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2007-10-31 11:29 AM

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
Ok team 8, where is everyone? BunnyB in da house!

2007-10-31 11:40 AM
in reply to: #1031468

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread
BunnyB - 2007-10-31 12:29 PM

Ok team 8, where is everyone? BunnyB in da house!

Hi again everyone!

I'll have spreadsheets available for each team - hopefully sometime tonight.

That way, you'll be able to see the goals of all your teammates, and you can all chart your progress during the month.

If you don't remember your goals, you can see them here. (The last 10 or so people who entered aren't on there yet, but I'll update it tonight.)

2007-10-31 11:45 AM
in reply to: #1031468

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread
Thanks, Dee!

I thought I would start us all out with a silly Halloween greeting.
2007-10-31 11:53 AM
in reply to: #1031468

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread

Yippee! I'm a late addition--just couldn't do without my Bunny cheer for November.

Suggestion: Let's introduce ourselves with whatever you'd like to disclose of the following and anything else you'd like to add!

- Your real name (if you wish)

- Where you're located

- Tri/athletic experience

- Goals for the month/what you're working toward

- How you got into all this crazy business to begin with!

I'll start! I'm Yanti, I'm by the beach in Los Angeles, this year has been my first tri season (although I've done marathons for a few years).  My goals for the month are simply to follow what my training plan entails (taper for a marathon Dec. 2 and pre-base building for the California 70.3 in March). If anything I need your help in JUST meeting the goals and NOT taking it too far ... I have a tendency to overdo it!

I got into all this crazy mess because when I was an overweight chain-smoking couch potato, one of my students asked for a contribution to AIDS Marathon (which she was doing) and said, "Hey, you should do it, too!" She just pffffted my lumpy smoking protests and it was an idea I couldn't get out of my head ... so ... five marathons and five tris later, here I am!

2007-10-31 12:15 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread
That's awesome, Yanti! Here's my story ...

My name is Melissa and I'm also in southern California. I live a bit farther away from the beach near the home of The MouseĀ®. I work near the beach though in the South Bay area of Los Angeles.

I am a complete newbie to the Tri world, but it's been a dream for a while. Hell, I haven't even learned to ride a bike yet. LOL I have done about a dozen 5k and 10k races. I was signed up for the Long Beach half last year, but DNF due to having the flu and succumbing to the sag wagon just before the half way point.

In my past, I was also an overweight chain-smoking couch potato. I'm no longer a couch potato or smoker, and I'm still working on the overweight part. Actually, calling myself overweight is putting it mildly. I was morbidly obese topping the scales at over 300 pounds. I've currently lost over 75 pounds and still plugging away at losing more.

Lately I've been working on transitioning from walking to running by doing walk/run intervals to build up my running time. I also recently started swimming again. It had been years since I'd done any actual swimming. Most of my time in the water until recently consisted of a floatie and an adult beverage. LOL

As for BT, I found my way here thanks to one of my RL best friends -- MrsUSMC. She's an awesome lady and quite the inspiration to me in helping me realize that even though I still have a long way to go on my weight loss journey that I can still be an athlete in the process and don't have to wait until I reach my goal.

BTW, Yanti, I'll definitely be cheering you on at the CA 70.3. I'm already signed up to volunteer at that race.
2007-10-31 12:15 PM
in reply to: #1031538

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread
I'm here!

I'm Terri and I live in Oceanside, CA. I'm a Tri-virgin who started running this past August. I've been on a bike once and will start swimming tomorrow Nov 1.

My goals for the month are to Strength train min 1x per week; Run min 3x per week; Swim min 1x per week; Bike min 1x per week; and Lose 4#s. What I didn't include in my goals, which I should have, is to complete my 1st 5K on November 22.

I got into wanting to do this because my husband is a triathlete and I love how much fun everyone looks like they're having when I go to his races. I'm tired of being fat and tired of being a spectator. I want to have fun too! While I have no desire to be a first place finisher, I do have the desire to finish what I start, and to improve upon myself along the way.

