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2012-01-07 7:49 PM
in reply to: #3976847

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Prairie Village, Kansas
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

jaelinfunk - 2012-01-07 1:49 PM Thats great roger good luck. Does anyone have any knowledge on sponsorships

As Jon eluded to, I am sponsored by 3 separate companies this year, with each offering different "benefits".  All are paying for at least one race, where I will be sporting some of their clothing or products.  I also receive a product stipend and discount through Sugoi and FE, although I wish beef gave me some free products... Oh I love steak...

If you are looking at gaining any sponsorships, I would just suggest making yourself known as much as possible in your active community, as well as online.  Jon's right about marketing yourself.  I have a blog, twitter account, facebook, and I'm active on here and slowtwitch.  Most companies have time periods where they pick up athletes to sponsor (usually starting in November), and you just submit an application.  I never really thought I would be able to get any sponsorships, being as I'm also really new to the sport, but most companies really don't need you to get on podiums consistently.  Although that really helps.  The only thing that I believe helped me out is understanding that both parties want something:  You want free products/discounts/race fees/etc, and they want exposure and a good representation of their product.  Know how you will do this for them, and give specific examples.  That's all I did, and it worked for me.  I will say, though, that each sponsor expects a certain amount of attention, and may require a bit of time on your part.

I would suggest looking around at local sports stores, or seeing if your school has a tri club/team.  I am "technically" still a student at KU, so I joined our tri club.  They have several sponsorships for athletes, and got my first experience dealing with outside companies through the club. 

Good luck, and great job on your race!

2012-01-07 7:51 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Prairie Village, Kansas
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
Nice job Roger, hoping to be there someday.... That, or 2060 Senior Olympics
2012-01-07 9:10 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
Well done both Roger and Jaelin!
2012-01-08 3:20 AM
in reply to: #3942453

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
How long does it take to safely train for a marathon? I am looking at doing my first half IM in February next year, but was thinking about doing the Melbourne Marathon (or half) in October this year as a lead up. Just wondering on whether I should aim for the half or full. Running is my weakest leg at the moment and I think if I set myself a goal of completing a long distance race it would help motivate me to improve my run and also help me to gain a strong base for the following year.
2012-01-08 6:13 AM
in reply to: #3977628

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Overland Park
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

kruzmeister - 2012-01-08 3:20 AM How long does it take to safely train for a marathon? I am looking at doing my first half IM in February next year, but was thinking about doing the Melbourne Marathon (or half) in October this year as a lead up. Just wondering on whether I should aim for the half or full. Running is my weakest leg at the moment and I think if I set myself a goal of completing a long distance race it would help motivate me to improve my run and also help me to gain a strong base for the following year.


I can tell you I am training for the KC Marathon right now and on my cross fit days I incorporate my swimming and biking those days since I'm deployed but my marathon program last 18 weeks. I using Hal-Hagons Beginner 1 program and I haven't had any problems yet. My Marathon is in Oct as well so after my program I'm just going to keep up my mileage and keep loose. Im almost to my half distance now on the program. Hope this helps but you have plenty of time .

2012-01-08 6:33 AM
in reply to: #3977668

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Thanks Brandon, I actually just came across a 16 week Beginner Marathon program online and it looks completely doable and easy enough to fit in with my tri training, its only one extra run a week than I am doing now. I am still working on my couch to 10k program and have about another 5 weeks left of that which is a good lead in to this program. I just felt like I needed an endurance challenge for this year and this looks like the ticket. I think it could be a real confidence booster for me coming into a 70.3.

2012-01-08 7:46 AM
in reply to: #3942453

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
Congrats Jaelin on your race, great job! Great job on your weight loss John and Roger wow! That's fantastic! We have a strong group! I don't know enough about any of the topics right now to add anything but I sure am learning from reading. Simone, thanks for the inspires. I don't know if you can read my replies, how do you do that? Best to everyone, enjoy the rest of your weekend.Jan
2012-01-08 9:38 AM
in reply to: #3942453

New user
Swansea, IL
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Which race did you AG win in order to qualify for the USAT, Roger?  details, please.

I finished my first brick session of the new year yesterday - an hour on the indoor trainer followed by a 7 mile run.  It was perfect running weather with temps in mid forties and plenty of sunshine.  Today I start week three of my swim program (zero to 1 mile) then an hour of racquetball.

Thanks for all the inspires I've been getting.

2012-01-08 9:54 AM
in reply to: #3977628

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
kruzmeister - 2012-01-08 4:20 AMHow long does it take to safely train for a marathon? I am looking at doing my first half IM in February next year, but was thinking about doing the Melbourne Marathon (or half) in October this year as a lead up. Just wondering on whether I should aim for the half or full. Running is my weakest leg at the moment and I think if I set myself a goal of completing a long distance race it would help motivate me to improve my run and also help me to gain a strong base for the following year.
I'm planning to do my first marathon next October and will allow for 20 weeks but hoping I'll have a headscarf feeling comfy with he half distance in June. I'm still researching plans. Thinking FIRST works well with tri training
2012-01-08 10:43 AM
in reply to: #3942453

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Overland Park
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
Ran 2 miles last night 17:48. Getting faster, I have a question for all you MO,KS people in our group I am deployed to Africa where day tempts are at 80-90 degrees and at night it is in the 70s with a breeze Should I run during the day to get me ready for Kansas heat or at night when it is cooler so it isn't a shock when I come home in Feb to Kansas and start running back home.
2012-01-08 11:03 AM
in reply to: #3942453

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Hey Everyone!  Hope you are having a good training weekend!  I have to say - my goal this week was to stick to my plan and I'm feeling really good about the week I've had.  I just hope I can keep it up!!!

