BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL! Rss Feed  
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2011-01-01 6:14 PM
in reply to: #3270853

Extreme Veteran
Morris County, NJ
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!

inmyelement - 2011-01-01 10:09 AM

Time for me to get back on track with nutrition.  I probably didn't need that second creme brule last night or the big slab of garlic rosemary butter on the fillet but they were both oh so good.  Tasty ideas kept popping in my head as I was grocery shopping yesterday.  That's the main reason I am not allowed to go grocery shopping in our household.

I'm taking today and tomorrow off then it's go time.  I have my entire month planned in my log.  Biking has the actual workouts.  For running I am just doing the same amount of time 3 days a week with 2 minutes added every week.  If there is a better plan for base building I am all ears.  For swimming I am still on the fence for workouts.  I started a beginner swim program from BT, but the seems too easy.  I think I'm going to pull the trigger on the Masters Swim class.  I can only make about half the classes but can see how having people to swim with could push me.  The 60-70 y/o guy at the pool yesterday that was swimming 4 laps to my 3 really got my butt in gear. 

I am planning to treat myself to a massage if I complete all the days of my sbr training this month. 

Happy New Year to all.


Wait a minute... creme brulee, buttered steak and massage?  I could totally train with this guy!

Yeah, tomorrow is a new day for me nutritionally as well.  My New Year's Day can be summed up this way:  lobster macaroni & cheese.  I am ashamed.

2011-01-01 10:53 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Extreme Veteran
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Today's 5k went pretty well. I didn't run as well as I think I could have, but I still came in at 23:48, which was good for 4th out of over 300 runners. Starting some bike-specific training tomorrow as that is my worst discipline. Looking forward to some big improvements this year!
2011-01-02 7:27 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Subject: physical question
I just started up running again, maybe 8 runs total since I started thinking about triathlons.  I am having a really hard time with my calves, every time I run, I get really sore there and it takes a few days to recover.  I can't figure out what is going on, aerobically I feel fine, can run at the pace I am going for a pretty long time...but the little guys are really bothersome to the point of making me wonder if I should not be running.  My longest run is 3 miles, I have started slowly and worked up from a walk/run to easy jog, to run/walk.  I did the Lowell First Run yesterday, not horrible but 2 miles in my hammy cramped and now my calves are on fire.  I did go out too hard and did the first mile in 7:35 when I was hoping to average around 8:30.  My finish time was 25:44 (8:18) so I guess I should be glad, but being in this much discomfort is not what this 50 year old guy wants any more!

I asked my 4.0 Exercise Science major daughter and she just laughs at me and calls me old!
2011-01-02 9:34 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Fall River, WI
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
No working out today, but a busy day none the less.  Kegging 10 gallons of beer and bottling 5 gallons of wine.  Then off to a party for the Packer's huge game today.  Looks like I might be starting my workout this month with a hangover. Good thing it is my short bike day tomorrow. 

GO PACK!!!!!!
2011-01-02 10:12 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Race report is up!  I mostly cut and pasted from my blog, so it's a bit long.

I broke the 30 minute mark, but it was just barely and the course was short.  Even though I decided to count it because of the circumstances of the run, I feel like I need another race where I can go sub-30 without a "but..."
2011-01-02 11:58 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Okay, so I'm going to go ahead and throw my bio in here with the expectation that you just can't resist letting me back into the group....ha!

NAME: jgerbodegrant/Jonathan Gerbode-Grant (no, my screen name is not representative of how creative or exciting I am as a person.

STORY: I have been an athlete of some form for the greater part of my life.  I'm turning 30 years old tomorrow! GAH!  I started out with the typical soccer/basketball when I was very young and transferred over to mountain biking in high school with pick-up games of basketball/baseball/soccer.  In college I decided to try something new and went with rowing.  After college I quickly fell off the exercise routine in and out of a bad relationship and got out of shape. Finally ending that relationship, two years ago, I finally stepped into the sport that my dad and I had been watching every fall for years.  This will be my third season of racing coming up.  I have done every distance up to and including HIM.  I love every part of it.  I am not afraid to say that the sport takes the greater part of my free time.  I recently started training with a coach and am looking forward to the new year.

FAMILY STATUS: I have a huge family, but I currently live with my girlfriend, soon to be fiance (cross your fingers). 

