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2009-10-15 7:14 PM
in reply to: #2462192

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Augusta, Georgia
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
JessXU00 - 2009-10-15 6:12 PM

Well, I'm up this week.  165/166/150.  I had a big volume weekend (compared to what it has been), and I think I got carried away.  Not cool.  I'm starting to realize just how much discipline is going to be required with this goal.  I guess it's better to learn now, 40 weeks out from race day, rather than later!

Glad everyone had good success this week.  I'm definitely looking forward to next week!

i always have problems when i crank up my training...sometimes you need all the extra food to just keep going with big volume weeks!

2009-10-15 7:50 PM
in reply to: #2460971

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
carteroak - 2009-10-15 5:28 AM Michelle, is it too late to join you guys? 

I'm doing the Halloween challenge, and it hasn't really helped me to lose weight as much as I had hoped, but I do like the accountability and the support.  I think this will be especially good through the holidays.  My HIM is on Nov. 7 so I am also hoping that after that, with a decrease in training volume and intensity, it will also be easier to restrict calories a bit more!

By all means, jump in Karla!!  Oooh your HIM is the day before my 1/2 mary!
2009-10-15 8:33 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

GOAL: 130/25
Starting Weight/BF: 141/27
Last Week: 137.5/27
Today: 139/26

Well I'm up a bit from last week but my BF is down so I'm not complaining (at least too much!)  I got on a popcorn kick this past week so I'm thinking I need to cut that out, huh?!

Awesome job to everyone for losing, sticking with it, trying to stick with it, and just trying!!


This weeks tip: Eat slower!  I am soooooo guilty of this especially when I am hungry.  It takes our brains time to realize that we are actually full so if we eat slower then it will allow us to feel full without stuffing ourselves and thus, helps us avoid overeating!

2009-10-15 8:33 PM
in reply to: #2462267

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
pennylope - 2009-10-15 2:13 PM ok...i was pretty anxious about this...but:

I can't believe I was down some!  I ran the chicago marathon (it was amazing!!! and i qualified for boston) and it was my birthday too this week, so I used it all as a major excuse to eat crap.  Shouldn't have...feel like crap now.  But, now that I ran my first marathon and I'm really hoping to go under 3:30 at Philly in five weeks and under 3:20 in Boston, I am REALLY motivated to get down to 140.

My focus for this week is going to logging my food.  Otherwise I just don't pay attention and don't lose weight.  I don't gain, but I don't lose, I just stay.  I've been hovering between 153-157 for a couple years now.  It's not a bad weight...but 140 would be an ideal marathoning and long-distance tri weight...

Congrats to all that lost this week!!!

GREAT JOB Penny (on the BQ not feeling like crap)!!!  I am so happy for you!!

Edited by Happychick 2009-10-15 8:34 PM
2009-10-15 8:50 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

I had a good week - but I've been working out so hard that my knee has been hurting me.  I took a couple of days off but the nice and slow ride I took today didn't help. 

I need to remember that the road to fitness is not a sprint - but an ultra marathon...

Good job to everyone - whether you lost or not... you're all trying!

Have a great week!
2009-10-15 9:53 PM
in reply to: #2462267

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
pennylope - 2009-10-15 5:13 PM ok...i was pretty anxious about this...but:

I can't believe I was down some!  I ran the chicago marathon (it was amazing!!! and i qualified for boston) and it was my birthday too this week, so I used it all as a major excuse to eat crap.  Shouldn't have...feel like crap now.  But, now that I ran my first marathon and I'm really hoping to go under 3:30 at Philly in five weeks and under 3:20 in Boston, I am REALLY motivated to get down to 140.

My focus for this week is going to logging my food.  Otherwise I just don't pay attention and don't lose weight.  I don't gain, but I don't lose, I just stay.  I've been hovering between 153-157 for a couple years now.  It's not a bad weight...but 140 would be an ideal marathoning and long-distance tri weight...

Congrats to all that lost this week!!!

Congrats on your Chicago finish and Boston qualifying!  That is awesome!   

2009-10-15 11:20 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

I weighed myself after working out tonight and down 1 pound from last week.

Congrats to those who are on pace for their goals this week.  For those who have fallen off pace (like me) let's not loose focus.

