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2010-02-16 2:36 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Thanks for the pep talk Anne.  My log is seriously lacking right now and it's amazing what a mental drain it is on me.  I was almost to the point of just saying forget was more fun to be fat and eat chocolate

But I forced myself to go run today even if it was on the treadmill and I remember now why I like to do it.  The endorphins are coming back.  I think it's ok that I've slacked a little as long as I pick it back up now.  I'm not doing this just for one specific event or even a couple, I do it to keep my sanity, my weight in check and to meet fun people like you guys.  (Now if I can just be this upbeat and fired up at 5 am tomorrow and make it swimming that would be great!)

Surgery went well...she was back doing normal events and everything is fine now.  Thank you guys who asked about her and kept her in your thoughts. 

2010-02-16 6:56 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I'm still alive...sorry about not posting. My family has been sick, but I'm not (yet). Didn't drag them out to the Y so I'm a little behind on the swim. Also a little behind on the bike. I think I"ll still make the full distance though. The long run is getting a little longer and a wee bit easier. I still am REALLY tired afterwards and have to take it easy for a day or two. I just tell myself that even though it is really hard to build up to these distances, eventually my body will get used to it and then I can just focus on maintaining that fitness level and then work on building speed. Don't you just love the feeling of satisfaction when you meet each little goal?

Glad to hear your daughter is doing well, Ginny. I don't think there is anything more stressful than when a family member is sick or experiencing a health problem.

How about a little extra challenge: if you can't get to a treadmill, bike or pool, how about good old fashioned situps and pushups for some core work? I should be doing them anyway. I think I'll start posting how many I do but it's good that you can't see my poor form. I have to do a girlie pushup and my nose doesn't exactly touch the floor. It's cheaper than a fancy weight machine and works some good areas

When you are 80 years old you'll fondly remember these "glory days" when you were running biking swimming and pushuping your way to ironwoman-like fitness. Feel free to brag to your great grandkids!!
2010-02-17 12:11 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Hi all!  Back from SF.  We had a great trip and got in a couple of run/walk trail runs.  The temps were awesome- 60s and 70s.  If I didn't love snow so much, I'd think about moving there.  And the baby is super cute! I could snuggle her all day. 

The trip back was a different story- I felt like crap all day Monday and while stranded in Milwaukee for the night, discovered I had a bug that wouldn't let me keep anything down.  Finally got home yesterday and took it easy.  Hope to work out today.

I'm glad to see that surgeries, kiddos, and our workouts are all coming along and getting better.  Here's to a great rest of the week!
2010-02-18 12:08 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Today was a big day....I got in a swim workout! The kids ended up being in the Y childcare for almost an hour, and both were fine until I reappeared, then they both melted down.
The good news was I got a full workout in! And I know I will be so sore tomorrow....

I'm going to be cutting it close on my swim distance to meet my HIM goal for February. How is everyone else doing???

Edited by AKR18 2010-02-18 12:36 PM
2010-02-18 1:45 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I'm not doing well, but I think I'll get there by month's end.  I have to skip my swim tonight to ensure our local town pool, which is awesome, doesn't get shut down by the city.  So I'll probably get in a run- it's 47 here today!  And then if we have time, we'll get to the pool after the meeting.

Wish us luck! 

Great job on the swimming Anne!
2010-02-18 2:44 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I was in for the HIM distances but I probably won't make the bike. I have been having knee issues and when I take spinning, I get a twinge in my left knee while I am riding. My running coach wants me to focus on swimming as cross training and nothing else that aggrevates my knee. Running is ok so far.


2010-02-19 9:20 AM
in reply to: #2680041

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Lovey- do lots of stretching on that knee- a lot of times runners develop IT Band issues when training for long distances. Look it up here on BT, or just google it to find the stretches to do to prevent it. Great time for pool time, then, right?

Injuries happen- nothing you can do about it!