CURRENT TRAINING:  After my HIM this past year I fell off track in a huge way.  I was almost depressed by the outcome of my race with crashing and bonking on the run.  I am struggling with plantar fasciitis and have been doing a run/walk routine.  I am also taking part in an indoor time trial with our local tri club.  As far as swim is still my strongest leg, who knows why, but I am swimming 2 times a week....maybe up to 3 starting this week.  I am also training with power now, so I'm pretty excited about that.  My coach has me doing about 7-9 hours of work, overall.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2010 included two sprints, an olympic and HIM for me.  I improved a good amount from the previous year on both sprints, and didn't have the run legs to do well in the olympic.  The HIM was sort of a bust, but I have the medal. 

2011 RACES: I'm going strictly short course olympic and sprint distance this year.  I have eight races planned out.  I will have to grab my calendar at work to write them all down.. 

WEIGHTLOSS: I am currently over-weight by almost 15 lbs.  I'm not exactly chunky.  I'm 6-2" and weigh 201 lbs as of yesterday.  I would really like to get down in the 180's to race this year.  Seems like the heavier I am, the slower my run is, so anything will help. 

OTHER:  I have spent a ton of time on this website and encourage anyone new to do the same.  Try not to get yourself in trouble at work.  David will be one of your greatest assets this season.  We will most likely lose a couple of you to work and family, but those of you who stick around will grow and learn a lot from being in this group.  


2011-01-02 12:00 PM
in reply to: #3271958

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Wooden Bell - 2011-01-01 11:53 PM Today's 5k went pretty well. I didn't run as well as I think I could have, but I still came in at 23:48, which was good for 4th out of over 300 runners. Starting some bike-specific training tomorrow as that is my worst discipline. Looking forward to some big improvements this year!

Nice run!  That about matches my best 5K time as well.  How far were you from 3rd place??!? 
2011-01-02 12:05 PM
in reply to: #3272255

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
inmyelement - 2011-01-02 10:34 AM No working out today, but a busy day none the less.  Kegging 10 gallons of beer and bottling 5 gallons of wine.  Then off to a party for the Packer's huge game today.  Looks like I might be starting my workout this month with a hangover. Good thing it is my short bike day tomorrow. 

GO PACK!!!!!!

How does one go about kegging their own beer!?!?  

I guess life isn't ALL about triathlon. Laughing 

2011-01-02 12:13 PM
in reply to: #3272093

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: physical question
bergstrom.mike - 2011-01-02 8:27 AM I just started up running again, maybe 8 runs total since I started thinking about triathlons.  I am having a really hard time with my calves, every time I run, I get really sore there and it takes a few days to recover.  I can't figure out what is going on, aerobically I feel fine, can run at the pace I am going for a pretty long time...but the little guys are really bothersome to the point of making me wonder if I should not be running.  My longest run is 3 miles, I have started slowly and worked up from a walk/run to easy jog, to run/walk.  I did the Lowell First Run yesterday, not horrible but 2 miles in my hammy cramped and now my calves are on fire.  I did go out too hard and did the first mile in 7:35 when I was hoping to average around 8:30.  My finish time was 25:44 (8:18) so I guess I should be glad, but being in this much discomfort is not what this 50 year old guy wants any more!

I asked my 4.0 Exercise Science major daughter and she just laughs at me and calls me old!

I'll tell you exactly what is happening.  Okay, not really, but it's a good guess.  You are going too hard.  You say that you worked your way up slow, but you actually didn't.  If you've only gone out 8 times total, that's not enough to be running really fast for 3 miles without any pain.  

You are sort of screwed like I was when I first started running because your head and lungs say to go go go!  Unfortunately running doesn't care what feels good.  You need to start warming up better and stretch your calves EVERY DAY.  Most people don't actually end up doing it, but I stretch them every day at the same time of day to make sure I actually do it.  Stretching both calves, three times each with your knee straight and three times each with your knee bent.  Don't let your heel come off the ground either. 

You're 50, but that's no reason to give up on the running.  Just be glad that you can run without being out of breath.  You're doing awesome, slow it down a bit and recover correctly.  Oh and listen to Newbz.  He'll probably tell you I'm baked and do something else, but he knows what he's talking about. 
2011-01-02 12:32 PM
in reply to: #3272449

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Extreme Veteran
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
jgerbodegrant - 2011-01-02 2:00 PM
Wooden Bell - 2011-01-01 11:53 PM Today's 5k went pretty well. I didn't run as well as I think I could have, but I still came in at 23:48, which was good for 4th out of over 300 runners. Starting some bike-specific training tomorrow as that is my worst discipline. Looking forward to some big improvements this year!

