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2007-12-18 11:39 AM

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: kleinrider - Full

NAME: kleinrider/ John  
STORY: I live in Marlton NJ, (about 45 mins outside of Philly)  I have been doing triathlons for about 7 years now.  I would say I am solid middle of the packer (MOP).  Triathlon was something I always wanted to do, but never knew they had the sprint race I always thought a triathlon was the Ironman until one day someone told me about the sprint race.  About 6 months later I joined the cult, I mean club.  Then about 5 years later I finally did my first Ironman.  I love the wonderful world of triathlon. 
FAMILY STATUS: Newlyweds as of Oct 12 2007
CURRENT TRAINING: I am currently not using any plans to train.  But come Feb i will be using the 1/2 IM plan.  Last year i didn't race that much, but i want to go at another 1/2 IM this year.
LAST YEAR'S RACES: I did mostly sprints with one Oly.  I also did 2  1/2 marys and PRd one of them. 
2007 RACES:  A few Sprints and Olympics with one 1/2 IM.  I will also do 2 1/2 marys, and maybe one full marathon
WEIGHTLOSS:  I am always looking to drop a few pounds.  I am about 210 I would LOVE to see 190 before April.  I've put on a few since my wedding.
What will make me a good Mentor: I really love helping new people that are new to this great sport.  When I first got into triathlons I didn’t know anyone or know of any websites so my training was all trial and error, so I want to help people so they don’t have to go through what I went through. 

Edited by kleinrider 2008-01-03 2:15 PM

2007-12-30 3:03 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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New user
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Open
I would like to join your group.

NAME: Jennie

STORY: True Beginner in Charlotte, NC - I have always wanted to complete a sprint Triathlon, and after my older sister completed her first Sprint 2 years ago ... it has made the desire even greater. The problem with me is actually pulling the trigger and doing what I want to do. I am 28 (29 in Jan) and would like to have a Sprint under my belt before Sept 2008 ... but have not found the exact race yet. I get intimidated very easily and am not the strongest mentally (as I can talk myself out of anything, and love making deals with myself when the pain hits). I was a competive swimmer most of my life and am happier in the water than on land. The only cycling I do currently is on a stationary bike, as I am a bit intimidated to buy one not having any knowledge about them and the run is by far my weakest. I completed my first 5K (ever) this past summer in a very slow 40 mins. I think this is my biggest hurdle that I need to overcome.

FAMILY STATUS: Just got engaged in Aug and am planning a wedding for Sept 21, 2008 (with a fear that this will become an excuse and get in the way of training)

CURRENT TRAINING: I have not picked a training program yet, but have bought a few books and have done a number of open water swims this past summer. Right now I am focusing on running and trying to get that mental block out of the way.

WEIGHTLOSS: This is not the biggest focus I have, as I really would just like to get in shape and complete a Sprint distance ... but if I lose 15 pounds in the process I would love it!

I just need some motivation to get out there and start training. Currently I am struggling with trying to find the time to fit it into my extremely choatic life right now and hope that by joining this group it gives me the accountability I need to get this done and not talk myself out of it again!
2007-12-31 8:47 AM
in reply to: #1122963

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Open


Welcome to the group.  Also welcome to the CRAZY world of triathlons.  You have a lot on your plate right now, but doing a sprint race is very very doable for you, since you have a strong swim back ground you are already in the driver seat.  Most people that take on triathlon don't really know how to swim.  You do need to get a bike, doesn't have to be right now, but you need to get one.  Don't worry about if you are buy the right one, the number one thing for buying a bike, make sure it fits you.  You would never buy a pair of shoes if they didn't fit, so you don't want to buy a bike if it doesn't fit.  Also you don't need the best bike, you just need something to get you through the race, so a entry level road bike is a good place to start.  Any local bike shop should be able to help you with both the fit and a good entry level bike.  Running is a very good focus right now, cause you can run in any weather (can't bike in any weather) and it's something quick you can do.

I really think you are way ahead of the game, you just need the time to fit it all in.  I know first hand planning a wedding (got married this past Oct) and finding the time to train is hard, but again it's doable.  I hope i can help you stay focus on your goal.

