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2006-12-23 1:48 PM

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Southeastern PA
Subject: fishnrich's Group - FULL

NAME: fishnrich/ Rich

STORY: I started triathlon in January 2002 when one day I realized I was so out of shape and overweight that I had to do SOMETHING. I was a runner in high school and college, but got away from any kind of exercise for several years. Later that night I went for a jog around my neighborhood and have been training ever since. Shortly after that I learned how to swim, borrowed a bike, and bought a jogging stroller. The following year I finished my first sprint triathlon.  I got bit by the tri-bug and so far I have completed 4 sprints, 2 olys and 1 half-ironman.  I have also completed 2 (1-mile) open water swims (1 in the Chesapeake Bay and 1 in the Atlantic Ocean). I am a 36 year old middle of the pack age grouper who does triathlon to stay healthy and fit. I enjoy training, achieving goals and having fun in the process. 

FAMILY STATUS: I have been happily married for over 11 years and I have 3 children (ages 7, 5, and 10 months). My wife and kids come to cheer me on at most of my races. The wife is supportive of my training despite my getting carried away at times. My two daughters and I have many miles on the double jogging stroller, which will be back out this spring with the little one for sure.

CURRENT TRAINING: I am currently base training for the 2007 season (my 5th racing season). The only gadgets I use are a watch and a bike computer and I have always trained by RPE. I will start running in January after I have been fitted for a new pair of running shoes. Generally I like to hit each sport 2X a week but that depends on family time.  I usually do 2 races a year, but this year I would like to do 3.

LAST YEAR’S RACES: Last year was tough, I spent most of the winter and spring building my new bike. Between the birth of my son in the spring and my ITband acting up for most of the spring and summer I only did 1 sprint race and the 1-mile ocean swim.


2007 RACES: I would like to do 2 sprints (1 in June and another in Sept.) and 1 oly race in July or August.  I will most likely try another half-iron race in 08.


WEIGHTLOSS: Since Jan 2002 I have gone from 200 lbs. down to 135 lbs in 2005. I usually weigh in around 140 during the season and around 145 –150 over the winter.


Edited by fishnrich 2007-01-05 11:28 AM

2006-12-27 10:06 PM
in reply to: #632373

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: fishnrich's Group - OPEN

Rich, cool to see you out here, you have a lot of wisdom you can pass on to some lucky 5.



2006-12-29 10:58 AM
in reply to: #632373

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Southeastern PA
Subject: RE: fishnrich's Group - OPEN

Bump to get back on the first page and thanks Scott.

2006-12-29 1:59 PM
in reply to: #632373

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: fishnrich's Group - OPEN
2007-01-02 8:45 PM
in reply to: #632373

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Parrish, Florida
Subject: RE: fishnrich's Group - OPEN

I could use some guidance and would love to be in your group.

I just registered for my first short triathlon this April. I'm 33 years old and have worked out off and on for years, but have struggled to stay consistent with any kind of cardio training. Most of my working out has been weight lifting. I played football and baseball in high school and was very active in intramural/club sports in college and grad school, but during the years since I've let myself get heavier than I ever thought I would. Recently my brother started talking about competing in a triathlon and I decided to get involved with him. Unfortunately, though, he lives on the other side of the state so we can't work out together.

I started training last month using a modification of the 20 week training regiment for Sprints that is on this site. Even though it's more cardio than I've done since high school I have really enjoyed the training. I also think it's the first time I've run over three miles since I was 21! I did have to take a week off over the holidays due to fighting off a cold/flu.

I think my goals are similar to yours in that I'm looking to get fit, find something I enjoy, and see each event as an opportunity to improve myself. I currently weight 242 lbs. with about 25% body fat. Ideally I'd like to get to about 200 lbs. with about 10% BF. (I'm already down about 8 lbs. since November). Even though that still sounds heavy, that would be about right for my frame.

I've been married for over 11 years to a wonderful woman and we have two great kids, my son is 7 and my daughter is 5. Part of my motivation for this is to see that I do everything within my power to be healthy and be around for them as long as I can.

Anyway, all this is new to me so any advice and direction is greatly appreciated.


2007-01-03 7:50 AM
in reply to: #640068

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Southeastern PA
Subject: RE: fishnrich's Group - OPEN

Welcome aboard Chris!!!! Signing up for a race is a great motivator and it sounds like you are off to a great start. I will put you in my friends list and check your training logs. We had a nasty cold go through our house last week too.

