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2009-02-15 9:36 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
The ankle feels better now than this morning and yesterday. I have very little pain now when I turn it. I didn't get a chance to ice it today as a friend who lives about 2 hours away dropped by my house this afternoon to take me out. I had told her that morning about my hell week and she decided to come and surprise me. I needed it. We went out to eat and she commented on my change in eating habits and the fact that I asked for a nutritional guide (they didn't have one). She asked why since I wasn't like that before and I said that I do all this training,I need to make sure I am fueling my body correctly otherwise it goes to waste. She is afraid I am going to go anorexic but I like to eat too much so that is not going to happen. The wierd thing is that I am just now in the top part of acceptable weight for my height. It took me forever just to get there. I am no where near being tiny - atleast in my eyes. I am definitely smaller.

I might try and do a run tomorrow since I have the day off. It'll be nice to run outside in the daylight. Today was a glimpse of what is coming after the time change next month. Plus I normally run Monday and Saturday. I skipped Saturday to prepare for Sunday. Now tomorrow I want to do the run I missed.

Tami, you had your vacation, now your body is getting ready for workouts. Go Get'em!!!

Edited by mellymedic 2009-02-15 9:48 PM

2009-02-16 9:53 AM
in reply to: #1884714

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Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Mel - What a great friend you have!!!!! Also - when do you expect to hear anything about the job interview?

What does everyone have on tap for this week? Any particular focus?
2009-02-16 10:20 AM
in reply to: #1884714

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Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Oh - one more question....Lynn - did you get your adamo bike seat to work?
2009-02-16 5:39 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Hi all! No workout today, but maybe yoga tonight.  Too much time spent behind the computer for a day supposedly off work!

Glad to hear that your run went great---I also had a friend who lives 2 hours away call me and provided me a great confidence boost yesterday!  Much needed!

Adamo seat did not is back at LBS.  So I have the Specialized Jett seat that I rode on my road bike.  The nose is long, so you know what that implies.  Just let me know when Adamo releases a thinner seat, and I'll be the first one to buy it!


2009-02-16 6:17 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
It was nice having a long weekend. I am not looking forward to going back tomorrow. I don't think I got the job that I had the interview for. I know they had to make a decision very soon (maybe this past weekend) so since I have not heard from them I am not having much hope.

I went for a nice run along the canal today. The route is marked with the distance every 0.5 km. I only started looking for the markers about 10 minutes into the run. I kept on running until I found I nice landmark spot to turn around. I thought I would run about 8 or 9 km. I ended up doing 10 km and I only realized I did that much because on the way back I took splits after every 0.5 km. With 10 splits I had to of done 5k for the return trip. It was much easier to find the small markings on the ground when you are timing the splits. I knew when to look for them.

Then this afternoon I went shopping. I spent almost 2 hours in one store trying on pants, after pants after pants. I finally found the right size for me. Incase I get fired tomorrow I have a brand new suit for interviews. My old suit is too big on me.

As for this week, I think I am going to push myself a bit for the next 3 days. Tomorrow will be my 2nd double workout of the year (morning and night). I have my run on Wedesday and I will be attending my triathlon group practise on Thursday. However Mother nature may change my plans on Wednesday as it is supposed to rain.
2009-02-16 6:21 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Hey all! Sorry I have been MIA for a while. Seems like a missed alot!

I got back from skiing last week, then was sore, but managed to get in a couple short runs, soccer and spinning. Still feel sore and the front of my ankle is hurting. Just feels like I need to stretch it out which I've been doing but it still feels that way. Took yesterday and today off because I also seem to have a cold. Going to try to get a "long" run tomorrow morning. We'll see how that goes. It may end up being the short one for the week.

Great job on the races and glad to hear everyone has been enjoying some "me" time. It is certainly important.

I fell off the food wagon for a few days but my husband got me a juicer for Valentines day so we have been drinking LOTS of fruit and veggie juice. Great way for me to get in more veggies.

Everyone have a good night! 

2009-02-17 7:34 AM
in reply to: #1884714

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nearby the city of brotherly love
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Melanie--hang in with the job times are tough, but you'll pull through!!!

Peanut--how do you like the juicer? I had thought of getting one (sometimes i'd rather drink something good than eat after workouts) but never knew anyone that had one to ask them about it.

Did another brick today-felt better than before (which is always a good thing right?), but noticed my ITB is getting sore again...did some streching, used a foam roller, but I'm leaning toward calling my PT guy and having him massage it out....although the thought of that makes me cringeFoot in mouth.

2009-02-17 10:24 AM
in reply to: #1884714

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
good news: I made it the the gym this morning for a swim before work.

bad news: I just got suspended for a week from work.

