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2018-12-06 11:20 AM

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Subject: Princess (and heir apparent) of the House speaks
Ocasio-Cortez: ‘Inevitable’ Global Warming Governance Will Create ‘Economic, Social, and Racial Justice’

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “As a matter of fact, it's not just possible that we will create jobs and economic activity by transitioning to renewable energy, but it's inevitable that we are going to create jobs. It's inevitable that we're going to create industry, and it's inevitable that we can use the transition to a hundred percent renewable energy as the vehicle to truly deliver and establish economic, social and racial justice in the United States of America. That is our proposal and that is what we are here to do, because in the depths of darkness, in the depths of despair, which is what we last saw — you know, when we think about where we were when the New Deal was established, we were a nation in depression, in Great Depression, we were a nation on the brink of war. We saw the rise of fascism creeping across in Europe. And no one would have thought that a nation so poor, so scarce and in such dire straits as we were in that time could pursue such a bold economic agenda. But we chose to do it anyway. We had the courage to do it anyway and that is what this moment demands of us right now. That's what we have to do. We have to — this is going to be the Great Society, the moonshot, the Civil Rights Movement of our generation. That is the scale. That is the scale of the ambition that this movement is going to require."

I love this woman! I think I will make one of those calendars that has a joke of the day for every day. I can put one of her quotes on each page.

100% renewable energy. Love that. Sounds great....but technically solar power is not renewable, when the sun burns out, it's gone!

OK, so transitioning to renewable energy is going to create jobs. That's good because there will be a few million people out of work that currently work in the fossil fuel industry mining, drilling, transporting, processing and distributing fuel.

Always cracks me up with people talk about electric cars and how they don't pollute. WTH do they think the electricity comes from?! It comes from coal-fired power plants!

Last week O-C likened her getting elected to the moon landings and the civil right movement.

The scary concept is "Global Warming Governance". WTH does that mean anyway. Are we going to give up our sovereignty and bow down at the alter of Global Warming Governance? Good luck with that......not in my lifetime.

2018-12-06 12:14 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Princess (and heir apparent) of the House speaks

" a nation so poor, so scarce and in such dire straits as we were in that time"


2018-12-06 12:25 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Princess (and heir apparent) of the House speaks

Of course the diktat towards renewable energy will create jobs!

Bureaucrats will be required to administer the maze of regulations.

Accountants and lawyers will be required to advise on proper strategies for meeting regulations.

Prosecutors will be required to investigate everyone for compliance with obtuse regulations and prosecute those who violate the regulations.

Defense lawyers will be required to negotiate plea settlements.

Lucre from the plea settlements will be redistributed to the favored disadvantaged (heaven forbid it go to those actually harmed).  

As a second order effect, economic activity leveraging traditional fossil fuels will be driven underground, so additional prosecutors and defense lawyers will be required to bring such scofflaws into compliance with the diktat.  

2018-12-06 1:21 PM
in reply to: McFuzz

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Subject: RE: Princess (and heir apparent) of the House speaks
Originally posted by McFuzz

Of course the diktat towards renewable energy will create jobs!

Bureaucrats will be required to administer the maze of regulations.

Accountants and lawyers will be required to advise on proper strategies for meeting regulations.

Prosecutors will be required to investigate everyone for compliance with obtuse regulations and prosecute those who violate the regulations.

Defense lawyers will be required to negotiate plea settlements.

Lucre from the plea settlements will be redistributed to the favored disadvantaged (heaven forbid it go to those actually harmed).  

As a second order effect, economic activity leveraging traditional fossil fuels will be driven underground, so additional prosecutors and defense lawyers will be required to bring such scofflaws into compliance with the diktat.  

Fossil fuels....underground? :-) Very punny. Actually I was thinking along the same lines. I can see people buying and selling gas, oil, and coal on the black market. But I think their plan is just to tax fossil fuels out of existence. This will only hurt working class people. You don't see rich people in Paris rioting in the streets. Guys who own private airplanes will buy carbon authorizations from poor people and then pass along the added cost of doing business to the poor people who buy their products and work in their factories.
2018-12-06 1:29 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Princess (and heir apparent) of the House speaks

The world will switch away from fossil fuels as the primary source of energy when we...1) Run out of them, or 2) a cheaper alternative is found.

Until then, forget it.

As for O-C.....in all seriousness, I don't give a rats arse what she says aside from the comedic value.