2007-01-04 10:04 PM
in reply to: #632373

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New user

Subject: RE: fishnrich's Group - OPEN

My name is Rue. I am 29 year woman living in New York City who is gearing up to do my first spirt on June 2nd. This is something that I have been toying with for the past six months. Now that I have signed up for the Pawling Triathlon on June 2nd I have to follow through. I was very active in high school and college. In college i fell in love with swimmng. However, I haven't had the modivation to be consistant. I am good for about three months of running a 2miles and swimming 1/4mile for 5days a week then I just fall off.
In addition my eating habbits are those of a college student. I am working on limiting my bad habbits. I am currently about 200 pounds. I hope this triathlon will be something to keep me modivated, improve my eating habbits, and drop about 30 pounds. Well, I think that pretty much sums up my story. I hope there is still some room in your group. I feel like I can learn something that will aid me on my goal of completing my first TRI.


2007-01-05 7:57 AM
in reply to: #632373

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Southeastern PA
Subject: RE: fishnrich's Group - OPEN
Welcome Rue, we still have plenty of room. We now have another person in the group signed up for a race!!!! This is a great way to improve your health. The swimming background is going to help you too!
2007-01-05 8:30 AM
in reply to: #632373

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Subject: RE: fishnrich's Group - OPEN
I would like to join this group as well. My name is Caryn (pronouced Karen). I have been a fitness swimmer in the Master Program for the past 3 year and I have decided to train for a sprint tri for this summer. Last year was my 1st athletic event -I swam in the 1 mile Chesapeake Bay Challenge. My goal is to have fun training and get in better shape. An event gives me something to train for and I think I will like tri's because I like swimming and biking. I think the running will be the most difficult for me.

I am 46 married with two daughters, ages 17 and 18 my hobbies are sailing, gardening, sewing and swimming and I am hoping to add tri's to the list. I am in software sales and I work out of my house or travel.

Edited by caryncan 2007-01-05 8:32 AM
2007-01-05 9:28 AM
in reply to: #632373

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Baltimore, maryland
Subject: RE: fishnrich's Group - OPEN
I would like to join your group.

ME: I am a 35 yo male. I have done very little exercise in the past 5-7 years. I need to lose 20-30lbs. I am married with no kids, so i should have time to train and the wife is always happy to get me out of the house In a past life (college) I wrestled and worked out all the time and I would like to get back into the shape that I used to be in.

GOAL?: I am still working out what my goals for this year should be. I think I would like to complete 2 sprint tri's by the early part of the summer and then do the the Las Vegas Triathlon (olympic) on Sept. 30th. Additionally, one of my goals is to start out slow and build a good base. I have a tendency to start working out and forget that I am no longer 18 years old and end up with injuries because I try to do too much too soon. Then quit training all together.

TRAINING: Right now I have just begun running and swimming. I plan to add biking to the list by Feb.

Any help or advice that you could give me would be greatly appreciated.

2007-01-05 9:35 AM
in reply to: #632373

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Parrish, Florida
Subject: RE: fishnrich's Group - OPEN

I had to laugh at your comment about forgetting your not 18 anymore and overtraining at the start. I laugh because I've done that too many times to count.

You'd think I'd learn!!!!

Good luck.


2007-01-05 10:18 AM
in reply to: #632373

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Subject: RE: fishnrich's Group - OPEN

I would like to join your group. I recently turned 35 and just started training in August. I have always played some type of sport & competed in a few races mostly 5ks and 10k. I plan on doing my first sprints this spring and summer, hopefully three. Next year I want to bump up to an OLY. I also have my sights on a 1/2 Mary in May.

I am married with 2yr old son and a 20 month daughter.
I train mainly in the am before work and early sat and sun.
2007-01-05 11:30 AM
in reply to: #632373

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Southeastern PA
Subject: RE: fishnrich's Group - FULL
Welcome Caryn, Rick and rtocco! Looks like we have a full group so I just closed it out. I will check in with everyone after work or tonight.
2007-01-05 6:54 PM
in reply to: #632373

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Subject: RE: fishnrich's Group - FULL
Any experience training with heart monitors? I don't know if I am working hard enough and I am thinking this might be a good addition to my training plan.
2007-01-06 8:08 AM
in reply to: #644315

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Southeastern PA
Subject: RE: fishnrich's Group - FULL
I do not use a HRM, I train by RPE. A HRM is a good investment. There are probably hundreds of threads in the forum archives on HRMs, heart rate zones and all that goes with it. I plan on buying one at some point (near future). Anyway, my understanding of the heart rate training is that you establish your heart rate zones and train to them to avoid training too hard or overdoing it. I have experienced a few overuse injuries in past years so I am a perfect example of why to train by heart rate.  
2007-01-06 2:49 PM
in reply to: #632373

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New user

Subject: RE: fishnrich's Group - FULL
We are experiencing recording breaking temperatures in New York. And the though of wasting a good day in doors I decided to get out for a run. I ran two miles and I am feeling great. Now I just have to keep it up.

