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2006-12-21 12:53 PM

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Northern VA
Subject: rollinsw's Group - FULL

Name: rollinsw / Bill

Story:  I am a married, 40-year-old father of three young children. A couple of years ago I decided it was time to get my rear end up off of the sofa. I started with some strength training and light aerobic work. I was mostly using the elliptical trainer and occasionally the treadmill or attempting to run outside. I could not run more than a mile and thought that I hated running.

I was getting bored with this and having a hard time finding the motivation to continue. I needed to set a goal to motivate me. Someone at work had just done a triathlon and got me thinking about it. I signed up for a sprint tri just over a year ago, in the Fall of 2005. I pulled out my old mountain bike, started doing some swimming and started trying to really run.

I made it through my first tri and discovered that I loved it and that the other people at these races were some of the friendliest, most helpful folks around. I also discovered that I loved running!

Last Year's Races:  I did one olympic tri and one half iron tri in 2006. I also ran a few 5K's, a 10K, a 1/2 marathon and finished the year with the Marine Corp Marathon. I have never raced before so all of these distances were for the first time for me.

2007 Races:  I will be attempting my first Ironman in Kentucky in August. Everything between now and then will be to prepare myself for that race. I would like to do the Marine Corp Marathon again as well.

Current Training:  It is a bit unstructured right now. I have been enjoying a bit of a break lately. I have started strength training again and trying to keep the running and biking up. I will be putting myself on a real plan in a couple of weeks.

Weightloss:  I lost about 25 pounds over the last couple of years. Most of that happened last year when I really started training hard. I am more focused now on trying to eat healthier.

Wrapping It All Up:  I have found the hardest part in all of this is trying to find the time to train. I really enjoy the training, but family comes first and that can make it tough. But it can be done.

I am also in this to have a good time. I like improving, getting faster, etc. But whether I come in first place (okay, it has never happened) or last place in a race, I still have a great time. I really, really enjoy the race atmosphere and meeting other people in these events. There are so many people that have such great, motivational stories.

Edited by rollinsw 2007-02-06 8:20 AM

2006-12-26 8:52 AM
in reply to: #630583

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Lexington, SC
Subject: RE: rollinsw's Group - OPEN
Hi Bill,

I'd like to join your mentor group. My Name is Nick, I'm married with three young children as well. I live in Columbia SC where I'm a software developer / consultant. My goal is to race in some Sprint tri's later this year and a Duathlon in April.

Luckily my job offers some flexibity allowing me to train during the day. I'm currently training for 1 hr to 1.5 hrs 5 days a week. I'm also able to work out some at home on the weekends and once the kids are in bed. Currently my training schedule looks something like this:

Mon: run 5 miles
Tues: ride 14.5 miles run 1 miles (sprint as much as possible)
Wed: ride 8 miles run 2 miles
Thur: ride 14.5 miles run 1 miles (sprint as much as possible)
Fri: run 5 miles

I like running the least and I'm still slow ... on the five mile run I'm averaging a 10 min mile. Also, I should be able to increase the distance of my rides within the time that I have when I get my tri bike. Right now I'm doing the ride on my 30+ pound MTB with full suspension.

Edited by shiloh1206 2006-12-26 2:27 PM
2006-12-26 2:26 PM
in reply to: #633082

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Northern VA
Subject: RE: rollinsw's Group - OPEN

Hi Nick, welcome!

It sounds like you have a great start with your training. You will be more than ready for a duathlon in April. I used an old, heavy mountain bike as well when I first started. It was a good way to test whether or not I was going to continue with this before buying another bike. It did feel really good when I got a road bike.

Have you checked out any of the training plans on this site? Some of them are free and are a good place to start when figuring out how to put a training plan together. It might give you a better feel for how often you should be doing bricks (the bike to run workouts).

I am by no means a coach, but can point you to some of the resources that I have found on this site that have helped me in the past year. Logging your workouts on this site is a good way for all of us to check in with each other.

Welcome and let's have some fun with this! 


