General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » Hey starting my VLOG on triathlon :) Rss Feed  
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2016-12-06 10:59 AM


Subject: Hey starting my VLOG on triathlon :)
Hello all,

27 year old.

i am determend to start my video log on youtube on triathlon. I am open for advice and some right directions.

I started triathlon this year in May. Did martial arts/fitness for 10 years before it (on/off).

How I started? A friend of mine was organizing an half ironman event, 1,9k swim, 90km bike(1200m elevation) and 21km trail run (500 or 600m elevation). Zero swimming before the race, about 100km od the bike, running was my strength, because we did that quite often before martial art workouts to warm up(3-5km).

He was teasing me, saying I am not able to finish it. this was about 6 days until the race day. So yeah....i obviously finished it, and since then i am hooked. I am totally crazy about this sport, my life totally main goal now is to travel around the world and train/compete

I understand it will be a long way, but I am determined, I want to be the one of the best in the next 10 years. At the moment i am a total beginner, I know i am not even allowed to say such wishes out loud, but yeah....need pressure in my life to become great.

2016-12-07 3:31 AM
in reply to: Valetriathlon


Subject: RE: Hey starting my VLOG on triathlon :)
OK, some more data.

27 years old, 180cm, 81kg

May I was about 93kg, lots of muscle...burned it all off on the bike over the next months....I am aiming towards 73-76kgs, will see how I feel on that weight (in the next 2-3years). dont want to loose too much strength too quickly. slowly adapt to lower weight, keeping my power, while lowering my weight.

Currently I have an ankle injury...resting for about 17days now...still need about 10more days, to start doing proper running trainings, this is very hard on me, because my goal during the colder months was improving my running. But OK.... maybe this was even better, because i needed some rest.

The first rest week I did 2 gym sessions for about 40-60minutes(mainly, pullups, core, dips,... stuff I feel benefits me for swimming(the muscles i feel when i swim, really hard to do exercizes without putting pressure on the legs, usually i just do deadlifts and squats), And besides that i did 2 swim sessions for 1 hour each, only arms.
The second week I again did 2 gym sessions + 3 swim sessions + 2 sessions on the spinner for 45 and 55minutes. easy pace, started to feel my ankle a bit again on the spinner so took 2 days totally off again.
This week I am feeling much better. on monday i did swim 1hr, finally using my legs again, very lightly + 45minutes bike @ home in the evening.....yesterday I did a swim in the morning 1hr and 1 hr on my bike @ home evening. today morning 1hr 10min swim.... + i ll do a bike session in the evening least 60minutes. any advice on a proper motivational 1hr video on youtube on triathlon?

On saturday I am planning to try out my ankle, doing an easy 5km run.... friend telling me i need to start running...but then another friend i saying i have to wait.......... I was unable to walk for 3 days, went to do X-ray, nothing broken, they told me at least 6weeks, but obviously, we athletes heal much faster...also adding collagen + glutamine + glucosamine/msm/chondrotin.....
2016-12-24 1:56 PM
in reply to: Valetriathlon

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Hey starting my VLOG on triathlon :)

Hi Vale and welcome to BT!

The training plans here are pretty good, I'd recommend 'em.

Motivational stuff on youtube for me is ... well, watch all the videos on this site

Watch everything on

Cycle stuff I love watching old Tour de France stages ...

Track events at the Olympics.

There's also a fair amount of triathlon footage on youtube.

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