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2011-06-29 7:42 AM
in reply to: #3565536

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Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
warren123 - 2011-06-24 10:05 AM
Hello, My name is Warren and I am turning 28 soon. 
I am new to this sport and have not done a triathlon yet. I signed up for the NYC Ironman 2012 
recently..yay! I know it's a huge jump so I am nervous and excited about it, I am looking forward 
to learn more about this sport and start training for it. I ran a marathon last year and have run 
few half marathons so far, just got a triathlon bike recently and plan to start biking more. 
My biggest weakness is in swimming, I can only swim breastroke so far and not very good in 
freestyle, I will need to work on my swimming this summer.

Feel free to send me a message if anyone is looking for a training partner or have 
recommendations about a good Tri club in the city.  Thanks!

Wow, what an undertaking! Are you planning on using this plan as your IM training plan? The best thing you can do between now and when the training plan starts is to build up your endurance with easy base building workouts. Look at the first week of training for this plan, and work on getting yourself to that level in the next 6 months or so. Best of luck to you!

2011-06-29 7:43 AM
in reply to: #3570963

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Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group

Brother Dan - 2011-06-28 10:50 AM Okay, I am in week 2 of the Beginner Plan in prep for IMFLA. I started building a base  8/10 and am up to 9hr-12hr weeks. I've been trying to build 3 weeks and then back off 1week then repeat to get to where I am today. The volume and distances I am currently doing will take me into August of the plan then ramps up from there. This is my 1st IM and have to trust the plan will get me through it. I may try to do a little more than the plan just for reassurance. I've read where some say it is light on the run and heavy on the swim so I may adjust accordingly. We'll see!

My advice is to add bike volume if you feel the need. You will have less risk of injury with added cycling, and it will serve you better on race day to have a higher cycling volume. Best of luck!

2011-06-29 1:47 PM
in reply to: #3052903

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Extreme Veteran
Canton, MI. via Detroit
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group


I have been following this plan and am now 4 weeks from Lake placid.

This Sunday says "Run: 90 minutes" / "Optional race"

There is a local event(s)  A 1 mile swim. Then an aquathon. (2k run 750 meter swim and another 2k run)

But... Friday is a swim day. Saturday is a long swim day. Then Sunday would be a swim race day with a tiny run. I don't know how to rearange it?

2011-06-30 9:33 AM
in reply to: #3052903

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Extreme Veteran
Canton, MI. via Detroit
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Anyone? I'm in full freakout mode and can't think for myself.
2011-06-30 2:21 PM
in reply to: #3574623

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Extreme Veteran
Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Detroit Dan - 2011-06-30 7:33 AMAnyone? I'm in full freakout mode and can't think for myself.
Why not just skip the race and do the planned run on Sunday? Keep everything else as is?
2011-07-01 8:03 AM
in reply to: #3575381

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Extreme Veteran
Canton, MI. via Detroit
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group

ecpasos - 2011-06-30 2:21 PM
Detroit Dan - 2011-06-30 7:33 AMAnyone? I'm in full freakout mode and can't think for myself.
Why not just skip the race and do the planned run on Sunday? Keep everything else as is?

That would be the smart thing to do. I'm not that wise. It's supposed to be a billion degrees out this weekend. Getting out and doing the race will be good for me. I'll do the run on Saturday morning.

2011-07-04 11:01 AM
in reply to: #3052903

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Extreme Veteran
Canton, MI. via Detroit
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
2nd place in my age group. That was fun.
2011-07-05 6:30 PM
in reply to: #3579826

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Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group

Detroit Dan - 2011-07-04 11:01 AM 2nd place in my age group. That was fun.

Sorry I got to this late. I would have told you to skip the race, but oh well! Glad you had fun!

2011-08-04 9:51 PM
in reply to: #3052903

New user

Subject: Summer Vacation

Anyone have any recommendations for trying to get back what may or may not be lost from two weeks of vacation.  I have not been able to get the "long" 4+ hour bike or 2+ hour runs during weeks 18-19.  I have managed some biking (4, 2 hour rides) and 2 1+ hour runs.  I also have managed some swims (open water at the lake), I am on vacation.

