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2009-04-30 10:33 AM
in reply to: #2120473

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On your right
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Good luck with your cleanse.  Those things are no joke in terms of restrictions.  I have heard that they can rip tons of weight off, but how much is water, I have no idea.

2009-04-30 10:37 AM
in reply to: #2120766

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Gilbert, Az.
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Chaderbox - 2009-04-30 8:33 AM Good luck with your cleanse.  Those things are no joke in terms of restrictions.  I have heard that they can rip tons of weight off, but how much is water, I have no idea.

A lot of it, but you can get some decent real weight loss. While I am iffy on the actual benefits of a cleanse, it's a nice interim period for diet adjustment, in that you get used to the restrictions, then when you can eat more again, you try to make your diet healthier than it was before the break.

Good luck with it, hope it does jumpstart you! :D

2009-04-30 5:52 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Gilbert, Az.
Subject: Goalsetting
Well, we are at the end of the month, and now is a great time to think about what you're going to do next month. So, sit down and write out your goals for the next month. Stick them in your training log so you can see them all the time.

Set a variety of goals, some easy, some challenging. I use a points system, where if I make an easy goal, 1 pt. Challenging goal, 5 pts. Intermediate goal, 3 pts. Insane goal 10 pts. :D Then, add up your points at the end of the month. If you have a point "reward" chart (Such as 50 pts and I get to treat myself to a massage!), it gives you something to look forward to, and gives your training meaning other than a race. (Cause sometimes a race just isn't enough!)

Season is coming up fast, my first race is in ~ 2 weeks, so lets get it going!

2009-04-30 7:55 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
I'm wearing trail runners for sneakers right now but, I'm running on the roads. Is it worth it to go and buy another pair of sneakers? Is there much of a difference?
2009-04-30 9:04 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
How are you all doing?
I realize how addicted I am (still) to watching my graphs grow. It really is a great incentive.
Great idea about a points system John.
I'm feeling much better, just tired and whispy in my chest. If that makes sense. Unfortunately I can't take anytime off work as we have some insane deadlines this week and next. So will have a big sleep in on Sat (no kids) and go from there.
Happy end of the month.
On to next month.
2009-04-30 9:22 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
As far as running shoes go, I say stick with whatever works for you! I have so many problems finding shoes that can handle my feet without turning my toenails black or insteps into huge, watery red blisters that I don't discriminate by size/weight. A trail shoe is heavier than a dedicated running shoe, but is that going to make a huge difference to your time? I love the look of those shoes that are practically just socks, but I'm not at the point where shaving 2 minutes off of my 10K time (if that) is worth it for me. But I am also cheap! Ha!

As for goals for the next month, mine is to stay solid peach (I joined the challenge!), hit my pre-pregnancy weight (6lbs to go), complete my first OWS, and rock my very first try-a-tri on the 31st. My friend ran that race last year and there were only 6 competitors. The winner was a 19 year old male who finished in 45 minutes; my friend finished in just under one hour. While I would LOVE to try and win it (45 minutes does not seem unreasonable!), I think I will play it safe and just go for the experience. I will be happy to come in under an hour too (happier if I beat her time!).

I will need to think of a good reward if I can meet all those goals... Massages are free for me thanks to my hubby's benefits plan, but maybe I can tack on a facial and pedicure!

2009-04-30 10:38 PM
in reply to: #2122110

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Hudsonville, MI
Subject: RE: Goalsetting
tkd.teacher - 2009-04-30 6:52 PM Well, we are at the end of the month, and now is a great time to think about what you're going to do next month. So, sit down and write out your goals for the next month. Stick them in your training log so you can see them all the time.

Set a variety of goals, some easy, some challenging. I use a points system, where if I make an easy goal, 1 pt. Challenging goal, 5 pts. Intermediate goal, 3 pts. Insane goal 10 pts. :D Then, add up your points at the end of the month. If you have a point "reward" chart (Such as 50 pts and I get to treat myself to a massage!), it gives you something to look forward to, and gives your training meaning other than a race. (Cause sometimes a race just isn't enough!)

Season is coming up fast, my first race is in ~ 2 weeks, so lets get it going!


Setting the goals is probably a good idea and I like the idea of your point system.  I'll have to sit down and seriously look at where I am and where I should be, according to the plan I'm using - combination of Tri-Newbies Sprint plan and Your First Triathlon by Joe Friel.  According to the plan, I'm well ahead of where I need to be using the 12 week program.  If I was following it, I wouldn't have to start until next week.  I got an almost 8 week head start to the program.  Tongue out

Any thoughts or ideas for goal setting or possibly an example?  Not necessarily for me, but something general we could all modify to suit our needs.

