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2007-07-31 12:04 PM

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Subject: sprint to oly in 8 weeks?
I've made 2 attempts at an oly this year, both of which have been thwarted by events beyond my control(CapTex was rained out, Disco had the swim portion replaced with a run because of bacteria levels in the lake) and I had pretty much written off the chance of doing an oly this year. As a consequence I've been spending my time working on my sprint coming up at the end of August. Today I realized there's an oly at the Longhorn tri in Austin, an event I'm going to be at for my girlfriend's HIM attempt(albeit the next day). This has stoked ideas of doing an oly, but I haven't been training for it and there's 8 weeks until the event. On the Disco "oly" I cracked about halfway through the 10k run, so I'm not too far off from being ready to finish an oly, but it's enough that I'm debating on whether this is something I can reasonably do. Has anyone else tried to make this leap in this kind of time constraints, and if so how did it go?

2007-07-31 12:15 PM
in reply to: #908239

Subject: RE: sprint to oly in 8 weeks?

You describe that you cracked halfway through the 10k at the Disco oly- this describes my performance in 4 attempts at the Oly distance as well (2 tri's and 2 du's).

Based on these outcomes, one of the coaches in my club advised me on the following training modification:

- work up to a 2-hour run to ensure that you can run the 10k with tired legs

- work up to a 3-3.5 hour bike to ensure that you have the fitness to last through the Oly and to make sure you will have something left for the run after 1.5 hours on the bike.

He suggested that I work these long workouts into my plan every other week (i.e. long bike one week and long run the next).

Those workouts are now my metric for being able to finish an Oly, so (not being a coach or having even slept at a Holiday Inn recently), if you can work up to that level of workout in the next 4-6 weeks then I would say you can finish an Oly that is 8 weeks out.


2007-07-31 12:46 PM
in reply to: #908239

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: sprint to oly in 8 weeks?

JBrashear - 2007-07-31 12:04 PM I've made 2 attempts at an oly this year, both of which have been thwarted by events beyond my control(CapTex was rained out, Disco had the swim portion replaced with a run because of bacteria levels in the lake) and I had pretty much written off the chance of doing an oly this year. As a consequence I've been spending my time working on my sprint coming up at the end of August. Today I realized there's an oly at the Longhorn tri in Austin, an event I'm going to be at for my girlfriend's HIM attempt(albeit the next day). This has stoked ideas of doing an oly, but I haven't been training for it and there's 8 weeks until the event. On the Disco "oly" I cracked about halfway through the 10k run, so I'm not too far off from being ready to finish an oly, but it's enough that I'm debating on whether this is something I can reasonably do. Has anyone else tried to make this leap in this kind of time constraints, and if so how did it go?

First of all, as your BT mentor, I think you could finish an OLY today if you really wanted to Johnny! Secondly, if you count this week, you have TEN weeks to Longhorn, not 8 (It's Oct 6th!) Third, the Disco duathlon was tougher than a regular OLY. Running 2 miles before the bike is shorter, but tougher than a 30 minute swim! I cracked on the last run too as it was sooo humid.

Therefore, I think you should go for the Longhorn OLY. 10 weeks is enough time to get you ready to finish strong, especially since you're not really starting from a "sprint" fitness. You're beyond that. I would however like to see you bike more. Try to work you way up in mileage so that you'll have a few 40+ mile rides under your belt before the race. This "over-distance" training will hopefully make the 24 miles of the race seem relatively short and/or easy so that you can feel ready for the 10K.

Edited by dgillen 2007-07-31 12:51 PM
2007-07-31 2:11 PM
in reply to: #908239

Subject: RE: sprint to oly in 8 weeks?

Hey Johnny - I think it's cool you found another Oly and Dave is of course the man, but I was just wondering about your back.  You mentioned it was hurting in your logs and so is it anything serious or just acting up on you?  Also, I didn't really see any big runs in your logs.  I checked back all the way to the 4th of July and the longest you've logged was on the 19th at almost 5 miles.  Obviously everyone is different but I would suggest the following for your run only (Dave covered the rest):

1 - Run 2x/week between 4-6 miles each session

2 - Run 1 Brick/week starting where you can manage now and work it up to peak at 4-5 miles about 2 weeks before the Oly

We all know what opinions are like and so, bottom line is I wish you the best of luck in however you decide to take this on and I'm sure you'll get there this time!

