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2019-08-10 3:34 PM

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Subject: Gun Control
Local talk show host posed a good question yesterday. What gun control measure can you get behind?

Giving some thought, I submit:

1. Bump stock ban. Seems to me this is a workaround the fully automatic weapons that are already banned

2. Background checks. I don’t buy on impulse so have no issue waiting a day or two. Just needs to be some sort of due process to appeal.

3. Red flag - again with some sort of due process

4. Banning 100 round mags. No gun user would shoot 100 non stop for fear of warping Barrel.

Totally oppose assault weapon ban! Complete red herring.

So what gun control could you support?

2019-08-10 8:13 PM
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Subject: RE: Gun Control


To support ANY measure would mean I trust Democrats.......no way.  Don't be fooled by this.  When it changes nothing they will demand a ban....and you know damn well we have plenty of gun laws that make absolutely no difference.   They want your guns....they have ZERO interest in solving the problem.

They have shown their true colors.....I'm paying attention.  

I will give them NOTHING.


If you don't like it, no problem, move somewhere else.

Edited by Left Brain 2019-08-10 8:32 PM
2019-08-11 10:29 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gun Control
Originally posted by Rogillio

Local talk show host posed a good question yesterday. What gun control measure can you get behind?

Giving some thought, I submit:

1. Bump stock ban. Seems to me this is a workaround the fully automatic weapons that are already banned

2. Background checks. I don’t buy on impulse so have no issue waiting a day or two. Just needs to be some sort of due process to appeal.

3. Red flag - again with some sort of due process

4. Banning 100 round mags. No gun user would shoot 100 non stop for fear of warping Barrel.

Totally oppose assault weapon ban! Complete red herring.

So what gun control could you support?

I think you're going to run into severe cases of LDS.
2019-08-11 12:03 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Gun Control
2019-08-11 1:31 PM
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Subject: RE: Gun Control

Originally posted by mdg2003 LDS?

It's some kind of acronym for people not willing to change the constitution of our country.  I think he's right.

Here's the reaction, to a single loud noise,  of those who do want it changed.  LMAO


Edited by Left Brain 2019-08-11 1:36 PM
2019-08-11 2:32 PM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gun Control
Originally posted by mdg2003


TDS = Trump Derangement Syndrome

LDS = Liberal Derangement Syndrome

2019-08-11 5:48 PM
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Subject: RE: Gun Control
Originally posted by marcag

Originally posted by mdg2003


TDS = Trump Derangement Syndrome

LDS = Liberal Derangement Syndrome

I looked it up too and found Little D**k Syndrome. Meaning when push came to shove no one would back anything.

Edited by Rogillio 2019-08-11 5:50 PM
2019-08-11 6:17 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Gun Control
I have no problem with liberals....I married the biggest liberal I knew... she left that party a few years ago on her own. I treated her political views the way I treat all liberal views.....I just ignore them. I don't care who wants to give up constitutional rights...it's a no from me. There's not much to get wound up about....no is pretty easy.
2019-08-11 8:41 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Gun Control
The same gubment that could not protect Epstein, who was in jail, wants you to give up your guns and trust the gubment to protect you?
2019-08-12 10:32 AM
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Subject: RE: Gun Control

My son has been carrying a gun for a couple of years.  Now the twins are asking to carry as well.  They are 19, so they technically don't need my permission...but it looks like I'll be training them in the next few months.  All three of them are in college.....and they don't feel like being victims without a chance to fight back, if they ever found themselves in that position.

Anyone who thinks the govt. can protect them from an ambush style shooting (which is what ALL mass shootings are), much less a robbery or similar crime, is completely delusional.

The survivors of the mass shooting that killed my co-workers and friends nearly ALL carry now.  They have all described the helplessness of waiting to be shot or the Police to arrive.  We got there in 56 seconds.....7 killed.  The bad guy had a 6 shot revolver and a pistol with a 12 round magazine that he took from a Police Officer he killed.

People who don't know anything about guns or bad guys should not be making gun laws.......it'll just lead to more dumbness.

Edited by Left Brain 2019-08-12 10:37 AM
2019-08-12 6:15 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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White Oak, Texas
Subject: RE: Gun Control
Originally posted by Rogillio

The same gubment that could not protect Epstein, who was in jail, wants you to give up your guns and trust the gubment to protect you?

I think you ended your own discussion

2019-08-13 6:49 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Gun Control

A4E39601-CB67-4C8E-BF32-FF2B13DD46FC.jpeg (88KB - 17 downloads)
2019-09-03 5:45 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Gun Control
2019-09-04 1:10 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Gun Control

Originally posted by Left Brain

See what Liberals do??  priceless!!!


I think if they just made hurting other people illegal it would all stop. 

2019-09-04 1:16 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Gun Control

You know, I agree.

Assault should be illegal. 

Assault with a weapon of any kind should result in enhanced charges.

I have no idea why someone has not suggested this.

This just seems really easy to me.....

Make something illegal and the problem is fixed.......  we should just make all problems illegal. 

Done!  ...................silly people.

2019-09-04 2:14 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Gun Control

The most awesome part of the Dem circus so far has been Beto O'Dumbarse saying, "Let me be clear......Americans who own AR-15's, AK-47's, will have to sell them to the Government."



2019-09-09 8:42 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Gun Control

Unbelievable. Totally out of touch with America. Nowayinhell I would brown down to an unconstitutional “law”. I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.