I had an AWESOME bike ride this morning - still feeling that rush.  I'm not a competitive person which isn't a good thing when in triathlon but I did a group computrainer ride this morning where this woman was determined to pass me... and I knew she would as she had a faster average speed but for 90minutes I held her off and made her work for it.  Felt fantastic.  Now I can't wait til next weekend.  Really sucks because it feels as though we're headed in to spring but sadly this is just the beginning!!!

2012-01-08 11:14 AM
in reply to: #3977838

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
jrhesq - 2012-01-08 9:38 AM

Which race did you AG win in order to qualify for the USAT, Roger?  details, please.

I finished my first brick session of the new year yesterday - an hour on the indoor trainer followed by a 7 mile run.  It was perfect running weather with temps in mid forties and plenty of sunshine.  Today I start week three of my swim program (zero to 1 mile) then an hour of racquetball.

Thanks for all the inspires I've been getting.

That's a nice brick, great job! I've thought about doing some here lately, but really not in the plan right now. I qualified by placing first in my AG at a race called Concrete Man an Oly. They also have a sprint on the same course. It's a local race put on here in Springfield the last weekend in July. It's always hotter than Hades and turns out to be a sufferfest. This race has been going on for 30 years now. The downer is that it's a no frills race. No medals, little support. It just seems like the RD could really care less about it. It could be so much better, it's kind of sad really. This year they messed up the swim distance. Everybody told the RD that it wasn't right before the race(obviously too long just looking at it), but didn't do anything about it. The 1500 M swim turned out to be 3,000M! So no PR for me this year, but still qualified by winning AG. I wouldn't do this race if it wasn't in my own back yard.

2012-01-08 11:35 AM
in reply to: #3977905

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Lees Summit
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
I have been thru 13 Mo/Kan Winters and Summers. I don't think it will make that much of a difference if your training in the 70s-80s- or 90s. It will be different here in Februrary. We are getting some VERY NICE Janurary weather. Weather Karma will probably pay us back in Februrary. 2 miles at 17:48 is a pretty good pace. Keep it up.
2012-01-08 1:44 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

This is in reply to Phillip's video. Thought I'd post one of my own. Questions/comments appreciated.

2012-01-08 4:15 PM
in reply to: #3977928

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
kimmax - 2012-01-08 11:03 AM

I had an AWESOME bike ride this morning - still feeling that rush.  I'm not a competitive person which isn't a good thing when in triathlon but I did a group computrainer ride this morning where this woman was determined to pass me... and I knew she would as she had a faster average speed but for 90minutes I held her off and made her work for it.  Felt fantastic.  Now I can't wait til next weekend.  Really sucks because it feels as though we're headed in to spring but sadly this is just the beginning!!!

Sounds like you might be a little bit competitive, haha!  Glad you got in a good ride and congrats to all the racers, trainers, and good news from this weekend.  

I don't have anything to add other than I'm enjoying the cycling information/tips being discussed right now.  Soaking it in!  

I do have one training question.  I'm running my first HM in three weeks and my endurance run, which I've been counting in mileage, is pushing the 2'15" mark and will probably hit 2'45" or more on my last week of building before my tapper.  I run these once a week in HR Zone 2 (last week was 11 miles @ 2'15" +/-).  I plan to run the 13 mile HM @ 9 min/mi pace giving me a sub 2 hr time while keeping my HR in the lower part of Zone 4.  Finally the question: Should I continue as planned the next two weeks to build my endurance based on mileage thus increasing my run time over 2.75 hours, or should I hold back the mileage and stick with a 2 hour or so total run time?

I hope that made sense.  Thanks for any thoughts or ideas!

2012-01-08 7:49 PM
in reply to: #3977478

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
kruzmeister - 2012-01-08 1:10 PM

Well done both Roger and Jaelin!

Yeah congratulations guys well done!

2012-01-08 7:56 PM
in reply to: #3942453

Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED


Nice video of bike fit and some of the details of proper fit and variability.  I've not put my bike on the trainer yet as I am doing two RPM classes per week and a TRI Cycling class as well so three at least one hour sessions per week on spin bikes.  My question however relates to the trainer.  I could not tell if you were using a trainer tire or not, but is one necessary?  I've purchased a second rear wheel from a friend so I could easily install a trainer tire for a few dollars or just ride the existing tire on the trainer.  Any recommendations for trainer tires or are they all pretty much the same?  Thanks.  Also many congratulations on qualifying for the "USAT Age Group Nationals".  This is inspiring information for nooby like me with so many milestones to be passed and so many goals ahead.