Edited by Timo 2007-07-31 2:13 PM
2007-07-31 2:52 PM
in reply to: #908239

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: sprint to oly in 8 weeks?
Ok, I know you don't want to get advice from your girlfriend... and I truly hope that other people respond to this thread (males would be good!).

But... I'm just going to take my training up until my first Oly, 2 months out. The Oly I'm going to list here was at the end of May.

So, let's look at April and May.

April 2007:
Swim- 20,000 meters
Bike- 265 miles
Run- 46 miles

May 2007:
Swim- 17,000 meters
Bike, 220 miles
Run- 50 miles

All right, let's look at the past 2 months of training you have had:

June 2007:
Swim- 6,900 meters
Bike- 33 miles
Run- 17 miles

July 2007:
Swim- 6,300 meters
Bike- 83 miles
Run- 17 miles

So, you probably need to up your training to the following for the next 2 months (note: I didn't even use what I was doing as what you should accomplish):

Swim- to 12,000 meters a month (only going up around 5,000 meters each month or an extra 1250 meters a week)

Bike- to 150 miles a month (only going up around 70 miles each month, or an extra 17.50 miles a week)

Run- to 40 miles a month (only going up around 20 miles each month- I picked a number lower than what I was averaging, or an extra 5 miles a week)

Finally, lucky for you... you are dating a triathlete! Now, if you would just workout with me on the weekends instead of sleeping in, you could easy accomplish those numbers for the next 2 months.
2007-07-31 2:55 PM
in reply to: #908601

Subject: RE: sprint to oly in 8 weeks?

KSH - 2007-07-31 1:52 PM Ok, I know you don't want to get advice from your girlfriend... 

ouch, whipped in public.

That's gonna leave a mark.


2007-07-31 2:58 PM
in reply to: #908504

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Subject: RE: sprint to oly in 8 weeks?
Timo - 2007-07-31 2:11 PM

Hey Johnny - I think it's cool you found another Oly and Dave is of course the man, but I was just wondering about your back. You mentioned it was hurting in your logs and so is it anything serious or just acting up on you?

It feels more like a strain than anything. I can run & swim, but it gets a little angry at me if I'm not in the perfect position on the bike. It's getting better over time, but I'm not 100% yet.

Timo - 2007-07-31 2:11 PM

Also, I didn't really see any big runs in your logs. I checked back all the way to the 4th of July and the longest you've logged was on the 19th at almost 5 miles. Obviously everyone is different but I would suggest the following for your run only (Dave covered the rest):

1 - Run 2x/week between 4-6 miles each session

2 - Run 1 Brick/week starting where you can manage now and work it up to peak at 4-5 miles about 2 weeks before the Oly

We all know what opinions are like and so, bottom line is I wish you the best of luck in however you decide to take this on and I'm sure you'll get there this time!

When I was getting ready for Disco my longest run was just under 10 miles, so I don't think it's out of the question to get back to there in a couple least if that was the only part I had to worry about.

Truthfully here's where my concerns are, in order of how concerned I am:
1) being mentally ready for the OWS
2) not cracking on the run
3) the combination of events(in other words, I know I can do any one of these activities by itself, but one after the other I'm not so sure about)
2007-07-31 2:59 PM
in reply to: #908606

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Subject: RE: sprint to oly in 8 weeks?
ScottoNM - 2007-07-31 2:55 PM

KSH - 2007-07-31 1:52 PM Ok, I know you don't want to get advice from your girlfriend...

ouch, whipped in public.

That's gonna leave a mark.

Man, the title of my training log is 'Property of KSH'. I know where I stand.
2007-07-31 2:59 PM
in reply to: #908606

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: sprint to oly in 8 weeks?
ScottoNM - 2007-07-31 2:55 PM

KSH - 2007-07-31 1:52 PM Ok, I know you don't want to get advice from your girlfriend... 

ouch, whipped in public.

