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2016-06-13 2:50 PM

41° 4' 36" N 71° 56' 10" W
Subject: 10 Years of Triathlons
For those who've been at this now a while, what are your reflections? And can you quantify the benefits?

Now about 10 years into triathlons, what started as a 'dare' over a beer, turned into a transformation, 10 years and counting...

10 years @ 30 pounds lighter than pre tri (though add back 5 around the holidays)
Same size clothes as in high school (though I ditched the polyester long ago).
Blood Pressure 122/80. Was closer to 130 pre Tri
Total C/HDL/LDL 153/45/93. Was much higher. Well over 200. Exercise helped a lot but needed Crestor (don't assume since you are so active your numbers must be great)
For the guys, PSA was 1, now almost zero. Crestor seemed to help here too.
All other blood work now well within normal ranges

Swimming is still getting easier. Swim technique trumps exercise capacity for me. Can't swim faster if technique not improving
Biking getting easier. Smarter about cadence. Finally have a great bike fit.
Running is getting harder (but so far not too hard)
Transition still a mess (dont really care)

If I could go back in time and give myself advice. (Assuming I would listen, which is doubtful)

-Run even a half mile after every bike ride. Get the legs used to putting some weight back on em
-Run up and down the beach after every training swim. Or do something on side of pool Simulating going to T1
-If you have a few bucks for that cool bike, get it. Maximize your 'fun factor' and you will look forward to doing more rides and longer rides
-Get a bike fit. I don't know how I suffered for so many years with a non fit and a sore back after even 20 mile rides. Why did I assume a sore back came with the territory?
-Focus on a higher cadence. I was a masher. Still am, but getting better at it, and my legs seem much better on the runs because of it.
-Figure out your hydration needs. Waiting til you are actually thirsty is a very bad thing. Was horrible at this.

2016-06-14 7:13 AM
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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: 10 Years of Triathlons

I started in triathlon in 1984. Close to the sport's infancy, I watched it grow and then morph. The introduction of wetsuits, aero bars, disc wheels, Olympics inclusion... all of it. Along the way, something kind of got lost, but that's okay. It's different, with a different participant mentality. The training and racing habits have changed a lot as well.

I've stepped away from triathlon training and competition, and basically gone to cycling only. Some out of convenience, some out of injury avoidance. And I don't really miss it, though I do keep in touch with the sport through local races. And I've offered a custom frame to a local race series as a drawing prize.

As for quantifying the benefits... I find them more esoteric than physical, things which don't have numbers for comparison.

Edited by briderdt 2016-06-14 7:14 AM
2016-06-14 8:44 AM
in reply to: briderdt

41° 4' 36" N 71° 56' 10" W
Subject: RE: 10 Years of Triathlons
Originally posted by briderdt

I started in triathlon in 1984. Close to the sport's infancy, I watched it grow and then morph. The introduction of wetsuits, aero bars, disc wheels, Olympics inclusion... all of it. Along the way, something kind of got lost, but that's okay. It's different, with a different participant mentality. The training and racing habits have changed a lot as well.

I've stepped away from triathlon training and competition, and basically gone to cycling only. Some out of convenience, some out of injury avoidance. And I don't really miss it, though I do keep in touch with the sport through local races. And I've offered a custom frame to a local race series as a drawing prize.

As for quantifying the benefits... I find them more esoteric than physical, things which don't have numbers for comparison.

Thanks. Yes when I get a bit older I can see the day when I no longer run. Not sure that will happen, but it could. See a lot of guys in 60s and 70s out there cycling. They are sure having fun.
2016-06-14 10:39 AM
in reply to: JohnP_NY

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: 10 Years of Triathlons

Originally posted by JohnP_NY
Originally posted by briderdt

I started in triathlon in 1984. Close to the sport's infancy, I watched it grow and then morph. The introduction of wetsuits, aero bars, disc wheels, Olympics inclusion... all of it. Along the way, something kind of got lost, but that's okay. It's different, with a different participant mentality. The training and racing habits have changed a lot as well.

