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2006-09-14 9:26 AM

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Subject: Dumbest thing you've ever done?
We all do really stupid stuff....and I thought it would be fun to share some of the what-the-heck-was-I-thinking stories we all have. Here is one of mine:

I was about 9 years old and living in FL with my mother. It was in the dead of winter and our pool had a bunch of leaves on the bottom of the pool. My mother said she would give me $5 if I could figure out how to get the leaves out of the pool. I had just watched a show about Japanese sponge divers and how they would brave the frigid waters to dive for sponges and how they would apply lard to their bodies to insulate them from the cold. Hmmm, this might be the ticket! I wasn't exactly sure what "lard" was but I figured the Crisco we had in the kitchen would work just fine. The only problem was, this Crisco has been used to fry fish and had cornmeal kinda mixed in with the grease. Oh well, a little cornmeal never hurt anyone! I grabbed a handful of the stuff and proceeded to 'insulate' my entire body from head to toe. I jumped into the icy water and WHOOOOOOOO! YIKES!!!! I came back out of the water like a fish jumping! They lied! That grease didn't insulate me at all from the cold! Then I found out just how hard it was to get used fish grease out of your hair and cornmeal out of your ears!


2006-09-14 9:28 AM
in reply to: #540842

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Orange Park Florida
Subject: RE: Dumbest thing you've ever done?
2006-09-14 9:30 AM
in reply to: #540842

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Queen BTich
Subject: RE: Dumbest thing you've ever done?

LMAO! WOW thats a great one!

I have too many to count. I never do anything stupid.

Edited by Comet 2006-09-14 9:31 AM
2006-09-14 9:33 AM
in reply to: #540859

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Subject: RE: Dumbest thing you've ever done?

You should change your avatar if you're gonna claim that.

Comet - 2006-09-14 9:30 AM

LMAO! WOW thats a great one!

I have too many to count. I never do anything stupid.

2006-09-14 9:35 AM
in reply to: #540865

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Queen BTich
Subject: RE: Dumbest thing you've ever done?

Who said that was stupid? I got to see ChippyandJess and Aaron naked people.

DerekL - 2006-09-14 9:33 AM

You should change your avatar if you're gonna claim that.

Comet - 2006-09-14 9:30 AM

LMAO! WOW thats a great one!

I have too many to count. I never do anything stupid.

2006-09-14 9:38 AM
in reply to: #540842

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San Jose, CA
Subject: RE: Dumbest thing you've ever done?
I was clever and dumb at the same time...I was about 8 or 9..I had a mickey mouse calculater that I wanted to play with...but it had no batteries.  So I wrapped tinfoil around the battery coils and wrapped the other end around a night light...then I plugged it in....sparks flew and the lights on one side of the house went out...but I actually grabbed the night light and pulled it out of the socket.  Somehow...I lived...I didn't get electrocuted...15 years later I went bald...um not sure if theres a connection there or not.

2006-09-14 9:45 AM
in reply to: #540842

Subject: RE: Dumbest thing you've ever done?
Long story short because the details are just too sordid...

walked into and made love in the long grass at night in the Australian North. The snakes and spiders had ample targets that night!
2006-09-14 9:46 AM
in reply to: #540890

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Queen BTich
Subject: RE: Dumbest thing you've ever done?

Opus - 2006-09-14 9:45 AM Long story short because the details are just too sordid... walked into and made love in the long grass at night in the Australian North. The snakes and spiders had ample targets that night!

NO! What happened?

2006-09-14 9:48 AM
in reply to: #540875

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Subject: RE: Dumbest thing you've ever done?
runningwoof - 2006-09-14 9:38 AM

I was clever and dumb at the same time...I was about 8 or 9..I had a mickey mouse calculater that I wanted to play with...but it had no batteries.  So I wrapped tinfoil around the battery coils and wrapped the other end around a night light...then I plugged it in....sparks flew and the lights on one side of the house went out...but I actually grabbed the night light and pulled it out of the socket.  Somehow...I lived...I didn't get electrocuted...15 years later I went bald...um not sure if theres a connection there or not.

Oh this reminded me of another one….