2018-12-06 2:14 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Princess (and heir apparent) of the House speaks
Originally posted by Left Brain

The world will switch away from fossil fuels as the primary source of energy when we...1) Run out of them, or 2) a cheaper alternative is found.

Until then, forget it.

As for O-C.....in all seriousness, I don't give a rats arse what she says aside from the comedic value.

What do you have against rat arses?

KUTV) — People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) caused quite a stir on social media after asking the world to stop using anti-animal language.

The organization urged people to stop using common phrases like:

•Kill two birds with one stone
•Be the guinea pig
•Beat a dead horse
•Bring home the bacon
•Take the bull by the horns

Instead, the animal advocacy organization wants people to start using phrases that eliminate speciesism, like:
•Feed two birds with one scone
•Be the test tube
•Feed a fed horse
•Bring home the bagels
•Take the flower by the thorns

I'm going to report this to PETA and suggest they replace "Don't give a Rat's Azse" with "Give your spouse a mouse not a blouse"...because mice are nice. But I did read that they kicked Minnie Mouse out of Disney. They said she was f'ing Goofy!

2018-12-06 2:29 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Princess (and heir apparent) of the House speaks

Three of my daughters texted me that PETA deal yesterday morning on a group text.....they were howling with laughter.  For the rest of the day we texted each other with animal references and cracked each other up. 

PETA.....some more chit I don't care about.

2018-12-06 4:33 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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, Arizona
Subject: RE: Princess (and heir apparent) of the House speaks
The 100% renewable claim is beyond ridiculous, I'll give you that. We are nowhere near having the battery tech to support our energy needs. Some areas with very unique geographic features (like where we have hydro dams now) could make for some cheap "batteries" but you can't run the whole country that way.

I'm a fan of electric power vehicles, when the weather is bearable I commute 20 miles on my ebike made from dead laptop batteries. A few cents to charge, max range is around 70 miles. I really don't need to take thousands of pounds of metal and plastic with me everywhere I go.

Electric cars ARE still cleaner that ICE vehicles. For one, coal-fired plants have been in heavy decline thanks to the natural gas boom, these are much cleaner. It's also more economically feasible to scrub a lot of the contaminates when burning dirtier fuel when you do it on a large scale... small engines, not so much.

It's true, we won't switch until alternatives are cheaper (or at least very close). But investing in "clean energy" technology could make us a world leader and provide tremendous economic benefits, though countries like China seem to have beaten us to the punch on things like solar panels.

Not sure how much we could really invest anyways, the debt crisis is looming and should make 2008 look like a speedbump. I know you all like to pat yourselves on the back about the countries "yuge growth", but it's a load of BS, everything has been built on debt from the beginning.


Even Trump was caught saying yesterday "I won't be here" when it blows up. I guess that seems to be a common theme, climate change included, the next generation can deal with the pile of we've left them. Tragedy of the commons has come to fruition...
2018-12-06 9:00 PM
in reply to: Synon

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Subject: RE: Princess (and heir apparent) of the House speaks
Originally posted by Synon

The 100% renewable claim is beyond ridiculous, I'll give you that. We are nowhere near having the battery tech to support our energy needs. Some areas with very unique geographic features (like where we have hydro dams now) could make for some cheap "batteries" but you can't run the whole country that way.

I'm a fan of electric power vehicles, when the weather is bearable I commute 20 miles on my ebike made from dead laptop batteries. A few cents to charge, max range is around 70 miles. I really don't need to take thousands of pounds of metal and plastic with me everywhere I go.

Electric cars ARE still cleaner that ICE vehicles. For one, coal-fired plants have been in heavy decline thanks to the natural gas boom, these are much cleaner. It's also more economically feasible to scrub a lot of the contaminates when burning dirtier fuel when you do it on a large scale... small engines, not so much.

It's true, we won't switch until alternatives are cheaper (or at least very close). But investing in "clean energy" technology could make us a world leader and provide tremendous economic benefits, though countries like China seem to have beaten us to the punch on things like solar panels.

Not sure how much we could really invest anyways, the debt crisis is looming and should make 2008 look like a speedbump. I know you all like to pat yourselves on the back about the countries "yuge growth", but it's a load of BS, everything has been built on debt from the beginning.


Even Trump was caught saying yesterday "I won't be here" when it blows up. I guess that seems to be a common theme, climate change included, the next generation can deal with the pile of we've left them. Tragedy of the commons has come to fruition...

