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2016-07-18 1:30 PM

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Subject: Protests

Americans love their first amendment rights to gather and protest. Personally I have never been to a protest in my life. I really just don't see the point. Maybe it shows there are a lot of people who believe like you do and care enough to go march in the streets but does anyone actually think the Pro Life or Pro Abortion protests in front of the SCOTUS swayed the opinions of the justices? Did the Occupy movements change anything? Is the BLM changing anything or just getting people riled up?

I also don't understand protesting the opposition candidate's campaign rally and convention. Isn't that what we do on election day? People will be protesting the GOP convention tonight. Do those people really think anyone is going to persuaded to vote for Hillary because they made a spectacle of themselves?

If I want to 'protest' Hillary I will volunteer and/or donate money to the Trump campaign not run around at the DNV convention yelling and screaming.

I worry that some are gonna get shot or injured protesting the convention. And for what? Because you were exercising your free speech and thought you would sway voters??

2016-07-18 2:31 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Minnetonka, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Protests
Civil Rights activists in the 1960s and many others throughout history would probably disagree with your assertion that protests don't help move a cause forward and sway influential parties.
2016-07-18 2:42 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Protests

I think the closest thing to a protest I've ever done was go eat Chic-Fil-A to support Dan Cathy's right to free speech.  

I feel it depends on the context of the protest and how people go about it.  There are yelling and screaming protests that do very little and then there are loving and educational type protests that can open people up to alternative viewpoints and find common ground.

One example is a good friend of ours from church.  She had a friend drop her off at an abortion clinic and there were "protesters" outside, but one of the protesters walked up to her crying and told her about how she had an abortion as a teenager and would give anything to go back and not do it.  The two struck up a conversation and she was really troubled with the decision and decided on the spot to not have an abortion and found a new lifelong friend.  She now has an awesome son who brings her great joy and was changed forever due to a simple "protester". 

Now if that same scenario played out with a person yelling and screaming obscenities at her then of course it would have had a far different result.

Then you have beautiful things like what happened in Texas where protesters and counter protesters came together.  There's no way that hearts and minds on both sides weren't changed due to the protests there.


2016-07-18 2:49 PM
in reply to: ejshowers

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Subject: RE: Protests

Originally posted by ejshowers Civil Rights activists in the 1960s and many others throughout history would probably disagree with your assertion that protests don't help move a cause forward and sway influential parties.

I'm sure  you are right about the peaceful marches drawing attention to civil rights. But I don't think the draft burning and flag burning in the 60s/70s got us out of Vietnam any quicker.  The protests in Baltimore led to an over zealous prosecuting wrongly charging cops with abuse. 

We are a nation on the verge of anarchy.....remember......55 people were killed and over 2,000 were injured during the Rodney King riots. 


2016-07-18 2:49 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Protests

If more then 3 days pass without seafood at our house we nearly have a revolution.


2016-07-18 3:01 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Protests

Originally posted by tuwood

I think the closest thing to a protest I've ever done was go eat Chic-Fil-A to support Dan Cathy's right to free speech.  

I feel it depends on the context of the protest and how people go about it.  There are yelling and screaming protests that do very little and then there are loving and educational type protests that can open people up to alternative viewpoints and find common ground.

One example is a good friend of ours from church.  She had a friend drop her off at an abortion clinic and there were "protesters" outside, but one of the protesters walked up to her crying and told her about how she had an abortion as a teenager and would give anything to go back and not do it.  The two struck up a conversation and she was really troubled with the decision and decided on the spot to not have an abortion and found a new lifelong friend.  She now has an awesome son who brings her great joy and was changed forever due to a simple "protester". 

Now if that same scenario played out with a person yelling and screaming obscenities at her then of course it would have had a far different result.

Then you have beautiful things like what happened in Texas where protesters and counter protesters came together.  There's no way that hearts and minds on both sides weren't changed due to the protests there.



That is an awesome story about the abortion clinic.

Certain people just end up hurting their cause....e.g. Westboro Baptist.  Also, I think a 'movement' needs to have strong leadership.  The occupy protests was gathering strength but died on the vine as they lacked focus and direction and all kinds of goofballs took over their protest with their own agendas which had nothing to with Wall Street greed.

The BLM movement needs a MLK voice not a Sharpton or Jackson......also BLM was founded on a lie of 'hands in the air' that was proven to be absolutely false based on forensic evidence.  Might want to hire a PR person to advise them to come up with a less divisive name.

2016-07-18 3:07 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Protests

Originally posted by Left Brain

If more then 3 days pass without seafood at our house we nearly have a revolution.



Cow lives matter.




IMG_0683.JPG (46KB - 1 downloads)
2016-07-18 3:29 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

, California
Subject: RE: Protests

That cow photo looks like something I'd expect to see on a Tour de France stage.

Cyclist lives matter!

2016-07-18 3:42 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Protests
Originally posted by Left Brain

If more then 3 days pass without seafood at our house we nearly have a revolution.


You mean fish deaths matters.
2016-07-18 3:48 PM
in reply to: chirunner134

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Subject: RE: Protests

Originally posted by chirunner134
Originally posted by Left Brain

If more then 3 days pass without seafood at our house we nearly have a revolution.


