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2008-04-04 3:57 PM
in reply to: #1310742

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
msjmac - 2008-04-02 12:42 PM

HA!  I should run for hours because I would rack up lots ... not many miles ... but lots of time out on the road

My goal will be 18 miles this month. not sure how realistic that is as I am having some foot issues and mental issues with getting out there and running

come on Jennie you can do it.... I hope your foot issue clears up

2008-04-04 7:51 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Montgomery County, PA
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
I have to share my good news since I've been talking about it for a while now. I purchased my new bike tonight....a Cannondale CAAD9 R5. I'm thrilled and can't wait to ride outside this weekend. It's sitting in the dining room so I can look at it for a while...LOL!!! Thankfully I have a husband that totally understands the addiction.

I hope you all have a great weekend!
2008-04-04 8:17 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
YEA FOR YOU ERIN!  That's awesome.  Nothing more fun than a new toy.  There's this great kids book called Mike and the Bike.  It says "a bicycle is much more than the average toy."  No truer words have been spoken.  Enjoy your ride this weekend.  Oh, and post pics if you have any!
2008-04-06 12:42 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: April Running Challenge
First, Erin that is sweet about the bike. I checked it out on Cannondale's website. I think you chose well.

Second, here are the weekly totals as of 4/6.

Name Goal Completed % to Goal

Josh 60 mi 8.2 13.6%

John 85 mi 14.4 17%

Erin 510 min.139 min. 27.2%

Jennie 18 mi. 3.3 18.3%

Sorry about the formatting. That is as close to a table as I could make with this site. I don't have goals for Marty or Jess, so post your goal (if you are participating) and I will add you. Erin, I am calculating your goal in minutes because hours is too much for my mathematically challenged head. If you want it in hours, though, I can cope. Just let me know.

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and I wish you guys good luck getting in some solid training for the week.

Edited by merrymound 2008-04-06 12:43 PM
2008-04-07 7:37 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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New user
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full

Erin hope you had a great ride this weekend on the new obsession

Josh thanks for keeping track of this month's challenge.

On a side note ... Wednesday our training group is scheduled to do their first ride together - 11 miles.  I am getting a little worried because even though I don't know the exact route it is going to be on some major roads in town - lots of traffic lights and cars.  Not very comfortable clipped into my bike yet (have an ex-boyfriend who is now paralyzed because he fell and couldn't get clipped out of his pedals even though he had been riding since he was a teenager). So this will be a new challenge for me to overcome and I really hope that it is not a bad as my mind is telling me it is going to be!

Hope everyone had a great Monday  

2008-04-07 8:44 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Montgomery County, PA
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
Jennie, My advice would be to stay in the middle/front of the pack! I remember when I met John at a bike club several years ago that was his advice to me. Watch the signals from others in front of you and just be aware of your surroundings. If you can, practice clipping in and out of your pedals over and over. It may help you feel more comfortable. Let us know how you make out. I know I would much rather ride with a group than going out alone.

2008-04-07 8:49 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
Good luck with the group ride. It's good to be aware of the potential danger in cycling but also to remember that it is statistically way safer than many other forms of travel. Relax and have fun.

I hope everyone else is doing well and pushing their training goals.
2008-04-07 8:53 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full

My coach had me practice clipping in and out on grass.   If I wiped out at least it was relatively more forgiving than the road.  I grind through cleats on a pretty regular basis though because I haven't mastered starting again. 

2008-04-08 9:15 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full

Good Luck Jennie.... practicing on grass is a great idea...    Trust the group you are riding with, they will help you.  During the ride they will point out potholes to avoid, they will warn you (everyone) of cars that are coming up from behind.  They should tell you when a turn is coming up.  Trust yourself, you will do great.


here is my total for 1st week of April.   14.37 miles


2008-04-08 10:49 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
If it is OK with everyone, I am going to just check your training log every Sunday to get your totals for each week. So, unless someone objects, don't bother posting your weekly totals in the Forum because I'll just check it every week. Hope everyone is doing well.
2008-04-09 8:21 AM
in reply to: #1323326

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full

merrymound - 2008-04-08 11:49 AM If it is OK with everyone, I am going to just check your training log every Sunday to get your totals for each week. So, unless someone objects, don't bother posting your weekly totals in the Forum because I'll just check it every week. Hope everyone is doing well.

sounds good to me... Thanks for doing this.. 


2008-04-13 5:49 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: April Running Challenge Update
Here are the weekly totals as of 4/13:

Name Goal Completed % to Goal

Josh 60 mi 18.2 30.5%

John 85 mi 32.8 38.5%

Erin 510 min.295 min. 57.8%

Jennie 18 mi. 6.6 41.2%

I hope everyone had a good weekend. Good luck hitting your training goals!

Edited by merrymound 2008-04-14 1:26 PM
2008-04-16 8:37 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
My first race of the year...  5k run on Saturday... wish me luck.
2008-04-16 9:30 AM
in reply to: #1341390

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Montgomery County, PA
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
Good Luck John!!!! You'll do awesome! Hey, did you ever get picked in the lottery??

I actually signed up for a 5 mile race last night for this Sunday. I'm excited and hear it's a bit challenging....the Valley Forge Run
2008-04-16 11:09 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
Good luck you guys on your upcoming runs! I was going to do a 5k next weekend but some other plans intruded. The April running challenge is really keeping me motivated to increase distance beyond what I originally thought I could reasonably do.