2007-10-31 12:24 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread
Oops! I forgot to include my goals for the challenge.

Walk/Run: 25 miles
Swim: 8 times
Strength train: 8 times
Weight Loss: 4 pounds
2007-10-31 1:50 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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Brooklyn, Michigan
Subject: Hello Team 8!!!
  • - Your real name
    • Erin (31)
  • - Where you're located
    • Southern Michigan
  • - Tri/athletic experience
    • 1 Tri (DNF'd swim, finished the rest)
    • ? 5K's
    • 1 10K
    • 1 Half-Mary
  • - Goals for the month/what you're working toward
    • 30 miles running (I tend to slack in cold weather)
    • 6hrs yoga/kickboxing classes (good winter cross-training)
    • Lose 5lbs
  • - How you got into all this crazy business to begin with...
    • I was looking for a fun way to help with losing weight after the birth of my twins and was told of this site by an online friend on weight-loss support message board. 

Looking forward to "meeting" all of you, but right now...I need to get back to work....LOL Wink 

Edited by Twins_momma 2007-10-31 1:57 PM
2007-10-31 6:59 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread

Oh HAIL no, our thread is not getting bumped off the page!

Check in, teamies, check in! I don't even know you yet and I already miss you.

2007-10-31 8:15 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread

OMG, Yanti, Teri and Melissa are with me again???  How awesome is that?

I'm Judi, I live south of Richmond--or at least that's what the address says on my drivers liscence...my heart is still in PA (moved here 3 yrs ago).  I have pretty much done it all through the years-taught aerobics, did spinning, you name it...A couple years ago I had a really horrible day at work and decided when I got home that I was going o the gym to work out.  On my way to the cardio equipment I decided to run.  As my co-worker says, "a runner was born" I did 2 miles that night and felt like some sort of champion for doing them.  Little did I know I really got hooked on the sport and did my first 10 K just a few months later.  I had a morbid curiosity about tris for a long time and another co-worker did one which got me thinking that either I should do it or shut up. This was my first season, I did 2 sprints and a mini sprint. 

My goals this month are related to strength and flexibility training--totally nonstress because I have never run as far in a month as I did this month with the BUMPERS.    I did a self assessment sort of pre-test yesterday at the gym and know a bit more about what I need to do.  (push ups, lots of push ups coming this month)--I thought I wasn't stressing myself? LOL. I see a month with lots of planks and creative ways to use the balance ball.  The pilates video and other ones will be dusted off.  Hope to make a couple of "core endurance" classes at the gym too.

I usually lift once a week, am stepping that up with a resistance band work out once a week now.  I plan on doing Pilates and the balance ball video another time each week while still maintaining my run 2x, bike 2x,and kick azz swim of 4 hrs a week and oh yeah, go to work and keep up with my delightful (?) teenage daughters and supportive husbancd who keeps me sane

2007-10-31 8:39 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread

So glad to see a team thread is up and running!!!  Unfortunately it's pretty late so I'm not going to post all the details this evening.  Promise I get it written tomorrow.  I'm really looking forward to this challenge!!!


2007-10-31 9:38 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread
Hi everyone! Sorry for the late post. Today was a crazy kinda day.

My name is Dee. I'm 42 yrs old and from Niagara Falls, Canada. I am a true Canadian as my favourite past times include hockey, snowmobiling, ice fishing and snowshoeing. I too am a Tri Virgin. I continually say 'next year I'll do one', but the year passes and I never get one done. I need to work on my swimming before I can tackle one. I have done 2 duathlons (way back in 1997 when I was about 30 lbs lighter), 2 half marys and a number of 5kms. To say I'm slow is an understatement. My goals for the month are simple: I'm just going to fill up each day with at least 30 minutes of some type of activity. The majority of these days will probably be walking , but there will be some hockey, running, biking and weights. I've been having a flare up of inner ear issues (so I really am a dizzy broad!) the past few months so I needed a flexible goal. On the bad days, walking can even be difficult, but I will at least get 30 min of that in.