2006-12-26 2:33 PM
in reply to: #630583

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Lexington, SC
Subject: RE: rollinsw's Group - OPEN
That sounds good. I'll check out the training plans and post my workouts. Is there a plan that you think I should be using? I forgot to add the following to my last post:

Age: 32
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 160 lbs. (I have about 5 lbs of excess fat that I'm trying to burn off)
2006-12-27 10:09 AM
in reply to: #633411

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Northern VA
Subject: RE: rollinsw's Group - OPEN

It does not look like there are any free plans for a duathlon, but there are plenty available for a sprint tri:

You can pick one based on how much time you have to train or on which sport you want to focus. I can't remember exactly which plan I used, but I picked one and modified it to fit my schedule. With your current level of fitness, you should not have a problem jumping right into one of these.

2006-12-28 11:45 AM
in reply to: #633411

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Northern VA
Subject: RE: rollinsw's Group - OPEN


You mentioned reading up on heart rate monitors and training in your logs. There is a thread started by coach Mike Ricci some time ago that contains a lot of good information. You can find it here:

The thread has gotten really long, but it does contain good info.

I bought a heart rate monitor and started training with it just over a year ago. The hardest part for me was wrapping my head around why I needed to start running slow in order to get faster. It was also physically hard for me to slow my pace down. But it has paid off. Below are a couple of threads where people share their heart rate training stories:

2006-12-28 1:37 PM
in reply to: #630583

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Lexington, SC
Subject: RE: rollinsw's Group - OPEN
Thanks for the info! It does seem strange to slow your pace to increase time.

I've been trying to find a plan to work through, but I'm having a hard time because of the swimming. Right now I don't have the use of a pool to train. My neighborhood as a 25 meter pool that I'll train in when it opens. I'm going to have to find an indoor pool to use in the meantime though. I grew up on the coast and spent a lot of my younger years surfing and swimming so I think I'm a pretty strong swimmer. I've never had formal training so my form is probably not the best. Have you read anything on swimming form that you found helpful?

I'll be registering for some tris on Jan 2. I know I'll do the Lake Murray Triathlon in May because it's right here in town. There are some before then, but I'd like to have a chance to do some swimming beforehand.
2006-12-29 8:00 AM
in reply to: #630583

New user

Glen Ridge, NJ
Subject: Looking for guidance from a parent athlete
Hi Bill--would like to join your group!

Story: I am a married, 36 year old father of a lovely 6 month old girl. Before I started doing tris I had been mostly cycling. Got back into that in 2002 after I'd gained lots of weight (15lbs) and started riding my bike to work, which led to group rides, then a century and then having a good general level of fitness. I started doing tri's in 2004 with Team in Training's St. Anthony's (Oly) and stuck with the sport. My motivation then was to pick up additional sports--running and swimming since cycling in the winter is something of a drag.

Since then, I've competed (really completed) in sprints, olympics and road races (anywhere from 5K to half-marathons). I managed more races in 2005 than ever (earned a spot in the NYC marathon by completing enough NYRR races) and set a PR at the Westchester Triathlon (Olympic) I did fewer races in 2006--2 sprints before our daughter was born, but have only been able to manage road races 5Ks, 10Ks and such since her arrival.

Last: Year's Races: MiniMighty Man (Sprint), Pawling Tri (Sprint), various 5Ks, 10Ks)

2007 Races: Long Branch NJ Marathon, late April. Pawling Triathon (early June), Westchester Triathon (September), NYC Marathon, November (there are a few events in Jersey I want to do--not sure of the schedule just yet.

Current Training:

I've been managing 1 to 2 runs/week (usually 40 min OAB) and riding my bike to work as many days as weather permits (average 3 days x 30 minutes.) Swimming has completely fallen off.

Wrapping it All Up:

Training keeps me sane. Any day out (race day) is a good day out. I'm really doing this for fun--of course I keep tabs on my AG placement, but really just to make sure I'm improving. My goal is to be a good husband and dad and train consistently. Hoping this forum can help me do it!
2006-12-29 9:21 AM
in reply to: #635516

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Northern VA
Subject: RE: rollinsw's Group - OPEN

shiloh1206 - 2006-12-28 2:37 PM ..... I grew up on the coast and spent a lot of my younger years surfing and swimming so I think I'm a pretty strong swimmer. I've never had formal training so my form is probably not the best. Have you read anything on swimming form that you found helpful? I'll be registering for some tris on Jan 2. I know I'll do the Lake Murray Triathlon in May because it's right here in town. There are some before then, but I'd like to have a chance to do some swimming beforehand.