Edited by John_S 2012-01-08 7:57 PM
2012-01-08 8:33 PM
in reply to: #3978692

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
Thanks for the kind words. It is not a trainer tire. It is one of my regular "everyday" tires. Definitely NOT one of my racing tires. Trainer tires are probably worth the purchase, but you can buy relatively cheap walmart tires for a trainer if you want. The problem with having a spare wheel is that you will either have to switch out cassettes, or buy another to put on your extra wheel. It's much cheaper and almost as easy to switch out tires.
2012-01-08 8:45 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
Great job on the bike ride Marcia, sounds like there is a competitor in you after all just bursting to get out!
2012-01-08 9:05 PM
in reply to: #3942453

Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED


Thanks for the ispires for my bike week.  I hope to be more disciplined in the coming week and get all my runs and swims in as well as the bike.  Got a little lazy on myself last week.  I don't know how to send them however you're due looking at your log, it's very full.



I lived in Exmouth WA from 91-93 while serving in the U.S. Navy.  Absolutely loved being stationed in Oz.

2012-01-08 9:36 PM
in reply to: #3978830

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
John_S - 2012-01-09 2:05 PM


Thanks for the ispires for my bike week.  I hope to be more disciplined in the coming week and get all my runs and swims in as well as the bike.  Got a little lazy on myself last week.  I don't know how to send them however you're due looking at your log, it's very full.



I lived in Exmouth WA from 91-93 while serving in the U.S. Navy.  Absolutely loved being stationed in Oz.

My pleasure John and don't worry we all have our lazy weeks, I always try and talk myself out of running cause I still don't enjoy it as much as the swim and bike. Hopefully that will change with taking on this marathon challenge.

For info if you ever want to send someone an inspire all you need to do is click on the little Inspire Me link at the top of the training day menu. It pops up a comment box and then just type in what you want to say. I like checking out what others are up to as I find it keeps me motivated too.

Glad you enjoyed your time in Oz. WA is a wonderful place, my brother lives over there and I'm hoping to one day do IM Busselton and have a holiday and catch up with him and his wife. I haven't seen them in years. I'm on the eastern side in Victoria, which is still pretty nice and mostly countryside.

2012-01-08 9:45 PM
in reply to: #3942453

Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED


I should have mentioned it was absolutely the people that made my time there so special.  They have such a passion for life and a love of the outdoors and adventure.  We were always fishing, camping, or just spending time in the outdoors.  Made some good friends in the time I was there.



2012-01-09 1:19 AM
in reply to: #3978894

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Glad to hear it John, living life to the max and having fun in the great outdoors is definitely something that is part of the Aussie culture. When I'm not training I love nothing more than to grab my camera and head down to the coast for a chill out amongst the waves at sunset.

Life's too short not to enjoy it.

Thanks heaps for the inspire too!

2012-01-09 10:36 AM
in reply to: #3942453

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Sounds like everyone here has great goals and are working hard! Love reading about it all. 

BL news- lost 1 pound!! Yea! That's good esp. because I missed most of my workouts. Cutting out all things but good clean healthy food (except some wine-bad me) must have done it.

The BL had a Bootcamp I attended Sunday. I did not do the jumping (my back) but still good. I am sooo sore this morning. By the way, I am not going to quit running. I ruptured my disc 2 years ago and took some time off running, did PT and got right back to it. I have been running without issue ever since. My back hurts most of the time whether I run or not. I don't run long distances any more and try to run on soft surface most of the time. Maybe I am wrong but I can't do without that part of my life.

No group swim due to family issues. Will continue on my own and try again next week maybe.

I have decided I need to monitor my heart rate but I don't know which one to get. Which ones do you guys like? I got confused looking at them yesterday. I have heard talk about a power meter between some of you. Would that be something I should invest in at this point-3rd year, 3 tri in 16 weeks. (yikes!) I have been reading The Triathlon Bible.

2012-01-09 10:41 AM
in reply to: #3977945

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
mroger82 - 2012-01-08 12:14 PM

That's a nice brick, great job! I've thought about doing some here lately, but really not in the plan right now. I qualified by placing first in my AG at a race called Concrete Man an Oly. They also have a sprint on the same course. It's a local race put on here in Springfield the last weekend in July. It's always hotter than Hades and turns out to be a sufferfest. This race has been going on for 30 years now. The downer is that it's a no frills race. No medals, little support. It just seems like the RD could really care less about it. It could be so much better, it's kind of sad really. This year they messed up the swim distance. Everybody told the RD that it wasn't right before the race(obviously too long just looking at it), but didn't do anything about it. The 1500 M swim turned out to be 3,000M! So no PR for me this year, but still qualified by winning AG. I wouldn't do this race if it wasn't in my own back yard.

That's really insane!!??  What about the people that trained to swim 1500m and were just hoping to finish the race?  I like to think I'm a good swimmer though not fast but there have been races where I've been mighty glad to see the swim finish when I did!!  Good for you though on qualifying in spite of that!!!

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