That's gonna leave a mark.


No... no... Nothing like that.

It's just ya know, getting advice from somone close to you never seems to hit home like advice from strangers.

Like when you were a kid, if your parents told you something you rarely listened, but you might listen to other adults in your life.

Plus, having some guys on here respond will probably mean more than advice from his turtle-slow girlfriend who can barely maintain a 11 minute mile running!
2007-07-31 3:49 PM
in reply to: #908614

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: sprint to oly in 8 weeks?

If I had a GF that was a Tri-athlete (or an athlete in any matter), I would train with her.

As she said, "Get off your a$$" and train with her!!  I'm listening.

KSH - 2007-07-31 2:59 PM
ScottoNM - 2007-07-31 2:55 PM

KSH - 2007-07-31 1:52 PM Ok, I know you don't want to get advice from your girlfriend...

ouch, whipped in public.

That's gonna leave a mark.


No... no... Nothing like that. It's just ya know, getting advice from somone close to you never seems to hit home like advice from strangers. Like when you were a kid, if your parents told you something you rarely listened, but you might listen to other adults in your life. Plus, having some guys on here respond will probably mean more than advice from his turtle-slow girlfriend who can barely maintain a 11 minute mile running!
2007-07-31 3:58 PM
in reply to: #908610

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: sprint to oly in 8 weeks?

JBrashear - 2007-07-31 2:58 PM Truthfully here's where my concerns are, in order of how concerned I am: 1) being mentally ready for the OWS 2) not cracking on the run 3) the combination of events(in other words, I know I can do any one of these activities by itself, but one after the other I'm not so sure about)

  1. Practicing OWS will really help you get more comfortable and mentally ready for race day.  I know it's tough around here with all the high water levels, but I was able to do an OWS from Rockledge last Friday AM w/o too much difficulty.   Shoot for one OWS a week, and even if you only get in 5-6 of them before race day, you'll be much more confident.
  2. Again, many of us cracked at Disco so don't worry about that.  We all should have paced better on the bike and the first 10-20 minutes of the run.   Like Timo, I'd suggest you try to get in one brick/week working your way up to 20-25 mile ride followed by a 3-4 mile run.   These bricks will teach your legs how to run when fatigued and help you understand how to pace on the bike and early run so you can finish strong.
  3. 3 words - Race Simulation Session - I just did one of these last Saturday for my HIM in 3 weeks and it was great for my boosting my confidence, validating my nutritional plan, and practice pacing at race pace.   Use the same equipment and nutritional products that you'll use on race day.  Start with a 20-30 continuous minute swim at your normal pace, then hop on your bike for 15-18 mile ride at close to race pace, followed by a 2-3 mile run.   This will be a really tough workout and you should rest well before and recover fully afterwards, but it will be worth it for the experience you'll gain.

2007-07-31 4:30 PM
in reply to: #908239

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Subject: RE: sprint to oly in 8 weeks?


 David made three great suggestions.  I would definately do as he suggested.  As your wonderful girlfriend Karen mentioned you probably need to get more training in but you did fine at disco and like David said running at the beginning is probably alot harder physically than swimming. 

For my oly my prior 2 training months are listed below.  I actually was over training the 1st month I thought so I toned it down some the 2nd month.  If finished the Ironhead tri in 2:40:40. 

I say go for it.  You should have not problems finishing.

Month 1:
Swim - 17255 yds
Bike - 260 miles
Run - 58 miles

Month 2:
Swim - 14750 yds
Bike - 205 miles
Run - 51 miles

2007-07-31 4:56 PM
in reply to: #908601

Subject: RE: sprint to oly in 8 weeks?
KSH - 2007-07-31 2:52 PM
Now, if you would just workout with me on the weekends instead of sleeping in, you could easy accomplish those numbers for the next 2 months.

Note to self - don't ever tell my wife about this website.