2010-02-19 9:51 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

I have a mental issue that I'm not sure that I've seen addressed on BT (no its not treatable with therapy or medication).  This week I've struggled mentally.  Last couple of weeks, I never missed a workout.  I was feeling great.  I did a spinning class/run/strength with trainer/run over 2.5 hours last Friday, a 5k+physical challenges on Saturday, and a 2 hour trainer ride on Sunday.  An hour in to the trainer ride on Sunday, I was done.  Fatigued.  It was all I could do to push through another hour.  The type of fatigue that almost brings you to tears.  I know one mistake was no nutrition on the bike, just water. I usually just eat breakfast and then do a workout.  I tanked totally after an hour, so that was a lesson learned: if I am going to go longer than 40 minutes, I need to take nutrition, I prefer clif gels.  Because I didn't take nutrition, because I had kicked my own butt over the weekend with crazy long workouts, mentally I am toast.  My mind is scared to get back on the bike.  It remembers that awful feeling when I got off the bike on Sunday.  I can't convince myself that if I go less and nutrition right, I won't toast myself.  I looked back at my logs for the past year and a half and I seem to struggle with this.  It is like the memory fibers are not in my muscles, they are in my brain, and my brain says, SURVIVAL.  It is stopping me and I need to surpress this memory of feeling like crap.   Work has been mentally fatiguing also, and that is not helping.  I just want to lie down and read a mindless book.  I can run but I can't bear the thought right now of the bike, sort of like how I felt the last time I was in the pool, on New Year's eve.  I can't make myself get back in the pool.  Suggestions?  Anything? 

I have my trainer tonight and I pay for him so I have to go.  I have the day off so I should be able to workout.  I am afraid I will try to play catch up and do six hours of killer workouts to make up for the time I've taken off this week and then be toast again.  I don't know how to set limits.  I look at the plans and think, for the beginner plans, which is where I belong because of my inconsistency, that they are just a minimum.  I know that this is wrong but I can't get past this mental thing.  Sorry to vent. 

On a personal note:  Work SUCKS!!  I had yesterday sort-of off, and I have today off.  I so don't want to go back on Monday. 

2010-02-19 10:01 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

Yep, this is totally a mental issue. And I'm guessing we have all been there to a certain degree. Though to be fair, yours seems pretty hardcore right now.

You know what to do- you've been doing this so long you have to. The problem is getting over that little voice that is scaring you!

Adjust your training schedule. Do some small workouts over the next few days to boost your confidence. NO ONE is standing around to give you a gold star sticker if you go above and beyond what is necessary.

When I taught, I knew teachers who would take a Mental Health day. they weren't sick, they weren't on vacation- they just needed a day to themselves. Get your mindless book, park it on the couch, and veg out. (but still drink your water- stay hydrated so your body feels better).
2010-02-19 11:42 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

Ann, this is a total mental health day for me.  I took the vacation time and am totally vegging.  I already have my water.  I have the trainer tonight so I will do something to warm up for him, hopefully the bike because I am behind in miles for the challenge.  I can do an hour on the bike before trainer guy.  I can do it.  I have to keep telling myself that.  Running will be with my group tomorrow so I am excited for that.  More bike this weekend but no longer than an hour and with one gel at 30 minutes.  I must make my training brain forget that it was tortured last weekend.  My training brain needs to overcome its PTSD.  It needs an intervention. 

2010-02-19 11:51 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Sorry about the injuries Lovey.  It really sucks when you have plans to do a certain work out and then you find out you can't.  Glad you can still run and swim. 

Jo, you poor thing.  I know how the struggling to stay consistent is.  I don't think I have been consistent since before Christmas.  Maybe tell yourself you're just staying active, but don't worry about having a goal, don't worry about having to ride "X" hours or miles etc.  Just get in 30 - 60 minutes of some kind of activity?

2010-02-19 1:28 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
When I am feeling unmotivated or having a mental block, I change my focus. Instead of focusing on the 3 or 4 miles I don’t have time for or don’t want to do, I focus on the time.
I tell myself, I am going to run for 20 minute or 30 minutes, regardless of the pace or distance. I even run/walk if I have to but once I do it, I feel much better and it makes getting back on track the next day a little easier.

I barely made it (mentally) thru 3 miles last week Saturday. Sunday and Monday, I did nothing. I didn’t need a rest day I just felt like not moving. I overslept on Tuesday morning and missed my swim practice which made me feel worse; I skipped my Tuesday night run so I can work even though I could have squeezed in a 30 min run. So on Tuesday night, I made myself go on my treadmill for 10 mins. That’s all, 10 mins just to move no matter how little time, and then I stretched for 10 minutes. I felt better and as of Wednesday, I am back on track. The whole time I was doing that 10 minute run, I kept telling myself that I am going to get a peach day on my BT log.

