General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Training for Sprint Triathlon Rss Feed  
Moderators: k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2016-02-24 5:10 AM


Subject: Training for Sprint Triathlon
Hi everyone,

Sorry, I’m a complete newbie to the whole triathlon scene. I have been roped into doing the Brownlee Sprint Triathlon at Harewood House on 24 September 2016, for charity and in memory of my auntie who passed away with cancer in January.

I am really excited about the challenge, however, i have no idea how to really train for a triathlon and the three disciplines involved. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Currently, i have just started running and i am an ok swimmer, although i do need to perfect my front crawl. As for a bike i am in the process of upgrading my hybrid bike with new wheels and better brakes. I have been running now for two weeks at least 4 times, doing 3-4 km runs. I have also been attending spinning classes at my local gym to help build some biking fitness up, as well as weight training. With regard swimming i will be starting this next week at my local swimming baths. Is this a good way to begin training?

Also one of my questions is when training do you train in all three disciplines in one day, or do you focus on running, swimming and cycling separately and bring it all together on the day of the competition? Oh and is a good idea to enter a 10km run to get help with getting idea as to how a competition day would feel as well as measure fitness?

I apologise for all the questions but again this is all new to me and go easy on me


2016-02-24 7:33 AM
in reply to: Yorkie1981

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Pfafftown, NC
Subject: RE: Training for Sprint Triathlon
Where to start? far is the swim? Can you swim that far? How do you know you can swim that far?

I'd start right there. Good luck!
2016-02-24 7:37 AM
in reply to: Yorkie1981

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Training for Sprint Triathlon
Congrats! Don't stress too much and enjoy the journey. The easiest thing to do would be to follow a training plan. I know this site has some (free and paid options I think). I also like the training peaks site a lot and you can buy plans there as well. You can just train all 3 like you are, but a plan will help you to make sure you are doing enough of all 3 w/o doing too much and over training. Another thing you can do is make your own plan with help from something like "The Triathlete's Training Bible."

I was worried about not training all 3 in one day too, but really it wasn't needed. You should do plenty of "bricks" though to help you with your transition from discipline to discipline. The most important is probably bike to run, but I think swim to bike needs to be practiced too. Most people aren't used to hopping on the bike with potentially sore arms and an already high HR.

I hate running so I've never actually done a stand alone 10k race, but you should do what you enjoy! If you enjoy running or just want to test yourself in that regard then go for it.

Don't worry about asking questions. That's what this forum is here for!
2016-02-24 10:58 AM
in reply to: Yorkie1981

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Training for Sprint Triathlon

Congrats on getting "roped in" to triathlon.  

Every person who signs up for a race does so for unique reasons and with very personal goals.  You need to identify what those are for you and the rest will follow.  

I did my first triathlon in 2005 and went from "maybe I should do a tri" to finishing in about 3 weeks.  I'd lost weight and was exercising daily for a backpacking trip and when I got back from the trip, looked for something else to do and that's when I found triathlon.  (I knew about the sport from TV coverage and had lifeguarded for a race 20+ years prior.)  I showed up having swam twice (I was a lifeguard and swam for fitness over the years, but hadn't swam recently) and rode my bike about 3 times with any real purpose (I'd commuted on a 10-speed years before).  I don't recommend this strategy, but it worked for me because I already had familiarity with all 3 disciplines even if I hadn't been doing them a lot.  

Plans:  Beginner training plans for sprint triathlons may be 8-20 weeks long and rarely have you doing all three disciplines in one day.  If your race finishes with a 10K run, it's probably the longer, "Olympic" or "International" distance triathlon (1500m swim, 40 km bike, 10 km run).  You might be looking at a 3-hour race (give or take) for this distance where a sprint may be 1-2 hours.  A plan provides some guidance and structure, but most of the "canned" plans like you can download here make assumptions that may not be appropriate for your specific situation.  They balance workout efforts with rest and recovery to minimize the potential for injury.  The closer you can follow a plan, the more consistently you will progress towards your race.  One key to training is to recognize that a quality workout is more important than thrashing around believing you must do it all.  The plan may call for an easy 30 minute run and you feel like you'd be better running hard for 45 minutes.  And...maybe you do the hard run instead only to get on the bike the next day and not be able to execute THAT workout because your legs are shot from the day before.  

Race experience:  If you want to run a 10K, sign up for one (probably at least a month before your triathlon).  If you can't find a good race or aren't really motivated to run a 10K, you won't miss that experience for your race.  Triathlon runs aren't like stand-alone running races of the same distance unless you're at the pointy end of the field (i.e. you might be able to finish first overall).  For the rest of us, they're often worlds apart.  

Swimming:  Rather than show up at a swimming pool and thrashing around, consider getting some lessons (group or private) because there is a lot of technique involved and you'll advance faster if you build good habits from the start.  

Finally, look around for a local club, and if you find one, hang out with them.  You may get opportunities to swim, bike, or run with other people and they'll be able to answer many of your questions (plus, they're usually a lot of fun to hang around with even if you aren't training).  

2016-02-24 2:47 PM
in reply to: Yorkie1981


Subject: RE: Training for Sprint Triathlon
I'll add my two cents (you get what you pay for).

