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2019-05-17 1:55 PM

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Subject: Abortion laws.....


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2019-05-18 5:51 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Abortion laws.....
Abortion laws belong to the states. Same with death penalty laws. GA passed an abortion law and the liberal elite in CA are protesting trying to impose their liberal values on the people in GA.

Abortion, unlike gun ownership, is not addressed in the Constitution and should be left of to the legislative branch or the states.
2019-05-18 8:57 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Abortion laws.....

See I thought the right to life WAS addressed in the constitution.  Abortion, for me is just one more thing I will now say no to.  I was never for it, but I figured it wasn't my fight.....so I left it up to choice.  I don't have to answer for it.  But now, like everything else the liberals want.....Just Say No.

2019-05-18 2:40 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Abortion laws.....
Originally posted by Left Brain

See I thought the right to life WAS addressed in the constitution.  Abortion, for me is just one more thing I will now say no to.  I was never for it, but I figured it wasn't my fight.....so I left it up to choice.  I don't have to answer for it.  But now, like everything else the liberals want.....Just Say No.

Yeah I don’t have a dog in that fight either. I don’t and won’t ever need and abortion not do the women in my family. I do think abortion should be legal in cases of severely deformed babies and for rape and incest. But don’t show up in week 39 and claim you were raped. I feel for woman with an unwanted pregnancy but you never know what the child may become. I was the 4th child and my mother cried for days when she found out she was pregnant again. Side note, what do you call a Catholic women who uses the rhythm method of birth control? Answer: Mom.

Where is the Constitution do find the “right to life”?

What bothers me most are the women who see abortion as the “get out of jail free” card of birth control. Pregnancy is 99% preventable with a $1 condom. Add a second form of birth control and that number goes to 99.999%. Same goes for AIDS/HIV which is 100% preventable.

I guess it all comes down to personal accountable. Do we want a government who protects the least common denominator stupid at the expense of the responsible majority? This applies to not just abortion and gun control but to students loans and credit card rates and a host of other issues.
2019-05-18 7:32 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Abortion laws.....

I can jump in here for a bit.  I am not of child-bearing age any longer. I am Democrat (don't hold that against me!).  I am divorced but I was knocked up before any marriage talk happened.


Personally, I believe that it is the woman's choice.  I would not choose that route.  Heck, I offered my boyfriend at the time (now ex-husband) the chance to walk away with no complications.  If the sperm donor wants to be involved in the child's life then he should have a say in this decision, but I would still give the final say to the woman.  Just because sperm donor wants to be involved at 8 weeks pregnant doesn't mean he won't change his mind--same with the incubator.  If incubator changes her mind and wants an abortion then sperm donor should have the chance to step up.  Treat it as a surrogate pregnancy and he pays for all of the medical bills.  Incubator walks away with no familial responsibility.  

Abortion should NOT be used as a type of birth control!!!!!  There are always going to be extenuating circumstances and each one should be evaluated on its own merit.  We already provide an "oops. sorry, didn't mean to have sex with you" pill.  

I'm not sure how I would have handled being a single mom but I know that my family would have supported me.  Some women don't have that support and then it falls on society to be the village that helps to raise that child.  

There is a member on here that had to make that heart-wrenching decision to abort a child that would die within minutes of birth because of the medical issues it was diagnosed with.  They haven't had any children.  I would not want to take away their right to choose what is best for them and, ultimately, the baby.  They live with that decision EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.  No regrets, just sadness.

This isn't about my body, my choice.  This is about what is best for all involved and that is MOST. DEFINITELY. NOT. THE. GOVERNMENT.

Stepping down now.

2019-05-19 8:46 AM
in reply to: Faerie66

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Subject: RE: Abortion laws.....

Originally posted by Faerie66

I can jump in here for a bit.  I am not of child-bearing age any longer. I am Democrat (don't hold that against me!).  I am divorced but I was knocked up before any marriage talk happened.


Personally, I believe that it is the woman's choice.  I would not choose that route.  Heck, I offered my boyfriend at the time (now ex-husband) the chance to walk away with no complications.  If the sperm donor wants to be involved in the child's life then he should have a say in this decision, but I would still give the final say to the woman.  Just because sperm donor wants to be involved at 8 weeks pregnant doesn't mean he won't change his mind--same with the incubator.  If incubator changes her mind and wants an abortion then sperm donor should have the chance to step up.  Treat it as a surrogate pregnancy and he pays for all of the medical bills.  Incubator walks away with no familial responsibility.  

Abortion should NOT be used as a type of birth control!!!!!  There are always going to be extenuating circumstances and each one should be evaluated on its own merit.  We already provide an "oops. sorry, didn't mean to have sex with you" pill.  

I'm not sure how I would have handled being a single mom but I know that my family would have supported me.  Some women don't have that support and then it falls on society to be the village that helps to raise that child.  

There is a member on here that had to make that heart-wrenching decision to abort a child that would die within minutes of birth because of the medical issues it was diagnosed with.  They haven't had any children.  I would not want to take away their right to choose what is best for them and, ultimately, the baby.  They live with that decision EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.  No regrets, just sadness.

This isn't about my body, my choice.  This is about what is best for all involved and that is MOST. DEFINITELY. NOT. THE. GOVERNMENT.

Stepping down now.

I think you've got it right, at least for my way of thinking.(except for the sperm donor part.....he's still the father, like it or not, nothing happens without BOTH parties)

Here's the problem.  The liberals are never happy.  I can't imagine making the decision to abort that the woman you mentioned had to make, and certainly that is a case where abortion may, indeed, be the best option.  But that's not enough......NOTHING is ever enough with liberals.  So we end up with people getting abortions for convenience.....basically because they couldn't be responsible.  I'm not getting on that bus.

