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2010-02-23 8:08 PM
in reply to: #2558725

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's Group-Ready to GO!-FULL
Two days after a race or big workout is always the worst for me.  Best thing to help is another workout.

2010-02-24 7:23 AM
in reply to: #2558725

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's Group-Ready to GO!-FULL

Great job on Sunday!  I'm definitely just trying to hang in there for the next couple of weeks until my half mary.  I think as my running volume starts to taper down, it'll get easier.  My runs have been less than stellar lately (not that "run" and "stellar" have ever belonged in the same sentence for me).  I actually started tapering my long runs down two weeks ago but increased my weekly mileage in an effort to compensate until March since I just struggled through my long runs and my running buddies dropped their long run mileage.  You can get through these next 3 weeks of training!

- Katie

2010-02-24 11:30 AM
in reply to: #2558725

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's Group-Ready to GO!-FULL

Hey All,
Thanks for the encouragement.
So...another week is half over. What the heck happened to Feb?
As the month winds down, and the racing season gets closer, I am trying NOT to sign up for many more races.
Yup, I am trying to stay focused on my big 2 or 3 events.
Of course, I am hoping to get in some volunteering at many of the local tris. And, payments to unlce sam and the credit card companies permitting, maybe even get my coaches certification later this year.

Actually, that is a good question for everyone. What is your "wish list" or "want list" for the next few months/ rest of the year? For me it is something like this:

New Bike (Still can't decide tri or road)
Trainer with power (way cheaper than buying power capable bike parts)
Coaches Certification-September I think
Tri Camp with my group in June
Coaching for IM Cozumel???
More time-Need to figure a way to get in 10 + hours when IM training starts.

I think that is it for me. Luckily, nothing is going to make or break my season.

2010-02-24 12:01 PM
in reply to: #2558725

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's Group-Ready to GO!-FULL
My wish list is getting smaller and smaller.  Its down to wishing that things would quit breaking and using up all my money.  Had to replace kitchen faucet last night ($200) which has been leaking for a while.  Tonight I get to replace the garbage disposal ($200+) which was confirmed unfixable yesterday.  That's on top of my medical bills from eye surgery, my son's surgery and other medical bills (monthly medication $290 and 5 doctor's visits in the last month), car repairs ($1100), and taxes due ($2000+ thanks to Obama's tax adjustments). I don't think I'll be getting a bike this year after all.
2010-02-24 2:52 PM
in reply to: #2558725

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's Group-Ready to GO!-FULL
I can relate. Dental Surgery, Taxes (big ouch for two income house), school fees for daughter...etc.
Thinking my list will take a while.
On the good side, I am making a box that I will put money in every time I remember to use a coupon when I shop. Managed 7 dollars today.
I think that would get me a brake cable!
2010-02-24 3:01 PM
in reply to: #2558725

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's Group-Ready to GO!-FULL
Hmmm....keeping to a realistic wish list:

- Sign up for a HIM before the Full (I have one in mind but am waiting until then end of March to stagger race fees/pre-paid hotel fees from races a little)
- Get a new bike saddle, I got a new one for Christmas and it SUCKS (and I managed to not notice their 30-day return policy)
- X-lab wing thing with water bottle cages
- Stock up on some Gatorade Endurance in hopes of "appreciating" it on race day (powerbar gels are just not in the cards)
- Speedsuit? (probably not, but I will not swim for 1.2 miles or 2.4 miles in a tri top with pockets catching water the entire time, so the cheaper alternative is to put on a tri top after the swim)
- Some IM Louisville gear (Once I actually finish. I think you need to save up for a trip to the IM store considering their markup on everything else)

I just (as in today) ordered new wheels.  They are just aero alloy wheels so nothing fancy but I figured it was time to upgrade from my 8 yr old wheels that came off of my hybrid bike.  And, I already bought a new chain and cleats when there was a sale, so I'm ready to go on those when I get my bike tuned up before the IM.  With how much I'm spending on race fees and hotels in comparison to last year, I have to keep a close eye on everything else.

2010-02-25 9:32 AM
in reply to: #2558725

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's Group-Ready to GO!-FULL
What kind of wheels?
2010-02-25 9:48 AM
in reply to: #2692697

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's Group-Ready to GO!-FULL
EvenOlder - 2010-02-25 10:32 AM What kind of wheels?