Tell me about this bike. Did you build it or purchase? Post some pics too please Sounds prettty cool to me. I’d commute on two wheels if I didn’t get off work at 1AM and live in the DWI capitol of the US!
2018-12-06 9:27 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Princess (and heir apparent) of the House speaks

Originally posted by Synon The 100% renewable claim is beyond ridiculous, I'll give you that. We are nowhere near having the battery tech to support our energy needs. Some areas with very unique geographic features (like where we have hydro dams now) could make for some cheap "batteries" but you can't run the whole country that way. I'm a fan of electric power vehicles, when the weather is bearable I commute 20 miles on my ebike made from dead laptop batteries. A few cents to charge, max range is around 70 miles. I really don't need to take thousands of pounds of metal and plastic with me everywhere I go. Electric cars ARE still cleaner that ICE vehicles. For one, coal-fired plants have been in heavy decline thanks to the natural gas boom, these are much cleaner. It's also more economically feasible to scrub a lot of the contaminates when burning dirtier fuel when you do it on a large scale... small engines, not so much. It's true, we won't switch until alternatives are cheaper (or at least very close). But investing in "clean energy" technology could make us a world leader and provide tremendous economic benefits, though countries like China seem to have beaten us to the punch on things like solar panels. Not sure how much we could really invest anyways, the debt crisis is looming and should make 2008 look like a speedbump. I know you all like to pat yourselves on the back about the countries "yuge growth", but it's a load of BS, everything has been built on debt from the beginning. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/GFDEGDQ188SEven Trump was caught saying yesterday "I won't be here" when it blows up. I guess that seems to be a common theme, climate change included, the next generation can deal with the pile of we've left them. Tragedy of the commons has come to fruition...

There is much here that I agree with......but I have found that the left WILL NOT be happy with anything less than everything they want.....so I'm happy to just say no to all of it.  I think it'll all come to a head one day and we'll be forced to find some real common ground....and that'll be good.  For now, saying no to all of it seems, to me, to  be the fastest way to get to that point.....so that's where I am.  Nope.

Edited by Left Brain 2018-12-06 9:28 PM
2018-12-06 11:56 PM
in reply to: mdg2003

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, Arizona
Subject: RE: Princess (and heir apparent) of the House speaks
Left Brain - Neither will the right, so I guess we are screwed either way. I disagree about finding common ground, people see those people as pushovers... not leaders. People on both sides want an emotional response to be appealed to, if they aren't demonizing their opponent then they don't stand a chance. It's nasty business and I don't think it's going to change, but maybe I'm just a pessimist.

mdg I built the bike up myself, it's a bit of a frankenbike but it's served me well. It started off as a project to see if I could get a broken motor working which I received for free. The motor is a 48v/1000watt chinese hub motor kit that can be had off ebay for like $150 these days. I snatched up a cheap mtn bike off craigslist once I revived the motor. The battery is the expensive part, but I wanted to keep the experiment at very low cost so I started collecting dead laptop batteries from our ewaste at work. These batteries have 6 or 9 cells called 18650's (same style they use in e-cigs and Tesla's), usually when a laptop battery goes bad it's just 1 cell that isn't functioning normally. Gathered enough good cells to make an oversized battery pack, these are usually only good for 500 cycles... but if you only charge/discharge them between 30-70% you can get 5000 cycles out of them. I individually fused each cell for safety, so if one cell shorts the whole pack won't erupt in flames. It won't win any beauty contests but it gets me at work at 33mph on the flats and only a few minutes slower than driving through town. I put 2000 miles on it this year, the battery may be good for 10-15k... maybe even 20. Fun little project for getting around town, took some time to test the batteries but the whole project ended up costing less than $150.

Bike: https://i.imgur.com/5ayKZ1m.jpg
Battery: https://i.imgur.com/UuzqqZt.jpg

2018-12-07 11:10 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Princess (and heir apparent) of the House speaks

Oh....don't misunderstand what I'm saying.  I don't think anyone is coming to the table on their own.  This deal ends in a fiery crash.  I'm just a proponent of getting there as fast as we can. 

I'm good for it,  I just don't want my kids to have to deal with that fight....let's get it done.

Edited by Left Brain 2018-12-07 11:11 PM
2018-12-09 9:59 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Princess (and heir apparent) of the House speaks
Originally posted by Left Brain
This deal ends in a fiery crash.