I also swam a lot as a kid and am a pretty good swimmer, so I have not spent much time working on form. A lot of people on this site swear by the Total Immersion books and videos to help with that. What I did find that helped me was using some swim drills from different books and training plans. When I first started training, all I did was swim laps for a set amount of time and that was it. If nothing else, the drills helped keep me from going out of my mind with the boredom of swimming back and forth for an hour.

I think that the Lake Murray Triathlon is one of the Set-Up events. They have a great reputation for putting on good races. I think that I am going to do one of their races in VA this spring. You can check out some race reports for this past race here: Just search on the name of the race and you should find a few hits.

2006-12-29 12:21 PM
in reply to: #636215

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Northern VA
Subject: RE: Looking for guidance from a parent athlete

teddyb109 - 2006-12-29 9:00 AM Hi Bill--would like to join your group! Story: I am a married, 36 year old father of a lovely 6 month old girl. Before I started doing tris I had been mostly cycling. Got back into that in 2002 after I'd gained lots of weight (15lbs) and started riding my bike to work, which led to group rides, then a century and then having a good general level of fitness. I started doing tri's in 2004 with Team in Training's St. Anthony's (Oly) and stuck with the sport. My motivation then was to pick up additional sports--running and swimming since cycling in the winter is something of a drag. Since then, I've competed (really completed) in sprints, olympics and road races (anywhere from 5K to half-marathons). I managed more races in 2005 than ever (earned a spot in the NYC marathon by completing enough NYRR races) and set a PR at the Westchester Triathlon (Olympic) I did fewer races in 2006--2 sprints before our daughter was born, but have only been able to manage road races 5Ks, 10Ks and such since her arrival. Last: Year's Races: MiniMighty Man (Sprint), Pawling Tri (Sprint), various 5Ks, 10Ks) 2007 Races: Long Branch NJ Marathon, late April. Pawling Triathon (early June), Westchester Triathon (September), NYC Marathon, November (there are a few events in Jersey I want to do--not sure of the schedule just yet. Current Training: I've been managing 1 to 2 runs/week (usually 40 min OAB) and riding my bike to work as many days as weather permits (average 3 days x 30 minutes.) Swimming has completely fallen off. Wrapping it All Up: Training keeps me sane. Any day out (race day) is a good day out. I'm really doing this for fun--of course I keep tabs on my AG placement, but really just to make sure I'm improving. My goal is to be a good husband and dad and train consistently. Hoping this forum can help me do it!

Hi Ted, welcome! Congratulations on your baby girl!

Wow, you have got a lot of great experience. Sounds like you are strong on the bike; I could use some advice from you, that is my weakest sport.

I couldn't agree more about your race day philosophy. I like competing, but just being out there is a great feeling.

How do you typically train for your races? Do you have training plans that you follow?

2006-12-29 2:01 PM
in reply to: #630583

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Reston VA
Subject: RE: rollinsw's Group - OPEN

Name: shelly123/Michelle

Story: I am a married, 30 year old step-mother of identical-twin 12 year old boys and a 15 year old daughter. I was a year-round swimmer from the age of 6 through my Junior year at the Naval Academy. After all that swimming I was pretty burned out so I "quit" sport until about 2 years ago.

I got involved first with a heavy weight training lifestyle, with limited cardio to remove fat. I was injuried pretty bad in military training in college that severly limited my ability to run due to arthritis in my ankle. Weight training and the bodybuilding diet helped me to lose weight while not having to do alot of running. The strange thing is that I got in pretty good cardio shape with the small amount of running I did each week. And it allowed me to slowly add miles which helped my running! I wasn't able to run across the block without ankle pain and now I was running 6 miles at a time!

I lost alot of weight and I started to get frustrated because I was in pretty good shape, but I really wanted to compete. With my swimming background I thought I should try a triathlon. I went to a clinic at my gym, and was instantly hooked!

10 months and 7 triathlons later I am training for my first Ironman at IMLP. I am still dealing with nagging aches and pains from my old injury, but with proper care I know I can do the longer stuff!

Triathlons are such a great sport. I am so happy that I have met so many nice people through this sport!