My swimming lessons are going well. My main problem was that I was nearly turning over every time I rotated to breathe and that wasted a lot of energy and made me less sleek in the water. I am trying to correct it with my instructor's help but every time I begin to think things through to correct my form I screw up my breathing and swallow a lot of water. I went home half sick the other day from all the pool water I inhaled. But, I am confident that with practice I will smooth out my stroke and begin to really improve in the water.

Hope everyone is doing well.
2008-04-16 5:50 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Montgomery County, PA
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
I have been checking out the website and thinking about possibly trying some of the workouts, but I have some questions...Maybe someone will know the answers.

1. Is the IM always fly, backstroke, and breaststroke in that order or can it be changed up? I don't know how to 'fly' so I would have to skip that, I guess.

2. An example in the workout says 3x50 free (Kick). Is that with a kickboard and face out of the water just to work on kick?

3. When the workout states something like this 1x4x100 free on 1:55...does it mean to start on 1:55? So if I finish 100 in 1:50, I would have 5 seconds until I start the next 100?

I tried looking up the answers online, but wasn't successful.

2008-04-17 6:58 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
I just want to thank eevryone for their kind words on my log. Keeping the log has kept me going on my training. Sunday will mark 10 weeks until my race day. Hope everyone else is doing well.
2008-04-18 1:02 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
Erin, I cannot answer those questions. I am basically a fish out of water when I am swimming (which is unfortunate.)

Can anyone tell me how to reply to someone's "Inspire Me" message? I can't figure it out.
2008-04-18 2:17 PM
in reply to: #1347537

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Montgomery County, PA
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
merrymound - 2008-04-18 2:02 PM

Can anyone tell me how to reply to someone's "Inspire Me" message? I can't figure it out.

Just click the "blog" button and it will leave your message in the other person's log. If you just hit 'reply', your comment will remain in your log. Hope that makes sense.
2008-04-18 3:03 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full

I'm swimming term ignorant too.  Wish I could be of some help.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! 

Happy racing John!

2008-04-20 8:55 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: April Running Challenge Update
Here are the weekly totals as of 4/13:

Name Goal Completed % to Goal

Josh 60 mi 28.2 46.8%

John 85 mi 44.7 52.5%

Erin 510 min 395 min. 77.4%

Jennie 18 mi. 8.6 47.8%

Congratulations to Erin for running a great race! Nicely Done.

I hope everyone had a good weekend. Good luck hitting your training goals!

Edited by merrymound 2008-04-20 8:57 PM

2008-04-21 10:58 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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New user
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full

So I am not sure that I will make my goal this month with the run.  Had my follow up appointment at the Podiatrist on Thursday and he told me that the MRI shows an itermediate tear in my posterior ligament of my right ankle.  ARGH!

So I am now in an ankle brace, and he has forbid me to run for 2 weeks.  May 1st I go back to get clearance hopfully to run in my Tri.  I am still able to Bike, Swim, and strenth train ... just no running. 

I am meeting at the pool this afternoon for someone to show me the proper effective way to run in the pool so that I can still work on my endurance and not further injure my ankle. 

2008-04-22 8:25 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
That totally sucks about your foot problems. Hopefully you will quickly heal so that you can resume your training.

I was able to make a breakthrough in my swim lessons last night. I had been tucking my chin into my chest as I swam. That constantly pushed my head under water making it difficult to rotate to breathe and forcing me to turn a lot in order to get my breath. So, my instructor had me lift my head as I swam and that made all the difference. I now move across the surface of the water instead of being constantly dragged under. I am now confident that I will be able to develop my technique to the point that I will be a decent swimmer. Finally!
2008-04-22 8:49 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full

Yea for you Josh!!!  Breakthroughs are such an awesome feeling!

Jennie, sorry to hear about the your foot problems ... you have a sympathetic friend here. 

Paw update.  Turns out I have tarsal tunnel syndrome, which as you might suspect, is the foot friend of carpal tunnel syndrome.  Good news is the podiatrist thinks orthodics will help.  So, at least there's an answer.  I have some Smartfeet inserts at the moment that seem to be helping so progress is being made.    Good thing too.  My first race is in less than a month.

How were the races last weekend?

2008-04-22 11:30 AM
in reply to: #1343204

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full

erjewels32 - 2008-04-16 6:50 PM I have been checking out the website and thinking about possibly trying some of the workouts, but I have some questions...Maybe someone will know the answers. 1. Is the IM always fly, backstroke, and breaststroke in that order or can it be changed up? I don't know how to 'fly' so I would have to skip that, I guess. 2. An example in the workout says 3x50 free (Kick). Is that with a kickboard and face out of the water just to work on kick? 3. When the workout states something like this 1x4x100 free on 1:55...does it mean to start on 1:55? So if I finish 100 in 1:50, I would have 5 seconds until I start the next 100? I tried looking up the answers online, but wasn't successful.

1.i don't think the order really matter.. i don't do the IM when it says i just swim free. 

2.  yes you kick using a kickboard.. it it says fins you use your kick board and fins... face out of water..

3.  I am not 100% sure on this one, but i think you got it right.... if you need a few more seconds take them, cause i sure...

this is a great website, i use it for all my swim workouts..

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