I am loooking on the bright side though. I was started to get fed up with my current job and I'll be spending the week at the job gym, sending out resumes. Maybe I'll find something better on my week off.
2009-02-18 6:30 AM
in reply to: #1884714

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nearby the city of brotherly love
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
So I signed up for a half marathon May 3rd down in Frederick MD--it's going to be my 'judging' point for training... I figure if my knees/ITB feel pretty good after that race, then I have no excuse not to sign up for the full iron in September.  Anyone else doing that race?
2009-02-18 11:48 AM
in reply to: #1884714

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Mel-Hang in there. Sounds like you have big plans for the week off so I would focus on those.

Hanna-I like the juicer alot. The one have will take whole pears and apples. Its crazy! I do think it will be some added work to juice things a headed of time rather than grab an apple, but there are certainly alot of times I would rather drink the juicer than eat the actual fruit or veggie. Plus, you can hide veggies in the fruit juice and it still tastes good. So if you think you have the time and your really want one, I would say go for it. Also, do you mean the full Iron in Wisconsin? I'm not doing it, but I live here and will be out watching and hopefully volunteering.

2009-02-18 9:08 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Mel- Sorry to hear about work. 

Nicki- did you mean full marathon in the fall given that you are running a half marathon?......if you did mean iron distance triathlon, which one?  The m-DOT ones (IM Wisc, IM Lake Placid) etc are already sold out.  I might might might do the Great Floridian in October...huge might.

Best of luck with the half.  My IT bands killed me following the half in New Orleans.  The massage therapy afterwards was not fun!  But they are back to normal now...albeit my highest mileage is 9 miles.  So we'll see the next time I break the magic ten.

I've been off schedule this week.  Work has been crazy- 12 hours today- and aunt flo is back.  So I pretty much am eating like crap and making every excuse possible not to work out.  I should get up tomorrow to run before work, but I may make the excuse just to get into the office early instead.  Oh well---off to bed now to even have a chance at the early morning work-out!

2009-02-18 10:26 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
thanks for the well wishes.

For everyone training for half and full marathons - good luck and keep with it.

For everyone who is slightly injured - I hope you recoupe fast.

And for those who are not working out - get yourself to the gym or outdoors of wherever you workout.

and I ate my chocolate heart medal tonight. I was only going to have half, but I ended up having all of it. Atleast all my valentines chocolate is now gone. Don't have to worry about chocolate anymore as I rarely buy it. I have other temptations normally.
2009-02-19 8:35 AM
in reply to: #1967880

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Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
hannawho - 2009-02-18 7:30 AM

So I signed up for a half marathon May 3rd down in Frederick MD--it's going to be my 'judging' point for training... I figure if my knees/ITB feel pretty good after that race, then I have no excuse not to sign up for the full iron in September.  Anyone else doing that race?

Do you mean a full iron distance on three months of training? Careful.....typically takes a minimum of 6 months of training for an iron distance triathlon...
2009-02-19 8:40 AM
in reply to: #1884714

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nearby the city of brotherly love
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Hi guys!

Lynn and Peanut--The half marathon (not half-iron) is May, in Frederick MD (cheap too-55 bucks!).  It will be my 'training test'.  I am going to be training for a full ironman, and if my knees and ITB holds up during the half marathon, then I plan on signing up for the Chesapeakman (full iron) that is in MD on Sept. 26th.  .  I picked that Ironman distance race because the year before there were less than 200 people signed up for it--so I could sign up late (instead of a year ahead!!!).  Plus the entrance fee is a whopping 200 dollars cheaper (more like 700 bucks now) than the Ford Ironman series races.  I figured if I'm going to do one, it'll have to be on a budget, close to home, and one that I could at least sign up for 5 months ahead of the race without it filling up like some of the more popular ones do.

ITB's are the worst!!!! I've scheduled an appointment for two weeks out to get some massage therapy on it--bring on the pain!!

It's almost Friday ladies--let's finish the workouts strong!

2009-02-20 1:13 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Thanks for clearing up the confusion!

 Where is a list of all the Ironman that go on each year? Also, what is the range of cost? I guess in a dream world I would do the one here in Madison, since I wouldn't have to travel and can train on the route, but lets be honest that is several years down the road. Along those lines, do you all think it is wise to at least train for one marathon and one century before doing Ironman?

2009-02-20 2:24 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

In the U.S. here are the races:
Lake Placid
Cour d'lene (or however you spell it)

Did I miss any?

My recommendation would be several century rides in training and not necessarily a full marathon. My longest run for my first Ironman was a 1/2 marathon (during a 1/2 ironman actually).

2009-02-20 2:25 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Whoops - one more....I believe last year's registration amount for 2009 was around $550. I think that all the U.S. are the same (?).
2009-02-20 8:54 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Peanut--the mdot ones...including madison...sell out typically instantly.  in fact, i am volunteering again this year just to get a wrist band to be in a special line to sign up the day after the race in person...trying online when registration opens is useless,

As you probably know, my goal is 2010 in Madison!  (Well, things are changing a bit at I might have to delay that to 2015 or so if i become a work a holic again).