Sometimes, you have to step back and sometimes you have to push thru it.

2010-02-19 2:48 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I think that's all great advice.  I agree with the group, Jo. You just really need a break.  I used to have a far more stressful job than I do now and it took a major toll on my motivation to work out and my mental health.

In sum, it sounds like you are experiencing burn out.  I did a paper on it in grad school- burn out vs. stress.  Here's a handy little chart on the differences. I'm happy to send you the vulnerability quiz so you can evaluate yourself to see where you might fall. We can burnout in a lot of ways and think "I'm just stressed", but burnout is deeper and more emotionally severe. 

Those are my $.02.  I highly suggest doing something that you like and taking a rest day to get a massage, take a bath, meditate, do yoga, etc.   Keep us posted. We're all sending happy thoughts your way!



Characterized by overengagement


Characterized by disengagement


Emotions are overreactive


Emotions are blunted


Produces urgency and hyperactivity


Produces helplessness and hopelessness


Exhausts physical energy


Exhausts motivation and drive, ideals and hope


Leads to anxiety disorders


Leads to paranoia, detachment, and depression


Causes disintegration


Causes demoralization


Primary damage is physical


Primary damage is emotional


Stress may kill you prematurely, and you won’t have enough time to finish what you started.


Burnout may never kill you, but your life may not seem worth living.


2010-02-19 3:51 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

It probably is burnout.  I know its not as severe as the injuries that plague others and I feel very selfish for even talking about it.  I took today off and read a book.  My guilt was amazing.  I am still feeling guilty.  I am dreading the trainer tonight because it means I have to do something.  I need to not let work seep into my workouts.  I'm sure I overdid it last weekend but I think the real reason I have no motivation is because of  a meeting I had with my boss on Monday that just deflated any enthusiasm I had for my job.  Oh well, I have until Monday to get over this. 

Thank you everyone for your encouragement.  Its funny how one aspect of your life so greatly effects another.  I wish I was a better compartmentalizer. 

2010-02-19 9:57 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Jo--describe what you mean by feeling awful when you got off the bike? Did it feel like exhaustion cardio wise? Or muscle pain? Were you dizzy? Did it feel like a blood sugar crash? Were you shaky?

I think you may have had a real physical thing going on as well as the emotional thing from work. Sometimes athletes get anemic or their blood sugar gets so low you literally feel like passing out. Sometimes you can get overtraining syndrome and that is when you feel dizzy, exhausted, weak and really ungrounded. Some describe it as feeling like you are outside your body or floating. It is a very scary thing. When it happens, your mind and body tell you to STOP. Could that be you?

It may help to remember why you started all this tri stuff. Tell us your story! Were you always athletic? What are your goals? What does your trainer say? What do you want to be doing 10 years from now?

Personally, I got started with this tri stuff because 6 years ago my adrenals crashed. I had to use injections of some nasty medicine for over a year and I realized I needed to do something for stress relief. I was also going through a major nasty divorce at the time. I injected the medicine in my quadriceps and sometimes even now when I bike a lot, the old stores of medicine in the fat get recirculated through my system and weird stuff occurs, like I lactate a little bit (and Phoebe has been weaned for several months now so this is NOT normal). I figure I better just get that stuff out of my system, but I do experience REAL fatigue from the long run. I feel very weak and sore and tired and even emotionally drained after 8 or so miles of run. I have to build slow. And listen to my old body.

Please listen to your body and pamper it! And keep venting on here--we are all here for you.

Lovey--can you do the elliptical? Just a thought if you get tired of run and swim. I'm really impressed that you have a running coach! I'm also impressed that Jo has a trainer guy.

I can't decide if I'm up for a sprint tri in June. Sure I could probably finish, but I'm very slow on all fronts and I don't want to totally humiliate myself. I have some soul searching to do--the early bird registration ends March 1st. It's a mental thing for me, too.
2010-02-20 6:30 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

Thank you all for the support.

