General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 03.17.2020 St. Patricks Day Sequester Rss Feed  
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2020-03-17 6:59 AM

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, Pennsylvania
Subject: 03.17.2020 St. Patricks Day Sequester

In an effort to distance myself, I hit the trainer in the garage for 1:10. I pushed pretty hard today and the odometer showed it.

Saying that, I feel like the Cyclops has lost some resistance. Can't pinpoint it, but I am pretty sure that I can't ride 25 mph on the road. I know that I have no wind resistance on the trainer, which is certainly a big deal.

Anyways...Rock on

2020-03-17 8:54 AM
in reply to: PigeonTri

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: 03.17.2020 St. Patricks Day Sequester

I hit the trainer again today too.  I have felt that my bike volume has been weak only averaging about 70 miles a week so I planned a 4th bike day last week but missed two bike days, so instead of three bike days only had two instead of my planned four.  So I am doing a bike focus this week.  I am following a bike plan that I did about a year ago.  I don't remember it being as hard last time as it has been this time.  Of course, last time I did the program with a 40W lower FTP that this time so that may be the difference.  Today the most difficult set for me was 4 x 2' w 2' RI @ 400W.  The first set I died after 70 seconds and the power dropped to 360W by the end of the 2' interval. The second interval I started out at 380W and made it 90 seconds before dying.  When I could hold 380W anymore I just went to recovery rather than waking myself slowly died over the last 30 seconds of the interval.  The last two intervals I did at 350-360 Watts.  I had another 15-minute big gear interval at tempo but the work out changed the instruction from a Cadance of 50-60 to a cadence of 60-65.  Doing 63 RPM felt much better than the 55 RPM that I have been doing the last 4-5 workouts in the Big Gears. 

Have a Great Day.

2020-03-17 7:39 PM
in reply to: PigeonTri

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Subject: RE: 03.17.2020 St. Patricks Day Sequester
I’ve lost my mojo for the bike since all the cancelled races going on. I hit the road for a 5 mile run today. Felt smooth and easy. I’ll get my butt back on the bike tomorrow most likely. Might try and get outside if the weather is agreeable.
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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 03.17.2020 St. Patricks Day Sequester Rss Feed  

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