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2012-05-28 11:57 PM
in reply to: #4124586

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Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

After taking a week off of training I feel refreshed and ready to hit my second half of my season head on. Did 33 minutes of interval training on the bike trainer.

It was such a beautiful day outside I could not stand to be stuck inside any more than I needed to. Took my kid to the local water park where we played for a little over three hours. The sun was warm and the water cool, it felt great.

Hope  everyone also enjoyed their long weekend and all is well with the training.


2012-05-29 7:41 AM
in reply to: #4124586

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

Hi everyone, I'm back. Hope you all had a great holiday weekend. Had a great time in St. John, it's really beautiful down there. Tried running in the beginning, but it was incredibly slow going since it's very hot, humid and hilly down there. Jumped back into training after coming back this weekend though, with a ride on Sunday and run yesterday. Both started off well, but got sluggish for the second half. Hopefully I was just in a vacation induced mental rut and I can break out of it this week.

Mitch - Congratulations on the 5K PR! Hitting 24 minutes by late August is definitely possible, just keep putting in the miles, and I'm sure you'll see gains.

Amanda - That's great you joined a Master's club. Sounds like there will definitely be a tri in your future!

Eddie - Post race funks are completely normal, nothing to feel bad about. Hope you're having some luck breaking out of yours at this point.

Beth - Sorry your race was so rough, but congratulations on finishing. I'm amazed you were able to continue after the swim alone! Glad you seem to be bouncing back mentally too. Hopefully the conditions at your next race will be much nicer!

Will - Sounds like you're getting in some great prep workouts before Escape the Cape. I'm hoping the weather forecast perks up a bit before the weekend, but we'll see.

Well, I suppose I should face the real world and head back to work. Have a great day, everyone!

2012-05-29 9:33 AM
in reply to: #4124586

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Concord, NH
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

Anyone ever have one of those days when you are all set to go for a ride and just when you start to feel you are in a get a flat?  I did Sunday.  I was about 5 miles from home.  Had no spare.  Did I mention that no one back home would answer their phone because it was so early?  Here's to walking a mile with no socks on in tri shoes and blisters until someone finally woke up!

Onward and upward!  Hope to get in a good ride tomorrow morning after getting the flat fixed and resting the blisters an extra day.

2012-05-29 3:21 PM
in reply to: #4233044

Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

Oh No!  I'm just waiting for something like this to happen to me.  My husband would be thrilled to have to get the 2 kids up and out to rescue me (eyes rolling now!)  Glad you made it home safely.


Nothing really new here, just been trying to stick to some training as my first Sprint of the season is in less than 2 weeks.  So this is the last week of full on training!  Unfortunately, some unexpected schedule issues with my husband needing to travel for work put a damper on my chance to ride the bike course of the Tri once before the event - grrr.  No g-rents or other family in town to come over early enough to babysit, and no babysitter is going to come that early (need to get our really early as it is along  a lake area with lots of boaters and I'm such a newbie a highly trafficked area with boats trailered to cars scares the crap out of me with no bike lanes and crazy driving that I've seen every weekend as we make our way to our boat on the lake)  So, blah!  That sucks, but it is what it is.  I am not a strong cyclist, very much a newbie and am still getting used to my new bike that I've only been able to ride a few times.  There is one road with 2 screaming hills that scare me a bit b/c I'm a wuss when it comes to downhills and have no power and skill with uphills, so I'll just have to put on my game face and get it done (trying some positive self talk LOL!)  On a not so busy day on the lake when we anchored our boat in a less busy cove I took my goggles and swim cap and did some short OWS practice, nothing more than like 150 meters each day, but at least it was something.  The water doesn't scare me in practice, as I'm so accustomed to playing around in this particular lake, but it is the adrenaline and busy start of a race that will be the challenge and I have no way to simulate that on my own.  So, I guess I am as ready as I can be for my first non-pool swim Tri with my limited chance to get in some OWS practice sans wetsuit.  I am excited though as my sister is coming into town for it, and it will be great to see her and to do this together, as it is her first OWS tri, too.  She went to a Tri camp/clinic last weekend and got to simulate swims and such and has some great tips to share, so I'm just picking her brain and can't wait for her to get here and show me some tricks she learned for mounting/dismounting the bike and running in transition with the bike and such.  All the little things that help make things go a smoothly.

