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2008-05-13 7:39 AM
in reply to: #1349986

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Slower Than You
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
It's a shortish sprint put on every year by the local Kiwanis Club (maybe it's the Rotary Club, I can't remember...)

If I recall correctly, it's a 400-yd swim, 12 or 15-mile bike, and 3-mile run.

Gonna be fun.

Oh, and one of our locals here in town placed 129th (top 20 AG I think) at Gulf Coast HIM this past weekend. That's a GREAT result. I don't think he's on this forum though. The guy's a swimming MONSTER, and I imagine his biking & running are nothing to sneeze at either.

*sigh* Something to aspire to...

Might knock out some running/sprints on the soccer field tonight, just to mix it up a little. Probably knock out a two-fer and go swimmingafter.

2008-05-13 8:37 AM
in reply to: #1398566

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

bcart1991 - 2008-05-13 8:39 AM It's a shortish sprint put on every year by the local Kiwanis Club (maybe it's the Rotary Club, I can't remember...) If I recall correctly, it's a 400-yd swim, 12 or 15-mile bike, and 3-mile run. Gonna be fun. Oh, and one of our locals here in town placed 129th (top 20 AG I think) at Gulf Coast HIM this past weekend. That's a GREAT result. I don't think he's on this forum though. The guy's a swimming MONSTER, and I imagine his biking & running are nothing to sneeze at either. *sigh* Something to aspire to... Might knock out some running/sprints on the soccer field tonight, just to mix it up a little. Probably knock out a two-fer and go swimmingafter.

Sounds like it will be a good race - nice distances. What's the terrain like? Lots of hills? Rolling? Mostly flat? Flat is good...

2008-05-13 8:48 AM
in reply to: #1349986

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

PS to all - don't remember if I pointed this out, but for those of us who are freaked out by the bike, there are a couple of articles in the June issue of "Bicycling" that address descending and cornering, and drills you can do to practice cornering. I'm still freaked to try any of it, but in theory, the techniques sound good, and it's all stuff that I didn't know before.

2008-05-13 9:27 AM
in reply to: #1349986

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Slower Than You
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Where I am , and where the tri will be held (about 8 miles from the house), is anything but flat.

I know the general area pretty well, and it's rolling hills with some short flat-ish areas nearby. Good thing I've been doing those hill workouts!
2008-05-13 9:32 AM
in reply to: #1398837

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

bcart1991 - 2008-05-13 10:27 AM Where I am , and where the tri will be held (about 8 miles from the house), is anything but flat. I know the general area pretty well, and it's rolling hills with some short flat-ish areas nearby. Good thing I've been doing those hill workouts!

Ah, that is good! Rolling hills are actually ideal - lots of speed gained on the down, enough to sustain you on the up Unless they're crazy steep...

2008-05-13 10:25 AM
in reply to: #1349986

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Slower Than You
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Sadly, it's a little far for them to include my favorite 45-mph hill that we descend for our hill workouts.

Speaking of speed, I need to get another bell to mount to my tri bike...

2008-05-13 11:09 AM
in reply to: #1349986

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Let me ask you all a question ...

So I've made it quite clear I'm quite stressed about my lack of training this past month - how when I get too busy, training is the first thing to go. I haven't been on my bike for a good training ride since March, and have only been running on the tread sporadically. My swimming is coming along, although it will be my first OWS and I'm slightly terrified.

I went for a run this morning, and it was a dismal failure ... I tore my plantar fascia last year, and tore my Achilles on the same foot a few years ago. Both have healed great and usually cause me no problems, although I do get stress fractures in that foot from time to time. (My ex used to joke that I had "runners feet".) But today almost as soon as I started to run - extreme pain. I'm very stiff and it seems my foot doesn't want to cooperate with me at all. I couldn't even finish my run - had to turn around at the 1K mark.

So - what do I do? I have a triathlon in a week and a half! (May 25). It's only a sprint, but it's gonna be a tough one, tough terrain and lots of hills ... I know I am not prepared, but I thought as long as I visualized myself doing well and had a reasonable base fitness, I'd make it through. Now I'm realizing my lack of preparedness may more than likely injure me (again - this is how I got injured last year, under-training then pushing myself too hard/far).

Would there be shame in pulling out of the tri next week, volunteering for it instead, and focussing on having strong showings at the other 5 races I have planned for July/Aug/Sept? Would that make me a quitter? I don't want to be a quitter - but I also don't want to get myself in over my head and then lose my entire season.

Thoughts? Advice?

PS: when I registered for this sprint tri I had NO IDEA how crazy my life would be, and I was training very consistently over the winter ... the month of April and the first few weeks of May, and all that they put me through, came as kind of a surprise.