The question is, do I need to worry about what was missed or do I try to make up for it, if so, how?  Should I worry either way?  I am planning the Montreal Ironman Sept 10th so I still have some time.

I was thinking about delaying the tapering by 5-6 days and working in the longer workouts to still build to the 6 hour bike and 3+ hour run.  Or I could nix the 2 longest bikes and runs.  Or I could skip this week and go on to the longest rides and runs (skip the 4-4.5 hour bike and 2.5 hour runs)

Thank you

2011-08-05 1:09 PM
in reply to: #3629884

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Extreme Veteran
Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Summer Vacation
erichaas - 2011-08-04 7:51 PM

Anyone have any recommendations for trying to get back what may or may not be lost from two weeks of vacation.  I have not been able to get the "long" 4+ hour bike or 2+ hour runs during weeks 18-19.  I have managed some biking (4, 2 hour rides) and 2 1+ hour runs.  I also have managed some swims (open water at the lake), I am on vacation.

The question is, do I need to worry about what was missed or do I try to make up for it, if so, how?  Should I worry either way?  I am planning the Montreal Ironman Sept 10th so I still have some time.

I was thinking about delaying the tapering by 5-6 days and working in the longer workouts to still build to the 6 hour bike and 3+ hour run.  Or I could nix the 2 longest bikes and runs.  Or I could skip this week and go on to the longest rides and runs (skip the 4-4.5 hour bike and 2.5 hour runs)

Thank you

If I was in your position, I would try to get in at least 2 long rides (6+ hr) /runs (3 hr) in.  If you can't build up gradually up to that due to time constraints, then put in the hours but just go easy on them.  You still have time I think.  Not sure about delaying the tapering though.  I would try not to unless you've really taken it easy while on vacation.  In that case, your body is probably not that stressed so shortening the taper wouldn't hurt your performance much.  Just my 2 cents here.  Keep in mind I'm only a 1 time IM finisher.  Best of luck to you!!


2011-08-05 1:30 PM
in reply to: #3052903

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Extreme Veteran
Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group


So I followed the BT Beginner IM HR plan.  The only thing I modified from the start was the run portion because I was coming off a marathon plan (F.I.R.S.T) in January and my run base was high already. But I followed it as closely as I could with life of course always causing minor adjustments week to week.

I will say that I probably was very bad about doing any of the strength and core work.  I really tried, but just was not consistent with that.  Also, I kept cramping up (feet & calves) during my short swims at the beginning and then only on my 2000+ yd swims at the end.  All other training was fine... no injuries sustained at all during the 20 weeks.  The build up especially in the peak were tough, but I managed as best I could.  Last year I only did sprint tri's.  This year I only did the Oly as a tune up before the IM. 

In any case, I did finish my first IM last Saturday with a time of 14:04! Thanks BT for a great plan!!


2011-08-08 9:18 AM
in reply to: #3629884

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Subject: RE: Summer Vacation
erichaas - 2011-08-04 9:51 PM

Anyone have any recommendations for trying to get back what may or may not be lost from two weeks of vacation.  I have not been able to get the "long" 4+ hour bike or 2+ hour runs during weeks 18-19.  I have managed some biking (4, 2 hour rides) and 2 1+ hour runs.  I also have managed some swims (open water at the lake), I am on vacation.

The question is, do I need to worry about what was missed or do I try to make up for it, if so, how?  Should I worry either way?  I am planning the Montreal Ironman Sept 10th so I still have some time.

I was thinking about delaying the tapering by 5-6 days and working in the longer workouts to still build to the 6 hour bike and 3+ hour run.  Or I could nix the 2 longest bikes and runs.  Or I could skip this week and go on to the longest rides and runs (skip the 4-4.5 hour bike and 2.5 hour runs)

Thank you

For the most part, you need to let go of workouts that have been missed. However, those long rides are very important so it may be worth it to add one of them back in at the beginning of your taper. Don't try to add the runs, on the safe side and just add the bike.