Neuvation R28X.  A friend recommended the company based on some good things they'd heard and said that the wheels are made by the same people (in China, of course) that make some of the uber expensive ones but you don't have to deal with the markup.
2010-02-25 10:00 AM
in reply to: #2558725

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's Group-Ready to GO!-FULL
OOOooooo, I am seriously considering getting a Neuvations bike. They have been VERY helpful with the questions I have asked so far.
Love their prices, but I am still on the fence about tri bike vs. road bike.

I would love to hear about how the wheels are.
2010-02-25 10:02 AM
in reply to: #2558725

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's Group-Ready to GO!-FULL
Hey All,
Anyone have any races or big training events coming up?
Some friends are running the LOST 118 around lake okeechobee this weekend, and I am thinking about pacing them for 10-20 miles.
My wife is running the princess 1/2 in Disney on March 7th. We are running the family 5 K on the 6th (I hope my 7 year old doesn't want to be carried as much this year.)
then I hit the road for a week and am hoping to get in my workouts while traveling.

Whew, makes me tired thinking about it.
2010-02-25 10:24 AM
in reply to: #2558725

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's Group-Ready to GO!-FULL
We're still getting snow here so there aren't too many races yet.  I am planning on the Salt Lake half mary and a sprint in April.  Not too much before then.

2010-02-25 10:30 AM
in reply to: #2691427

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's Group-Ready to GO!-FULL
eliwashere - 2010-02-24 1:52 PM Paul,
I can relate. Dental Surgery, Taxes (big ouch for two income house), school fees for daughter...etc.
Thinking my list will take a while.
On the good side, I am making a box that I will put money in every time I remember to use a coupon when I shop. Managed 7 dollars today.
I think that would get me a brake cable!

My sis-in-law did something like this when she wanted a piano.  For every dollar my brother spent on computer stuff he had to put a dollar away for a piano.  He finally went out and bought her a piano because this practice made his computer stuff too expensive.

My problem is that while I have the money in the bank, I feel guilty spending it on myself when there is something the family could use.  A couple of dollars here and there is one thing, several thousand on a new bike is another.
2010-02-25 11:13 AM
in reply to: #2558725

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's Group-Ready to GO!-FULL
I know what you mean. However, my daughter always seems to end up woth 200-300 in spare change each year when we give her the change box, so I figure I should be able to find 1200-1500 in a couple of years in my bike box??
If I don't spend it on race entires first
2010-02-25 11:18 AM
in reply to: #2692904

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's Group-Ready to GO!-FULL
pdbman - 2010-02-25 11:30 AM
My problem is that while I have the money in the bank, I feel guilty spending it on myself when there is something the family could use.  A couple of dollars here and there is one thing, several thousand on a new bike is another.

The bike thing was a huge thing for me but I was able to stagger things a bit based on what I had and the deal I came across.  I got the components that I wanted because I didn't want to have to have my bike rebuilt later but took things like the saddle and wheels off of my other bike and then waited until later to upgrade I can finally put back together my old bike.

I don't have anything big planned training wise but just found out I will be traveling next week (and driving 6-hrs both ways).  This is the first time I've traveled during training where the place I would typically stay at has no fitness facilities (just an outdoor pool) so I think I'm going to stay at a different hotel chain this time.  It'll be rough to get in any training because I will be walking a big, 5-story building (or standing, which is worse) the entire time I'm working.  But I did get a swim stretch cord belt I can tie to a ladder that I just have to try out so that may help motivate me some.
2010-02-25 11:58 AM
in reply to: #2693057

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's Group-Ready to GO!-FULL
crazyalaskian - 2010-02-25 10:18 AM
pdbman - 2010-02-25 11:30 AM
My problem is that while I have the money in the bank, I feel guilty spending it on myself when there is something the family could use.  A couple of dollars here and there is one thing, several thousand on a new bike is another.

The bike thing was a huge thing for me but I was able to stagger things a bit based on what I had and the deal I came across.  I got the components that I wanted because I didn't want to have to have my bike rebuilt later but took things like the saddle and wheels off of my other bike and then waited until later to upgrade I can finally put back together my old bike.