Also, I finally managed to hit the sub 2:00 minute / 100 yd in my swim workout tonight.  After doing some searching here, I found a download from BigFuzzyDoug that discusses how to become a better swimmer.  I've been reading it for the past couple days and decided to give some of the techniques he points out to the test.  Low and behold, they work.  I managed to knock of over 12 seconds for a new PR at 1:52.  Just thought I would share.

Good luck with training everyone and I look forward to a good May.

2009-05-01 10:11 AM
in reply to: #2122350

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Gilbert, Az.
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
zachkoe - 2009-04-30 5:55 PM I'm wearing trail runners for sneakers right now but, I'm running on the roads. Is it worth it to go and buy another pair of sneakers? Is there much of a difference?

Most trail runners have higher sides to help protect the ankles, and more structure to help promote stability. Might not be the best for straight road running (Cushioning might especially be different). I'd head to a running store and have them check them out.

While good running shoes ($75-150) aren't cheap, they are a lot cheaper than missing part of a season due to shin splints or other shoe related injuries.

2009-05-01 10:19 AM
in reply to: #2122739

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Gilbert, Az.
Subject: RE: Goalsetting
Cutlass454 - 2009-04-30 8:38 PM
Any thoughts or ideas for goal setting or possibly an example?  Not necessarily for me, but something general we could all modify to suit our needs.


Congrats on the swim PR! You've broken that "mystical" 2:00/100 barrier, well done!

Goals - Simple ones, log all training. Intermediate - Log all training plus blog about how you feel each day. Hard - Log all training, blog and log all nutrition.

You can make it a goal to have 12 swims, 12 runs and 12 bike workouts before the end of May, all of at least 15 mins each. You can set mileage goals. For example, my mileage totals for April were:

Bike : 12:43, 233 miles
Run : 12:13, 93.5 miles
Swim : 10:29, 26,000 yds.

My easy goal is 3 bike workouts per week. My intermediate goal is to hit 350 miles. My hard goal is to double my bike mileage (Which is a pretty steep rampup).

My insane goal for this month is a running one. On Thursdays we do an OWS, followed by a 4 mile run, where the road is a 344 foot climb in the first 2 miles, then turn around and head back down. I hit 29:19 yesterday (7:14 miles), and I want to do it in under 28:00 by the end of the month.

Make your easy goals ones that you think you can do no problem, intermediate goals can be done with a little work, you gotta really push to make the hard goals, and if you make an insane goal, throw a party! :D

2009-05-01 10:31 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
I'm going to get out on the bike tomorrow. Still feeling tired but much better.
Thinking of selling my rowing shell (it's worth about $2500) to give me some cash for a bike. It's sad to sell it but I'm selling my half of the cottage to the ex-husband and so have nowhere to store or row. Membership and storage in Toronto is upwards of $800/yr. And I can't row and train for tris. As it is I haven't rowed consistently for years.
Will think it over and see what interest there is for it.

Have a great weekend everyone.
2009-05-02 7:39 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL

Hey people!  I'm back! I finished finals on Friday.  Woohoo!  Time to get serious.  Looks like everyone is doing great!  Hope everyone's weekend is strenuous

2009-05-02 8:10 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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On your right
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL

Hey all, hope everyone's having a nice weekend. 

I had my first ever race today, as a 5K.  It was a small one put on by a co-worker's church for charity.  I'll put an acutal race report together, so I won't bore you all here.  I will say, however, that it was the best I've ever run, and I was super happy with my time.

2009-05-03 7:56 AM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Congrats on finishing finals, Cameron! That must feel great.

And that is really awesome about your 5K, Chad! Congratulations - that's a huge milestone. Good work!!

Does anyone know why this thread doesn't always show up for me when I click the New Threads link? I always have to go looking for it instead of seeing it with all the other recently updates threads. Not a big deal, but kind of annoying!
2009-05-03 2:51 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Well done Chad. It's good when all that training comes together.
Cameron you must be relieved to be done with finals.

I got out on the bike today. Still really phelmy but not green. But I don't know what to do. Do I keep training with the phelm or do I wait. Friends have said they were phelmy for about a month. I can't go without training for that long.
I think instead of swimming I'm going to run in the am. And save the swim for the raining days coming later in the week.

2009-05-03 3:14 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL

I raced my first-ever half-mary on Saturday and managed to finish under my goal time of 2 hours.  It is a huge race - 35,000 participants - and I got the opportunity to run a lap around the Indy Motor Speedway.  It was crazy to run an entire race completely surround by other participants.  I learned a ton and am ready to race another.  But first I'm going to recover from this one!