Phoenix-I hit 1 hour on the bike and I literally was at a wall.  I had 19 people surrounding me at a trainerfest that knew I wanted to do 2 hours so I had tons of accountability.  I could not stop.  No one else was stopping.  Adult peer pressure.  I kept going, literally with my eyes closed (thank God I was on a trainer and not the road), pushing through every pedal stroke to maintain my pace.  I know it was my lack of nutrition and learned valuable lessons. When I got off the bike, I felt so sick and weak that I couldn't eat. I was sort of out of it, just walking around the house but not really talking to anyone.  I just wanted to stand in a corner.  Thinking has been a challenge.  My trainer, last night, did the workout with me, every step because I couldn't get my feet to do what he was telling me until he started "patterning" me.  I am going for a run this morning.  Hopefully it will be better.

Edited by jogo 2010-02-20 6:31 AM

2010-02-20 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Jo, do you mind if we use your experience as a jumping off point to discuss nutrition AND hydration?

I know that often I get too busy and all of a sudden I'm rushing to fit in a workout without planning in stretching, hydration, and nutrition. For example, this morning I was stretching AND tending to 3 children AND getting through my Saturday morning phone call with my mother (this involves her listing her medical issues of the week and then scolding me for running).Guess what I forgot? HYDRATION. I had a banana and a piece of whole wheat raisin toast and 2 cups of coffee. NO WATER. And at 1.25 miles I got the worst cramp of my life. I had accountability- my 7 year old was waiting at home for me to pick her up after my 3 miles and run a short cool down half mile. So I could not quit. I walked when the cramp was bad, and each time I walked I wanted to cry I was so upset with myself for forgetting something so easy.

So- what are you doing NOW, everyone, and what would you do differently? Is it a time issue or a habit issue? I feel like I have gotten into the bad habit of not scheduling stretching into my workouts, and the hydration is just a big stupid mistake on my part. I know better and I could blame it on sleep depravation. What would I like to do differently? OH man. Ideally I would make all the good-for-me food that I could, but the reality is I'm short on time. I often defrost some leftover homemade soup, or grab a piece of toast, or a cup of yogurt. My nutrition is crazy right now, and I'd like to get it back where it needs to be. And Obviously I'm upping my hydration.

Jo, you already said you are stocking up on clif gels for your next long bike. But I'm wondering if you should take some time off???? Tell the trainer you are sick or something? This is going to be your year, remember, your inner runner is going to shine. But that inner runner can't shine if you are this burnt out, right?
2010-02-20 9:00 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

I say go for it. It will give you a goal!
2010-02-20 12:10 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I agree with Anne, I think you experienced a really bad blood sugar crash. Diabetics don't suffer so much from the high sugars--it's the low blood sugar crashes that are dangerous--they can pass out or go into a diabetic coma if they don't get orange juice or sugar pronto! I would really recommend getting your sugar tested. Do you know anyone with a glucose meter? Test it often and see if there is an issue. I've suffered from low blood sugar (maybe due to the adrenal issue) most of my life and only recently got it under control. It would go below 40 mg/dl very frequently (mostly due to stress) and I would get spacy, emotional, withdrawn, unable to eat because I just couldn't make a decision about what to eat. It was not fun. And of course, you have no strength or stamina. I wanted to nap in the middle of the day and just getting through a day of work was nearly impossible. I took lots of manganese to fix the situation. You need manganese to produce insulin and you can get deficient in it. Not magnesium--manganese. I think you need more than gels. Anne is very wise I would also recommend ginseng for the adrenals and B vitamins. Ginseng is an excellent adaptogen--it helps your body adapt to stress. If you figure out how to eliminate stress, let me know, I'll attend your seminar!

I did my long run, but it was torture. I did a long swim on Thursday and a moderate bike last night. This morning, my get up and go had got up and gone. I walked a lot of it. Oh well. I have to have a rest day before my long run. My bad.

We are all learning. And the sharing on here might help each other not make certain mistakes....

Anne, I'm proud of you for pushing through it. I've known triathletes that got cramps during the event and had to push through. If that happens, you can remember that you did it in practice! Maybe more potassium, like in bananas??

2010-02-20 12:51 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

I am 99% certain it was hydration. I'm still trying to catch up on my water intake!

I like all of your info on supplements- when I'm not nursing I have several that I take, but right now am stuck with just prenatal vitamins and a DHA supplement. Everything else I have to get through foods.

