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2015-05-14 12:03 PM

Subject: Yet another training question
(my first worthwhile hashtag!)

So, I'm several weeks in. Each of the last 3 weeks has pushed my runs to distances I've rarely or never done.
Up to 11 miles running last week.
This week would be a 'recovery' week. Due to a bike wipeout, I've whimped out and have missed 3 days. One of which I could count as an off day.
Only missed <1 hour cycling and 4 miles running.

In theory, I've got <1 hour cycling and 4 miles running left before a long run (9) and long cycle. Might miss yet some of those shorter days.

Would it be wise to not try for all 9 of those? It's possible I won't be able to get out this weekend for a long ride due to weather. I can still get on a spin bike.

In other words....would I be better off just going and seeing how I feel and if I only get in 6 or 7 so be it. And even use the next week to ramp up a bit (falling a bit short of the plan) before getting totally back on plan two weeks from now?

This is all uncharted territory for me, this kind of volume. Not only that, but this is the first time I've missed 3 full days of some kind of workout in nearly 3 years.

2015-05-14 11:10 PM
in reply to: jhaack39

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Subject: RE: Yet another training question

Missing three full days, honestly, may make you stronger.  Your body may just thank you.  If you are still shaking off your bike wipeout (still have some achiness), force yourself to keep it short - no need to really injure yourself.  If that's not the case, sure, see if you can do 6 or 7.  Missing 3 days of working out you will NOT lose fitness if that is your concern.  That takes at least a week, even more.  If I am reading this correctly, for the next two weeks, yes - ramp up a little less than the plan if you have been missing several sessions until you can get more consistent.

2015-05-15 1:38 PM
in reply to: Ron

Subject: RE: Yet another training question

As I said, this is uncharted territory for me. I've only been 'doing fitness' for 3 years.
And never to the point that I'm pushing myself as I am now.
Stretching 3 to 4 miles or 4 to 6 miles....that's one thing.
Stretching to 9-10-11-12 with a fair bit of swimming and biking in and around that is a whole 'nother for me. Just trying to keep from doing something stupid.
2015-05-15 1:41 PM
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Subject: RE: Yet another training question

wait....your weekly mileage  is up to 11 total miles and now you are going to do a long run of 9??


Edited by Left Brain 2015-05-15 1:42 PM
2015-05-15 1:56 PM
in reply to: 0

Subject: RE: Yet another training question
Originally posted by Left Brain

wait....your weekly mileage  is up to 11 total miles and now you are going to do a long run of 9??
My "long day" last week was some swimming and an 11 mile run.
4-6 miles twice during the week as well.
Plus the swimming/cycling.

This week would be only a 9 mile run and a little dialed back on the others as well.

Pretty proud. I'd never run 11. 10 once and 9 twice...before I ramped up to those miles on the plan I'm using.

Not only that....but on those 11, I ran past the Transport Museum AND hit the high point of the Union Pacific tracks in Missouri. Meaning I went about as much uphill as I could run.

In the end, I've missed 4.5 miles of running. (I did 4.5 last night with o pain. Maybe some discomfort if I thought about it. The discomfort's coming from the bruising now, not the road rash). Also missed maybe a mile of swimming. And 40 minutes of cycling. Might miss some more cycling tonight. And of course, unless I get lucky with weather windows again I might struggle to get some miles in this we all know what comes after two days of rain in St. Louis.....MONDAY.

Edited by jhaack39 2015-05-15 2:00 PM
2015-05-15 1:59 PM
in reply to: jhaack39

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Subject: RE: Yet another training question

Originally posted by jhaack39
Originally posted by Left Brain

wait....your weekly mileage  is up to 11 total miles and now you are going to do a long run of 9?? My "long day" last week was some swimming and an 11 mile run. 4-6 miles twice during the week as well. Plus the swimming/cycling. This week would be only a 9 mile run and a little dialed back on the others as well. Pretty proud. I'd never run 11. 10 once and 9 twice...before I ramped up to those miles on the plan I'm using. Not only that....but on those 11, I ran past the Transport Museum AND hit the high point of the Union Pacific tracks in Missouri. Meaning I went about as much uphill as I could run. In the end, I've missed 4.5 miles of running. Maybe a mile of swimming. And 40 minutes of cycling. Might miss some more cycling tonight. And of course, unless I get lucky with weather windows again I might struggle to get some miles in this we all know what comes after two days of rain in St. Louis.....MONDAY.

Good for you man.....that hill is no joke.  Nice work!!

2015-05-15 2:08 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

Subject: RE: Yet another training question
Yah, I actually don't mind it so much. It slows me down, of course....but I don't find it terribly brutal. It is early in the run for me. I hate it much worse on the bike. I usually do Marshall instead. It's over faster. More concentrated suffering, but it's over in 6 minutes. The other just goes on forever. Sucks living where I do. My only remotely flat "escape" is west, but you can only go so far before you're headed back north and back up the ridge. Unless you want to circle old Valley Park for 50 miles. Maybe they could open that old racetrack back there and I could go in circles on it.

I actually find I hate going DOWN hill. I've decided it's not at all like a bike. If you "go faster", you have to move your legs faster. It's not terribly much more easy to move them down than's not like coasting. I came down the hill right next to the Transport Museum. I didn't research that well at all.

Not enough sidewalk. Not enough shoulder. Too many curves. Too much traffic. And that hill going down right by the museum (while it's interesting to look at) was so steep I could feel the pounding on the feet/legs. Not good. I stopped and talked to the train junkies waiting to take photos of a steam engine being towed...not even under it's own power...then walked down that really steep section. Not gonna run that road again.
2015-05-15 2:19 PM
in reply to: jhaack39

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Subject: RE: Yet another training question

Yeah, we live on the bluffs above the confluence of the Mississippi and the Meramec.......everywhere we ride or run is up and down out of, or into, that river plain.  It actually makes for some great training ground.

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