I know I need to get in the habit of eating breakfast in the morning instead of getting to work and distracted from firing up the metabolism.
2009-10-16 7:11 AM
in reply to: #2462267

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
[QUOTE]pennylope - 2009-10-15 5:13 PM ok...i was pretty anxious about this...but:

I can't believe I was down some!  I ran the chicago marathon (it was amazing!!! and i qualified for boston) and it was my birthday too this week, so I used it all as a major excuse to eat crap.  Shouldn't have...feel like crap now.  But, now that I ran my first marathon and I'm really hoping to go under 3:30 at Philly in five weeks and under 3:20 in Boston, I am REALLY motivated to get down to 140.

My focus for this week is going to logging my food.  Otherwise I just don't pay attention and don't lose weight.  I don't gain, but I don't lose, I just stay.  I've been hovering between 153-157 for a couple years now.  It's not a bad weight...but 140 would be an ideal marathoning and long-distance tri weight...

Congrats to all that lost this week!!!

Awesome! Have you always been a strong runner or have you worked up to this? How did you like Chicago, I grew up there and miss it !
2009-10-16 7:37 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
So excited!  Put my jeans on a few minutes ago, and they feel a little looser around the waist!  Hurray!!!!
2009-10-16 9:30 AM
in reply to: #2462265

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
pennylope - 2009-10-15 8:09 PM

firenze11 - 2009-10-15 7:58 AM 140/140/135 Seeing as I got through Thanksgiving (Canadian) and lost a pound from last week (I was 141), I'm ok with that weight.

Now that's impressive!   I hope I can get through american t-giving without gaining (or maybe losing!) weight!!  Congrats!

Haha, thanks! I've actually been reading a bit about "normal eating" and decided to try it out since we had guests for a few days and there was lots of good stuff to be had. I just ate what I wanted but paid really close attention to when I was full. It really seemed to work for me so I'm going to experiment with it.

And a big huge congrats on the marathon and qualifying for Boston! That's awesome!
2009-10-16 10:21 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Sorry I have not been a good boy and kept up with my posting. I will do much better in the coming weeks.
2 Oct 09 -- 271
9 Oct 09 -- 270
16 Oct 09 -- 267

2009-10-16 12:29 PM
in reply to: #2462730

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
justtrichris - 2009-10-16 8:37 AM So excited!  Put my jeans on a few minutes ago, and they feel a little looser around the waist!  Hurray!!!!

Always a sure sign of actually  progress. The scale as athletes can be odd and off as water & hydration levels makes a huge difference in our day to day weight!

I've been measuring and my waist is down over an inch and all my jeans fit size 8s!
2009-10-16 2:30 PM
in reply to: #2426990


Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Congrats everyone on the weight loss! Glad to hear everyone's progress, KEEP IT UP!! I should have posted this yesterday, sorry about that, for my first weigh in my start and current weight is 284, and i hopefully will be, and I WILL be at 260 at the end. Have a great week everyone!
2009-10-16 4:06 PM
in reply to: #2462314

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Happychick - 2009-10-15 8:50 PM
carteroak - 2009-10-15 5:28 AM Michelle, is it too late to join you guys? 

I'm doing the Halloween challenge, and it hasn't really helped me to lose weight as much as I had hoped, but I do like the accountability and the support.  I think this will be especially good through the holidays.  My HIM is on Nov. 7 so I am also hoping that after that, with a decrease in training volume and intensity, it will also be easier to restrict calories a bit more!

By all means, jump in Karla!!  Oooh your HIM is the day before my 1/2 mary!

Excellent!!!  We can count down and taper together!

It sounds like everyone who has been working at this is doing a great job so far!!!!!!!!

So, I did weigh myself yesterday, and my start weight was 151.5.  Seeing as how the holidays are upon us, I will be really happy if I could reach 140 by the new year.  My maintenance goal  would be to stay in the 130-140 range for the long haul, but I haven't seemed to break free of this 150 area for almost a year.  I think you guys will be very inspiring, though!
2009-10-16 4:52 PM
in reply to: #2463467

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
KathyG - 2009-10-16 10:29 AM
justtrichris - 2009-10-16 8:37 AM So excited!  Put my jeans on a few minutes ago, and they feel a little looser around the waist!  Hurray!!!!

Always a sure sign of actually  progress. The scale as athletes can be odd and off as water & hydration levels makes a huge difference in our day to day weight!

I've been measuring and my waist is down over an inch and all my jeans fit size 8s!