Nice run!  That about matches my best 5K time as well.  How far were you from 3rd place??!? 
Thanks! I was way too close to 3rd (and 2nd). Looking back, I know I could've stayed with them, but I usually have trouble pushing myself... Especially in 5k's. I was actually in 1st until the last km. I would say that 2nd and 3rd were no more than 30sec in front of me. Anyway, it was a good start to the year. 2011 is going to be a great one. And, Happy Birthday! I'll be joining you in the 30's next month.
2011-01-02 2:28 PM
in reply to: #3272484

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Wooden Bell - 2011-01-02 1:32 PM
jgerbodegrant - 2011-01-02 2:00 PM
Wooden Bell - 2011-01-01 11:53 PM Today's 5k went pretty well. I didn't run as well as I think I could have, but I still came in at 23:48, which was good for 4th out of over 300 runners. Starting some bike-specific training tomorrow as that is my worst discipline. Looking forward to some big improvements this year!

Nice run!  That about matches my best 5K time as well.  How far were you from 3rd place??!? 
Thanks! I was way too close to 3rd (and 2nd). Looking back, I know I could've stayed with them, but I usually have trouble pushing myself... Especially in 5k's. I was actually in 1st until the last km. I would say that 2nd and 3rd were no more than 30sec in front of me. Anyway, it was a good start to the year. 2011 is going to be a great one. And, Happy Birthday! I'll be joining you in the 30's next month.

Ah man!  30 seconds!  I need to find some slower people to run against! 

2011-01-02 3:05 PM
in reply to: #3272448

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Welcome to the group Jonathan!

As for me, I just finished a 12km (7.5mi) run with a friend.  That's my long run right now.  The rest of the day will be pretty laid back.  We're heading to the pool with the kids.  Not too hard of work.  I may head back there to swim some laps this evening though.

I finally added a profile picture.  Now, I'll seem a bit more like permanent resident of this board.    I had hoped to get one of me finishing my race, but we forgot our camera and my husband's smartphone doesn't take very good pictures in low light.  This will do for now.
2011-01-02 7:01 PM
in reply to: #3271070

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
jgerbodegrant - 2011-01-01 11:08 AM

Newbz!  Just got back from vacation.  Mind if I jump in!?  I didn't think I had to bring my laptop with me just to make sure I got back in your group!  I'm changing my game plan completely for this year.  Should be pretty good.  I'm excited to get started.

jon you're in.

All, coming from ipod, computer not owrking well, should be able to play tomorrow.
2011-01-02 7:09 PM
in reply to: #3273016

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
newbz - 2011-01-02 8:01 PM
jgerbodegrant - 2011-01-01 11:08 AM Newbz!  Just got back from vacation.  Mind if I jump in!?  I didn't think I had to bring my laptop with me just to make sure I got back in your group!  I'm changing my game plan completely for this year.  Should be pretty good.  I'm excited to get started.
jon you're in. All, coming from ipod, computer not owrking well, should be able to play tomorrow.

You can't resist my inexperienced experience. 
2011-01-02 7:13 PM
in reply to: #3272678

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
_Deb_ - 2011-01-02 4:05 PM Welcome to the group Jonathan!

As for me, I just finished a 12km (7.5mi) run with a friend.  That's my long run right now.  The rest of the day will be pretty laid back.  We're heading to the pool with the kids.  Not too hard of work.  I may head back there to swim some laps this evening though.

I finally added a profile picture.  Now, I'll seem a bit more like permanent resident of this board.    I had hoped to get one of me finishing my race, but we forgot our camera and my husband's smartphone doesn't take very good pictures in low light.  This will do for now.

Nice Deb.  I'm excited to be able to put some mileage in after this foot thing goes away. 
2011-01-02 7:33 PM
in reply to: #3256274

Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Looks like the time constraint excuses that are the holidays are officially over.  Guess that means I better get working tomorrow or it's going to be a sad 70.3 in September.

2011-01-02 9:29 PM
in reply to: #3256274

Albany, NY
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
1.5 hours on the trainer today (gag!..).  Actually wasn't too bad.  I have a business trip starting on Thursday this week for 4 days so I have to get the cycling and swimming in the next 3 or 4 days while I can.  Hope to also do a long run later this week anywhere from 10 to 12 mi....  Hope all is well with everyone !