Looking forward to chatting with all of you! Are we gonna come up with a team name???

2007-11-01 8:53 AM
in reply to: #1031468

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread

Hey all!!!

I'm Brian and live in South Bend, Indiana.  I'm 37 with a wife (she's in my avatar running the Columbus marathon together) and two great kids (6 and 4 years of age).

I did my first triathlon in 1988!!  However, I didn't do another until 18 years later - a sprint distance in 2006.  I also did the Twin Cities Marathon on 10/1/06.

I did nothing for two months after the marathon and started "falling off the wagon" again.  Since the holidays last year through today, I've been diligent about being consistent.  BT has been a BIG help with keeping me on my toes.

In 2007, I did three half-marathons (Mar, Jun, Sep); two olympic distance triathlons (Jun, Aug), a half-iron triathlon (Aug) and another marathon (Oct).

Its funny when people call me an athlete or athletic now, because I was one of those last picked guys all through school. 

My goal this month is to swim 25,000 meters.  That would be the most in a month for me by far (previous best is about 18,000).  Having just completed a marathon, I'd like to give my legs a bit of a break - they need it.  However, I want to maintain my fitness.  By setting a stretching goal for myself and joining the best Challenge Team (YOU GUYS), I hope to swim all those laps.

My big long term goals are to qualify for the Boston Marathon, which would be a 3:15 marathon or 3:20 when I hit the big  FOUR-O.  I also want to tackle the Ironman sometime in the next 5 years.  Reading those race reports including the mass swim start of 2000 athletes is another reason for wanting to up my swim over the next few months.

Why triathlons?  They keep me in shape.  I'm not nearly as diligent about keeping myself healthy (diet, exercise) without goals on the horizon.  You'd think staying healthy in itself would be enough.  But for me, knowing that I'll be at that starting line in the near future, puts more urgency into getting on the bike, in the water or on the road.

Good luck to all and kick some booty this month!!!!

Edited by mbmoran2 2007-11-01 8:54 AM
2007-11-01 9:25 AM
in reply to: #1031468

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread
It's been so much fun reading everyone's intros. I'm really looking forward to getting to know some of you better as the month progresses. I had the pleasure of being on the same team with Terri (MrsUSMC), Yanti (TriAya), and Judi (zipp1) during the October challenge.

Ok, we definitely need to come up with a cool team name. Anyone have any ideas? Do we have a team leader yet? For being on the "chatty" team, we aren't very chatty yet. LOL

Hope everyone has a great Thursday and survives the leftover Halloween candy!
2007-11-01 9:43 AM
in reply to: #1031468

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread

Good morning!!!

My name is Brenda and I live on the Eastern Shore of MD - it's a peninsula between the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean.   I have two kids (ages 6 & 8), a tri-crazy hubby (wyecrab) and of course Boomer, my avatar.

I did two sprints in 2006 and 4 this year.  I like the swim, love the bike and tolerate the run.  If I were not so flippin' slow, I would probably like the run a lot better!!!  This year I tackled the Ryka Iron Girl Sprint in Columbia, MD.  Being from an place that is flat, flat, flat the Columbia course was very challenging because it was NOT flat!!!  Plus it was in Aug.  even though race day was pleasantly cool, cloudy and even spitting rain at times, the training leading up to the race took place in some very hot and muggy conditions.  I followed that up with two more tri's - but on much flatter terrain!!!  When I crossed the finish line at the last race on Oct 6 I was burned out training wise.  I have been a major slug since!!!!  Needless to say this challenge is coming at a great time.   