This is so true!  I always have to keep this in mind when the scale says I gained 5 pounds in one day.  Perhaps I need to cut back on the scale too.   
2009-10-16 7:41 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
*SINGING*  Happy Birthday to you!  Happy Birthday to you!  Happy Birthday Dear Scooooooott!  Happy Birthday to you!!!

Have a great birthday!!

2009-10-16 7:47 PM
in reply to: #2462730

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
justtrichris - 2009-10-16 2:37 AM So excited!  Put my jeans on a few minutes ago, and they feel a little looser around the waist!  Hurray!!!!

That feeling sure outweighs (no pun intended) any number on the scale doesn't it?! 
2009-10-17 8:41 AM
in reply to: #2462700

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Augusta, Georgia
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
nevergivin - 2009-10-16 7:11 AM
Awesome! Have you always been a strong runner or have you worked up to this? How did you like Chicago, I grew up there and miss it !

Thanks y'all! 

In answer to your question, nevergivin, I was a track runner in HS (middle distance...halfmiler mostly) and was supposed to run in college.  But then all the stress from being so type A about running and weight got to me and i stopped running and racing and gained about 60lbs.  I'm just now getting back into enjoying running again (partially because I'm down 35lbs from my highest weight so it's much easier on my body) I used to be a strong short distance runner almost a decade ago and but never anything at these distances (I remember thinking that a 5K for cross country in high school was sooooo long)   I'm finding that I love the longer distances becasue its just as much about mental strength as physical!

I love chicago (and miss the north so much!) and the race was amazing!  I'll definitely do it again in 2011! (2010 is too close to IMMOO)
2009-10-17 8:44 AM
in reply to: #2464221

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Augusta, Georgia
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Happychick - 2009-10-16 7:47 PM
justtrichris - 2009-10-16 2:37 AM So excited!  Put my jeans on a few minutes ago, and they feel a little looser around the waist!  Hurray!!!!

That feeling sure outweighs (no pun intended) any number on the scale doesn't it?! 

you should always intend the pun.  puns are the best!


Edited by pennylope 2009-10-17 8:45 AM
2009-10-17 10:51 AM
in reply to: #2464480

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
pennylope - 2009-10-17 6:41 AM
nevergivin - 2009-10-16 7:11 AM
Awesome! Have you always been a strong runner or have you worked up to this? How did you like Chicago, I grew up there and miss it !

Thanks y'all! 

In answer to your question, nevergivin, I was a track runner in HS (middle distance...halfmiler mostly) and was supposed to run in college.  But then all the stress from being so type A about running and weight got to me and i stopped running and racing and gained about 60lbs.  I'm just now getting back into enjoying running again (partially because I'm down 35lbs from my highest weight so it's much easier on my body) I used to be a strong short distance runner almost a decade ago and but never anything at these distances (I remember thinking that a 5K for cross country in high school was sooooo long)   I'm finding that I love the longer distances becasue its just as much about mental strength as physical!

I love chicago (and miss the north so much!) and the race was amazing!  I'll definitely do it again in 2011! (2010 is too close to IMMOO)

Awesome , thanks for sharing! Its funny how things work out sometimes, to be able to return to something that means that much to you and have a whole new outlook.
 I was one of the fastest breastroke swimmers in the early 80's, I was seeded #1 at regionals and did not go to be with friends and party, soon after I started smoking and kept that habit for 27 years by means of giving up swimming and sacraficing a full scholorship. I will never swam like I did but this year after allot of hard work I placed 23 in the nation in 40-44 AG, it feels so good again!
I hope you do well in this challenge!
2009-10-17 3:18 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Just got home from the spin class from hell.  I drove up to West Hollywood to participate in the Crunch-a-thon for MDA/ALS research taking place at Crunch Fitness locations all across the country today.   While I was there, I decided to be brave and take the spin class taught by Bob Harper, one of the trainers on The Biggest Loser tv show.  Shay from season 8 of the show was also there for the class and she is doing GREAT!  She's down 150 pounds so far.

Anyway, everything was going really well up until about 10 minutes before the end of the class.  We really turned things up a couple of notches for the final push and I ended up having to get off the bike and puke ... just a little bit. Undecided  After that, I hopped right back on the bike and finished the class.

