General Discussion Triathlon Talk » IMMD - Lower Back/Hips/Chafing Rss Feed  
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2015-04-23 12:28 PM

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Subject: IMMD - Lower Back/Hips/Chafing
Aloha Everyone:

I just completed my second 70.3 (NOLA 70.3) this past weekend and have concerns for my first full IRONMAN in Maryland, October 3rd, 2015. I would love to hear your thoughts/advice.

1. Getting off the bike my lower back and hips were so sore I could barely run the first 2 miles. I took some motrin, but there has to be something I'm doing wrong or not doing. I was miserable. It didn't hurt while on the bike - just when I started running.

2. Chafing - On the inside of my left thigh it was so raw from chafing I thought it was going to bleed. It was tough walking the next two days. Could this be because of my saddle? It only happened on one side.

Thanks everyone and I look forward to the feedback.

2015-04-23 12:38 PM
in reply to: Robnkauai

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: IMMD - Lower Back/Hips/Chafing

Had you done any runs in training off a long ride?  Could be a bike fit issue.  Could be a training issue.  Could have just been one of those days.

Did you get any chafing in training?  If not what might have been different on race day?  Did you use bodyglide or some other type of anti-chafing?

2015-04-23 3:57 PM
in reply to: popsracer

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Subject: RE: IMMD - Lower Back/Hips/Chafing
I did do a few bricks, but maybe need to do more. They weren't usually long rides and weren't consistent. I guess I should do more of those and be more consistent coming off long rides.

With regards to chafing, this is somewhat normal. However, this was worse than usual. I've never used any type of glide before.

Did I just answer my own questions?
2015-04-23 8:47 PM
in reply to: Robnkauai


Subject: RE: IMMD - Lower Back/Hips/Chafing
Originally posted by Robnkauai

With regards to chafing, this is somewhat normal. However, this was worse than usual. I've never used any type of glide before.

I wish there were more emoticons.

I have generally large legs, not runners legs. In order to help eliminate any chafing, I put lube on before even a short run and wear compression shorts. Heck I even lube up at work in the summer!
2015-05-08 8:48 AM
in reply to: shoff14

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Crab Cake City
Subject: RE: IMMD - Lower Back/Hips/Chafing
Sounds to me like you should get a new bike fit...

How long has it been since you were fitted for your bike? Have you lost or gained any weight since then? Have you moved your saddle?

The chaffing on your one leg could be because of the position you are on while riding your bike. Maybe you are favoring to one side of the bike and your left leg is coming closer to the saddle and rubbing. you might also want to look at the cleat placement of your bike shoes as well.

For the back, have you spent a lot of time in aero position? Do you take breaks while riding in aero? I try to get out of aero every 15-20 minutes when doing a longer race to stretch out the back and take a break.

Oh and you need to invest in some body glide or Butt Budder. Both are great for anti chaffing and work miracles.
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