2012-05-30 1:18 PM
in reply to: #4124586

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Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
With such beautiful weather my kid and I spent a lot of time at the local park. At his asking we brought his bike to the two mile trails. I was amazed how fast he was going. At four years old I spent most of my time running at race pace to keep up with him. At a few points I actually had to sprint to keep up with him! He had that bike going so fast it was rocking off it's training wheels. He's such an athlete, don't know where he gets it from! :-)
2012-05-30 1:48 PM
in reply to: #4235648

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

Hubbie - 2012-05-30 1:18 PM With such beautiful weather my kid and I spent a lot of time at the local park. At his asking we brought his bike to the two mile trails. I was amazed how fast he was going. At four years old I spent most of my time running at race pace to keep up with him. At a few points I actually had to sprint to keep up with him! He had that bike going so fast it was rocking off it's training wheels. He's such an athlete, don't know where he gets it from! :-)


Gotta love that.  

2012-05-30 3:50 PM
in reply to: #4124586

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Nottingham, England
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
It's great to see that everyone is having a great training streak at the mo...... Me included...... Over the past 2 weeks I've concentrated on my stamina and with that has come speed - I am now able to run a 10.42 min mile!!! I really can't believe that I've come this far in just 4 months when I couldn't even run for a full minute!! Friday will be my last full run then I'm off to Spain with my honey which has worked out perfectly for taper week. Gonna take my running stuff with me so I can get a couple of short runs in while I'm away then it's my 5K race on 10th June. This will be the 8th year that I will have taken part in this charity race but this is gonna be the first time of actually running it (it's one of those events that you can run, jog or walk)! I'm very excited about running this, especially cos my gorgeous partner will be here from overseas to watch me run my first ever race and be the head of my cheering section no doubt!! Happy happy days!! Have a great training week peeps!! Amanda xx
2012-05-31 10:37 AM
in reply to: #4124586

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Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
I'm in the same boat as Sarah after a week off it's hard to get back into some hard training.

Did a short dread mill run with a focus on speed and holding a steady pace. My HIM is about six weeks away and I'm getting excited!

2012-05-31 12:38 PM
in reply to: #4232812

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Davis Square, Somerville, MA
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
KiterChick - 2012-05-29 8:41 AM

Will - Sounds like you're getting in some great prep workouts before Escape the Cape. I'm hoping the weather forecast perks up a bit before the weekend, but we'll see.

Hi Sarah- Happy you had a great trip.  I am beginning to worry about the weekend weather myself.  Your race on Sunday looks like it will be okay, but I'm a little worried about the rain/thunder forecast on Saturday.

Got a lot of good stuff in the past few days, hit all of my goals for the long weekend.  I did some training in on all of the stuff I'll be using in races this year (bike, wheels, shoes), and I even did three OWS in my wetsuit.  I am afraid that taking the wetsuit off is a sight to be seen.  Despite several practice attempts of getting it off, its not pretty.

Hope everyone is having a good week.


2012-06-01 1:00 PM
in reply to: #4124586

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

Hi everyone! Got in a short run and trainer ride yesterday, then a short OWS and run this morning. Hitting the pool tomorrow, then it's another sprint race on Sunday. Not thrilled that it's a 1/3M swim, instead of a 1/4M, since I'll lose more time there, but it's supposed to be a pretty flat bike and run, so hopefully I'll be able to fly through those!

Mitch - Sorry about getting the flat. Do you have a spare tube and just not bring it for that trip? If not, you should probably look into getting one, along with a small pump or CO2 cartridge. There's plenty of videos on how to change a flat on YouTube if you're not sure how to go about it.

Heather - Sorry you weren't able to try out the race bike course ahead of time. I'm sure you'll do fine though. I'm sure it will be a lot of fun to do it with your sister. If you have any other questions that she can't answer, feel free to ask them here, and I'm sure one of us can help too!

