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2009-01-07 8:59 AM
in reply to: #1856928

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Happy hump day morning to all...

Well, there is hope for the 100 PU / 200 SU challenges... it wasn't AS hard this morning as it was the first night... However, I am definitely feeling it.

2009-01-07 9:04 AM
in reply to: #1891668

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
evondo - 2009-01-07 8:45 AM

Race pace is different for everyone so not a newbie question at all... I also should have used the term race effort instead of pace. Race effort is a strong effort but your HR should still be aerobic and only slightly labored breathing no huffing and puffing

Newtons1st - 2009-01-07 8:32 AM

OK here comes the newbie question of the day. On the bike workout above. What is Race Pace?

Todd - do you have/use a HR monitor?  It really helped me see what kind of effort I was putting out and helped me tailor it to the various %'s needed for different workouts.  Tempo runs at 80-90% max HR, or easy runs 50-60% max HR.  It helps to not push your Max HR all the time or be training below a good HR, so you can benefit from the training more.

2009-01-07 9:20 AM
in reply to: #1889126

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
evondo - 2009-01-06 10:59 AM

5min easy
5min (30s build to race pace, 30s easy)
5min medium

2-5x5min w/1min easy btw

6x1min (odd - 30s sprint high cadence/30s easy, even - 30s sprint hardest gear/30s easy)

5min (30s build to race pace, 30s easy)
5min easy

For all workouts (especially intervals) always try to negative split.  This will teach your body how to correctly pace a race and mentally finishing strong is a huge boost in racing. As you progress through the base-build-taper periods the intervals will generally get shorter and rest in between will increase.

Eric....I liked the trainer workout and will definitely do this one again!  I rode for about 25-30 min before doing the workout, so I was definitely feeling it by the end. 

I forgot to ask yesterday.  For this portion of the workout "2-5x5min w/1min easy btw"....what pace should I be at for the 5 min intervals?

2009-01-07 9:22 AM
in reply to: #1891708

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Tri_n_2_b_fast - 2009-01-07 9:59 AM

Happy hump day morning to all...

Well, there is hope for the 100 PU / 200 SU challenges... it wasn't AS hard this morning as it was the first night... However, I am definitely feeling it.

Definitely agree!!  Day 2 wasn't as bad as expected and I wasn't as sore as after Day 1.  Tomorrow is supposed to be Day 3 for me, but it might get put off til Friday.

2009-01-07 9:24 AM
in reply to: #1856928

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St. Louis Park, MN
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

So after my last attempt to swim I decided that some lessons were required here.  So I signed up for this.

I figure I should learn to do stuff correctly the first time then get to it.  Rather then practice wrong and have to unlearn, then relearn everything.

2009-01-07 9:39 AM
in reply to: #1891796

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Glad you liked the workout, hopefully made the trainer a little less boring

The pace should be just below your LT which is where you start labored breathing and on the border of becoming anaerobic.  It's hard enough so you're hurting bad but the minute rest allows you to recover so the next repeat is about the same pace. Figuring out where that point is for you might take a couple rounds of the workout but eventually you can know for a given amount of time how fast you should be able to hold.  Since you're on a trainer the mph should be pretty consistent from ride to ride but when you're out on the road you'll have to rely on some other method (RPE,HR,power) to help you pace.

Sorry that's not a straight forward answer of Xmph but pace is different for everyone   

KelliD - 2009-01-07 9:20 AM

Eric....I liked the trainer workout and will definitely do this one again!  I rode for about 25-30 min before doing the workout, so I was definitely feeling it by the end. 

I forgot to ask yesterday.  For this portion of the workout "2-5x5min w/1min easy btw"....what pace should I be at for the 5 min intervals?

2009-01-07 9:44 AM
in reply to: #1891818

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Great, you should learn a ton!  You'll probably want to get some followup help after you've practiced the drills they teach you there. From helping my non-swimming friends I've noticed they think they're doing the drills correctly but always need some tweaking here/there.

Epyon - 2009-01-07 9:24 AM

So after my last attempt to swim I decided that some lessons were required here.  So I signed up for this.

I figure I should learn to do stuff correctly the first time then get to it.  Rather then practice wrong and have to unlearn, then relearn everything.