Jo jo jo jo- I am hoping you are feeling better. It's such a gorgeous day out- even when my run was not as fun, I was pretty happy simply because the sun was out!!!
2010-02-20 4:44 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I meant the blood sugar lecture for Jo.

But hydration is important too.

2010-02-20 4:50 PM
in reply to: #2683274

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Phoenix - I can do the elliptical. I did about 10 minutes before my ST class on Friday. I wanted to do 30 mins but work got in the way. I will use it as a break from running and swimming. I am going to use those miles for the bike distances. I am a member of my local running club and we have coached training programs all year except winter. This winter the ladies from my FIT (Females In Training) and GIRL (Get Inspired to Run for Life) groups wanted to run thru the winter. We decided to stay together, picked a spring half marathon and train. One of the volunteer coaches found an elite runner with coaching experience willing train us for FREE. Three runs a week, she runs with us at 2 of them. We were so happy we took up a donation and gave it to her as a gift. Can't beat that. My running club's program are like 10 weeks of training for $20.

Nutrition - I watch what I eat and journal everything. I eat between 1400 and 1500 calories a day. On intense workout days, I up my calories a little. I try to get my protein in especially after an hour or more of running or swimming. I love my protein shakes mixed with almond milk or 8th Continent Light soy. Those milks are lower in calories per cup (50 to 60 calories/cup). I will be switching over to 8th Continent altogether because it has 6g of protein and I think some fiber. Almond milk has neither. I eat fruit with breakfast, as a midmorning snack, afternoon snack and for dessert sometimes.

Fuel on long runs or bikes - have come to the decision that I hate gels. Uh!! I like sport beans and Clif Shot Bloks. If I am really hungry, I keep Luna bars in my bag only because I get them free all the time but I prefer Soy Joy Raisin ALmond bars. I am also known to have a ziplock bag of fig newtons in my bra when I am on a long run along with my phone, buetooth, tissue and keys. Yes, I have a lot of room being a DDD. (My friends call it "The Vault")

Hydration - This is my biggest struggle. I am referring to just water throughout the day not during exercise. When I work out, I chug a 24oz bottle or more if its Bikram Yoga. Its when I am not working out that I have an issue. I have to force myself to get my 8 cups a day. I am more likely to drink it if I have crystal light in it though. Except during workouts, I can go a whole day without a sip except for my coffee. My daily goal is always, drink, drink, drink.

Stretching - I always stretch but I am also injury prone so I need to stretch more than normal. I have gotten better over the last year but this month I have really focused on it. I started going to the 45 min yoga class on Wednesday at my work gym every week this month. On Friday mornings, I take Bikram Yoga which is a 90 minute session in a 105 degree heated room. Love it!!
I do dynamic stretches before my workout, static stretches after but then I spend another 5 or 10 minutes stretching some more focusing on the total body not just the muscles I just used. I have found that my joints are less sore and even my knee feels better. It still twinges on the bike but not going up the stairs anymore.

2010-02-20 5:02 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Wow Lovey--you must be dropping weight like crazy! Good job manifesting a running support group! Sounds like you are doing great with your program. I must confess that I never stretch. My hamstrings have always been tight and will just have to stay that way. I do have a yoga for triathletes video somewhere......
2010-02-20 5:10 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Phoenix, you would think I was skinny at as a tad pole but NO!

I started run/walking with Couch to 5K program in March 2008 at 198 pounds and a size 18/20.

In 2009 I moved from the run/walk group to the beginning runners group in my club as I coached the run/walkers.

Fast forword 2 years to last Friday and I am 180 pounds and a size 14.

All that work, I should have been a size 8 or 10!!

2010-02-20 5:17 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I've discovered that when I run consistently, I put on about 10 pounds of muscle. When I stopped working out during the pregnancy, I didn't end up gaining that much on the scale, but I lost all that wonderful muscle and really got bigger with the sizes. I dieted and lost the weight and then put 10 pounds back on with the tri training since December. Now I stay off the blasted scale and just go on knowing that I'm not out eating my training, I'm just toning up a bunch. You HAVE to be losing fat with that daily caloric intake and your training! Just keep on and sooner or later you'll drop a size again. You are doing a great thing for your body!!
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