Even though I am ready to get back to the workouts I'm so glad this challenge isn't limited to swimming, biking and running.  Some diversity will go a long way to keeping me motivated!!!  In the fall and winter I play in a racquetball league so that is included in my goals.  I really, really want to add some core and weight workouts to my routine so I have put that on the list as well.  Racquetball is a bit hard on my knees so I've included just enough running to keep me out there about once a week.  I really do like to swim so I've included a few yards.  AND with any luck I've made my goals reasonable enough to be able to reach them even with all the holiday madness that will hit toward the end of the month!!   Challenge Goals:  8hrs - racquetball; 8hrs - core/weights; 4hrs - running; 10K yrds - swim.

Why I tri??  It's mostly my hubby's fault!!!  He started running and then decided to give triathlons a go - in the process he lost about 90 lbs!!  I figured if it worked for him it would work for me.  I have not had as much success getting the pounds off, but I have found that the fear of a DNF or DFL is great motivation to keep up the workouts!!! 

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!!

2007-11-01 11:10 AM
in reply to: #1031468

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread
Good morning old and new friends! Really looking forward to starting today. A few major changes happening for me this month. I have reduced my hours at work by 2 to start training for my first tri in 2008; start swimming today (first time!); and have my first 5K on the 22nd. Also, my husband, who's my coach and biggest motivator, is going to be out of town pretty much from tomorrow until next Saturday, so that's 8 days I'm on my own and will need to keep myself motivated and on track with my training. Sort of my first test of mental strength.

Good luck to us all.

2007-11-01 12:14 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread
I'm trying my best to come up with a team name for us. I have two thoughts running through my head....our avatars are predominately animal related and Army of Tri. Two totally unrelated thoughts - sorry.

As to a team captain, the evil in me votes for Melissa since she started this thread, but I won't obligate her because I know she's busy. I have no clue what is required.
2007-11-01 12:45 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread
Choosing to Tri?

Come on people! Help!!!! LOL
2007-11-01 1:10 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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Brooklyn, Michigan
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread

tri-ing to work off what we 8

...argh...I have a mental BLOCK....stupid benedryl  Undecided

2007-11-01 1:16 PM
in reply to: #1033323

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Brooklyn, Michigan
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread

There are a lot of animals avatars amongst us...hmmm

If I change my avatar to show my kids will that be close enough to "animal" for you?  They are 4 after all, and act like little animals.  Wink  I call them "little monkeys" on occasion.


2007-11-01 1:18 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread
If you want to call them animals, go ahead. The two you see in my avatar I consider my children.

2007-11-01 1:47 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread

I love Army of Tri!

Hi everybody!

I also like Triburningwhatwe8 (condensed version).

Team leader: esp. in a challenge where everyone has lots of different goals, it helps to be good with spreadsheets. Other than that, not much. I think the rest of us have enough cheer to spread around, so you won't be stuck rallying the troops as well.

I snuck a mammoth triathlon-training day in yesterday, so now it's time to GET TO WORK and focus on low-intensity workouts and taper. Maybe I shoulda made my challenge to NOT make my challenge! Ha!



2007-11-01 1:54 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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Brooklyn, Michigan
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread

Goal Gobblers

Cornacopia Challengers

Edited by Twins_momma 2007-11-01 1:55 PM
2007-11-01 2:23 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread
I've been trying to come up with a catching suggestion, but my mind is like mush right now trying to prep for my certification exam tomorrow. I tried playing around with the whole choice aspect of the challenge and I also came up with Choosing to Tri. I also really like Army of Tri and Triburningwhatwe8.

Of course, the geek in me also thought about paying homage to the ancient Greek athletes and going for Omada Ochto. Of course, it's doesn't look anywhere nearly as cool without the Greek font.

I'm not opposed to being team captain since I work with spreadsheets on a daily basis. My only concern is that I'll be on a cruise the last week of the month and won't be home until Sunday, Dec. 2.
2007-11-01 2:50 PM
in reply to: #1033629

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Brooklyn, Michigan
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread
reminds me of the movie "Dodgeball"  ESPN 8 "the Ocho"  Laughing
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