2009-01-07 11:09 AM
in reply to: #1891891

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St. Louis Park, MN
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
yeah I figured as much!  In relation to your work out plans here.  Do suggest that I stick to what I got right now as I'm just starting out the other 2 sports? 
2009-01-07 12:46 PM
in reply to: #1891725

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Rowlett, TX
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Tri_n_2_b_fast - 2009-01-07 9:04 AM
evondo - 2009-01-07 8:45 AM

Race pace is different for everyone so not a newbie question at all... I also should have used the term race effort instead of pace. Race effort is a strong effort but your HR should still be aerobic and only slightly labored breathing no huffing and puffing

Newtons1st - 2009-01-07 8:32 AM

OK here comes the newbie question of the day. On the bike workout above. What is Race Pace?

Todd - do you have/use a HR monitor?  It really helped me see what kind of effort I was putting out and helped me tailor it to the various %'s needed for different workouts.  Tempo runs at 80-90% max HR, or easy runs 50-60% max HR.  It helps to not push your Max HR all the time or be training below a good HR, so you can benefit from the training more.

I do use one, plus I just got a Garmin 305. Of course my first bike ride on it I had it set on run. I have just been going on perseved exertion and noticing what my HR was.


Whats the best way to get you Max HR?


2009-01-07 1:22 PM
in reply to: #1856928

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Hi everybody.   I'm actually working today so I'm way behind and need to get caught up... but I wanted to pop in and say hi.  I'm still feeling sick though not as bad today as I've been so I'm hoping for a light easy workout tomorrow.
2009-01-07 1:50 PM
in reply to: #1892541

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Whats the best way to get you Max HR?

The basic formula for Max HR:  220-age = Max HR

As your cardio fitness gets better, you will run/bike at a higher tempo with a lower heart rate.  Your resting HR will decrease as your Cardio Fitness increases.  The Lance Armstrong's of the world have a resting HR in the 50-60's.  If I dip into the 70's, I feel pretty damn good. 

2009-01-07 4:05 PM
in reply to: #1856928

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

I feel like I just jumped off the high dive for the first time.....I just registered for Timberman 70.3!!   I've been thinking about it for a while, reading lots of race reports and talked to a few people who did the race (and actually it was their first HIM as well).  There were less than 100 spots left, so I knew I had to decide relatively soon and before I knew it I was entering cc info and clicking submit.  I'm super excited but also nauseous with fear and wondering what on earth I just got myself into....I love it!!!

2009-01-07 4:46 PM
in reply to: #1893143

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St. Louis Park, MN
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Congrats Kelli!!!  Train hard!!!!

2009-01-07 5:44 PM
in reply to: #1893143

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
KelliD - 2009-01-07 4:05 PM

I feel like I just jumped off the high dive for the first time.....I just registered for Timberman 70.3!!   I've been thinking about it for a while, reading lots of race reports and talked to a few people who did the race (and actually it was their first HIM as well).  There were less than 100 spots left, so I knew I had to decide relatively soon and before I knew it I was entering cc info and clicking submit.  I'm super excited but also nauseous with fear and wondering what on earth I just got myself into....I love it!!!

Weeeee Doggggyy!!! Good for you.  You are on track to have a great race!

2009-01-07 6:17 PM
in reply to: #1893143

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
KelliD - 2009-01-07 5:05 PM

I feel like I just jumped off the high dive for the first time.....I just registered for Timberman 70.3!!   I've been thinking about it for a while, reading lots of race reports and talked to a few people who did the race (and actually it was their first HIM as well).  There were less than 100 spots left, so I knew I had to decide relatively soon and before I knew it I was entering cc info and clicking submit.  I'm super excited but also nauseous with fear and wondering what on earth I just got myself into....I love it!!!

 Eeeeee!  That's awesome!  When is the race?  I can't wait to hear all about your training.

2009-01-07 7:13 PM
in reply to: #1893143

Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Congratulations!! You will do great!

