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2006-10-18 6:17 AM

Subject: After first lab in swimming pool, I'm Done !
Today, I went to swimmin pool to cath up with swimming.
It has been years since i went to swim, cuz i have big cheast even I am a male.
I was embarrased.
I actually was quite good at swimming when i was a little kid.

When i was about 11, me and my parents were seriously considering about
turinig into profesional, but my parent didn;t think sport will give me the future.
Oneday, the time came, i had to concentrate on studying since i had to be prepared for
middle school, and i stopped swimming.
I think that was the moment, that i have stopped all of sports, soccer, swimming, Kendo,
Taek-kwon-do, judo.
I started playing golf with my grandfather, he was so bored and he had to turn me
into golf, and started playing some muscial instruments, along with piano.
Since i stopped all the though exercises and turned into golf, I started bacome fatty.
Didn;t get fat quickly, i was just gaining 2 or 3 kilos more than other kids contionusly.
After few years? I was bit of fatty and still but bit less.

I went to swimming today, and i was emberrased. When i was kid, I use to race
adults and beat them, It made me feel great the fact that little 10 years old boy can
beat full grown adults.
Today, i became the fag who was beaten by those kids.
I started first, the kid at next lane even cut me off!
I felt like an idiot, i felt like i am a loser.

I will not give up, i will go to swimming every mon, tus, wedns days in the morning before
i go to work, i will be the one who can swim fast, i will make people to say 'GEEE HE IS FAST'

I know that freestyle(may be all the others too) gets speed from mostly from
arms then strokes(more than 70% i guess), my arms used up to quickly, is that
because it is first time that i swam in many years and will get better by just simply swiming
more? or is there any other exercises that i can do for strenght?
I have no idea what muscles i have to work out for swimming if i needed.

ps. I added bit of story in my thered for bit of entertainment(hope it worked).

2006-10-18 6:31 AM
in reply to: #571508

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Subject: RE: After first lab in swimming pool, I'm Done !
You may be taken a little more seriously if you didn't use slurs during your little anecdote.  Can't imagine how you thought that was a good idea to post on a public forum.
2006-10-18 6:52 AM
in reply to: #571513

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Subject: RE: After first lab in swimming pool, I'm Done !

DerekL - 2006-10-18 7:31 AM You may be taken a little more seriously if you didn't use slurs during your little anecdote.  Can't imagine how you thought that was a good idea to post on a public forum.

I'm guessing Martin isn't a native English speaker, and may not know the English connotation of "fag."

Martin: in American English, "fag" is a derogatory term used to demean homosexuals. If you use it in this forum, you won't get a lot of positive responses to your questions. you the benefit of the doubt, swimming is definitely one of those "if you don't use it, you lose it" kind of things. When I was in college, I was a national-class swimmer. But after a five-year break from the pool, I couldn't swim more than a couple of hundred yards without feeling like my arms would fall off. Realize that it will be a bit of a slow process getting your old form back, and just give it some time. Be patient. And if you can, work with a coach so you don't ingrain any poor technique

Edited by run4yrlif 2006-10-18 7:19 AM
2006-10-18 7:17 AM
in reply to: #571508

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Subject: RE: After first lab in swimming pool, I'm Done !
I'm sure you were using 'fag' in the British (not American) sense of the word so...

Swimming is about 90% form. You can be strong as an ox but if your form is not good you will not go fast. I would suggest gettng a stroke coach or joining a master's team. Many BTers have had success w/ the Total Immersion program (

Good luck and keep swimming!
2006-10-18 7:50 AM
in reply to: #571508

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La Crosse
Subject: RE: After first lab in swimming pool, I'm Done !

Yeah, I think I'm giving PeanutJelly the benefit of the doubt on this one. It's your one free pass, Peanut. Use it wisely to find and understand the behavior and language apprpriate to the local culture.

(Is it an oxymoron to describe a multi-national, continent- and globe-spanning information network with thousands of diverse members as having a local culture? Oh well, too late.)

That having been said, Peanut, you absolutely positively must not let your first lap back in the pool bother you. There is no way that any athlete -- no matter how talented as a child -- can simply walk back into a sport decades later and expect to pick up where they left off. Even the aphorism "it's like riding a bike" doesn't apply here: After decades off the bike, gaining pounds and losing flexibility, it is difficult indeed to get back on the bike, and ludicrous to assume that one would do well on the first day back.

I think any benefit you will gain from having a childhood in the pool will be incremental, and visible in your speed in re-acquiring form. You're not going to see it on your first day back, when you have to overcome physical barriers, fitness level, those sorts of things. But when you've moved on a bit from that level, and you're ready to start focusing on form and stroke; that's when an early mastery of skills will come back to aid you.

So, you had a bad first day back in the pool. So what? The only workout more important than your first one is your next one. If you get back in the pool, time and time again, then your first workout won't matter. If you give up, then it will matter a great deal indeed.

2006-10-18 7:57 AM
in reply to: #571508

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Subject: RE: After first lab in swimming pool, I'm Done !

Hi PeanutJelly, you might not even be that slow.  You have high expectation coz you used to swim competitively with good results.  It might take you a couple months to get the hang of it.  Keep up the good work.

2006-10-18 8:21 AM
in reply to: #571508

Subject: RE: After first lab in swimming pool, I'm Done !
I am sorry about the use of word.
As you guessed, yes i moved to Australia when i was young and before than
i didn;t even know the word, so i guess i only know the British English term.
I don;t want to make any excuse because I agree with 'if i go to Rome, then i have to
follow their rules.'
I will not make anymore of this silly things, and I want to say that
I;m really sorry about the cause of problem.

Edited by PeanutJelly 2006-10-18 8:22 AM
2006-10-18 10:26 AM
in reply to: #571508

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: After first lab in swimming pool, I'm Done !
Welcome to the sport, and I'm sure your athletic future is brighter than your first return experience.

Take some lessons. Yea, you USED to swim very well. You won't automatically remember all of the little things that let you be fast as a child (and some of them won't work with your current body).

Don't be too embarassed about your size. You're taking steps to change it which is the important thing. I've lined up against people I was SURE would be way faster than me (and beat them) and I've lined up against people I was confident I'd beat only to get smoked (beaten badly) by them.

Strength is less important than technique, and you'll feel sore muscles the first few weeks, those are the muscles you are using!
2006-10-18 11:35 AM
in reply to: #571540

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Northern California
Subject: RE: After first lab in swimming pool, I'm Done !
love2tri - 2006-10-18 5:17 AM

I'm sure you were using 'fag' in the British (not American) sense of the word so...

You mean cigarette? Tough to smoke while swimming....

Regardless? Trying to base how well you do at something as an adult on how you were as a 5th Grader? Not too realistic, IMO.

Stick with it, consider lessons (or Masters class) and go from there...

Edited by coachese 2006-10-18 11:38 AM
2006-10-18 12:09 PM
in reply to: #571508

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Supersonicus Idioticus
Thunder Bay, ON
Subject: RE: After first lab in swimming pool, I'm Done !
My 15-year old self can kick my @** any day, and I'm still 20!!
2006-10-18 12:14 PM
in reply to: #571825

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Rochester Hills, Michigan
Gold member
Subject: RE: After first lab in swimming pool, I'm Done !

So Fresh So Clean - 2006-10-18 1:09 PM My 15-year old self can kick my @** any day, and I'm still 20!!

That's confusing, uncle dad.

2006-10-18 4:08 PM
in reply to: #571508

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Subject: RE: After first lab in swimming pool, I'm Done !
Well, if you didn't mean it that way, then my apologies for pointing that out.
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