalcher

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Subject: RE: This seemed like a good idea at the time :)
Thank you! Good advice! I am happy to say I start coached sessions next week!
Can't wait for my next Olympic Tri in September! Looking forward to killing the swim this time!
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