I don’t even own an AR-15....but find myself in the market once again. Why? Just cause FU.
2019-09-09 10:40 PM
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Subject: RE: Gun Control

Dear Beto,


Man, I hate to give up the opportunity to use the word "existential" here and be like the liberal elites......but I'm just gonna defer and go with.......

No.  LOL

Edited by Left Brain 2019-09-09 11:00 PM
2019-09-16 11:53 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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, Arizona
Subject: RE: Gun Control
I'd support a training/handling/safety course that would be required before the purchase of your first firearm. More people die from accidental shootings in the US than mass shootings. Just read another article this morning about another kid, a 4 year old, that was shot/killed by a sibling in Texas. I don't think it's too much to ask that people have some basic education to protect themselves and others around them.
2019-09-16 12:41 PM
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Subject: RE: Gun Control

Nobody cares about accidental shootings.  This has NOTHING to do with gun safety or even gun deaths.  This is all about the Democrat Party wanting to take big news shootings and use them to disarm the populace.  Don't ever think it isn't, or trust them when they lie to you about their intentions, and don't give them a single inch to get it done.  Think about it.....not a single new law they put forward will make a bit of difference in mass shootings.....you know this.  What do you think they'll do when the new laws don't work?

So.......NO!!!  I'm not for mandatory safety classes either.

Edited by Left Brain 2019-09-16 12:43 PM
2019-09-16 12:57 PM
in reply to: Synon

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Subject: RE: Gun Control
Originally posted by Synon

I'd support a training/handling/safety course that would be required before the purchase of your first firearm. More people die from accidental shootings in the US than mass shootings. Just read another article this morning about another kid, a 4 year old, that was shot/killed by a sibling in Texas. I don't think it's too much to ask that people have some basic education to protect themselves and others around them.

You seem to be suggesting the 4 yo should have been trained. J/K. The case you mentioned was just poor parenting and irresponsible gun ownership. When my kids were younger I never kept a loaded gun in the house. But more importantly they kids were never left unsupervised. A 4 yo should never be left alone - and certainly not have access to guns.

The problem with “gun training” is it would not stop irresponsible parenting. Kids die every year by parents leaving kids alone in a hot car or by leaving them alone in the bathtub or swimming pool or by not limiting access to the chemicals under the kitchen sink or by not making them wear a seatbelt or helmet when riding a bike*.

* when my kids were 5 and 8 were were biking down a hill. My daughter (8) was in front and turned to looked back at us, turned the handle bars and went over the handle bars. She was unconscious when I got to her. I took her to the ER. Her helmet was cracked clean through all along the side. When I showed the ER doc the helmet he took one look and said she’d be dead from a brain hemorrhage had she not had the helmet.

2019-09-16 1:05 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Gun Control

When I was a kid I crashed into a car on my bike and went over the hood. We didn't wear helmets.  I woke up on our couch.  My dad told me to shake it off.  LMAO

2019-09-16 1:43 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Gun Control
Originally posted by Left Brain

When I was a kid I crashed into a car on my bike and went over the hood. We didn't wear helmets.  I woke up on our couch.  My dad told me to shake it off.  LMAO

And now you know why you should wear a helmet to avoid brain damage!
2019-09-16 1:54 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Gun Control

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by Left Brain

When I was a kid I crashed into a car on my bike and went over the hood. We didn't wear helmets.  I woke up on our couch.  My dad told me to shake it off.  LMAO

And now you know why you should wear a helmet to avoid brain damage!

I didn't learn much......my neighbor lady, who never minded her own business, once chastised me because one of my twins wouldn't wear her helmet OR look both ways before she crossed the street......my answer, "whatever, I've got one that looks just like her". 

P.S. - I also think we should bring back fighting in school as the BEST way to end school shootings.

2019-09-16 2:23 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Gun Control

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by Left Brain

When I was a kid I crashed into a car on my bike and went over the hood. We didn't wear helmets.  I woke up on our couch.  My dad told me to shake it off.  LMAO

And now you know why you should wear a helmet to avoid brain damage!

I didn't learn much......my neighbor lady, who never minded her own business, once chastised me because one of my twins wouldn't wear her helmet OR look both ways before she crossed the street......my answer, "whatever, I've got one that looks just like her". 

P.S. - I also think we should bring back fighting in school as the BEST way to end school shootings.

I have a theory about this. 

When we were kids there was lots of bullying and fighting in schools because it was a subset of the real world.  If you were an isolated loser you got picked on to conform to the norm and it made you strive to get out of it.
Same with fights, if people had a disagreement they'd take it to the back of the school and it was a huge event.  Everyone was talking about it and everyone came out to watch.  Kids would duke it out and one would get his kicked and more often than not they would come out as friends on the other side of it or at a minimum have a respect towards each other. 

Today we embrace and coddle the kids that are outside the norm in our schools and we celebrate their individuality.  We punish anyone who dares challenge them in any way and god help you if you actually "bully" somebody.  These kids get sucked into an isolated hell because in our effort to protect these kids we actually destroy them completely.
Then when they get older their outside the norm behavior that's been coddled gets smacked in the face with reality.  Nobody wants to hang out with and nobody wants to hire a person who is way outside the norm.  They become outcasts from society as soon as the protective bubble of parents and schools are removed.

For the record, I was one of those bullied outcast losers when I was growing up.  It helped build me up to the point that I started fighting back and when I finally beat the crap out of one of my bullies I earned a certain level of respect.  If I were raised in todays world I'd be a complete mess. 

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Other Resources The Political Joe » Gun Control Rss Feed  
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Gun buy back

Started by Rogillio
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2018-12-19 2:38 PM Left Brain