I'd say the most valuable thing for you in preparing for your first race is: get to the point where you feel like you can finish all three portions of the race without any trouble. It will be a big load off your mind just knowing that you *will* finish. Then after the race you can evaluate what you felt went well and where you could improve.

Specifically with regard to training, keep two things in mind: 1.) almost any kind of training is better than no training; but 2.) consistency is more important than overdoing it on Monday and then not being able to train again until Friday because you're too sore and tired. Do a little bit of training every day, but take one day off per week. If you accidentally overdo it, take another rest day. For the most part, keep workouts for the different portions of the race separate, but do at least a couple of bike-to-run bricks just to see how your legs respond to running after you've been biking. You could do two days swimming, two days biking and two days running with one rest day every week and that would probably be enough to get you through.
2016-02-25 8:51 AM
in reply to: Yorkie1981

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Great White North
Subject: RE: Training for Sprint Triathlon
Most split it up. Some sessions will have 2 disiplines bike/run workouts are called bricks.

For the first while focus on swimming repeats of 25, 50 & 100 metres. Trying to go as far as you can without stopping will only lead to technique breaking down.

Some fasties at the University Of Texas...

2016-02-26 1:31 AM
in reply to: Lupy


Subject: RE: Training for Sprint Triathlon
Thank you so much for the advice it is greatly appreciated. The people who have replied to my thread have been amazing with the advice and support.

I'll look at a training plan and i'll be realistic. I'll start mid March properly so i can be consistent with the training and get better results. At first when you mentioned "Bricks" i had no idea what you were on about ha ha!! I thought it was a weight training thing or i had to Brick it as its a tough challenge. ha ha!! I've been talking to my friends who are doing the Triathlon with me and we are to meet up soon to discuss training plans and brick sessions.

I don't mind running and so far I seem to be enjoying it, however, i thought a 10k run would give me an idea as to how a competition would look like. To be honest my only aim for the Triathlon is to finish. Don't care if i come last, just as long as finish. Also a bonus of the training for the triathlon would be losing weight, getting fitter and hopefully my daughter can in years to come look at my achievements and be proud of her dad.

Again i am grateful for the advice as it helps me get my head round what needs to be done.
2016-02-26 1:32 AM
in reply to: 0


Subject: RE: Training for Sprint Triathlon

Edited by Yorkie1981 2016-02-26 1:34 AM
2016-02-26 1:48 AM
in reply to: McFuzz


Subject: RE: Training for Sprint Triathlon
Ha ha!! Thank you for the support. I'll let you know how i feel about being roped into it after the competition. Everyone who's replied to my thread have given great advice and it is greatly appreciated.

The Sprint Triathlon consists of a 750m swim, 26km bike section and finishing with a 5.5km run. Thanks to your advice, as well as others, i'll make sure i draw up a decent and realistic training plan and be consistent with it. Also i'll make sure not to over do the training as i have a knack of pushing myself too much and injuring myself as i want to be at a certain standard as soon as possible, rather than giving it time and i'll most likely stay fitter for longer and enjoy it more which will help with consistency.

As for local clubs i honestly didn't think about that. However, i would be a bit nervous been a newbie, but the experience of other members and hopefully the support will help us immensely. Also pushing myself to get out of my comfort zone will help with my confidence.

Again cheers for the help. I'll try and keep you posted on how i get on.
2016-02-26 1:53 AM
in reply to: TomEaton


Subject: RE: Training for Sprint Triathlon
Thank you for the advice.

One of my faults is that when it comes to exercise i end up over doing at as i push myself too far in the hope to be fitter sooner, which makes me not enjoy it. I get a sense from all the helpful advice that consistency and following a training plan is the key, as well as not over doing it that i pick up injuries and don't give my body time to recover and rebuild.
2016-02-26 1:58 AM
in reply to: Yorkie1981


Subject: RE: Training for Sprint Triathlon
Sorry for all the posts. Didn't realise that replied to a single person added my response to the whole thread. Oooops!!!

Anyhow, thank you so much to everyone for their advice and support. You have all helped no end in getting my head round what training is required and how to train smarter as well. I'll be triathlon fit in no time ha ha!!

I'll try and keep everyone posted on how my training is going as well as how i do at the Sprint Triathlon on 24 September 2016.

Again thanks everyone

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2004-10-15 12:28 AM Ron
date : July 28, 2009
author : Coach AJ
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I'm doing the 22 week sprint tri program and the 2 mile bike ride it starts with is not very challenging. I see this as a opportunity to train the right way and challenge myself. Any ideas?
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When I told my husband that I planned to work toward completing a sprint triathlon, he smiled and was supportive, but a bit disbelieving.
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I'm not quite half way into my IM training. I just raced a sprint and on Monday I woke up and felt like I'd been drugged! Not sore, just incredibly fatigued.
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This plan is designed to make you go faster. 3 workouts per week in each sport, 2 days of strength training and core work. The maximum volume is around 10 hours toward the end of the 12 weeks.
date : September 3, 2006
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Since your “A” race is your marathon, which you stated in your question, this should be your main focus. I encourage you to taper a bit for the sprint distance triathlon.
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