2008-05-13 11:12 AM
in reply to: #1349986

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
If you're having serious physical issues, I'd say back out of the race and give yourself some time to heal. Don't want to injure yourself further and then not be able to do ANY races. No shame in that.
2008-05-13 11:16 AM
in reply to: #1399233

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Although I know not racing b/c of injury is nothing to be ashamed of - I guess I feel kind of silly because it's my own stupid fault - I'm under-trained. I know I'm not prepared ... and that's totally a result of my own doing.
I should totally know better!!
2008-05-13 1:15 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

I've shown up at races and volunteered when I can't race (which is lately too often), and sometimes I'll see someone walking it.  I always think "I could have walked it--AND had someone to talk to!"  (just like "I could've had a V8!" )  I have a half marathon on Sunday I won't be able to run, but I am planning to walk it.  With a friend who claims she's gonna carry me if I can't make it!  (She's 98 lbs. soaking wet!)

Anyway, volunteering is great...don't get me wrong.  Depending on your mood that day and extent of injury/pain, etc., and of course your ability to just "mosey", you may want to just go slowly.  I did a 5K in a surgical boot once and I wasn't even DFL   I just mention that as it sounds like the run is the big issue.  I hope you heal soon!  Take care.

Edited by AndriaLL 2008-05-13 1:22 PM
2008-05-13 3:22 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Slower Than You
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Dang it, my sprint tri is only a 200 yd swim. That stinks, I was hoping for more. I'm like a dolphin in that there water, but like an elephant on that there runnin'.

2008-05-13 3:25 PM
in reply to: #1400208

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

bcart1991 - 2008-05-13 4:22 PM Dang it, my sprint tri is only a 200 yd swim. That stinks, I was hoping for more. I'm like a dolphin in that there water, but like an elephant on that there runnin'.

Well, I think the saying is that you can't win a race with the swim, but you can certainly lose it. So if you're awesome at the swim, I don't think it makes a difference.

2008-05-13 4:28 PM
in reply to: #1399227

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Eltham North, Victoria
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

SpiritFire - 2008-05-13 11:09 AM Let me ask you all a question ... So I've made it quite clear I'm quite stressed about my lack of training this past month - how when I get too busy, training is the first thing to go. I haven't been on my bike for a good training ride since March, and have only been running on the tread sporadically. My swimming is coming along, although it will be my first OWS and I'm slightly terrified. I went for a run this morning, and it was a dismal failure ... I tore my plantar fascia last year, and tore my Achilles on the same foot a few years ago. Both have healed great and usually cause me no problems, although I do get stress fractures in that foot from time to time. (My ex used to joke that I had "runners feet".) But today almost as soon as I started to run - extreme pain. I'm very stiff and it seems my foot doesn't want to cooperate with me at all. I couldn't even finish my run - had to turn around at the 1K mark. So - what do I do? I have a triathlon in a week and a half! (May 25). It's only a sprint, but it's gonna be a tough one, tough terrain and lots of hills ... I know I am not prepared, but I thought as long as I visualized myself doing well and had a reasonable base fitness, I'd make it through. Now I'm realizing my lack of preparedness may more than likely injure me (again - this is how I got injured last year, under-training then pushing myself too hard/far). Would there be shame in pulling out of the tri next week, volunteering for it instead, and focussing on having strong showings at the other 5 races I have planned for July/Aug/Sept? Would that make me a quitter? I don't want to be a quitter - but I also don't want to get myself in over my head and then lose my entire season. Thoughts? Advice? PS: when I registered for this sprint tri I had NO IDEA how crazy my life would be, and I was training very consistently over the winter ... the month of April and the first few weeks of May, and all that they put me through, came as kind of a surprise.

I don't think it makes you a quitter I think it makes you wise.

2008-05-13 6:04 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Slower Than You
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

Couple miles plus/minus, only stopped for a touch at the turnaround, felt pretty doggone good All Things Considered.

I hope I don't start LIKING this running business...:shifty
2008-05-13 6:29 PM
in reply to: #1400601

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Eltham North, Victoria
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

bcart1991 - 2008-05-13 6:04 PM I WENT FOR A RUN TODAY!!! Couple miles plus/minus, only stopped for a touch at the turnaround, felt pretty doggone good All Things Considered. I hope I don't start LIKING this running business...:shifty

MMmm.. I think you could be in denial.

2008-05-13 8:11 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Newnan, GA
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Trust your body -- if you honestly don't feel like you can/should race - then don't. You will have more regrets if you force yourself and you make a bad situation worse. Who cares if you back out? It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks if it is what is best for you.

2008-05-13 8:13 PM
in reply to: #1400208

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Newnan, GA
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
bcart1991 - 2008-05-13 4:22 PM

Dang it, my sprint tri is only a 200 yd swim. That stinks, I was hoping for more. I'm like a dolphin in that there water, but like an elephant on that there runnin'.