P.S. - I got a camelback for Xmas and was wondering if anyone has used this while cycling?  Looks to be fairly aerodynamic?  I definately could see training with it for longer rides, but does anyone have experience racing with one?  Thanks!
2011-01-03 8:56 AM
in reply to: #3272308

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
_Deb_ - 2011-01-02 11:12 AM Race report is up!  I mostly cut and pasted from my blog, so it's a bit long.

I broke the 30 minute mark, but it was just barely and the course was short.  Even though I decided to count it because of the circumstances of the run, I feel like I need another race where I can go sub-30 without a "but..."

Congratulations!  What a way to end 2010!
2011-01-03 9:24 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Hugo, MN
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!

Any chance we could get a current roster of group members?
2011-01-03 9:42 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Ok guy holidays are now officially over even though we have another furlough day here today. No more excuses, it's time to start off 2011 on a positive note! What's everyone training require today? I have a light 2k in the pool today with an optional run during my break at work. It's cold here in Wisconsin today...brrrrr
2011-01-03 9:52 AM
in reply to: #3273894

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
chasingkona - 2011-01-03 10:42 AM Ok guy holidays are now officially over even though we have another furlough day here today. No more excuses, it's time to start off 2011 on a positive note! What's everyone training require today? I have a light 2k in the pool today with an optional run during my break at work. It's cold here in Wisconsin today...brrrrr

Rest day for me after my long run yesterday.  Tomorrow is a 2fer though -- spin + run brick in the morning and 2k in the pool after work.  Fun times!  :-)

2011-01-03 9:59 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Fall River, WI
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Short bike day for me (36 min) and some weight training.
2011-01-03 10:41 AM
in reply to: #3273267

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
msrevi - 2011-01-02 10:29 PM 1.5 hours on the trainer today (gag!..).  Actually wasn't too bad.  I have a business trip starting on Thursday this week for 4 days so I have to get the cycling and swimming in the next 3 or 4 days while I can.  Hope to also do a long run later this week anywhere from 10 to 12 mi....  Hope all is well with everyone !

P.S. - I got a camelback for Xmas and was wondering if anyone has used this while cycling?  Looks to be fairly aerodynamic?  I definately could see training with it for longer rides, but does anyone have experience racing with one?  Thanks!

Nice work on the drainer.  Since I bought the TV with netflix on it, I have been a much happier camper on mine.

As far as the camelback, I do use mine on long rides.  I have not raced with it, although I have seen people out there with them.  The main thing you should think about is nutrition and comfort.  The nutrition thing because I personally can't stand mixing my sports drink strong enough to keep in one bottle.  I end up taking three bottles (for 56 miles).  One has just water.  I switch that one out at aid stations.  The other two have my sports drink.  If you don't want to have to worry about aid stations, you could always carry all your water in your camelback and your nutrition in bottles on your bike.  But that's a lot of extra weight if you drink as much as I do.
2011-01-03 10:48 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
for me today:

warm up for 10 mins in HR zone 1-2.
Once your warmed up add in 4x30 sec accelerations, at hard effort and as much speed as you can get going in that short period. Allow 3 mins recovery between strides.

WU: 2x200 easy
Drills: 2x(1x100 fingertip drag, 1x100 catch up, 1x100 train tracks)
MS: 3x400 CI pace, aim for consistency in all 3 400s, start easy to keep pace.

Probably won't get the swim in as it's my birthday and all.  Run then sushi for dinner!!

2011-01-03 11:01 AM
in reply to: #3272457

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Fall River, WI
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
jgerbodegrant - 2011-01-02 12:05 PM
inmyelement - 2011-01-02 10:34 AM No working out today, but a busy day none the less.  Kegging 10 gallons of beer and bottling 5 gallons of wine.  Then off to a party for the Packer's huge game today.  Looks like I might be starting my workout this month with a hangover. Good thing it is my short bike day tomorrow. 

GO PACK!!!!!!

How does one go about kegging their own beer!?!?  

I guess life isn't ALL about triathlon. Laughing 


It is actually very easy.  Homebrew is usually made in 5-6 gallon batches.  Once the beer is done fermenting you just siphon it into your keg.  The kegs we use are 5 gallon corny/soda kegs.  The kegs were used by soda companies for years but they have been switching over to plastic bags over the kegs.  This put thousands and thousands of kegs out in the market for a decent price.  Once the beer is in the keg I hook it up to CO2 in my keg fridge in the basement and in 2 weeks or so I have carbonated beer.  I just kegged a cream stout and Blue Moon clone yesterday.  It is MUCH easier than bottling.
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