My brother and I decided to play chemist in the garage. We took a coffee can and put in a little pool chorine, some muriatic acid, some gasoline, a little bleach, a dash of laundry detergent, a little turpentine, some paint etc…every liquid we could find in the garage. We went into the house to see what other chemical we could find to add to the concoction. When we returned to the garage the can of stuff was on fire!!! It had spontaneously combusted and was putting off this cloud of very toxic gasses. We got the fire put out and remarkably did not mange to die from the toxic smoke.


Edited by Rogillio 2006-09-14 9:53 AM
2006-09-14 9:49 AM
in reply to: #540842

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Des Moines, Iowa
Subject: RE: Dumbest thing you've ever done?

As a 4th grader, riding in the back of my Grandpa's pickup with my sisters.  Going about 20 mph.  Said to them, "Hey!  Watch me jump out, run to catch up, and then jump back in!"  Needless to say, I didn't catch up. 

2006-09-14 9:52 AM
in reply to: #540892

Subject: RE: Dumbest thing you've ever done?
Comet - 2006-09-14 10:46 AM

Opus - 2006-09-14 9:45 AM Long story short because the details are just too sordid... walked into and made love in the long grass at night in the Australian North. The snakes and spiders had ample targets that night!

NO! What happened?

Everything went off (so to speak) without a hitch. But apparently it's very ill-advised to walk through the long grass at night, let alone lie down and get busy. It was just a very dumb thing to do.

Like having 4 or 5 beers and deciding to try free climbing for the first time. I survived, but it was dumb, dumb, dumb.

2006-09-14 9:54 AM
in reply to: #540842

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Subject: RE: Dumbest thing you've ever done?

I once on a dare, climbed to the top of one of those high tension power lines tower (you know the metal ones shaped in a V), I had to touch the metal bar right below wow the lines string thru. The lines were buzzing and popping...

I was 12 and I look back on it now as one of the dumbest things in history someone could have done, it is just amazing I did not get something like 50 million volts shot thru my body.

Oh and I won 10 bucks and a kiss from the neighborhood girl (she even let me feel her boobies)....

2006-09-14 9:59 AM
in reply to: #540914

Subject: RE: Dumbest thing you've ever done?
trigods - 2006-09-14 10:54 AM
Oh and I won 10 bucks and a kiss from the neighborhood girl (she even let me feel her boobies)....

Cool! So it was worth it!
2006-09-14 9:59 AM
in reply to: #540914

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Queen BTich
Subject: RE: Dumbest thing you've ever done?
trigods - 2006-09-14 9:54 AM

Oh and I won 10 bucks and a kiss from the neighborhood girl (she even let me feel her boobies)....

Then it wasn't so stupid now was it?

2006-09-14 10:02 AM
in reply to: #540842

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San Jose, CA
Subject: RE: Dumbest thing you've ever done?
he he he .... you said boobies.
2006-09-14 10:09 AM
in reply to: #540842

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Subject: RE: Dumbest thing you've ever done?

Most of this stuff is dumb (doing something because you know better)... Now this isn't dumb, this would be stupid (doing something and you know you know better)...

Finished my senior design project at about noon the day before it had to be presented at a convention.  So relieved to have it done and working I proceed to go "let off some steam" by getting blitzed out of my mind, three sheets to the wind, and trashed... all at the same time.  Wake up with no memory of anything after 7 that evening... 2 hours late for my presentation... my professor didn't talk to me for weeks.


2006-09-14 10:11 AM
in reply to: #540842

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Subject: RE: Dumbest thing you've ever done?
I was 12 and I got to feel me some boobies, so heck yea it was worth it. At that time they (the boobs) were the biggest I had ever seen, looking back I think maybe they were B's...lol
At the time it totally didnt seem like a big deal, now when I see those power line towers everywhere I think WOW how dumb was I...

Edited by trigods 2006-09-14 10:14 AM
2006-09-14 10:12 AM
in reply to: #540842

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Indian Harbour Beach, Florida
Subject: RE: Dumbest thing you've ever done?
I once lit my foot on fire because... well... I'm not sure WHY I did it. I was only a kid, you know, just 18.
2006-09-14 10:13 AM
in reply to: #540842

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New City, New York
Subject: RE: Dumbest thing you've ever done?

skitching - holding onto the bumper of a car on snow covered roads. never got hurt but looking back probably not the smartest thing.