Don't knock a short swim - I too am a dolphin, but in my first OWS I tanked. A 200 sounds ideal.
2008-05-13 9:35 PM
in reply to: #1400601

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

bcart1991 - 2008-05-13 7:04 PM I WENT FOR A RUN TODAY!!! Couple miles plus/minus, only stopped for a touch at the turnaround, felt pretty doggone good All Things Considered. I hope I don't start LIKING this running business...:shifty

Watch out!  It sneaks up on you.  Before you know you're looking forward to every run.

2008-05-14 10:27 AM
in reply to: #1349986

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
So this morning, b/c I am not good with mornings, typed my website address into the google line instead of the address line - and this thread popped up! (b/c of my post a few weeks back when my website was finally up and running) .... weird.

Seeing the doc today about my foot. I have learned over the years, and over many injuries, to be proactive about these things and not put them off just to see what happens. So ... off I toddle.
2008-05-14 12:12 PM
in reply to: #1349986

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Busy day today, folks. Hoping to get on the trainer tonight, b/c I have to run some errands after work that I won't be able to do tomorrow or Friday, and need to be done before Saturday. Too bad, b/c it's supposed to be nice out. Though I feel I will get all of the riding I'll ever want in on Saturday - still hoping for no rain!!! And safety down the big, scary hills, a portion of which one of the girls on the team call "1.9 miles of hill death massacre".
2008-05-14 12:35 PM
in reply to: #1402117

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Slower Than You
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Same for me, hoping to get my ride in before the rains get here.

If not, a swim it shall be.

2008-05-14 2:09 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

I tried to drive into the garage last night with the bike still on the roof of my car.  I have a cheap bike, but the car of course got the worst of it. 

Anyway, I did bricks yesterday and had a great time.  I walked mostly, did some jogging (~14:00 pace!) and rode my bike pretty well.  Anyway, I was mad at the time (lady who hit me the day before my surgery is uninsured) so I had alot of extra energy. (Okay, that's relative to after the nephrectomy--I'd have been disappointed with my performance prior to---)

I also went to work today.  They were going to lay me off if I took the entire 4 weeks requested by my urologist.  I only made it half a day.  Obviously someone needs to make me mad so I can be more energetic.

Edited by AndriaLL 2008-05-14 2:10 PM
2008-05-14 2:15 PM
in reply to: #1402501

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
AndriaLL - 2008-05-14 3:09 PM

I tried to drive into the garage last night with the bike still on the roof of my car.  I have a cheap bike, but the car of course got the worst of it. 

Anyway, I did bricks yesterday and had a great time.  I walked mostly, did some jogging (~14:00 pace!) and rode my bike pretty well.  Anyway, I was mad at the time (lady who hit me the day before my surgery is uninsured) so I had alot of extra energy. (Okay, that's relative to after the nephrectomy--I'd have been disappointed with my performance prior to---)

I also went to work today.  They were going to lay me off if I took the entire 4 weeks requested by my urologist.  I only made it half a day.  Obviously someone needs to make me mad so I can be more energetic.

Oh no! Sorry to hear about your bike. It's things like that that make me glad I don't have a roof rack, or a garage Though I am paranoid, esp. around here, about some SUV rear-ending me with my bike on the back.

2008-05-14 4:20 PM
in reply to: #1402117

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

wurkit_gurl - 2008-05-14 1:12 PM Busy day today, folks. Hoping to get on the trainer tonight, b/c I have to run some errands after work that I won't be able to do tomorrow or Friday, and need to be done before Saturday. Too bad, b/c it's supposed to be nice out. Though I feel I will get all of the riding I'll ever want in on Saturday - still hoping for no rain!!! And safety down the big, scary hills, a portion of which one of the girls on the team call "1.9 miles of hill death massacre".

So is it "hill death massacre" because of the uphills or the downhills?  I've gotten to the point where I "heart" going downhill.  It makes me feel fast!  Not so much on the uphills...

2008-05-14 4:22 PM
in reply to: #1402910

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
esc - 2008-05-14 5:20 PM

wurkit_gurl - 2008-05-14 1:12 PM Busy day today, folks. Hoping to get on the trainer tonight, b/c I have to run some errands after work that I won't be able to do tomorrow or Friday, and need to be done before Saturday. Too bad, b/c it's supposed to be nice out. Though I feel I will get all of the riding I'll ever want in on Saturday - still hoping for no rain!!! And safety down the big, scary hills, a portion of which one of the girls on the team call "1.9 miles of hill death massacre".

So is it "hill death massacre" because of the uphills or the downhills?  I've gotten to the point where I "heart" going downhill.  It makes me feel fast!  Not so much on the uphills...

I think it's both - it goes UP and the DOWN a bunch of times, I guess. One of the girls said some of them had to walk up one of the hills last I can't imagine what the other side of the hill is like I HATE downhills, as I've mentioned before. It scares the crap out of me - which is why I am in this mentee group! I can manage uphills, but I am slooooooow.

Edited by wurkit_gurl 2008-05-14 4:24 PM
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