I am in process of figuring out what type of bike I should get. I am not really a rider, but I am planning on buying one in February. Any suggestions or tips?



2007-01-06 3:11 PM
in reply to: #632373

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Southeastern PA
Subject: RE: fishnrich's Group - FULL

Way to get out and run, this weather is excellent. My suggestion on a bike would be to first decide if you want a road bike or a tri bike and do some online research. If you are just starting tri and plan on doing some group rides (with a local cycling club) you may want to lean toward a road bike. If you are dead set on triathlon you may want to consider a tri bike. Figure out how much you have to spend and keep researching. Don't forget shoes, pedals, clothing, a helmet etc. There are many little expenditures in this sport that start to add up.  The most important thing is to get a bike that fits. You will have to go to an lbs to get fit properly. You may have to go to more than one shop to compare different bikes. Here is a link to a shop that describes the difference between a road bike and a tri bike. You can always put aero bars (clipons) on a road bike. I started on a road bike with clip ons and you will see many road bikes at sprint and oly races.  There are a number of things to consider when buying a bike, so take your time and post any questions here or on the gear forum. I built my own bike so I can help somewhat with this!


2007-01-06 5:03 PM
in reply to: #632373

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Parrish, Florida
Subject: RE: fishnrich's Group - FULL

Thanks for the link with the information about the tri/road bikes. Right now I'm riding a hybrid, and have a road bike I can borrow from a friend for the races if I want/need to. Most likely I'll do a few spring/short course races before buying a bike, but I'm already doing some research and thinking about what direction I'll go.

My brother just bought a Tri bike today (Felt S22) so I'll get a chance to gauge his experience with it.

The link gave some good information to think about....thanks again.

2007-01-06 7:20 PM
in reply to: #632373

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Subject: RE: fishnrich's Group - FULL
I recently purchased a road bike from it's coming Monday.
2007-01-07 9:07 AM
in reply to: #632373

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Baltimore, maryland
Subject: RE: fishnrich's Group - FULL
I have been on the dbikesdirect webiste. Please let us know how the bike is. i am considering buying from them as well.

Which bike did you get?

2007-01-07 9:52 AM
in reply to: #632373

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Subject: RE: fishnrich's Group - FULL
I ordered the Windsor Leeds, which I dont see on theri website any longer. Its supposed to come tomorrow I'll let you know how it is once I get it.

2007-01-07 10:33 AM
in reply to: #632373

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Subject: RE: fishnrich's Group - FULL
I am going to use my old hybred bike and will consider a new bike once I finish my first event if I can stick with the training. This morning I swam with one of the really good distance swimmers on the team that was injured. We kept up an interval for 2:15 for 1000 yds and 400 yd later repeated the 1000 yds on a 2:10 interval. Normally in my lane we just swim and limit our rest periods.

Edited by caryncan 2007-01-07 10:34 AM
2007-01-07 12:53 PM
in reply to: #632373

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Southeastern PA
Subject: RE: fishnrich's Group - FULL

I have seen all different kinds of bikes at sprint and oly races. Everything - mountain bikes, hybrids, road bikes and tri bikes. Ride with whatever you can get your hands on for your first race. Make sure the bike fits, if you are not sure-go to a reputable shop. I did my first sprint, oly and HIM with my 1987 old steel trek road bike. I upgraded a few years later. Oh ! and I wanna see some new bike pics posted on our thread this week!!!!!!

2007-01-08 5:34 PM
in reply to: #632373

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Baltimore, maryland
Subject: RE: fishnrich's Group - FULL
Hey All,

Just got back from a 7 mile run (1 hour). Not real fast, but it felt pretty good. i haven't done anything in the past three days so I felt like I should have a hard one today. Anyone else get out yet today?

2007-01-08 6:11 PM
in reply to: #632373

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Subject: RE: fishnrich's Group - FULL
Today is my day off. I swim and walk/run tomorrow. Hopefully it won't be in the rain.
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