Subject: Bike Fit, $200?Today I paid $200 for a bike fit - my biggest hope was to conclude the rehab period for a right hip adductor muscle strain. The strain occurred from running back in September. I quickly came to realize that any cycling exacerbated the injured area. But with rest and pertinent exercises I was able to run foot-races again in November and even set a PR. Since cycling was not productive rehab training - I basically quit cycling in October so that I could rehab for running. In December I started easing back into cycling via spinning and starting with very light workouts and progressing slowly - it seems to be working but improvement is very, very slow. Then 2 weeks ago my PT told me that a bike fit can be crucial for my situation since I've been using a new bike for the last few months that was never fitted to me. Unfortunately, today's fit only resulted in adding new shoe insoles with shims and the recommendation that I swap out my 143 mm wide saddle for a 130 mm wide saddle. But in checking Specialized's catalog, the most narrow saddle they sell now is the 143 mm one. Could it be that my hip adductor is being agitated by a too-wide seat? If so, where might I find a narrow seat that will work? My bike is an 2019 Allez Sprint Comp. 56. TIA. |