2011-08-29 6:21 PM
in reply to: #3052903


Clarksville, MD
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Just discovered this group. It is great. I have a question regarding "off season" training. I am doing IM CDA in June. I have been involved with triathlon since 2004 with a 2 year break in '09 and 10. Done mostly Oly's and a 1/2IM. Since January, I have gradually increased my base fitness and have been doing the Triathlete Magazine IM plan for the last 8 weeks just to have some structure. I will be using the BT plan starting in Feb 2012. At this point, I do 2 Masters workouts a week, run 3 times with my long run now at 10 mi., and bike 3 times with my weekend ride being 50-60mi. All of the long work has been Zone 2. I understand that I am not "IM" training at this point and wanted to get your take on the "off season". Obviously want to avoid burnout, injury , etc. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.
2011-08-29 11:01 PM
in reply to: #3052903

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Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group

I am working on my base and my nutrition for my first IM in CDA 2012. Trying  to get to that level in the 20 week timeframe to prepare myself for that day.  For now I learn and adjust!


Sounds like a great time!



2011-09-11 8:03 AM
in reply to: #3052903

New user

Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
I wanted to post my results.  I completed the Esprit de Montreal, Ironman distance.  I was 53 of 80 finishers (93 signed up, 87 started the race).  Total time was 12:51:19.  I credit the program with my results (very happy), and the fact that I was able to complete each discipline with similar results (i.e. The training made me well rounded and competitive in each part of the race).  Thank you for a wonderful summer and I am looking forward to my next race, and a tattoo...
2011-10-06 9:56 AM
in reply to: #3052903

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Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Hi, all...I am signed up for the 2012 NYC full IM.  I only started triathlons this year and have been training from Feb (with my marathon training).  This summer I did 4 Tri events 3 sprints and 1 olympic.  I am racing for Team in Training LLS in honor of my friend who is an 8 time IM who was diagnosed with leukemia last year.  His progress has been so great that he will be doing the same race!  Thus he has inspired me to take the plunge.  I am nervous no doubt, but excited.Sealed

2011-10-06 4:48 PM
in reply to: #3713583

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Extreme Veteran
Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group

JACJR - 2011-10-06 7:56 AM Hi, all...I am signed up for the 2012 NYC full IM.  I only started triathlons this year and have been training from Feb (with my marathon training).  This summer I did 4 Tri events 3 sprints and 1 olympic.  I am racing for Team in Training LLS in honor of my friend who is an 8 time IM who was diagnosed with leukemia last year.  His progress has been so great that he will be doing the same race!  Thus he has inspired me to take the plunge.  I am nervous no doubt, but excited.Sealed

Cool. That's a great reason to do it.  The beginner IM Plan worked for me.  I'm sure it could for you, too.  Best of luck!

2011-10-07 9:26 PM
in reply to: #3052903

New user

Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
anyone have a review on the specialized elite transition 2011 al 2011
2011-10-09 11:22 AM
in reply to: #3052903

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Mobile, AL
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Hey everyone! My boyfriend and I have signed up for IMTX in May...after weeks of researching, I think I'm committed to this plan...thanks to everyone for the reviews of the plan! That really helped me in deciding to go with this plan.  I just want to finish before the midnight cutoff time!
2011-10-10 4:30 PM
in reply to: #3052903

New user

Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Where can I find this plan on the website?
2011-10-21 10:58 AM
in reply to: #3052903


Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Hello All, looking forward to using the resources on this site to train for my first Half and Full Ironman in 2012. I am planning on participating in the White Lake NC half ironman in May and Panama City Fl Full IM next November.  I have never done either events but am in great shape.  This is going to be an exciting year 