Happy New Years.

2007-12-31 8:47 AM
in reply to: #1122963

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Open


Welcome to the group.  Also welcome to the CRAZY world of triathlons.  You have a lot on your plate right now, but doing a sprint race is very very doable for you, since you have a strong swim back ground you are already in the driver seat.  Most people that take on triathlon don't really know how to swim.  You do need to get a bike, doesn't have to be right now, but you need to get one.  Don't worry about if you are buy the right one, the number one thing for buying a bike, make sure it fits you.  You would never buy a pair of shoes if they didn't fit, so you don't want to buy a bike if it doesn't fit.  Also you don't need the best bike, you just need something to get you through the race, so a entry level road bike is a good place to start.  Any local bike shop should be able to help you with both the fit and a good entry level bike.  Running is a very good focus right now, cause you can run in any weather (can't bike in any weather) and it's something quick you can do.

I really think you are way ahead of the game, you just need the time to fit it all in.  I know first hand planning a wedding (got married this past Oct) and finding the time to train is hard, but again it's doable.  I hope i can help you stay focus on your goal.

Happy New Years.

2007-12-31 12:29 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Montgomery County, PA
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Open
Hey John,

This is Megan's sister, Erin...the one with the twins. I don't know much about the mentor program, but am registered for my first Olympic Tri this May. I have so much to learn, but am definately excited.

Is the mentor group something that would be good for me?? I haven't had the time to read much about it, but saw your group still had openings so I thought I would send a quick reply.

I just started looking at the BT 20-week Olympic plan and hope to follow that. I did one triathlon last August and had a blast.

2008-01-01 3:51 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Subject: RE: kleinrider - Open
I would like to join too.

Name: Marty

Story: Live in Fairlwan, OH, basically suburban Cleveland, don't tell the rest of Summit County they don't like to hear it. Turned 33 in November and am still working on a lifestyle change. The thought of Tris entered into my head a few years ago and I even got a coupl of books and started to read about the training. That never really went any further than just reading. On Jan 2, 2006 I joined a gym on a quest to get back down to 185. Well 2006 went great and I dropped 60 pounds and fell 15 pounds short of my goal weight. The thouhg tof a Tri never really came back. 2007 came with more work demands and less time to get to the gym. I let it slip in my priority list and it showed. I also put another goal on my resolution list, I got my private pilots license in 2007. I put aout 10 pounds back on and got out of the work-out habit. After two previous resolutions working out well this is 2008s.

Family Status: Single, that's how I file my taxes anyway

Current Training: Have not started any formal training. I would like to do at least one Sprint Tri this year maybe two. Running about 12 miles a week right now.

Weight loss: Right now I am fluctuating between 210 and 215. I would love to get back t o185, a weight I haven't seen in 10 years.

2008-01-01 4:21 PM
in reply to: #1124641

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Open


First -- i sent you a email on this thing, you should see a 1 next to your "Inbox"

Sure the mentor thing would be a great thing for you...  What race did you do last year??  And what race are you doing in May???   Assuming it's sort of local i am sure i did it, i've done almost every race around here..

The 20-week plan is a good plan,  it will get you more than ready for your race.  The idea of this mentor thing, is you asking me anything about your training or whatever.  No question is stupid, i am sure whatever you could ask me either i've been asked it before or i had the same question myself.    


2008-01-01 4:26 PM
in reply to: #1126384

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Open


Welcome to the group. 

Sounds like you got the running this down.   Have you been in the pool at all, or are you brand new to swimming?  Do you have a target race set yet?  I would find a race and sign up, this way you have a goal to reach.  Otherwise you'll keep putting it off.  After you have a race picked out you/we can come up with some sort of training plan. 

As you read in my first post, it seems we have the same weight loss goals, i am sure we'll be able to help each other out. 

2008-01-01 4:38 PM
in reply to: #1126427

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Subject: RE: kleinrider - Open
I have not picked out a race yet. I am looking for something in May it doesn't really matter in what part of the country to me. Looking for a good beginners race. I swam competatively as a kid and still do swim a little, but feel this will be th ehardest to get my body back used to.