I am guessing you are referring to some form of civil war ? If so, do you see this as a possibility or a probability ?
2018-12-09 3:14 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Princess (and heir apparent) of the House speaks

I don't see any way around it at the current direction.  Most of the people I deal with every day take great joy in telling us that an armed revolution is coming.  They don't have any idea what they are asking for, but it's a very pervasive theme.  Then the folks I run around with (I don't hang around with cops so I'm not insinuating that the police feel that way) say the same thing, and some of them don't have any idea what they are asking for either.....although most absolutely do and are preparing in varying degrees.

The political ideology and, on a lesser level (but not much), societal differences between the folks who live in the cities and those in rural areas are 180 degrees from each other.....not 179 or 181.....exactly opposite. I am almost 60 and I've never seen anything like it in the 31+ years I've been dealing with the public.....or before.

If you want me to pin it down I'd say it's a possibility......but it gets closer to a probability, in small increments, day by day.  All we are lacking right now is a flash point to move the needle monumentally.....look at France......and our right is France's right on steroids.

My point is that if we can't reconcile these differences soon then let's get on with it.  I'm not advocating for that, I just don't want to leave it for my kids to deal with.

Edited by Left Brain 2018-12-09 3:37 PM
2018-12-09 3:46 PM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Princess (and heir apparent) of the House speaks
Interesting. I don't think the world has any idea it's that bad. I think people don't understand why you elected Trump but I don't think they realize the divide that exists.

FYI, I don't think France is the same thing. The French love to revolt, strike, cause unrest, burn stuff, flip cars. My parents were French, I spend a lot of time there. It's nowhere like what you are going through down south.

They will throw Macron out next round but they are nowhere close to the left/right divide you guys have.

Edited by marcag 2018-12-09 3:47 PM
2018-12-09 4:11 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Princess (and heir apparent) of the House speaks

I'll take your word for it.....I only know what I see on the news....and I know how skewed that is.  

Still.....the left here likes to do that stuff too.....but they won't yet try it in rural areas where the right largely resides, because it won't be tolerated.  That's really the only thing keeping this country from imploding.....the fact that the left mostly stays to itself in large urban areas and their policies have only marginally affected those living in rural areas....if at all.  Watch what happens if the left gets a majority and tries a gun ban, for instance.....rural people on the right just start laughing if you even bring it up.  But come to their homes to get them and you'll have bedlam like this country hasn't seen in nearly 200 years.  Or tax them, like France did, on a commodity they need to earn a living and preserve their way of life for their families.....just watch.

Like I said, it will take a flashpoint, but once you wake up the BIG bear it won't be pretty.

The same way I'd like it to come to a head sooner than later....no, much more so, I hope my country can find a way toward common ground.  I'd say the smart money is against that happening any time soon.

2018-12-09 5:26 PM
in reply to: Synon

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Subject: RE: Princess (and heir apparent) of the House speaks
Originally posted by Synon

Left Brain - Neither will the right, so I guess we are screwed either way. I disagree about finding common ground, people see those people as pushovers... not leaders. People on both sides want an emotional response to be appealed to, if they aren't demonizing their opponent then they don't stand a chance. It's nasty business and I don't think it's going to change, but maybe I'm just a pessimist.

mdg I built the bike up myself, it's a bit of a frankenbike but it's served me well. It started off as a project to see if I could get a broken motor working which I received for free. The motor is a 48v/1000watt chinese hub motor kit that can be had off ebay for like $150 these days. I snatched up a cheap mtn bike off craigslist once I revived the motor. The battery is the expensive part, but I wanted to keep the experiment at very low cost so I started collecting dead laptop batteries from our ewaste at work. These batteries have 6 or 9 cells called 18650's (same style they use in e-cigs and Tesla's), usually when a laptop battery goes bad it's just 1 cell that isn't functioning normally. Gathered enough good cells to make an oversized battery pack, these are usually only good for 500 cycles... but if you only charge/discharge them between 30-70% you can get 5000 cycles out of them. I individually fused each cell for safety, so if one cell shorts the whole pack won't erupt in flames. It won't win any beauty contests but it gets me at work at 33mph on the flats and only a few minutes slower than driving through town. I put 2000 miles on it this year, the battery may be good for 10-15k... maybe even 20. Fun little project for getting around town, took some time to test the batteries but the whole project ended up costing less than $150.

Bike: https://i.imgur.com/5ayKZ1m.jpg
Battery: https://i.imgur.com/UuzqqZt.jpg

That's a pretty neat set up. Thanks for posting up the pics too!
2018-12-09 5:35 PM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Princess (and heir apparent) of the House speaks

That's actually awesome as hell.  I would blow my house up.....or at least burn it to the ground.

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2018-10-04 2:31 PM Rogillio