So I end up in a place that I don't have any other choice of being with liberals......absolutely NO to everything they want.  It's not where I'm comfortable.......it's just a fact.  I can get along with anyone as an individual, but when it comes to passing laws to appease the irresponsible....no way.

2019-05-19 8:47 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Abortion laws.....

"I guess it all comes down to personal accountable. Do we want a government who protects the least common denominator stupid at the expense of the responsible majority? This applies to not just abortion and gun control but to students loans and credit card rates and a host of other issues. " - Rog

^^ This, exactly.

2019-05-22 1:40 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

Subject: RE: Abortion laws.....
This post is several days after the original, so not sure anyone will see or care.
But, IMHO, one of the big frustrations regarding abortion is that we can't even agree on what the argument should be. I am totally pro-life. To me abortion means murder. To the liberals, it means "health care decision", not unlike the decision to have a root canal. So trying to talk to a wild eyed liberal female on this matter is a non-starter. "It's there body, along with anything that exists in it." They are scared right now because whether they want to admit it or not, legalized abortion is on its way out. Everyone can see that. It is surely going to take a while, but it is moving in that direction.

My opinion is that abortion should be regulated at the federal level. We don't allow individual states to decide if murder should be legal in their states. Also, I knew a "rape baby" growing up. I'm sure carrying him to term had mixed emotions for his mom, but guess what? He was a perfectly normal person who grew up, got married, had kids. And his mom had grandkids

Another thing that has been interesting to me in the social media is how women now are playing the victim card. When it suits them, they are empowered, strong, "I am woman, hear me roar!" but now they are the victims of ugly white men who are probably even doubly worse if they are ugly white old men who are bald too!!! (ever notice how it is not racist but actually PC to refer to someone as an "old white man")?? They have reduced themselves to saying things that should embarrass the hell out of them, but they are caught up in it. They say it was a bunch of old white men in Alabama who decided the latest one, but don't mention the bunch of old white men who put Roe V Wade into play. Sheesh. Anyway, enough out of me. On another side note, they seriously need to get Bernie tested. I'm not saying this to be funny. My old man has dementia, and prior to the official diagnosis, he was saying s*** just like Bernie. Not as radical, but super weird. Bernie is a total random molecule.

2019-05-22 2:44 PM
in reply to: Burchib

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Abortion laws.....

As a Brit I am confused about Roe vs Wade and how that fits in with these law changes in individual states. Can someone enlighten me please?



2019-05-22 2:56 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Abortion laws.....

Basically, Roe v. Wade was the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in our country.  Obviously it's been a contentious decision for the past decades since it became law.  Now, some states are pushing back and making their own laws to abolish abortion.  That's all well and fine, but the State's laws cannot supersede Federal law, so anything the States pass must now go before the Supreme Court in an attempt to overturn Roe v. Wade.`  Obviously it's being done at this time because the make-up of the Court is more conservative than it's been.

That's an overly simplified version, of course......but it ought to be enough for you to choose sides.....most people here choose sides on a lot less thinking than that will take you.  LOL

Edited by Left Brain 2019-05-22 2:58 PM
2019-05-22 4:20 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Abortion laws.....

Originally posted by Left Brain

Basically, Roe v. Wade was the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in our country.  Obviously it's been a contentious decision for the past decades since it became law.  Now, some states are pushing back and making their own laws to abolish abortion.  That's all well and fine, but the State's laws cannot supersede Federal law, so anything the States pass must now go before the Supreme Court in an attempt to overturn Roe v. Wade.`  Obviously it's being done at this time because the make-up of the Court is more conservative than it's been.

That's an overly simplified version, of course......but it ought to be enough for you to choose sides.....most people here choose sides on a lot less thinking than that will take you.  LOL


Thanks for clarifying. If Roe vs. Wade gets overturned will that have to apply to all 50 states? I feel very British today! lol!

2019-05-22 4:58 PM
in reply to: sappho96

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Subject: RE: Abortion laws.....

Yes, after the riots. LMAO

2019-05-22 5:29 PM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Abortion laws.....
Originally posted by Left Brain

Yes, after the riots. LMAO

Today they showed polls that said 67% of people were pro RoeVsWade

Isn't this political suicide ?

Here in Canada, the head of the conservative party is antiabortion. But he says it's his personal; view and will not make it a political issue since he knows it's political suicide.

Edited by marcag 2019-05-22 5:29 PM
2019-05-22 7:16 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Abortion laws.....

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by Left Brain

Yes, after the riots. LMAO

Today they showed polls that said 67% of people were pro RoeVsWade Isn't this political suicide ? Here in Canada, the head of the conservative party is antiabortion. But he says it's his personal; view and will not make it a political issue since he knows it's political suicide.

Yeah, I don't think it should be a political issue either, but it is.  I think most people feel the same, and has nothing to do with how they vote.  I know it doesn't for my family.  So, political suicide?  I doubt it.

We're pretty much laughing at polls here in "fly-over country"......Trump was supposed to lose by 10% or more.  My wife and I were each polled once in the last 2 years....we answered EXACTLY opposite of what we think. LOL

Most of the people who voted for Trump are tired of polls and media.....we just mess with them.  Pollsters know it so they go where they can get the result they want......meh.

You can cite all the polls you want.....but you can't get away from the laws that states are passing.  This is going back to the Supreme Court, like it or not.  And if the Left loses they won't accept it.....hence the riots.  Nobody on the right cares.....it's laughable to us....we don't have time to protest....we're busy with life.

Edited by Left Brain 2019-05-22 7:42 PM
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