I got to speak with Bob for a couple of minutes after the class and he seemed downright giddy that he'd made me puke. Tongue out  He and Shay actually high-fived one another and he said he was going to have to tweet Jillian to let her know that he made someone puke.  LOL

Even though I puked, the class was really good.  I had a great time, got a help a great cause, and burned ~600 calories in the process.  I'm going to take a nap now. Wink

2009-10-17 3:43 PM
in reply to: #2464761

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
BunnyB - 2009-10-17 4:18 PM Just got home from the spin class from hell.  I drove up to West Hollywood to participate in the Crunch-a-thon for MDA/ALS research taking place at Crunch Fitness locations all across the country today.   While I was there, I decided to be brave and take the spin class taught by Bob Harper, one of the trainers on The Biggest Loser tv show.  Shay from season 8 of the show was also there for the class and she is doing GREAT!  She's down 150 pounds so far.

Anyway, everything was going really well up until about 10 minutes before the end of the class.  We really turned things up a couple of notches for the final push and I ended up having to get off the bike and puke ... just a little bit. Undecided  After that, I hopped right back on the bike and finished the class.

I got to speak with Bob for a couple of minutes after the class and he seemed downright giddy that he'd made me puke. Tongue out  He and Shay actually high-fived one another and he said he was going to have to tweet Jillian to let her know that he made someone puke.  LOL

Even though I puked, the class was really good.  I had a great time, got a help a great cause, and burned ~600 calories in the process.  I'm going to take a nap now. Wink

That's a great story!!!  Now you can say that Bob made you spin 'till you puked!!!
2009-10-17 6:13 PM
in reply to: #2464761

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
BunnyB - 2009-10-17 10:18 AM Just got home from the spin class from hell.  I drove up to West Hollywood to participate in the Crunch-a-thon for MDA/ALS research taking place at Crunch Fitness locations all across the country today.   While I was there, I decided to be brave and take the spin class taught by Bob Harper, one of the trainers on The Biggest Loser tv show.  Shay from season 8 of the show was also there for the class and she is doing GREAT!  She's down 150 pounds so far.

Anyway, everything was going really well up until about 10 minutes before the end of the class.  We really turned things up a couple of notches for the final push and I ended up having to get off the bike and puke ... just a little bit. Undecided  After that, I hopped right back on the bike and finished the class.

I got to speak with Bob for a couple of minutes after the class and he seemed downright giddy that he'd made me puke. Tongue out  He and Shay actually high-fived one another and he said he was going to have to tweet Jillian to let her know that he made someone puke.  LOL

Even though I puked, the class was really good.  I had a great time, got a help a great cause, and burned ~600 calories in the process.  I'm going to take a nap now. Wink

That is soooo cool...that you got to meet Bob, not necessarily that he made you puke!
2009-10-17 6:48 PM
in reply to: #2464761

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
BunnyB - 2009-10-17 1:18 PM Just got home from the spin class from hell.  I drove up to West Hollywood to participate in the Crunch-a-thon for MDA/ALS research taking place at Crunch Fitness locations all across the country today.   While I was there, I decided to be brave and take the spin class taught by Bob Harper, one of the trainers on The Biggest Loser tv show.  Shay from season 8 of the show was also there for the class and she is doing GREAT!  She's down 150 pounds so far.

Anyway, everything was going really well up until about 10 minutes before the end of the class.  We really turned things up a couple of notches for the final push and I ended up having to get off the bike and puke ... just a little bit. Undecided  After that, I hopped right back on the bike and finished the class.

I got to speak with Bob for a couple of minutes after the class and he seemed downright giddy that he'd made me puke. Tongue out  He and Shay actually high-fived one another and he said he was going to have to tweet Jillian to let her know that he made someone puke.  LOL

Even though I puked, the class was really good.  I had a great time, got a help a great cause, and burned ~600 calories in the process.  I'm going to take a nap now. Wink

Don't forget to add the calories calories burned/lost pukin, that should amp it up another 300 calsWink Just curious how tall bob is, he looks short 5- 6"ish.
2009-10-17 8:00 PM
in reply to: #2464921

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
nevergivin - 2009-10-17 4:48 PM

Just curious how tall bob is, he looks short 5- 6"ish.

I would estimate that he's probably around 5'11" or so.  I'm 5'4" and he was definitely a lot taller than me, then again, most people are. Wink   He also had a few inches on Shay who is 5'8" according to her Biggest Loser bio on the NBC website.

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