Seriously, I am not qualified to give any advice but am eagerly reading all responses. I decided on 7/4 to do a 9/2 Oly, after only doing Sprints.
2007-08-01 11:10 AM
in reply to: #908726

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Subject: RE: sprint to oly in 8 weeks?
dgillen - 2007-07-31 3:58 PM

JBrashear - 2007-07-31 2:58 PM Truthfully here's where my concerns are, in order of how concerned I am: 1) being mentally ready for the OWS 2) not cracking on the run 3) the combination of events(in other words, I know I can do any one of these activities by itself, but one after the other I'm not so sure about)

  1. Practicing OWS will really help you get more comfortable and mentally ready for race day. I know it's tough around here with all the high water levels, but I was able to do an OWS from Rockledge last Friday AM w/o too much difficulty. Shoot for one OWS a week, and even if you only get in 5-6 of them before race day, you'll be much more confident.

Yea, I need to get more comfortable with this part. The only reason I'm considering this oly is because I know the lake is shallow(60 feet, compared to several hundred at others). I realize that functionally it doesn't make much difference, but I feel better knowing there's not 500 feet of water below me. :p
2007-08-01 11:29 AM
in reply to: #909624

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: sprint to oly in 8 weeks?
JBrashear - 2007-08-01 11:10 AM

dgillen - 2007-07-31 3:58 PM

JBrashear - 2007-07-31 2:58 PM Truthfully here's where my concerns are, in order of how concerned I am: 1) being mentally ready for the OWS 2) not cracking on the run 3) the combination of events(in other words, I know I can do any one of these activities by itself, but one after the other I'm not so sure about)

  1. Practicing OWS will really help you get more comfortable and mentally ready for race day. I know it's tough around here with all the high water levels, but I was able to do an OWS from Rockledge last Friday AM w/o too much difficulty. Shoot for one OWS a week, and even if you only get in 5-6 of them before race day, you'll be much more confident.

Yea, I need to get more comfortable with this part. The only reason I'm considering this oly is because I know the lake is shallow(60 feet, compared to several hundred at others). I realize that functionally it doesn't make much difference, but I feel better knowing there's not 500 feet of water below me. :p

Well, you know... I kind of doubt that the lakes we have in the DFW area are really, really deep. They are man-made lakes. Shoot, I think even at Lake Travis in Austin when I got my SCUBA certification there, it was only around 60 feet deep.

I think you over estimate how deep these lakes are.

Anyhoo... As you know, you can start training with me this week.

Thursday night is my 10 mile run night. Feel free to join me for 2-3 loops.

I have a 70 mile ride on tap for Sat. and you can easily cut that down to 56 miles or 30 ish miles (depending on what group you ride with and if you go back and do the short route).

Then on Sunday I have a 30 mile ride and 3 mile run scheduled. You can certainly do that!

2007-08-01 12:24 PM
in reply to: #908239

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Subject: RE: sprint to oly in 8 weeks?
Well i went from sprint to Oly in about 5 weeks and didn't have half the training your g/f is talking about. I am going from Oly to Half in about 7 weeks and i'm only around 6-7 hours of training a week right now. So....yeah you can do it easily. If you want to just finish, i would worry about the running more than anything. So if i can and oly on about 4-5 hrs of training a week, you can do it.

2007-08-01 2:58 PM
in reply to: #909674

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Subject: RE: sprint to oly in 8 weeks?
KSH - 2007-08-01 11:29 AM

JBrashear - 2007-08-01 11:10 AM

dgillen - 2007-07-31 3:58 PM

JBrashear - 2007-07-31 2:58 PM Truthfully here's where my concerns are, in order of how concerned I am: 1) being mentally ready for the OWS 2) not cracking on the run 3) the combination of events(in other words, I know I can do any one of these activities by itself, but one after the other I'm not so sure about)

  1. Practicing OWS will really help you get more comfortable and mentally ready for race day. I know it's tough around here with all the high water levels, but I was able to do an OWS from Rockledge last Friday AM w/o too much difficulty. Shoot for one OWS a week, and even if you only get in 5-6 of them before race day, you'll be much more confident.