Last years races: 3 sprints, 3 olympics and 1 half-IM (same half-IM as Bill)

2007 races: IMLP in July with a few half-IMs and other triathlons sprinkled along the way

Current training: I am currently continuing to build my base for the IM. I work with a coach, coachozzy on BT, primarily because it keeps me honest. I tried doing this on my own and I tended to second guess every decision I made. I just need the accountability of a coach to stay on a plan.

Weightloss: I got down to 135 before I started triathlons (5 foot 10). Now I am ~148. I had trouble dealing with the extra calories needed for triathlon training and I tended to overindulge. Especially after the strict bodybuilding diet I was on before. I am settling out at 148 now and I anticipate losing a few more now that I have my nutrition better figured out.

The support of BT, my coach and my other tri-friends helps keep me honest with my training. I am looking forward to joining Bill's group so that I can meet more people that share similar goals!


2006-12-29 7:10 PM
in reply to: #636602

New user

Glen Ridge, NJ
Subject: RE: Looking for guidance from a parent athlete
>Hi Ted, welcome! Congratulations on your baby girl!

Thanks--I have to admit, I'm looking forward to the day when she can be on the sideline, cheering me on.

>How do you typically train for your races? Do you have training plans that you follow?

I've experimented with different plans--I've reused the Team in Training (TnT) Plan a couple of times, rolled my own using the templates in Friel's Triathlete's Training Bible and bought plans online from Training I have to admit that save the TnT plan, I've had trouble sticking to others. The (Tuesday run, Wednesday Swim, Thurs Bike/Brick, Friday Swim, Sat Hard Bike/Hard Run, Sun, Long recovery ride run, Monday rest/yoga's still kind of ingrained, but my workouts were never as specific as they could have been.) I just checked and it's looking like the MiniMightyMan (April 22) will be my first race of the season--should be enough to get me back in the pool and running consistently. Will definitely have to ramp up running if NJ Marathon's on for 4/29. I had experimented with the FIRST marathon training plan to train for NYC this Fall, but injured my left leg and decided to postpone participating for a year.

>Wow, you have got a lot of great experience. Sounds like you are strong on the bike; I could use some advice from you, that is my weakest sport.

Happy to help in any way I can--the irony is that running usually winds up being my strongest leg relative to my age group. I do feel most comfortable on the bike though...what do your bike workouts look like? What would you like to improve about your riding?

I'm really interested in hearing how you (and all the parents in our group) manage to fit in training with family obligations. We're all getting a lot more sleep than when Mia was born, but my morning's are usually spent taking care of her so that my wife can catch a break (she feeds her at night) This was my best time for training.

Saw some comments about swimming--I have to admit that I am a fan of Total Immersion. I grew up at the shore, but didn't realize how important it was to have good form until training for tris.

Very excited about the group that's formed here--am feeling inspired.

Edited by teddyb109 2006-12-29 7:50 PM
2006-12-30 4:10 PM
in reply to: #636716

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Northern VA
Subject: RE: rollinsw's Group - OPEN
Welcome Michelle! This group just keeps getting better and better! I can't wait to hear more about your training. How is it working with a coach? Does he help put together your training plan to get you to your IM?
2006-12-30 5:48 PM
in reply to: #636937

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Northern VA
Subject: RE: Looking for guidance from a parent athlete

teddyb109 - 2006-12-29 8:10 PM >.............I had experimented with the FIRST marathon training plan to train for NYC this Fall, but injured my left leg and decided to postpone participating for a year.......

After my HIM in September, I used the last 6 weeks of the FIRST marathon plan as a bridge to my marathon. It fit pretty well with coming off tri training.

...what do your bike workouts look like? What would you like to improve about your riding? ........

My bike workouts are pretty weak right now. I need to bite the bullet and just get on the trainer. I guess more than anything, I need to start riding a lot more. I don't know if there are any drills or anything I should be doing on the trainer or if I should just be putting in the time on the bike spinning. I have a Spinervals DVD that I have been using a bit, it is pretty intense.

I'm really interested in hearing how you (and all the parents in our group) manage to fit in training with family obligations. We're all getting a lot more sleep than when Mia was born, but my morning's are usually spent taking care of her so that my wife can catch a break (she feeds her at night) This was my best time for training. Saw some comments about swimming--I have to admit that I am a fan of Total Immersion. grew up at the shore, but didn't realize how important it was to have good form until training for tris. Very excited about the group that's formed here--am feeling inspired.

