About the new main site - if you havent messed around.
Vote for articles by clicking on the stars...if you u click on the 5th star, thats 5 out of 5. Your votes determine what gets displayed in the 'bt favorites'.
'Hot Articles' - determined by the most weekly page veiws.
Poll - u can also post comments after voting...send us poll requests too.
Commenting: On certain articles, we will open them up for commenting - see: Email - Print - (1 Comments) - this can be pretty cool for interaction and thoughts on certain articles. We will open this up especially for the 'Interviews & Commentary' box. IF you have any commentary or opinions or items you would like to address regarding the sport of triathlon, write it up formally for posting on the fronpage and hit 'submit an article' - users can then comment on this on the main site.
'Submit an Article' - PLEASE USE THIS. We have a lot of areas you could submit an article too. Especially the 'Member Workouts' area and 'First Race' in the 'Beginner Section' or if you have a formal race report, there are the 'ironman' sections and then 'members races' in 'race day' in the training box. plus many other sections.
'Stats' - a new button in the thread veiw - another way to waste more time here . So far it says my cumulative online time here is 40 days, 13 hours and 43 minutes - crazy.
About the training logs:
Import Run/Swim/Bike data from the races into the log files for that day...NOTE you MUST go through the 'very cool race detail list' to accomplish this.
'Very Cool Race Detail List' - cool summary of pertinent race info. you may have to go back and add some more info to your races so it is filled out. *may have some bugs,
New Flags - China, Belize and Croatia added to the countries for race dropdowns and also to the flags in control panel.
Added some more individual sport age group feilds in race reports
The Race Reports and Training Log 'Comment' area NOW SUPPORTS carriage returns...it will go to the next line when pressing 'enter'...this has been a small problem as everything turned into monster-sized paragraph....let me know if any 'comment area' was missed.
Just a little warning, we will be starting our first ever membership drive anytime within a week. We will be detailing why we are choosing this route to raise funds, what we would like to accomlpish with your donations and how many members it will take us to get us to our goal. There are a lot of cool log additions, training plans, and plans to become the premier online tri magazine (a lot more articles in training specific areas) and others things we would like to do to keep you happy. We will give you a detailed 'proposal' when we start this drive up.
OH! if you find any bugs or broken hyperlinks, pm me with the link and the page url - i am sure there are some left.
All of these changes are great! Thanks for all of your hard work, and thanks to all of those that have helped Ron with this remarkable change!! Looks GREAT!
Thank you, Ron!
Great! Remarkable! Wonderful! I even have a tiny flag - a real one!
I just wanted to tell you, being here made a real difference in my life!
{is it allowed to send kisses? ...I know, I know, we Mediterranians behave unapropriate sometimes LOL}