Beth - That's great that your son's so active. You must really motivate each other. Speaking of motivation, I hope you're getting some of yours back. Nice to hear that you're excited about your upcoming HIM again. I was a bit worried after the last race when you sounded so discouraged...

Amanda - That's awesome you're seeing gains in your running. Have fun in Spain!

Will - Sorry the weather forecast really isn't panning out for you on Saturday. Just think though, with all the rain, you'll probably be able to slip out of your wetsuit in no time! Seriously though, good luck, be careful on the bike and have a great time!

2012-06-01 2:58 PM
in reply to: #4239512

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Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
It has been almost a month since my Half distance event and I still feel like my muscles dont want to work hard. Lungs feel OK. Got 35 painful miles on the bike yesterday and don't know what to do. If anyone has any ideas, let me know. I thought of going to get a massage and see if that helps.

2012-06-01 3:05 PM
in reply to: #4124586

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

Eddie, I would definitely try a massage.  They are incredibly helpful as well as stretching.  

This is going to be my last "off" weekend for about a month.  I have a busy June planned.  I really hope that everything works out.  

2012-06-01 3:37 PM
in reply to: #4239512

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Davis Square, Somerville, MA
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
KiterChick - 2012-06-01 2:00 PM

Will - Sorry the weather forecast really isn't panning out for you on Saturday. Just think though, with all the rain, you'll probably be able to slip out of your wetsuit in no time! Seriously though, good luck, be careful on the bike and have a great time!

No doubt- my goal for this race was to have a decent swim, crush the bike, and hold-on for the run.  But with the rain and the wind, it may have to be more of a develop-as-you-go strategy.  This is not an A race for me, so I don't want to do something stupid and screw-up my season...

We will see how it goes.  Hope everyone has a fun weekend.  Good luck to everyone racing!


2012-06-02 1:16 PM
in reply to: #4124586

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Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
I'm on day three of a four day mini vacation. After spending two days eating junk food drinking and lounging out pool side I decided to attempt a run. Of course I did it just one hour after a large fat filled breakfast.

A local lake has a two mile loop trail around it. I managed to run it in 19.50. A few hours later (and no decent fluids) I attempted the same run. This time I did it in 19.40.

Maybe all I really ever needed before a race was a few days if solid alcohol consumption!
2012-06-02 1:44 PM
in reply to: #4124586

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Davis Square, Somerville, MA
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
Good time at Escape the Cape today. I'll post a race report later, but basically poor conditions (mid 50s, 20+ mph winds, and rain) made them cancel the swim and replace it with a 1 mile run. I was wet from the moment I got out of my car at 6:30, until I got back home 5 hours later. Still, lots of fun once we got started.
2012-06-04 9:29 AM
in reply to: #4124586

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

Happy Monday everyone! It's raining here yet again, but I was lucky enough to have it scale back to overcast yesterday for my race. I've posted a report if anyone's interested. It was fun, and went pretty well overall. I was especially happy with my bike time!

Eddie - Sorry you're still feeling sluggish after your HIM, it seems odd that you would still be dealing with issues a month out from the race. Hopefully the massage will help!

Beth - If only drinking was a recommended part of tri training. I'd have no issues fitting that in! Seriously though, it sounds like the rest is doing you good.

Will - Congratulation on the race this weekend! I felt so bad for all of you on Saturday morning as I watched the rain pour down. Sounds like you made the best of the situation though. Awesome bike time considering the slick road conditions, and a great run too!

2012-06-04 10:01 AM
in reply to: #4242939

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Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
I got in a nice ride yesterday and felt better. I have struggled with energy issues over the last 10 years where I go from feeling strong and kicking butt to struggling with keeping up with the slower people in our group. Been tested and retested and nothing has worked. I spoke with a friend this morning who is a professional motorcross racer and he was telling me about going glutten free and how much it has change his energy levels etc.