2009-01-07 7:52 PM
in reply to: #1892205

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Yep, I think your focus needs to be getting comfortable with completing the mileage your current program has. Be patient, it takes time... like I said before it took me nearly 18 months!  You've been very consistant and it'll pay off in the long run

Epyon - 2009-01-07 11:09 AM yeah I figured as much!  In relation to your work out plans here.  Do suggest that I stick to what I got right now as I'm just starting out the other 2 sports? 

2009-01-07 8:59 PM
in reply to: #1892745

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

That max HR equation is a good starting point. As training progresses many people use AeT (aerobic threshold) and AnT (anaerobic threshold or LT). AeT is approx equal to AnT - 20bpm and you can find AnT by averaging the HR of the last 20min in a 30min time trail at race pace.  For a lot of good information check these out...

HR also has a lot to do with genetics cause my resting HR is 44-46 and I'm definitely no Lance

Tri_n_2_b_fast - 2009-01-07 1:50 PM

Whats the best way to get you Max HR?

The basic formula for Max HR:  220-age = Max HR

As your cardio fitness gets better, you will run/bike at a higher tempo with a lower heart rate.  Your resting HR will decrease as your Cardio Fitness increases.  The Lance Armstrong's of the world have a resting HR in the 50-60's.  If I dip into the 70's, I feel pretty damn good. 

2009-01-07 9:09 PM
in reply to: #1893143

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Awesome you're going to love the race! Same guys that put on the Longhorn 70.3 down here and they're amazing.

KelliD - 2009-01-07 4:05 PM

I feel like I just jumped off the high dive for the first time.....I just registered for Timberman 70.3!!   I've been thinking about it for a while, reading lots of race reports and talked to a few people who did the race (and actually it was their first HIM as well).  There were less than 100 spots left, so I knew I had to decide relatively soon and before I knew it I was entering cc info and clicking submit.  I'm super excited but also nauseous with fear and wondering what on earth I just got myself into....I love it!!!

2009-01-08 7:13 AM
in reply to: #1893766

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Happy Gator game day everyone!
2009-01-08 7:38 AM
in reply to: #1856928

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Boooo hisssss Gators.    (FSU alumni over here for anyone who missed it)

Feeling better today. 

Re: Heart Rate- my max hr is extremely high.  Last testing put it at 218... so I'm another example of how the 220-age formula isn't always the best way to measure it.

2009-01-08 8:23 AM
in reply to: #1856928

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Thanks so much guys!!  I'm not sure the last time I felt this sort of excitement.  I think I'm still in a little bit of shock that I'm doing this....but good shock 

The reactions I got from my parents when I told them was priceless!  Instead of flat out telling my mom I asked her if she'd be interested to go to New Hampshire for a long weekend in August....her response, "what sort of race have you signed up for now".  Ahh, she knows me too well.  Dad's response went something like "A WHAT?  You're going to SBR HOW MANY miles?"  I think he also told me I was crazy a few times, but crazy in an amazing way....haha.  My dad is not an active person by any means, so I can get how this would be at least somewhat insane to him.

The race in 8/23.  I can't wait to start training!!

2009-01-08 8:29 AM
in reply to: #1856928

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
The half that I'm planning is on 9.27 so we'll be training similarly at about the same time.  That will be fun.   We can moan to eachother about how bad our butts hurt from our long rides and such.   Err, I mean... we can encourage eachother. 
2009-01-08 8:44 AM
in reply to: #1894414

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New user
St. Louis Park, MN
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL


I have gotten much the same reponse from people as your parents Kelli.  One guy was like "Dude I have a stick at home I can just beat you with it!"  On the other hand my closer friends and fam are MEAG supportive.  More so then they have on anything else I have done, besides Kung Fu.

2009-01-08 9:14 AM
in reply to: #1894486

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Epyon - 2009-01-08 9:44 AM


I have gotten much the same reponse from people as your parents Kelli.  One guy was like "Dude I have a stick at home I can just beat you with it!"  On the other hand my closer friends and fam are MEAG supportive.  More so then they have on anything else I have done, besides Kung Fu.

Don't get me wrong, my friends and especially my family have been beyond supportive!  But I definitely see how people who aren't active or involved in tri's in any way would think this is crazy. Thinking about it, if a couple years ago someone told me that I'd ever even consider doing a HIM I probably would have laughed at them.

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