Subject: 07.16.2019 Tuesday Training 5:23am early at the crack of dawn here in Southern, PA. It was a gorgeous morning for a ride. Took a nice 25 mile loop and added some hill work in. Some yahoo decided that the smart play was to sit two feet off my back tire and blare his horn at me for 5 seconds or so, before flying by me. Our roads are fairly narrow, he had the other lane open for a mile ahead.
Got home, helped the kids get ready for summer camps and then headed into the YMCA with the bike on the back on the back of the truck.
Good 1600m swim. I am a bad swimmer, but I really enjoy it.
Showered up and a 2 mile bike to work. I forgot my helmet at home, first time I have ever ridden without a helmet. It made me feel irresponsible, hahahaha
6 days until I can drive...WOOHOOOOO |