I wish this was an option for me. I just have an old mt bike so the wheels and components won't work on a road bike. I'm hoping that once I get my son off to college this fall that there will be some money left for a bike.
2010-03-01 9:39 AM
in reply to: #2558725

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's Group-Ready to GO!-FULL
Hey All!!!
So, how was your weekend? Last week was hectic for us, and we had family visiting this weekend.
All in all, it worked out well. I went for a 3 hour ride on Sat. It has been a month since I had done a long ride. My average pace was faster, avg. HR was lower, and there was a brutal headwind, so I felt OK.
However, my legs were TOAST after the ride. I was really worried about bike fitness, so I am going to be doing some more on the bike this week, as my last big volume week before my Tri.
I am getting VERY excited about the coming months, but between races, tri group meetups and social obligations, we are looking busy.
I have just about decided that I am not going to look for a new bike until later in the year. I have plenty more work to do on the engine, and I think I can get a good enough position to get most of the benefits that come from being aero.

I hope you all had good weekends. Anyone else getting excited about upcoming spring tris?

2010-03-01 10:37 AM
in reply to: #2558725

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's Group-Ready to GO!-FULL
Sounds like you had a good ride this weekend Eli. I excited to get some riding in this month. I am ramping up my entire workout schedule this month, increasing running, swimming, and adding the bike back into the schedule. My first race of the season is a half mary in April followed by a sprint tri. I also found two neighbors that have expressed an interest in getting ready for a tri. One is going to do the same sprint tri in April. The other hasn't committed to a race yet. The second was quite a surprise. He's never been into exercise but a close friend of his expressed an interest in doing a tri so they committed to do one together. He's a younger guy whose life is at a crossroads right now and he's not sure what he wants to do. Hopefully we can help point him in the right direction.
2010-03-01 2:04 PM
in reply to: #2558725

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's Group-Ready to GO!-FULL
Sounds great! Tell him to get on BT, but not to let it suck too much time from his life!
2010-03-03 8:25 AM
in reply to: #2558725

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's Group-Ready to GO!-FULL
Hey All!!
I can't belive it is Wed again. What happened?
Actually managed to get up early to go ofr a ride today. Not as long as I wanted, as I spent about 20 minutes messing with my bike fit, but well worth it. It is much more mentally refreshing to ride outside than the spin bike for me.
Hope you all are having good weeks.
Any news?

I have recently been reading about aero helmet...Not sure I want to spend the dough, but some of them do look pretty cool!
2010-03-03 9:39 AM
in reply to: #2558725

Subject: RE: Eliwashere's Group-Ready to GO!-FULL
Yea.. Wednesday heck I can't believe it's already March.

I've been on the slow side for a couple of weeks now.. been sick. Today will be my first swim in two weeks but have been doing some running and biking.  Hopefully will get all my workouts in this week.  Im ready for spring to get here my first Tri event will be in April.

Haven't priced any of the aero helments but they do look cool...
2010-03-04 10:23 AM
in reply to: #2558725

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's Group-Ready to GO!-FULL
I'm going to work on getting a new bike before I start looking at fancy helmets. Although the one I have is several years old and does need replacing.  Hmmm.  Maybe I'll rethink this.

2010-03-04 10:35 AM
in reply to: #2558725

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's Group-Ready to GO!-FULL
I just looked at some aero helmets online ($$$). I think I'll wait until after I get a new bike.
2010-03-04 2:43 PM
in reply to: #2558725

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's Group-Ready to GO!-FULL
Paul and Jack,
I have to say, I mostly like looking at gear. The idea of spending that much money kind of makes me feel silly. I have moments of weakness (usually around payday), but in general, I am happy with my gear, and know that at this point, the limiting factor in my performance seems to be the operator, not the equipment.
But really, I could probably spend hours looking at Aero stuff.
2010-03-04 3:14 PM
in reply to: #2558725

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's Group-Ready to GO!-FULL
My problem is that when I start looking, it usually leads to buying.  I used to go car shopping for fun and learned that its not a good idea unless I am actually in the market for a new car.  I used to go bike shopping too, but again had to stop because it could also lead to buying before I was really ready to make the purchase.
2010-03-05 7:32 AM
in reply to: #2558725

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's Group-Ready to GO!-FULL
Hey All,
So, the weekend is upon us!
Long training runs, getting our extra hours in, and resting with the family.
My family is running a 5k at disney tomorrow. Unfortuneatly, the forecast is for COLD. Iguanas falling out of trees cold.
I am hoping to get in an hour on the exercise bike on Sat, and then maybe something on Sunday, but it might be tough, due to my wife's half-marathon.
Then, next week, I am off to travel for a few days.....
This should make for a nice taper.
Anyone else have any plans?
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