In any case, my local tri club will be at the cross plaines aid station (miles 40/80) on the bike.  We have a theme every year and dress up.  I will do that part day and then also would like to volunteer in the changing tent or as a bike catcher. But not at the finish line---it would scare me from doing one!

I did a marathon in Oct 08 as my prep for IM.  What I learned is that, for me, probably not good idea.  The last 6 miles I just kept telling myself, as bad as I felt, it is still better than how I will feel on IM day.  The fact of the matter is that during the IM I will probably walk a lot more of it.  Finally, a marathon really beats up your are not really suppose to run 3 miles until 1-2 weeks afterwards (it took me 3 thanks to IT band).  Yes, that was an easy 3 miles.

So do you need to do a marathon before hand...definetly not. Do you need to do a century ride---oh yes!

2009-02-21 11:49 AM
in reply to: #1884714

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Thanks for all the info! I'm real happy that I don't need to do a full marathon cause I don't like running that much. Centuries sound much more enticing

Skipped spinning this morning because we are getting some snow. Ended up sleeping 12 hours! I guess I'm not fully recovered from my cold last week.

I'm headed to DC tomorrow for work till Thurday so everyone have a great week!!

2009-02-23 7:24 AM
in reply to: #1884714

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nearby the city of brotherly love
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Peanut--I think too if you check in the forum under the iron distance part--there is a thread for a list of races (which include those not in the Ford ironman series).  That's how I found the one closest to me!

I'd rather to a half iron, centruy ride, or 5 mile swim, any day than a marathon. They really screw up your body!

Stayed inside for my run this morning--15mph winds when it's 25F out stinks....just couldn't bring myself to go outside and do any hills!!

Hey--anyone watch the Tour of California on Vs?  Levi won the race last night on the final stage--gotta love cyclism sundays on Vs!!! 

2009-02-23 6:07 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
I watched the Tour de California! Was awesome!!!!

Mel - did you do your 5k race yesterday? Inquiring minds want to know!

2009-02-23 8:26 PM
in reply to: #1978036

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
For everyone who wants to know - yes I did do my 5k race yesterday. It had its ups and downs.

There was a nice layer of snow on the ground in the first KM, the 3rd km and the last km. Your footing was less secure there.

The course wasn't exactly flat. There were some ups and downs along the route.

If you register 2 weeks in advance you get a tech shirt which I was looking forward to since I needed some. However there was in issue with the ordering of the shirtsand they ran out early - so I didn't get one.

I hadn't done any workout or too much movement in general two days prior to the race and my sleeping pattern was off. I didn't sleep well then night before the race and I woke up thinking running a 5k race or any race was the last thing I wanted to do. But I went.

My legs never got into too much of a groove and I had to push the whole race. Last weeks race felt a lot better. My goal time was under 30 as it was cold outside which was harcher on the lungs, I was tired, and there was some snow on the ground.

I did make my goal with a time of 29:40. That is somewhat comparable to what I was doing last summer so considering the conditions I was happy. It makes me look forward to seeing what my times will be this summer.

And of course no medal for me. I was 5th out of 6th. I wasn't expecting one so no dissapointment.

Next race is in 2 weeks in buffalo. I get to cross the border. It is a 5 mile/8k Shamrock run. I get to see green beer at the finish line - but I don't drink the stuff. In previous years they have given out fleece jackets so I am looking more forward to what jacket/top/vest my money got me than the run. Plus last year there was over 2000 people who ran this race. It'll be my biggest patron race for me and I am looking forward to it. I'll make sure I get sleep the night before.

Edited by mellymedic 2009-02-23 8:30 PM
2009-02-23 9:00 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Mel- good luck at the race next weekend. And congrats on the goal time...given the conditions, you did awesome!

I had a hilarous time at yoga tonight.  It was focused on hip strenghtening, but I fell out of almost every pose.  On top of having no balance, my friend pointed out that across the street there was what looked to be a naked male yoga class going on....lets just say it was giggle city!  

It felt great to giggle.  Not too much giggling going on lately.  Ok---off to bed soon.  Hopefully awake for the swim and then tomorrow evening my running store has a fat tuesday run...they are limiting us to 40 minutes so that there is time to "celebrate" afterwards. Should be fun. Let's see if I can get back into the workout groove this week...

2009-02-23 9:02 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
naked male yoga class - that made me giggle. I know I would be distracted to hold my yoga poses.
2009-02-24 1:02 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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nearby the city of brotherly love
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Mel--good job on the race! you hit your goal, and I bet you'll blow the 30 minute mark away in buffalo!

If I ever saw any naked guys doing yoga, I don't think I'd be able to hold my composure...don't know if I'd be laughing or crying more!

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