I guess my first goal then is to figure out which race to sign up for.
2008-01-01 9:07 PM
in reply to: #1126437

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Open

I am sure you have a ton of sprint races in your local area. 

I am sure it won't be that hard for you to get back in swimming shape.... Swimming to me is weird.. it may be hard at the start but then is seems once you past a certain point it gets easy...  It's like one day you can only swim 400 yards without stopping then the next day you can swim 1000yards with no problem..

2008-01-01 10:05 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Open
I would like to join the group if there is still room. My name is Josh and I am 29 and live in the Cleveland area. I am married without kids. I am a high school teacher and I am also in school to get my PhD which makes it sometimes difficult to prioritize training.
Last year I trained for the Cleveland triathlon but let other things get in the way and ended up not competing. This year, however, I am already registered for the race and have begun to put together a training schedule. I will be competing at the Sprint level and I am determined to let nothing get in my way. I dropped 10 pounds over the past couple of months and plan on dropping another 10 or so before the race (which will still leave me 10 pounds away from my ideal weight of 190.)
I have bought a bike (a Trek 1000) and have access to a gym with a pool so I have pretty well arranged everything I need. I consider myself to be alright at running and biking but pretty weak at swimming.
I would like to use this group as a source of encouragement and advice and I am really looking forward to getting into the training groove.

2008-01-02 7:48 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Montgomery County, PA
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Open

I did the Tuckahoe Sprint last summer. It was fun, but the swim was rather interesting. The water was so shallow I could touch the entire way. People were walking in the muck...weird, but fun for my first time!

I'm now signed up for Columbia in May.
2008-01-02 10:10 AM
in reply to: #1127071

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Open


welcome aboard... Sounds like you have everything ready to go... When is the race????



2008-01-02 10:13 AM
in reply to: #1127417

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Open


still laughing about the email you sent me...

I do remember the race you did..... Columbia is a GREAT race, one of my all time favs.  Is Megan doing that race as well??  How about your hubbie???  It's a tough race the big has some good hills so i woud make sure you get out there and ride with that SCU bike group.. also the run is very very hilly, not trying to make you nervous, just want you to know what the run is like. 


2008-01-02 10:52 AM
in reply to: #1127783

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Montgomery County, PA
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Open
Yes, Meg is doing Columbia as well. She tried to put me up to the challenge of doing a 1/2 with her (can't remember the name, but in MD also), but I told her I would take the Columbia challenge first. She did mention the bike and run were hilly.

I'm up for the challenge and ready to get in shape. We have some good hills in the area so I'll be on them at some point. Mike and I just bought a cycleops trainer so I can get on the bike while the kiddos are napping. I'll take all the advice I can get from you....hill training, nutrition. anything.

No, Mike isn't doing this race. He's on dad duty that day...hehehe.

Are you signed up for Columbia this year?

BTW, Congrats on getting married!
2008-01-02 1:56 PM
in reply to: #1126950

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Subject: RE: kleinrider - Open
I think I am going to start with the Maumee Bay Sprint Tri on June 22.

2008-01-02 6:29 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Open
Thanks for allowing me into the group. I think this will be really cool. I am racing on August 3 so I have plenty of time to get ready.
2008-01-03 7:25 AM
in reply to: #1127917

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Open

Good idea just doing Columbia (Eagleman was the other race)  You can take on Eagleman next year.

Good idea getting a trainer, that will be a big help during the winter.  I'll be getting on my soon.  I am not doing Columbia this year, closed before i could get in.

2008-01-03 7:36 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Open

Well we have 4 people right now. I think i need 5 to close it, so maybe someone will join us soon, otherwise we'll just move forward now.

It would be helpful to me if everyone could start using your training logs.  If you need help on how to enter your info drop me a line.  Using your logs will help me see what you guys are doing and it will help you to see how you have progressed over the year.  It's a useful training tool.  When you use the logs people can send you little "Inspire me" messages each day.  It's a nice little feature, you feel good that people are looking at your logs and people are keeping you moviated to keep up the good work.  I hope that everyone in this group helps each other out.