Yea, I need to get more comfortable with this part. The only reason I'm considering this oly is because I know the lake is shallow(60 feet, compared to several hundred at others). I realize that functionally it doesn't make much difference, but I feel better knowing there's not 500 feet of water below me. :p

Well, you know... I kind of doubt that the lakes we have in the DFW area are really, really deep. They are man-made lakes. Shoot, I think even at Lake Travis in Austin when I got my SCUBA certification there, it was only around 60 feet deep.

I think you over estimate how deep these lakes are.

Grapevine's current level is ~550 feet, Ray Roberts is over 400..
2007-08-01 3:10 PM
in reply to: #909624

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: sprint to oly in 8 weeks?

JBrashear - 2007-08-01 11:10 AM Yea, I need to get more comfortable with this part. The only reason I'm considering this oly is because I know the lake is shallow(60 feet, compared to several hundred at others). I realize that functionally it doesn't make much difference, but I feel better knowing there's not 500 feet of water below me. :p

I'm just curious and trying to understand this fear of deep water.  I know other have the same problem.  With the lakes around here, you wouldn't be able to see the bottom even if there were only 8 feet of water.  So, why do you feel better knowing that the water is 60 feet instead of 500?  I'm not criticizing, just wondering.


2007-08-01 3:27 PM
in reply to: #910090

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Subject: RE: sprint to oly in 8 weeks?
dgillen - 2007-08-01 3:10 PM

JBrashear - 2007-08-01 11:10 AM Yea, I need to get more comfortable with this part. The only reason I'm considering this oly is because I know the lake is shallow(60 feet, compared to several hundred at others). I realize that functionally it doesn't make much difference, but I feel better knowing there's not 500 feet of water below me. :p

I'm just curious and trying to understand this fear of deep water. I know other have the same problem. With the lakes around here, you wouldn't be able to see the bottom even if there were only 8 feet of water. So, why do you feel better knowing that the water is 60 feet instead of 500? I'm not criticizing, just wondering.

It's the same irrational thought process behind why being hung by a bungee cord 50 feet in the air wouldn't terrify me as much as being hung 500 feet in the air.

For the record, my main fear of open water is because the lakes have a visibility of ~2 feet. I'd be much more relaxed in water where I can see 30-50 feet in front of me.
2007-08-01 3:31 PM
in reply to: #908239

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Subject: RE: sprint to oly in 8 weeks?
Do you honestly want to be able to see 30 or 50 feet to the bottom of one of our lakes?  That has got to be nasty.  I agree with David, once the water is above where you can breath it is deep.  My fear (albiet a decreasing fear) of water does not get worse the deeper the water gets.  Once I can't reach the shore or touch bottom and breath I get a little apprehensive.  Basically 6ft is deep.
2007-08-01 3:34 PM
in reply to: #909674

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Subject: RE: sprint to oly in 8 weeks?

/QUOTE] I have a 70 mile ride on tap for Sat. and you can easily cut that down to 56 miles or 30 ish miles (depending on what group you ride with and if you go back and do the short route). Then on Sunday I have a 30 mile ride and 3 mile run scheduled. You can certainly do that!

Where are you riding on Saturday, is a rally or something?  I need to ride about 70miles this weekend and was thinking about going to WRL unless I have to check out dogs (see my log from today).

2007-08-01 3:34 PM
in reply to: #910114

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: sprint to oly in 8 weeks?

JBrashear - 2007-08-01 3:27 PM It's the same irrational thought process behind why being hung by a bungee cord 50 feet in the air wouldn't terrify me as much as being hung 500 feet in the air..

I see and can completely understand that now b/c I think I'd have the same fear if being hung from the air.

For the record, my main fear of open water is because the lakes have a visibility of ~2 feet. I'd be much more relaxed in water where I can see 30-50 feet in front of me.

Concur again.  I've heard it described as swimming in tea, and it's not nearly as fun as swimming in clear water.  I did a couple ocean swims in La Jolla Cove in San Diego this year and the water was pretty calm so you could see at least 15-20 feet.  It was amazing and really put me at easy even though it was my first ocean swim!

Just an FYI, Degray Lake in Arkansas is amazingly clear.  I did a HIM there last year and it was great! 


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