You mean fish deaths matters.

Hell no......they have to live before I can eat them.  Every one of their lives matter to me.

2016-07-18 5:48 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Protests

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by chirunner134
Originally posted by Left Brain

If more then 3 days pass without seafood at our house we nearly have a revolution.


You mean fish deaths matters.

Hell no......they have to live before I can eat them.  Every one of their lives matter to me.



ive heard of this thing...







2016-07-19 10:49 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Protests
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by chirunner134
Originally posted by Left Brain

If more then 3 days pass without seafood at our house we nearly have a revolution.


You mean fish deaths matters.

Hell no......they have to live before I can eat them.  Every one of their lives matter to me.

Makes sense. I been told fresh fish = good and old fish = bad. I probably only ever had old fish so all fish to me = bad.
2016-07-19 11:45 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Protests
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by chirunner134
Originally posted by Left Brain

If more then 3 days pass without seafood at our house we nearly have a revolution.


You mean fish deaths matters.

Hell no......they have to live before I can eat them.  Every one of their lives matter to me.

Makes sense. I been told fresh fish = good and old fish = bad. I probably only ever had old fish so all fish to me = bad.
2016-07-20 7:33 AM
in reply to: chirunner134

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Protests
2016-07-20 8:24 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Protests

The best picture is of the Church group holding up signs that read "GOD HATES MORNING PEOPLE" and "GOD HATES BANGS".....well......duh.

2016-07-20 8:47 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Deep in the Heart of Texas
Subject: RE: Protests

Originally posted by tuwood

This made me laugh.  Three wonderful hate groups throwing urine at each other.  

Activists from Black Lives Matter, Westboro Baptist Church and the KKK were in the square and, at one time, were said to be throwing urine at each other.

Who knew there was yet another Baldwin brother?  I knew of Alec, Stephen, and the fat one, but there is also a Billy Baldwin.

2016-07-20 1:00 PM
in reply to: Hook'em

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Subject: RE: Protests


'BLACK OLIVES MATTER' Outrage after restaurant twists ‘Black Lives Matter’ protest slogan on huge billboard advert 'BLACK OLIVES MATTER' Outrage after restaurant twists ‘Black Lives Matter’ protest slogan on huge billboard advert

If I were a green olive I would be offended.



2016-07-20 2:50 PM
in reply to: Hook'em

, California
Subject: RE: Protests

Originally posted by Hook'em

Originally posted by tuwood

This made me laugh.  Three wonderful hate groups throwing urine at each other.  

Activists from Black Lives Matter, Westboro Baptist Church and the KKK were in the square and, at one time, were said to be throwing urine at each other.

Who knew there was yet another Baldwin brother?  I knew of Alec, Stephen, and the fat one, but there is also a Billy Baldwin.

William was in Flatliners, probably a bunch of other stuff I can't remember...

2016-07-21 9:02 AM
in reply to: spudone

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Subject: RE: Protests

Protestor who started swinging at Police while we was lighting an American flag on fire and thought the Police were hitting him was arrested for assaulting the Police.

The reason the Police were patting and batting his leg?  Well.....let's just use the words of the Police Officer as it was happening....

"You're on fire, stupid!!!"

2016-07-21 9:09 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Protests

Originally posted by Left Brain

Protestor who started swinging at Police while we was lighting an American flag on fire and thought the Police were hitting him was arrested for assaulting the Police.

The reason the Police were patting and batting his leg?  Well.....let's just use the words of the Police Officer as it was happening....

"You're on fire, stupid!!!"

There are few things that bring me greater joy than watching people that light themselves on fire on accident when they try burning our great countries flag. 

2016-07-21 10:20 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Protests

Originally posted by Left Brain

Protestor who started swinging at Police while we was lighting an American flag on fire and thought the Police were hitting him was arrested for assaulting the Police.

The reason the Police were patting and batting his leg?  Well.....let's just use the words of the Police Officer as it was happening....

"You're on fire, stupid!!!"


I have always been amazed at the stupidity of American protestors who burn or stomp on the American flag.  I don't care what your cause is after that.  You might be protesting child abuse but you lost all sympathy when you stomped on the American flag.  But I don't think it matters to them.  I think most of them just want the negative attention.  They want to be on the news or in some anarchy video on u-tube.


2016-07-22 1:18 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Protests
Originally posted by Rogillio

I have always been amazed at the stupidity of American protestors who burn or stomp on the American flag.  I don't care what your cause is after that.  You might be protesting child abuse but you lost all sympathy when you stomped on the American flag.  But I don't think it matters to them.  I think most of them just want the negative attention.  They want to be on the news or in some anarchy video on u-tube.


While I am not against them burning a flag per say I never really found a protest I thought this was a good thing and it furthers there cause. Its more like what the hell are they doing especially when waiver another countries flag.

While people get pissed off being filmed at these things. Everyone is filming everyone at these events is also a good thing. There was protest that girl walks up to a man starts pushing up against a guy and starts screaming at him to stop grabbing her breasts (which he did not do) and pushes him off a pretty high wall. The crowd cheered as he was take away in an ambulance. Ultimately she got arrested.
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