As you can see i haven't been doing a lot of training other than running, but that's all about to change soon.  I hope to get into the pool and start some core work next week.  I hope to have my trainer all set up in a few weeks, so i finally be able to get on the bike.

If you have any questions about the log or anything else about the website please let me know, if i don't know i'll get the answer for you.


2008-01-03 7:55 AM
in reply to: #1130213

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Montgomery County, PA
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Open
I'll try to look at how to set up the logs today sometime. I have actually been keeping track of everything on an excel so I'll just switch over.

I swam my first-ever 1000 yesterday. Well, it wasn't totally straight. I had 2 - 15 second breaks in there. It wasn't too long ago that I had trouble getting to the end of the pool without feeling tired. I'm excited because this is by far the most difficult for me.

2008-01-03 8:18 AM
in reply to: #1130247

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Open

erjewels32 - 2008-01-03 8:55 AM I'll try to look at how to set up the logs today sometime. I have actually been keeping track of everything on an excel so I'll just switch over. I swam my first-ever 1000 yesterday. Well, it wasn't totally straight. I had 2 - 15 second breaks in there. It wasn't too long ago that I had trouble getting to the end of the pool without feeling tired. I'm excited because this is by far the most difficult for me.

If you like Excel better stay with that...l like to have everything in one place...

very nice work with the swimming.  It's ok to take those breaks.  you'll build up to swimming 400-500 yards at a time with no break.  Of course you'll need to make sure you can swim 1000 without stopping so you build your confidence for the Columbia race.  I am sure you'll be able to swim a 1000 in no time.

2008-01-03 1:55 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Subject: RE: kleinrider - Open

Hi John,  

Mind a 3rd season triathlete joining the crowd?  I am a member of a triathlon club and have lots o' training partners.  I am a coached athlete but I am always seeking new ideas and the support of other triathlon minded folks.

NAME:  Jessica Niekrasz 

STORY: I live 20 minutes outside of Chicago in a cool little town called Riverside.  Lots of winding streets and a park like atmosphere.  Depending on the size of the race, I am a middle of the packer with the occassional podium appearance.  Triathlon is my mental and physical escape from being a stay at home mom and part time marketing director for a non-profit.  Tri is my link to sanity ... (so what's THAT saying?)

FAMILY STATUS: I've been married for 6 years and have a 3 1/2 year old son. 

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm currently putting in about 6-7 hours a week on maintenance.  Battling some tight foot muscle issues that are keeping me from running at the moment but that shouldn't last too long.  Planning on 1/2 mary in the spring and considering a HIM in July.  Otherwise, the general assortment of olys and sprints.  Also planning on a century ride.

2007 RACES:  six- 5K's, 1 10K, two- 1/2 marys, four- sprints, one- oly

WEIGHTLOSS:  Never a bad thing but not the driving force.  I started tris to ditch the baby weight and since I started training 3 years ago, I've dropped 35 lbs.

2008-01-03 2:14 PM
in reply to: #1131378

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Open


Of course you can join the group.. in fact you'll be the last one.  You will be a great help to the group considering you are in your 3rd season.  You may be able to shed some light on some issues people are having since you are more new than me..

Good luck with the foot issue. 


2008-01-03 5:43 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: Transitions
I was wondering how the T1 transition typically goes. Do people dry off with a towel or do they just begin the bike segment wet? Is there some transition area etiquette or is the transition area viewed as a competitive area of the race? What are the tips that veterans have for us rank newbies on the transitions? Thanks for the help.
2008-01-03 10:50 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Montgomery County, PA
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
I tried figuring out the training log tonight. I added the past few days in and put you on my "friends list' so you could look at it. I'll add everyone else in the group to the list as well.

I don't know how long I swim when I'm at the pool. I have just been trying to increase my distance. Is the time something I should be worried about at this point?

Any suggestions on what I need to add/change for the log?

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