2009-05-03 4:44 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
congrats everyone for all the good work! Sounds like people are getting some good training/racing in!
I got outside biking for the first time today! It felt so good, though I think my handlebars are not where they use to be. Really feels good to be training outside instead of the YMCA. Have a great week of training!

2009-05-03 6:12 PM
in reply to: #2126829

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Gilbert, Az.
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Some good training and personal milestones this week, smoking! Congrats on the 5k and the 1/2, getting to finish around the indy would have been fun!

If all you are is phlegmy, then I would train. Just be sure to take care of hydration.

Keep it up guys! You can all lend ME some support in two weeks, first race of the season. :-/

so, keep it up, and now that school and all the other stuff is out of the way, get out and hit the roads!

2009-05-04 8:25 AM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
I'm back! Got out for a run this morning. Felt good to be out there again. No issues. Still feel a bit "airy" in the lungs but good to go.

How is everyone else's start to the week going?

2009-05-04 12:56 PM
in reply to: #2127927

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Gilbert, Az.
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
alexenafi - 2009-05-04 6:25 AM I'm back! Got out for a run this morning. Felt good to be out there again. No issues. Still feel a bit "airy" in the lungs but good to go.

How is everyone else's start to the week going?


Yesterday was KICKIN!! The next two weeks for me are a bit of an easedown as I have a race that I am going to get revenge upon from last year coming up in two weeks, then after that it'll be the start of my rampup to my HIM this fall.

Keep training and inspiring each other, it's kind of fun reading inspires!

2009-05-04 6:59 PM
in reply to: #2127927

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL

alexenafi - 2009-05-04 9:25 AM I'm back! Got out for a run this morning. Felt good to be out there again. No issues. Still feel a bit "airy" in the lungs but good to go.

How is everyone else's start to the week going?


My legs are still cranky from the half-mary and I'm dealing with work/finals this week too.  I'm trying to ease back into training mode.  Now is the perfect time to get in the pool and work on technique.  Hopefully my legs will be back to normal by mid-week and I can get in a couple of good rides.  I'll be competing in my first Oly in two weeks time and I'll feel a whole lot better about things if I can get a few more longish rides in.

2009-05-05 9:01 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Don't want to be a downer on the board but wanted to give you an update on my dog - I had to put her down tonight. It was hard but really for the best - I was carrying her up and down the stairs and she had pretty much stopped eating.

Swam this morning. It went really well. Very much over the bronchitis. And finished the antibiotics. So onwards...

Take care,

2009-05-06 10:35 AM
in reply to: #2132867

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Gilbert, Az.
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
alexenafi - 2009-05-05 7:01 PM Hi,
Don't want to be a downer on the board but wanted to give you an update on my dog - I had to put her down tonight. It was hard but really for the best - I was carrying her up and down the stairs and she had pretty much stopped eating.

Swam this morning. It went really well. Very much over the bronchitis. And finished the antibiotics. So onwards...

Take care,

My sympathies and best wishes, that sucks.

2009-05-06 7:27 PM
in reply to: #2132867

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
alexenafi - 2009-05-05 10:01 PM Hi,
Don't want to be a downer on the board but wanted to give you an update on my dog - I had to put her down tonight. It was hard but really for the best - I was carrying her up and down the stairs and she had pretty much stopped eating.

Swam this morning. It went really well. Very much over the bronchitis. And finished the antibiotics. So onwards...

Take care,

Really sorry to hear this, Fi. My thoughts are with you and your kids!
2009-05-06 7:33 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
I'm picking up my bike tomorrow!! I am really pumped - it's a great road bike with Kyrium racing wheels, Shimano Tiagra gears and derailleur, and new IRD road brakes. It's also coming equipped with a Cateye bike computer, spare tube and tire changing kit, and some other cycling apparel goodies. This is going to make a huge difference in my races and training!

Speaking of training, I'm following the 13-week sprint program and just realized there is zero swimming this week. That seems strange to me! I'm going to swim tomorrow instead of biking since I'm sure I'll put in a lot of extra time on the bike in the next few days. But how often is everyone else swimming in their training plan? Is it smart to rearrange the plan or should I stick to it but just add some swim sessions?
2009-05-06 9:37 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL

Yay for new bikes!  I'm going wetsuit shopping on saturday and I'm seriously thinking about pulling the trigger on a tri bike while I'm there.  Here's hoping they have an '08 sitting around on sale that fits me!

As for swimming - I only swim twice a week (and sometimes only once a week) but swimming is one of my stronger sports.  I don't see any harm in adding in a swim session if you have the time and energy.  And I *always* switch training days around - my "real life" schedule is a bit erratic and I try to fit tri in where I can.  I sort of set a general plan for myself on sundays but by wednesday I've already changed everything all around!  The only thing I would caution against is scheduling two difficult workouts back to back days.

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