Finding time for training has been the toughest part. I had to be really flexible because my wife runs in the morning and also works full time. I am lucky to have a shower at work and would squeeze in workouts during lunch and in the evenings. We just got an au-pair and that has allowed me to be able to start working out in the mornings. As the kids get older, they are involved in more activities and there is more running around in the evenings and on the weekends. I have to be flexible and not stress out about moving or missing workouts. Not spending enough time with them is my biggest concern this coming year while training for my IM.

2006-12-30 8:40 PM
in reply to: #630583

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Lexington, SC
Subject: RE: rollinsw's Group - OPEN
I've found that I can get a pretty good bike workout and have fun with my two youngest ones by putting them in a trailer that I pull behind my bike. I don't like to go too fast pulling them, so I try to find so good hills to spin up. I won't be doing that with my tri bike (when I get it off lay-away), but it's a good way to work out my legs, have a good cardio session, and entertain the little ones.
2006-12-31 3:49 AM
in reply to: #630583

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New user

Subject: RE: rollinsw's Group - OPEN
Hi Bill,

I'd like to join your mentor group. My name is Andreas and I am 31 years old. I live in northern
Sweden. I am engaged and have two little girls that are 2 months and 2 years old.

I have yet to compete in a triathlon event, but I have a goal of completing an Ironman
event during 2008.

I started training a few years ago when I discovered that my fitness was really bad.

I had a plan to complete a Swedish classic(4 different events during a year,
90 km crosscountry skiing, roadcycling 300 km, swimming 3 km and running 30 km), but I got injured once I started running. Skiing in the winter went ok but I found out that cycling was a sport that I really
loved. I forgot about the Classic and started cycling a lot.

I love cycling and I competed in several sportifs including two alpine races this summer.

I started running a few months ago and it went ok and my long time plan on completing an
Ironman have become a reality again.

My main focus will be my family, cycling and running. I have bought the book Total Immersion and I really hope I am able to swim at least once a week.

2006-12-31 5:09 AM
in reply to: #630583

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Extreme Veteran
Auckland, NZ
Subject: RE: rollinsw's Group - OPEN

Hi Bill, I'd really like to join your group if there's room.

My name is Jacqui, I'm 34, about to turn 35. I'm a math teacher, living in England, but moving home to New Zealand in about 10 days' time. I decided in June that I wanted to start training for triathlon, and I made huge inroads into training, and really made a difference to my fitness. I did a mini-sprint tri in September, and loved it, I beat my time target by 2 minutes, so I was thrilled.

But, my training after that tri has really gone downhill. I got sick with flu, and then dragged my fitness back up to where it was with a great deal of determination, but little enjoyment. I've been really slack since, and haven't been sticking to any sort of plan at all. I am going to follow your links and start my training anew as soon as I get back to NZ, where it's summer, and get into things there.

I do need an online butt-kicker though!! So, if I could join your group, that'd be great. I am going to be out of contact for a few days in about 10 days' time, but I'll look forward to chatting with you before then, and after. I'm going to follow your link to training plans, and pick one that suits me.

Thanks, Jacqui.

Happy New Year everyone.

2006-12-31 8:11 AM
in reply to: #637663

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Northern VA
Subject: RE: rollinsw's Group - OPEN

Welcome Andreas and Jacqui! Our group just went international, that is great!

I am going to add all of you to my friend's list so that I can more easily link to your logs from my training log. If you want to do this:

  • Go to your training log
  • Click the image to the right of the calendar that looks like a gear (edit-controlpanel) under Quick Links
  • On the right-hand side of the page you can add the screen names of the friends that you want to track
  • Click the Apply button
  • Now on the left-hand side of your training log, under Other Blogs, your friends will show up

I am traveling for the next couple of days, but should be back online Monday night or Tuesday morning.

Have a great New Year everyone!