I've stepped away from triathlon training and competition, and basically gone to cycling only. Some out of convenience, some out of injury avoidance. And I don't really miss it, though I do keep in touch with the sport through local races. And I've offered a custom frame to a local race series as a drawing prize.

As for quantifying the benefits... I find them more esoteric than physical, things which don't have numbers for comparison.

Thanks. Yes when I get a bit older I can see the day when I no longer run. Not sure that will happen, but it could. See a lot of guys in 60s and 70s out there cycling. They are sure having fun.

I'm pretty much at that point now at 63.  My orthopedic surgeon is strongly suggesting that I give up running due to some chronic knee and Achilles issues.  I've also been diagnosed with Dupuytren's Disease in my hands which is making cycling problematic.  For the time being I've gone back to just doing Masters swimming and will re-evaluate things at the end of the year.  I do love swimming and quite frankly enjoy not having the aches and pains from running.  I did my first triathlon in 2004 and had a good run of 20+ races, so no regrets.   Just have to play the hand you're dealt some times.


2016-06-14 12:35 PM
in reply to: JohnP_NY

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: 10 Years of Triathlons

Originally posted by JohnP_NY
Originally posted by briderdt

I started in triathlon in 1984. Close to the sport's infancy, I watched it grow and then morph. The introduction of wetsuits, aero bars, disc wheels, Olympics inclusion... all of it. Along the way, something kind of got lost, but that's okay. It's different, with a different participant mentality. The training and racing habits have changed a lot as well.

I've stepped away from triathlon training and competition, and basically gone to cycling only. Some out of convenience, some out of injury avoidance. And I don't really miss it, though I do keep in touch with the sport through local races. And I've offered a custom frame to a local race series as a drawing prize.

As for quantifying the benefits... I find them more esoteric than physical, things which don't have numbers for comparison.

Thanks. Yes when I get a bit older I can see the day when I no longer run. Not sure that will happen, but it could. See a lot of guys in 60s and 70s out there cycling. They are sure having fun.

I had surgery in my left foot in 2007 for Freiberg's Infraction, and every time I run I start feeling the same symptoms in my right foot. Not willing to go through that surgery again.

2016-06-15 7:01 PM
in reply to: briderdt

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Subject: RE: 10 Years of Triathlons
This too is my tenth year and it has been a great ride. I started with a pool sprint in 2007 and was instantly hooked. With lots of hard work and great support from my family I completed an iron distance race in 2011. That was definitely the apex for me. I have done many shorter races since but the passion has diminished over the years for sure as I have posted about previously. If I could have changed anything I suppose I may have tried to be more competitive for at least part of my "career" but I was always pretty content finishing happy and injury free. To me just training, showing up to the venue on time and completing the race without any mishaps is a great achievement worthy of celebration. Everything above that is a bonus. I have only one tri scheduled for this year and have a newfound interest in obstacle course races (Spartan, Tough Mudder,etc.). I still very much enjoy SBR and hope and pray they will remain part of my regimen. I hope to continue with at least a casual race or two a year but can see myself pursuing other new and exciting challenges. If I never toe the line again it has been a total blast and I am grateful to have been a part of a great sport and lifestyle.

2016-06-16 2:41 PM
in reply to: CBess

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Subject: RE: 10 Years of Triathlons
I'm at eight years and still enjoy the training. Somethings have changed a bit though during my journey. I swam competitively as a kid and still enjoy swimming but twice per week is plenty for me. Perhaps because it is, technique-wise, my best discipline I catch the best "runners high" from swimming. I used to be a mountain biker but really enjoy road riding now. Of the 3 disciplines it is the one I probably most enjoy doing now. Running is a different story. I have done several half-marathons and the level of training necessary for these events has really taken its toll on me. I am nearly recovered from a hip injury incurred this fall, and have decided that I will scale back on my running. I am planning an Oly distance aquabike in Sept, and will probably never do another tri over sprint distance just to keep the running down to a level that I don't hurt myself any more.
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