This was  dumber cuz I did get hurt: wondered if an old push lawnmower's blades were sharp enough to cut the wrapper of a MUNCH bar (remember those? peanut brittle candy, anyway). Yeah they were sharp enough... to cut the top of my index finger off to! It was reattached, a little deformed but it works. Remember getting some attention from the girls in school but never got to touch any boobies Wink

 never much cared for MUNCH bars after that either.

Edited by rollinbones 2006-09-14 10:16 AM
2006-09-14 10:15 AM
in reply to: #540957

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Subject: RE: Dumbest thing you've ever done?
rollinbones - 2006-09-14 10:13 AM

skitching - holding onto the bumper of a car on snow covered roads. never got hurt but looking back probably not the smartest thing.

This was probably dumber cuz I did get hurt: wondered if an old push lawnmower's blades were sharp enought to cut the wrapper of MUNCH bar (remember those? peandt brittle candy, anyway). Yeah they were sharp enough... to cut the top of my index finger off to! It was reattached, a little deformed but it works. Remember getting some attention from the girls in school but never got to touch any boobies Wink


THat is because no girl wants their boobies touched with a deformed finger...

2006-09-14 10:16 AM
in reply to: #540842

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Dumbest thing you've ever done?
Wouldn't necessarily be "dumbest" but this is what I'm willing to share...

During HS, the rage was to "Slam" various foods. Whole cupcake? No problem...Huge wedge of watermelon? Successfully got the whole wedge of watermelon in my mouth, THEN nearly drowned because I couldn't swallow the juice with a mouth full of watermelon...

Edit: I believe this episode can be verified by another BT'er

Edited by McFuzz 2006-09-14 10:17 AM

2006-09-14 10:54 AM
in reply to: #540842

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Subject: RE: Dumbest thing you've ever done?

dumbest thing I have ever seen done....

I was in college and work at a theatre (not the adult kind), we were all sitting around after closing talking and drinking and this girl who works behind the popcorn counter wanted to show us how good she could uh  deep throat a popcicle. So she takes one of the kind you break apart with the two sticks and starts simulating the act. well a minute into the act with the stick barely sticking out of her mouth, she gets a really funny look on her face and her eyes get all big. She then pull the stick out of her mouth to reveal just the stick. apprently in her throat, her body heat and her moving the popcicle up and down caused the popcicle to break off in her throat. She had to stand there and let it melt while not being able to breath. At first it was scary because we thought she would choke but then it became hilarious....

2006-09-14 11:02 AM
in reply to: #540842

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Subject: RE: Dumbest thing you've ever done?

I got a new bike. I had it on the top of my car. I drove into a parking garage.

very dumb. Luckily it was years ago, and it was a cheapie bike, I laugh now only because if it was my Sally bike that I have now I'd be crying .

2006-09-14 11:06 AM
in reply to: #540842

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DC Metro, slowly working my way to NC
Subject: RE: Dumbest thing you've ever done?
Got married.  Worst thing, I'd probably do it again.
2006-09-14 11:19 AM
in reply to: #540842

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West Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Dumbest thing you've ever done?
Dumbest thing I've ever done? Oh, there are so many!

For several years, I was chapter director of our local Harley Owner's Group; although, I was still oddly naive about a number of things. About 50 of us were on our way to the mountains of NC for the annual Harley Dealer's rally, and we had stopped at a rest area to stretch. It was about ... OH ... 10am. While we were there, 2 guys drove up in an old beater of a car with a woman in the backseat. We were getting on our bikes getting ready to leave when they pulled in. They were obviously under the influence of something ... the woman was trying to get out of the car ... the guys kept pushing her back in ... she was yelling for help ... they were just yelling. Well, there were ALL kinds of cops riding with my group ... local cops, sheriff's deputies and a highway patrolman ... and they were all just sitting there letting this go on. Was I that smart? OH NO! I got off my bike and walked up to the car ... like an idiot ... and asked the woman if she needed help. She was screaming YES YES YES ... and the guys, who had gotten back in the car were trying to hold her in the car by reaching over the back of the front seats. The guys didn't see me right away, but when they did ... they both started to get out of the car. At that moment, all I could hear, in my mind, was whirring and clicking. The guys' eyes got REALLY big ... I slowly turned around and I do believe that everyone in my party, except me, carried a handgun with them.

We called the state highway patrol and waited until they arrived.

Sometimes I am not so smart.
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