2006-12-31 12:26 PM
in reply to: #630583

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New user

Subject: RE: rollinsw's Group - OPEN

Thank you, I hope you all have a great new year too. A New Year with new promises to hold and to break :-)

2006-12-31 12:41 PM
in reply to: #630583


Subject: RE: rollinsw's Group - OPEN
I would like to join your group. I am turning 40 in February and would like to complete my first Triathalon in Honalulu in May. I have completed 6 marathons but stopped running and started wieght training. I miss the cardio workouts and think Triathalans will be great for a full body workout as I grow older. I am trying to increase my cardio and have no clue about what bike to get and how much swimming I should be doing to prepare. Any advise you have would be great!
2006-12-31 5:59 PM
in reply to: #637422

New user

Glen Ridge, NJ
Subject: RE: Looking for guidance from a parent athlete
rollinsw>I guess more than anything, I need to start riding a lot more. I don't know if there are any drills or anything I should be doing on the trainer or if I should just be putting in the time on the bike spinning.

One drill that I'll do on the trainer is a clicking out of the pedal on one side for sixty seconds (the interval can be shorter at first and then longer with practice and then taking a 2 minute rest before switching to the other side. This drill is supposed to make your pedal stroke more fluid--anything that adds variety on the trainer is a good thing. I much prefer being outdoors, so I use this opportunity to put the headphones on and blast the music .

rollinsw>I have a Spinervals DVD that I have been using a bit, it is pretty intense.

Coach Troy is brutal. I have "ride and stride" That's a challenging workout--would probably work better if I had a treadmill but I'm happy to get outdoors.

rollinsw>Finding time for training has been the toughest part. I had to be really flexible...

I think this is a valuable lesson for me. I could definitely be more flexible. I want to train more regularly--even if the time is shorter.

shiloh1206>I've found that I can get a pretty good bike workout and have fun with my two youngest ones by putting them in a trailer that I pull behind my bike.

This sounds like a great workout--how old were they before you put them in the trailer?

Hake>My main focus will be my family, cycling and running. I have bought the book Total Immersion and I really hope I am able to swim at least once a week.

I'm glad this is such a family friendly (and international) group. Depending upon what kind of a learner you are (I am a visual learner) it might help to get the DVD. I really benefited from being able to watch different drills over and over.

Happy new year to everyone. Here's to meeting our goals!

2006-12-31 10:25 PM
in reply to: #630583

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Lexington, SC
Subject: RE: rollinsw's Group - OPEN
My girls are 2 1/2 and 8 months (although only 5 pounds apart in wieght). They both enjoy the ride ... the youngest often falls asleep. My son is 4 1/2 and can still fit in the trailer although he'd rather ride his own bike. Welcome new members and Happy New Year!

Edited by shiloh1206 2006-12-31 10:26 PM
2007-01-01 5:16 PM
in reply to: #637832

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Northern VA
Subject: RE: rollinsw's Group - OPEN

ejdrun - 2006-12-31 1:41 PM Bill, I would like to join your group. I am turning 40 in February and would like to complete my first Triathalon in Honalulu in May. I have completed 6 marathons but stopped running and started wieght training. I miss the cardio workouts and think Triathalans will be great for a full body workout as I grow older. I am trying to increase my cardio and have no clue about what bike to get and how much swimming I should be doing to prepare. Any advise you have would be great! Help! EJ

Welcome EJ! Is there a race you have already picked out in May? What distance is it? Do you have experience swimming?

Do you already have any type of bike that you can begin training with?


2007-01-01 5:59 PM
in reply to: #637367

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Reston VA
Subject: RE: rollinsw's Group - OPEN

rollinsw - 2006-12-30 5:10 PM Welcome Michelle! This group just keeps getting better and better! I can't wait to hear more about your training. How is it working with a coach? Does he help put together your training plan to get you to your IM?

Hey Bill! I am glad to be a member of your group!

Working with a coach is great. "She" is coachozzy here on BT. She gives me my plans in two week increments for the entire year and it is great. I really need someone to watch over my training. When I try to do it myself I tend to second-guess the "plan" I come up with and it drives me crazy. So I am better just following a coach's plan.

2007-01-02 2:38 PM
in reply to: #630583

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New user

Subject: RE: rollinsw's Group - FULL
I have a cx2 carrier from It is a multipurpose carrier, running,cycling and skiing. I haven't used it much to give a review of it, but I hope it turns out to be a good investment for me and the family.
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