2011-10-22 9:25 AM
in reply to: #3052903

Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Hi all!I am signed up for IM CdA in 2012. This will be my first full and only my second tri. I just completed a 70.3 in the Poconos in 5:07 (swim cancelled). Anyways, although tri is new to me 4-6 hrs of exercise was not, so I thought the 70.3 was a good start for me and well within my ability as have done many a century in cycling previously. So here is my dilemma, even through the half training I rarely got in more than 10hrs/week. And Rhodes were when I did a century so my Saturday was a good 6-8hr day. I do travel a good bit and have small kids so training is either 5am or after 9pm. I see this program is based on a 20wk plan. Is there a big loss if I stretch it out to 24 or even 28 with reduced volume? Am I losing the benefit at this point of the periodization?My goal was to compete in an IM as motivation for weight loss which I have accomplished well ahead of schedule when I did the half. Week before race I lost 38lbs to date. Of course I gained some back after the race and am around 172-174 right now. I obviously want to finish first and foremost but after doing the 1/2 my confidence is very high as I finished strong and felt good. So my goal now is to finish and would like to be around the 13hr mark. Any suggestions? Here are some totals for this year as I do not keep a log here but on Garmin Connect Run: 99 activities for 421miles and 64hrs. Avg of 6.6mph and 45min sessions Bike:81 activities for 2120m and 136hrs. Avg of 15.5mph and 1:41 sessions (very hilly around me and avg 1000ft/10miles) Swim:20 activities for 9.7miles and 12:25hrs. My 500m time was avg about 9:25. Not a swimmer and don't do kick flips so this makes a difference in time........or notSorry for longish post

Edited by psycleridr 2011-10-22 9:29 AM
2011-10-27 2:25 PM
in reply to: #3733142

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Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group

mreilly4120 - 2011-10-21 10:58 AM Hello All, looking forward to using the resources on this site to train for my first Half and Full Ironman in 2012. I am planning on participating in the White Lake NC half ironman in May and Panama City Fl Full IM next November.  I have never done either events but am in great shape.  This is going to be an exciting year 

Welcome! Just wanted to make sure you knew that that the best way to make sure you get into IM Florida is to sign up at the race. That race sells out online within minutes of opening for registration, so make sure you are ready!

2011-10-27 2:29 PM
in reply to: #3734209

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Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group

Welcome! To answer your question, there is no harm in doing the first month of the plan twice. That would stretch your training out to 24 weeks. The biggest threat is losing motivation because the training plan is so long. Also, it is still very important to hit your long workouts as much as you can so you are prepared for race day. Doing more 2 hour rides won't really help you do a 6 or 7 hour ride on race day. That extra month might help your endurance a little bit, but if you miss too many of those critical long workouts, you won't have a good race. Best of luck to you!

psycleridr - 2011-10-22 9:25 AM Hi all!I am signed up for IM CdA in 2012. This will be my first full and only my second tri. I just completed a 70.3 in the Poconos in 5:07 (swim cancelled). Anyways, although tri is new to me 4-6 hrs of exercise was not, so I thought the 70.3 was a good start for me and well within my ability as have done many a century in cycling previously. So here is my dilemma, even through the half training I rarely got in more than 10hrs/week. And Rhodes were when I did a century so my Saturday was a good 6-8hr day. I do travel a good bit and have small kids so training is either 5am or after 9pm. I see this program is based on a 20wk plan. Is there a big loss if I stretch it out to 24 or even 28 with reduced volume? Am I losing the benefit at this point of the periodization?My goal was to compete in an IM as motivation for weight loss which I have accomplished well ahead of schedule when I did the half. Week before race I lost 38lbs to date. Of course I gained some back after the race and am around 172-174 right now. I obviously want to finish first and foremost but after doing the 1/2 my confidence is very high as I finished strong and felt good. So my goal now is to finish and would like to be around the 13hr mark. Any suggestions? Here are some totals for this year as I do not keep a log here but on Garmin Connect Run: 99 activities for 421miles and 64hrs. Avg of 6.6mph and 45min sessions Bike:81 activities for 2120m and 136hrs. Avg of 15.5mph and 1:41 sessions (very hilly around me and avg 1000ft/10miles) Swim:20 activities for 9.7miles and 12:25hrs. My 500m time was avg about 9:25. Not a swimmer and don't do kick flips so this makes a difference in time........or notSorry for longish post

2011-11-06 1:51 PM
in reply to: #3052903

New user

Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group

I am looking forward to partipating in my first full FORD  Iron man In St. George Utah on May 5th 2012. I have completed a half before and some olympics. 

My challenge is that I am currently deployed  in Iraq so swimming is not an option. ( I do have bands) that i can simulate to a degree with.  There is a stationary bike available. Sometimes depending on the mission and the time of day I can run in a small area..   I will start tomorrow and try to stay on the schedule.

I would ask for other possible training ideas to possibley make up for resources or area..

thank you


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