I realized that I need to see a doctor who specializes in sports medicine which will probably make a big difference.
2012-06-04 5:52 PM
in reply to: #4124586

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Albury, Australia
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
2012-06-04 5:54 PM
in reply to: #4124586

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Albury, Australia
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

Hi guys,


So sorry I have been MIA, a few "interesting" things have been happening at work and home, so all else has gone by the wayside. Back running and swimming now, with the bike being repaired as we speak (new tires and saddle).


Hope everyone is kicking goals.

2012-06-05 2:42 AM
in reply to: #4124586

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Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

Sarah- Sounds like you had a great time on your tri, and congrats on the placement!

Ran an easy four miles on the trails. I was a bit disapointed with my times, maybe it was because I didn't have any alcohol in me Laughing

In reality I had let my breakfast slip and finally ate a few handfuls of cheddar chips on the way out the door and sucked down one of my kid's juice boxs. I'm sure my terrible breakfast played a huge part in my poor run times.

Have an easy swim tomorrow, hopfully with a good breakfast I'll have a better workout.


2012-06-05 3:41 PM
in reply to: #4242939

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Davis Square, Somerville, MA
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
KiterChick - 2012-06-04 10:29 AM

Will - Congratulation on the race this weekend! I felt so bad for all of you on Saturday morning as I watched the rain pour down. Sounds like you made the best of the situation though. Awesome bike time considering the slick road conditions, and a great run too!

Thanks- sounds like you had a good say as well.  It was a fun course, I am looking forward to doing it again next year.

I've taken two days off, tonight its back to training with a run.  Here is hoping the rain holds off. 

2012-06-06 12:26 PM
in reply to: #4124586

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Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
It's been an amazing past two days. One of our paramedics got a job at the fire department leaving his shift open for bid. I was able to secure his hours and received confirmation yesterday that it's officially mine as of July 1.

My boss was able to work with me in adjusting my PTO requests so I was able to get time off for my races for the rest of the year.

Did 20 miles on the bike today and tackled two steep hills that I call the Nemises Duo and I conquered both of them!

For about the last three miles some bug landed on my aero bottled and stayed firmly in place even with taking several decents at speeds of 22-25 mph.

Well done Dear Bug, well done.

2012-06-06 2:51 PM
in reply to: #4247929

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

Hubbie - 2012-06-06 12:26 PM It's been an amazing past two days. One of our paramedics got a job at the fire department leaving his shift open for bid. I was able to secure his hours and received confirmation yesterday that it's officially mine as of July 1.

My boss was able to work with me in adjusting my PTO requests so I was able to get time off for my races for the rest of the year.

Did 20 miles on the bike today and tackled two steep hills that I call the Nemises Duo and I conquered both of them!

For about the last three miles some bug landed on my aero bottled and stayed firmly in place even with taking several decents at speeds of 22-25 mph.

Well done Dear Bug, well done.



Great new Beth,  I am sure you are ecstatic on both counts.  Love it when things work out.  

2012-06-06 4:08 PM
in reply to: #4124586

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

Hi everyone! Got in an hour on the trainer and short run yesterday, then an hour in the pool this morning, and it's off to the track soon for a speed test. Things are definitely starting to ramp up a bit!

Scott - Welcome back, good luck getting back on track!

Beth - Congratulations on the shift change, I'm assuming it involves more favorable hours. Nice job on the recent workouts too. I need to start hitting the hills soon myself...

2012-06-06 6:10 PM
in reply to: #4124586

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Albury, Australia
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

Thanks. As usual, I picked the WRONG time to get back going, with a sub freezing temperature (-3 c) greeting me today on my morning run, but I have been putting 5 to 10 km on the runs most days, which is the most I have done since 2008 (run keeper, you do not lie!), and a couple of 20km efforts on the mountain bike. I am hopeful of my rod bike being back on track this weekend.


Quick question, any of you use your iphone (mounted on the bar) as a bike computer? What do you think?


Now all I need to do is to get back in the pool (a little hard to do I find when there is frost outside, even if it is an indoor pool!). Should I be thinking of training in tri shorts (which I am yet to buy), or budgie smugglers?


Thanks again for your patience with me, its appreciated

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